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GB/T 14522-2008 PDF English

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GB/T 14522-2008English155 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Artificial weathering test method for plastics, coating and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products -- Fluorescent UV lamps Valid
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GB/T 14522-2008: PDF in English (GBT 14522-2008)

GB/T 14522-2008 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 19.040 A 21 Replacing GB/T 14522-1993 Artificial weathering test method for plastics, coating and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products - Fluorescent UV lamps ISSUED ON. JUNE 16, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 01, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Principles ... 7  5 Equipment ... 8  6 Specimen ... 11  7 Test conditions and test time ... 12  8 Procedures ... 13  9 Accuracy and deviation ... 14  10 Test report ... 15  Appendix A (Normative) Method for determining relative spectral power distribution of fluorescent UV lamps ... 17  Appendix B (informative) Excerpt from Table 4 of CIE Publication No.85.1989 ... 19  Appendix C (Informative) Example of typical test conditions ... 20  References ... 21  Artificial weathering test method for plastics, coating and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products - Fluorescent UV lamps 1 Scope This standard specifies one of the artificial weathering test methods for plastics, coating and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products - fluorescent UV lamps exposure test method. This standard applies to the weathering resistance comparison and screening test of plastics, coating and rubber materials. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard; however, parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 16422.1 Plastics - Methods of the exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 1. General guidance (GB/T 16422.1-2006, ISO 4892.1.1999, IDT) GB/T 9271 Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing (GB/T 9271- 1988, eqv ISO 1514.1984) GB/T 13452.2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness (GB/T 13452.2-1992, idt ISO 2808.1974) GB/T 7762 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Resistance to ozone cracking - Static strain test (GB/T 7762-2003, ISO 1431-1.1989, MOD) GB/T 2941 Rubber - General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test methods (GB/T 2941-2006, ISO 23529.2004, IDT) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. specimen; b) Comparison of the performance values of the specimen and the file specimen after exposure; c) Comparison of the performance values of the specimen after exposure and the control which is exposed at the same time. 4.6 Unless the reproducibility of the test results of the test materials between different equipment has been determined, the results of the exposure tests on the different machines of same model are not suitable for comparison. 4.7 Unless the correlation of the test results of the test materials between different equipment has been determined, the results of the exposure tests on the machines of different models are not suitable for comparison. 5 Equipment 5.1 Light source 5.1.1 This standard shall use fluorescent UV lamps. The radiation of fluorescent UV lamps is mainly ultraviolet rays, wherein the radiation below 400 nm accounts for more than 80% of the total radiation. This standard can use three types of fluorescent UV lamps. - UVA-340 fluorescent UV lamp. The relative spectral power distribution of this type of lamp shall meet the requirements of Table 1. The radiation below 300 nm is less than 2% of the total radiation, the peak value of the radiant energy is at the wavelength of 340 nm. This type of lamp is generally used to simulate the medium-and-short-wave ultraviolet rays in sunlight. - UVA-351 fluorescent UV lamp. The relative spectral power distribution of this type of lamp shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The radiation below 300 nm accounts for less than 2% of the total radiation, the peak value of the radiant energy is at the wavelength of 351 nm. This type of lamp is generally used to simulate the short-and-medium-wave ultraviolet rays in sunlight after passing through the glass. - UVB-313 fluorescent UV lamp. The relative spectral power distribution of this type of lamp shall meet the requirements of Table 3. The radiation below 300 nm accounts for more than 10% of the total radiation, the peak value of the radiant energy is at the wavelength of 313 nm. 5.1.4 It shall regularly clean the dirt and sediment on the lamp tube. 5.2 Test chamber 5.2.1 The test chamber may have a different design; but it shall be made of a corrosion resistant material. 5.2.2 The test chamber shall contain fluorescent UV lamp and specimen holder. The installation position of the fluorescent UV lamp and the specimen holder shall ensure that the irradiance at the surface of the specimen is uniform and meet the requirements of GB/T 16422.1. 5.2.3 The test chamber shall contain a black panel thermometer. 5.2.4 Where required, the test chamber shall also contain means for generating saturated water vapor to form condensation, such as water trays and heaters. 5.2.5 When required, the test chamber shall also contain means for spraying water onto the surface of the specimen. 5.3 Radiometer It is recommended to use a radiometer to monitor the irradiance of the surface of the specimen. If a radiometer is used, it shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 16422.1. 5.4 Black panel thermometer The temperature monitoring of the specimen generally adopts a black panel thermometer, which shall meet the requirements of GB/T 16422.1. The black panel thermometer shall be mounted on a specimen’s location so that it is exposed to the same conditions as the specimen. 5.5 Moisture 5.5.1 Means of exposure to moisture Specimens may be exposed to two forms of moisture. condensation or water- spray. 