GB/T 22176-2023_English: PDF (GB/T22176-2023)
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GB/T 22176-2023 | English | 229 |
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Pendimethaline mulsifiable concentrate
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GB/T 22176-2023
GB 22176-2008 | English | 359 |
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[GB/T 22176-2008] Pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrates
| Obsolete |
GB 22176-2008
Standard ID | GB/T 22176-2023 (GB/T22176-2023) | Description (Translated English) | Pendimethaline mulsifiable concentrate | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | G25 | Classification of International Standard | 65.100.20 | Word Count Estimation | 11,128 | Date of Issue | 2023-11-27 | Date of Implementation | 2024-06-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 22176-2008 | Drafting Organization | Jiangsu Longdeng Chemical Co., Ltd., Shandong Binnong Technology Co., Ltd., Shenyang Shenyang Chemical Institute Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yongan Chemical Co., Ltd., Shandong Huayang Pesticide Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Weifang Runfeng Chemical Co., Ltd., Hebei Zhongtian Bangzheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Yangzhou Suling Pesticide Chemical Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Dongbao Agrichemical Co., Ltd., Henan Hansi Crop Protection Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Pesticide Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 133) | Proposing organization | China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB 22176-2008 (GB22176-2008) | Description (Translated English) | [GB/T 22176-2008] Pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrates | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | G25 | Classification of International Standard | 65.100.20 | Word Count Estimation | 9,974 | Date of Issue | 2008-07-11 | Date of Implementation | 2009-01-01 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 1600; GB/T 1601; GB/T 1603; GB/T 1604; GB/T 1605-2001; GB/T 4472; GB 4838; GB/T 19136; GB/T 19137 | Drafting Organization | Shenyang Institute of Chemical Industry | Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee of pesticides | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 12 of 2008 (No. 125 overall) | Proposing organization | China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This Chinese standard specifies the pendimethalin EC requirements, test methods and marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation. This standard applies to the original drug with pendimethalin emulsifier dissolved in a suitable solvent in the preparation of pendimethalin EC. |
GB/T 22176-2023: Pendimethalin EC
ICS 65:100:20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replace GB/T 22176-2008
Pendimethalin EC
Published on 2023-11-27
2024-06-01 Implementation
State Administration for Market Regulation
Released by the National Standardization Administration Committee
This document complies with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents"
This document replaces GB/T 22176-2008 "Pendimethalin Emulsifiable Concentrate": Compared with GB/T 22176-2008, except for structural adjustment and editing
In addition to sexual changes, the main technical changes are as follows:
---Change the mass fraction (%) of pendimethalin in the 330g/L specification from "33:5 2:0-2:0" to "32:2 1:6-1:6"; add 400g/L and 500g/L
Two specifications (see 4:2, 3:2 of the:2008 version);
---Changed the pH value indicator (see 4:2, 3:2 of the:2008 version);
---Added durable foaming items and indicators (see 4:2);
---Added provisions for checking whether pendimethalin crystals precipitate in the product (see 5:2, 4:1 of the:2008 version);
---The method for determining the mass fraction of pendimethalin has been changed, and the gas chromatography method has been changed to the arbitration method (see 5:5, 4:3 of the:2008 version);
---Inspection rules added (see Chapter 6):
Please note that some content in this document may be subject to patents: The publisher of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents:
This document is proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation:
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Pesticide Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC133):
This document was drafted by: Jiangsu Longdeng Chemical Co:, Ltd:, Shandong Binnong Technology Co:, Ltd:, Shenyang Shenyang Chemical Institute Testing Technology Co:, Ltd:,
Jiangsu Yongan Chemical Co:, Ltd:, Shandong Huayang Pesticide Chemical Group Co:, Ltd:, Shandong Weifang Runfeng Chemical Co:, Ltd:, Hebei Zhongtian
Bangzheng Biotechnology Co:, Ltd:, Yangzhou Suling Pesticide Chemical Co:, Ltd:, Jiangsu Dongbao Agrichemical Co:, Ltd:, Henan Hansi Crop Protection
The main drafters of this document: Cheng Hongxue, Feng Xiuzhen, Wei Yanyan, Niu Yongfang, Ji Pinjun, Liu Yong, Tian Maoying, Chen Yulong, Wang Chunqiang, Nan Yan,
Shen Yanlin, Zhao Qinghua, Yan Cong:
The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows:
---First published as GB/T 22176-2008 in:2008;
