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Industry Standard: QC, QC/T, QCT
QC << ...>> QC
Std ID Description (Standard Title) Detail
QC/T 1081-2017 Automobile electrical power steering gear QC/T 1081-2017
QC/T 1082-2017 Electromotor for automobile electrical power steering QC/T 1082-2017
QC/T 1083-2017 Controller for automobile electrical power steering QC/T 1083-2017
QC/T 1084-2017 Sensor for automobile electrical power steering QC/T 1084-2017
QC/T 1085-2017 Light alloy wheel of motorcycle X ray testing QC/T 1085-2017
QC/T 1086-2017 Specifications of range ectender for electric vehicles QC/T 1086-2017
QC/T 1087-2017 Specifications of city battery electric sanitation vehicles QC/T 1087-2017
QC/T 1088-2017 Specifications of charge-discharge motor controller for electric vehicles QC/T 1088-2017
QC/T 1091-2017 (Technical conditions for air purification equipment for passenger cars) QC/T 1091-2017
QC/T 727-2017 Instrument for automobile and motorcycle QC/T 727-2017
QC/T 740-2017 Seat assembly of passenger car QC/T 740-2017
QC/T 754-2006 Specifications for liquefied natural gas vehicle QC/T 754-2006
QC/T 777-2017 The technical conditions of electromagnetic fan clutch for automobile QC/T 777-2017
QC/T 841-2010 Electric vehicle conductive charge coupler QC/T 841-2010
QC/T 842-2010 Communication protocols between battery management system and off-board charger for electric vehicles QC/T 842-2010
QC/T 803-2017 Oxygen sensor for motor vehicles QC/T 803-2017
QC/T 1089-2017 Requirements and Test Methods for Regenerative Braking System in Electric Vehicles QC/T 1089-2017
QC/T 1090-2017 Specifications of sealing gaskets for automotive engines QC/T 1090-2017
QC/T 1026-2016 Performance and determination of PVC slush skin of automotive instrument panel QC/T 1026-2016
QC/T 1027-2016 Technical requirements for film mounted motor vehicle glass QC/T 1027-2016
QC/T 1029-2016 Polypropylene(PP)cellular board production for vehicles QC/T 1029-2016
QC/T 1030-2016 Bus push-out emergency window QC/T 1030-2016
QC/T 1031-2016 Boss center of motorcycles and mopeds wheels QC/T 1031-2016
QC/T 1032-2016 Camshaft of engine for motorcycles and moped QC/T 1032-2016
QC/T 1033-2016 Air brake--Performance requirements and bench test methods of external automatic brake adjuster QC/T 1033-2016
QC/T 1034-2016 Automotive alternator rectifier QC/T 1034-2016
QC/T 1035-2016 Electronic throttle body for motor vehicles QC/T 1035-2016
QC/T 1036-2016 Automotive DC-AC power inverter QC/T 1036-2016
QC/T 1037-2016 High voltage cables for road vehicle QC/T 1037-2016
QC/T 1038-2016 Light-emitting diodes (LED) and modules for automotive QC/T 1038-2016
QC/T 1039-2016 Solar sensor for automotive air-conditioning QC/T 1039-2016
QC/T 1040-2016 Electrical fuel pump for motorcycles and moped QC/T 1040-2016
QC/T 1041-2016 Control system of fuel evaporative pollutants from motorcycles with petrol engine QC/T 1041-2016
QC/T 1042-2016 Measurement method for vibration comfort of motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 1042-2016
QC/T 1043-2016 Automotive fuel system nylon tube QC/T 1043-2016
QC/T 1044-2016 Automotive floor mat QC/T 1044-2016
QC/T 1045-2016 Heat-shrinkable tubing for automotive pipe QC/T 1045-2016
QC/T 1046-2016 Performance requirements and bench test methods for commercial vehicle secondary hydraulic retarder QC/T 1046-2016
QC/T 1047-2016 (Plastic city bus seats) QC/T 1047-2016
QC/T 1048-2016 Bus emergency hammer QC/T 1048-2016
QC/T 1049-2016 Technical requrements and test methods of automotive rack and pinion hydraulic power steering system matching QC/T 1049-2016
QC/T 1050-2016 Technical specification and test measurements of dual mass flywheel QC/T 1050-2016
QC/T 16-2016 Specification for vehicle ignition coil QC/T 16-2016
QC/T 224-2016 Specifications of engine used in motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 224-2016
QC/T 228-2016 Controlling cables for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 228-2016
QC/T 29078-2016 Performance requirements and bench test methods of vehicle air compressor QC/T 29078-2016
QC/T 29089-2016 PVC/ABS vacuum forming skin for automotive instrument panel QC/T 29089-2016
QC/T 307-2016 Performance requirements and bench test methods of vacuum booster for automobile QC/T 307-2016
QC/T 414-2016 Design rule of color and type code for automotive cables QC/T 414-2016
QC/T 415-2016 Cigarette lighter and power socket for automobile QC/T 415-2016
QC/T 469-2016 Automobile engine valve specification QC/T 469-2016
QC/T 678-2016 Passenger door pump for bus QC/T 678-2016
QC/T 681-2016 Starting relay for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 681-2016