5.5.2 Condensation The test chamber may provide a means of forming condensation on the exposed surface of the specimen. Typically, the saturated water vapor is produced by heating water, then it forms condensation on the specimen. 5.5.3 Water-spray The coated specimen is subjected to drying (or baking) and conditioning according to the relevant standards or methods. 6.2.3 Thickness of coating Use the non-destructive method as specified in GB/T 13452.2 to determine the thickness of the dried coating, in micrometers. 6.2.4 Number of specimens For each type of coating, it shall use the appropriate number of specimens for testing on the same test equipment, generally not less than 3. If necessary, it shall also prepare at least one file specimen for each coating, meanwhile store it at room temperature to avoid moisture and light. 6.3 Rubber The requirements for specimens in GB/T 16422.1 are applicable to rubber. For tests under stress conditions, prepare the specimen according to the requirements of GB/T 7762. Condition the specimen according to the requirements of GB/T 2941. 6.4 Use of control specimen It is recommended that a control specimen and the specimen be exposed simultaneously, to provide comparative criteria. 7 Test conditions and test time 7.1 Test conditions Within the capabilities of the equipment, it may use any test conditions. The test conditions are usually for one exposure cycle, including the number of exposure interval, the order of exposure interval, the duration of each exposure interval, the conditions of each exposure interval that make up the exposure cycle. a) Whether it is illuminated, the irradiance during illumination, including the monitored wavelength passband (where applicable); b) Whether it is condensed; c) Whether to spray water; d) Temperature of black panel thermometer. maintain a stable test condition, to minimize the test interruption caused by maintenance of equipment or inspection of specimen. 8.5 Change of specimen’s position. a) The maximum irradiance is generally located at the center of the exposed area. If the irradiance farthest from the center of the exposed area has a maximum irradiance of more than 90%, there is no need to change the position of the specimen. The methods for determining the uniformity of irradiance in the exposed area of the specimen are as shown in GB/T 16422.1. b) If the irradiance farthest from the center of the exposed area is 70% ~ 90% of the maximum irradiance, it shall use one of the following methods to place the specimen or change the specimen’s position. 1) During the testing period, regularly change the specimen’s position, to ensure that each specimen receives an equal radiant exposure. The specific method of changing the position of the specimen is determined by the relevant parties through negotiation. 2) Place the specimen only in those areas which have an irradiance of at least 90% of the maximum irradiance. 8.6 If intermediate testing is required, it should be carried out at the end of the dry exposure period. When handling the specimen, be careful not to touch or damage the tested surface of the specimen. After the testing, the specimen shall be placed back in place and the orientation of the tested surface is the same as before. 8.7 Test equipment requires regular maintenance to maintain consistency of test conditions. It shall be maintained and calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 8.8 After the exposure is over, conduct the performance tests according to relevant standards or specifications. 9 Accuracy and deviation 9.1 Accuracy 9.1.1 The repeatability and reproducibility of the results of exposure tests according to this standard will vary with the following factors. the material tested, the performance tested, the conditions and period of the exposure test, etc. These limit the use of “absolute specifications”, such as requiring a certain performance of a specimen to reach a specific value after a certain period of Appendix A (Normative) Method for determining relative spectral power distribution of fluorescent UV lamps Compliance with the values specified in the relative spectral power distribution table is a design indicator for the exposure test equipment of fluorescent UV lamp. If the equipment manufacturer declares compliance with this standard, it shall be confirmed that all of the fluorescent UV lamps as provided meet the specified values in the relative spectral power distribution table, meanwhile it shall provide appropriate maintenance methods to minimize the spectral changes that may occur during normal use. The data on the relative spectral power distribution of this standard is calculated by rectangular integral calculation. Formula A.1 is an equation for using the rectangular integration to determine the relative spectral power distribution. It may also use other integration methods to calculate the relative spectral power distribution, but it may derive different values. When comparing the relative spectral power distribution of a certain fluorescent UV lamp with the spectral power distribution as specified in this standard, it shall use the rectangular integration. To determine if a particular fluorescent UV lamp meets the requirements of Table 1, Table 2, or Table 3, it shall measure its spectral power distribution between 250 nm and 400 nm. Typically, it shall use a 2 nm wavelength interval for measurement. If the manufacturer’s spectrometer cannot measure wavelengths as low as 250 nm, it shall report the minimum wavelength measured. The minimum wavelength measured shall not be greater than 270 nm. For determining the conformance of the spectral power distribution of the fluorescent UV lamp UVB-313, it requires that the measurement range is 250 nm ~ 400 nm. Calculate the cumulative irradiance between each wavelength passband, then divide it by the given total ultraviolet irradiance, as shown in the formula (A.1). When using the formula (A.1), it is required to use the same wavelength interval (step size) within the applied spectral range, for example, 2 nm. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.