---This is the first revision:
Pendimethalin EC
1 Scope
This document stipulates the technical requirements, inspection rules, acceptance and quality assurance period of pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrate, as well as the marking, labeling, packaging and storage
This article describes the test method for pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrate:
This document applies to the quality control of pendimethalin EC products:
Note: See Appendix A for other names, structural formulas and basic physical and chemical parameters of pendimethalin:
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text: Among them, the dated quotations
For undated referenced documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
this document:
GB/T 1600-2021 Pesticide moisture determination method
GB/T 1601 Determination of pH value of pesticides
GB/T 1603 Method for determination of stability of pesticide emulsion
GB/T 1604 Commercial Pesticide Acceptance Rules
GB/T 1605-2001 Sampling methods for commercial pesticides
GB 4838 Pesticide emulsifiable concentrate packaging
GB/T 8170-2008 Numerical rounding rules and representation and determination of limit values
GB/T 19136-2021 Determination method of thermal storage stability of pesticides
GB/T 19137-2003 Method for determination of low-temperature stability of pesticides
GB/T 28137 Determination method of persistent foaming property of pesticides
GB/T 32776 Pesticide density determination method
3 Terms and definitions
There are no terms or definitions to be defined in this document:
4 Technical requirements
4:1 Appearance
Stable homogeneous liquid with no visible suspended solids or precipitation (crystallization) at room temperature:
4:2 Technical indicators
Pendimethalin EC should comply with the requirements in Table 1:
GB 22176-2008
Pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrates
ICS 65.100.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Pendimethalin EC
Posted 2008-07-11
2009-01-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
The standard Chapter 3, Chapter 5 are mandatory, the rest are recommended.
The standard proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.
This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee on Pesticides (CSBTC/T C133) centralized.
This standard is drafted by. Shenyang Chemical Research Institute.
Participated in the drafting of this standard. Shandong Huayang Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Chemical Co., Ltd. dragon.
The main drafters of this standard. Pi-Long, Hou Chunqing, Zhufeng Xia, of cloud point, Li Peng.
The standard commission Secretariat of National Pesticide Standardisation Technical Committee responsible for the interpretation.
Pendimethalin EC
Other name, structural formula and basic physicochemical parameters of the product active ingredients pendimethalin as follows.
ISO common name. pendimethalin
CIPAC digital code. 357
Chemical name. N- (1- ethylpropyl) -2,6-dinitro-3,4-dimethylaniline
Empirical formula. C13H19N3O4
Molecular Weight. 281.3 (according to 2005 international relative atomic mass)
Biological activity. weeding
Melting point. 54 ℃ ~ 58 ℃
Vapor pressure (25 ℃). 4.0 × 10-3Pa
Solubility (26 ℃, g/L). Water 3.0 × 10-4 (20 ℃), acetone, 700, 148 of corn oil, 77 isopropanol, xylene 628,
Heptane 138, soluble in benzene, toluene, chloroform and methylene chloride, slightly soluble in petroleum ether and gasoline
Stability. 5 ℃ ~ 130 ℃ stable, water DT50 < 21d, acid, alkali stability, soil DT50 of 30d ~ 90d, see the light slowly
break down
1 Scope
This standard specifies the pendimethalin EC requirements, test methods and marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation.
This standard applies to pendimethalin drugs and preparation of the emulsifier is dissolved in a suitable solvent pendimethalin EC.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard.
GB/T 1600 Determination of Water Pesticides
Determination of GB/T 1601 Pesticides pH value
GB/T 1603 Determination of emulsion stability of pesticide
GB/T 1604 Goods pesticide regulations for acceptance
GB/T 1605-2001 Sampling Method commercial pesticides
GB/T 4472 chemical product density, relative density measurement General
GB 4838 EC pesticide packaging
GB/T 19136 Determination of Pesticide Thermal storage stability
GB/T 19137 Pesticide cryogenic stability Determination
3 Requirements
3.1 Composition and appearance
This product should be compliant with pendimethalin drug formulated emulsifier dissolved in a suitable solvent, it should be stable, homogeneous liquid.
3.2 pendimethalin EC shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 pendimethalin EC Control Project Index
33% 330g/L
Pendimethalin mass fraction /% a
Or concentration (20 ℃) / (g/L)
33.0 + 33.5 + 2.0-2.0 1.7-1.7
--330 + 20-20
Moisture /% ≤ 0.5
pH range of 5.0 to 8.0
Emulsion stability (diluted 200 times) Qualified
Low temperature stability Qualified b
Thermal storage stability b qualified
When a dispute occurs when the mass, the mass fraction of arbitration.
b low temperature storage stability and thermal stability test under normal production conditions, every 3 months test at least once.