QC/T 687-2016 Technical specifications of engine cylinder block for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 687-2016
QC/T 688-2016 General specifications of motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 688-2016
QC/T 724-2016 Specification for direct current flasher units of motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 724-2016
QC/T 752-2016 Testing methods for catalytic converters of motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 752-2016
QC/T 753-2016 Motorcycles and mopeds-The format of technical parameters QC/T 753-2016
QC/T 1000.1-2015 Performance requirements and test methods of non-woven on automotive filter. Part 1: Non-woven of filters for passenger compartment QC/T 1000.1-2015
QC/T 1000.2-2015 Performance Requirements and Test Methods of Non-woven on Automotive Filter--Part 2:Non-woven of filters for Air Filter QC/T 1000.2-2015
QC/T 1001-2015 Evaluating filtration performance of lubricating oil filters for automobiles. Method of particle counting QC/T 1001-2015
QC/T 1002-2015 Test method of durability in CH-DY for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 1002-2015
QC/T 1003-2015 Determination of precious metal in metal support catalytic converter for motorcycles QC/T 1003-2015
QC/T 1005-2015 Specifications and bench test methods of automobile antilock braking system electromagnetic-hydraulic modulator QC/T 1005-2015
QC/T 1006-2015 Specifications and bench test methods of automobile antilock braking system solenoid modulator for pneumatic QC/T 1006-2015
QC/T 1007-2015 Evaluating filtration performance of fuel filters for automobiles. Method of particle counting QC/T 1007-2015
QC/T 1008-2015 Specifications of tank ventilation filters QC/T 1008-2015
QC/T 1009-2015 Specifications of passenger car automatic transmission filters QC/T 1009-2015
QC/T 1010-2015 Technical requirements and bench test methods for hydraulic air-assistant system booster of clutch QC/T 1010-2015
QC/T 1013-2015 Technical requirement and test method for rotary shaft lip-type seals of steering input shaft QC/T 1013-2015
QC/T 1014-2015 The starting motor commutator for automobile and motorcycle QC/T 1014-2015
QC/T 1015-2015 Automotive air conditioner controller QC/T 1015-2015
QC/T 1016-2015 Door trim panel assembly for passenger cars QC/T 1016-2015
QC/T 1017-2015 Headlamp cleaning nozzle assembly QC/T 1017-2015
QC/T 1018-2015 Step plate for automotive QC/T 1018-2015
QC/T 1019-2015 Performance requirements and bench test methods of automobile gear shifting control device QC/T 1019-2015
QC/T 1020-2015 Test methods for constant velocity universal joint and assembiles for automobiles QC/T 1020-2015
QC/T 1021-2015 Perfomance requirements and bench test methods of ball stud assy of automotive suspension QC/T 1021-2015
QC/T 1024-2015 One - Part polyurethane sealant for automobiles QC/T 1024-2015
QC/T 35-2015 Automobile and trailer. Specifications and bench test methods of pressure control equipment QC/T 35-2015
QC/T 37-2015 Automobile and trailer. Specifications and test methods of bench for pressure regulator and protector QC/T 37-2015
QC/T 52-2015 Refuse collection vehicle QC/T 52-2015
QC/T 652-2015 Suction-type sewer scavenger QC/T 652-2015
QC/T 717-2015 Road vehicle. Wheels. Requirements and measuring methods of radial and lateral run-out QC/T 717-2015
QC/T 764-2015 Road vehicles. Hydraulic braking system. Simple flare pipes, tube tapped holes, male fittings and hose end fittings QC/T 764-2015
QC/T 77-2015 Specifications and bench test methods of automobile hydraulic brake wheel cylinder QC/T 77-2015
QC/T 991-2015 Passenger cars. Light alloy wheels. 90-degree impact test procedure QC/T 991-2015
QC/T 992-2015 Municipal emergency service vehicle QC/T 992-2015
QC/T 993-2015 Explosive transport vehicle QC/T 993-2015
QC/T 994-2015 Demountable tanker carrier QC/T 994-2015
QC/T 995-2015 Hydrostatic drive modular transporter QC/T 995-2015
QC/T 996-2015 Specifications and bench test methods of automobile air dryer QC/T 996-2015
QC/T 997-2015 Structural requirements of integral body for buses QC/T 997-2015
QC/T 998-2015 The technical specification of automotive cabin air filter QC/T 998-2015
QC/T 999-2015 Specification of by-pass luboil filter assembly for automobiles QC/T 999-2015
QC/T 220-2014 Technical specifications for automotive fusible links QC/T 220-2014
QC/T 226-2014 Specification of brake shoes assembly and brake lining assembly for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 226-2014
QC/T 231-2014 Specifications of kick-starter for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 231-2014
QC/T 23-2014 Milk tanker QC/T 23-2014
QC/T 233-2014 Performance and measurement method of static intensity for motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 233-2014