Test Method 4
4.1 Sampling
Carried out according to GB/T 1605-2001 in "liquid formulations sampling" method. Random sampling method to determine the number of packages, the final sample size
Not less than 200mL.
4.2 Identification Test
4.2.1 Liquid Chromatography --- The identification test can pendimethalin content simultaneously. Under the same chromatographic operating conditions, the test
A sample solution peak retention time compared with standard sample solution pendimethalin peak retention time, the relative difference should be 1.5%
4.2.2 Gas Chromatography --- The identification test can pendimethalin content simultaneously. Under the same chromatographic operating conditions, the test
A sample solution peak retention time compared with standard sample solution pendimethalin peak retention time, the relative difference should be 1.5%
4.3 Determination of the mass fraction of pendimethalin
4.3.1 Liquid Chromatography (Arbitration Act) Method summary
Sample was dissolved in acetonitrile to acetonitrile + water as the mobile phase, the use of ODS (C18) to filling a stainless steel column and UV detector to test
Samples pendimethalin reversed-phase liquid chromatography separation and determination. Reagents and solutions
Acetonitrile. chromatographic pure;
Water. secondary distilled water;
Pendimethalin standard. a known mass fraction ≥99.0%. Instruments
LC. a variable wavelength UV detector and quantitative injection valve;
Chromatographic data processor or chromatography workstation;
Column.200mm × 4.6mm (. I.d) stainless steel column, built HypersilODS5μm filler (or with the same column efficiency
Other reversed phase columns);
Filter. filter pore size of about 0.45μm;
Quantitative sample line. 5μL;
Micro injector. 50μL;
Ultrasonic cleaner. LC operating conditions
Mobile phase. [Psi] (acetonitrile. water) = 60.40;
The mobile phase flow rate. 1.0mL/min;
Column temperature. room temperature (temperature change should not exceed 2 ℃);
Detection wavelength. 240nm;
Injection volume. 5μL;
Retention time. pendimethalin 13.5min.
It said operating parameters are typical, according to the characteristics of different instruments, given operating parameters adjusted as appropriate, in order to obtain the best results.
Typical pendimethalin EC HPLC is shown in Figure 1.
1 --- pendimethalin.
Figure 1 pendimethalin EC HPLC chromatogram Measurement procedure preparation of standard solution
Weigh pendimethalin standard 0.1g (accurate to 0.0002g), a 50mL volumetric flask, dissolved in acetonitrile and diluted to the mark, shake
uniform. Using a pipette to take the above solution was placed in another 5mL 50mL volumetric flask, mobile phase and dilute to the mark. preparation of the sample solution
Weigh containing pendimethalin 0.1g (accurate to 0.0002g) sample, placed in 50mL volumetric flask, dilute with acetonitrile to the mark.
Pipette pipette above solution 5mL, 50mL placed in another flask, mobile phase and dilute to the mark. Determination
Under these operating conditions, the instrument until a stable baseline, the number of continuous injection doses of the standard solution, calculate the relative response of repetitive needle straight
Less than 1.2% to the rear, according to cis-standard solution, sample solution, sample solution, the standard solution of two adjacent needles pendimethalin Lingfeng area relative change
Sequence was determined. Calculation
1 mass fraction (%) sample of pendimethalin according to equation (1).
1 = A2
Sample pendimethalin concentration ρ1 (g/L) according to equation (2).
ρ1 =
10 (2)
A1 --- the standard solution, the average pendimethalin Lingfeng area;
A2 --- sample solution, the average pendimethalin Lingfeng area;
--- Standard pendimethalin mass fraction, expressed as a percentage;
Density ρ --- 20 ℃ when the sample in grams per milliliter (g/mL), according to GB/T 4472 were measured. allowable difference
The difference between two parallel determination results shall not be greater than 0.8%, the arithmetic mean value as a measurement result.
4.3.2 Gas Chromatography Method summary
Sample was dissolved in chloroform, phthalate, di-n-amyl acetate as the internal standard, using the 5% OV-101/ChromosorbW AW
DMCS, 180μm ~ 250μm as filler glass column and flame ionization detector, the sample of pendimethalin into gas
Chromatographic separation and determination. Instruments
Gas chromatograph. with a hydrogen flame ionization detector;
Chromatographic data processor or chromatography workstation;
Column. 1m × 3.2mm (i.d.) Glass column, filled with 5% OV-101/ChromosorbW AW DMCS, 180μm ~
250μm filler;
Micro injector. 10μL. Reagents and solutions
Pendimethalin standard. a known mass fraction ≥99.0%;
Phthalate, di-n-amyl acetate. should not interfere with the analysis of impurities;
Internal standard solution. Weigh 5g of di-n-amyl placed 1000mL volumetric flask, dissolved with chloroform and diluted to the mark
Degree, shake. GC operating conditions
Temperature (℃). 175 Column temperature gasification chamber 200, the detector chamber 200;
Gas flow rate (mL/min). carrier gas (N2) 40, hydrogen gas 35, air 350;
Injection volume (μL). 0.5;
Retention time (min). pendimethalin from about 9.4 to about 14.0 internal standard.
It said operating parameters are typical, according to the characteristics of different instruments, given operating parameters adjusted as appropriate, in order to obtain the best results.
Typical pendimethalin EC and the internal standard gas chromatography is shown in Figure 2.
1 --- solvent;
2 --- pendimethalin;
3 --- n-pentyl phthalate ester.
Figure 2 Gas chromatogram of pendimethalin emulsifiable concentrates and internal standard Measurement procedure Preparation of standard solution
Weigh pendimethalin standard 0.1g (accurate to 0.0002g), was placed in a 10mL stoppered glass bottle with pipette 10mL
Internal standard solution to dissolve, shake. Preparation of sample solution
Weigh containing pendimethalin 0.1g (accurate to 0.0002g) sample was placed in a 10mL stoppered glass bottles with the same
Branch pipette internal standard solution 10mL, shake. Determination
Under these operating conditions, the instrument until a stable baseline, the number of continuous injection doses of the standard solution, calculated for each needle pendimethalin and the internal standard peak area
Volume ratio of repeatability to be two adjacent needles pendimethalin and the internal standard peak area ratio of the relative change of less than 1.2%, according to the standard solution, the test
Sample solution, sample solution, the order of the standard solution was measured. Calculation
The sample mass fraction of pendimethalin '1 (%) according to equation (3) Calculated.
'1 = γ2
Sample pendimethalin concentration ρ'1 (g/L) according to formula (4) Calculated.
ρ'1 =
10 (4)
γ1 --- standard solution, pendimethalin and the internal standard peak area ratio of the average;
γ2 --- sample solution, pendimethalin and the internal standard peak area ratio of the average;
--- Standard pendimethalin mass fraction, expressed as a percentage;
Density ρ --- 20 ℃ when the sample in grams per milliliter (g/mL), according to GB/T 4472 were measured. allowable difference
The difference between two parallel determination results shall not be greater than 0.8%, the arithmetic mean value as a measurement result.
4.4 Determination of Moisture
According to GB/T 1600 in the "Karl Fischer method".
According to GB/T 1601 carried out.
4.6 Emulsion stability test
The standard hard water sample was diluted 200-fold, according to GB/T 1603 carried out. The test results, the non-oil slick, with no sink or precipitated as an oil
4.7 Low temperature stability test
According to GB/T 19137 conducted, volume of solid or liquid precipitation is not greater than 0.3mL qualified.
4.8 Thermal storage stability test
According to GB/T 19136 were determined pendimethalin content and emulsion stability completed within 24h after the heat storage, the measurement results should
Comply with the requirements of 3.2.
4.9 product testing and acceptance
Product inspection and acceptance shall comply with GB/T 1604's. Treatment of extreme values, using the rounding value comparison method.
5 marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 pendimethalin EC marking, labeling and packaging should comply with the provisions of GB 4838.
Brown glass bottle or PET bottle packaging 5.2 with pendimethalin EC available within the plug and the outer cover, bottle net content of 100g, 200g,
500g, etc; overpack Plastic boxes each containing a net content not exceeding 20kg.
5.3 According to user requirements or ordering agreement, you can use other forms of packaging, but to comply with the provisions of GB 4838. Pendimethalin EC
The package should be stored in well-ventilated, dry coffers.
5.4 pendimethalin EC storage, prevent moisture and sunlight, no food, seed, feed mix, avoid contact with skin, eyes and prevent
Inhaled by the nose and mouth.
5.5 Safety. pendimethalin low toxicity. The FDA should wear protective gloves. After contact with skin, immediately wash with soap and water; if inhaled,
Transfer immediately to fresh air; if splashed into the eyes, flush with water, if poisoning should be immediately sent to hospital.
5.6 Warranty. under the specified storage conditions, warranties of pendimethalin EC, from date of manufacture for 2 years.