GB 28304-2012_English: PDF (GB28304-2012)
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Curdlan food additives.
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GB 28304-2012
Standard ID | GB 28304-2012 (GB28304-2012) | Description (Translated English) | Curdlan food additives. | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | C54;X40 | Classification of International Standard | 67.220.20 | Word Count Estimation | 7,738 | Regulation (derived from) | Ministry of Health Bulletin 2012 No. 7 | Issuing agency(ies) | Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China | Summary | This Chinese standard applies to Agrobacterium (Agrobacterium biovar l) bacteria Alcaligenes faecalis (A. faecalis var.) Or radioactive soil bacteria (A. radiobacter) to produce bacteria, such as sucrose or glucose as the main raw material, by specific af |
GB 28304-2012
Curdlan food additive.
National Standards of People's Republic of China
National standards for food safety
Food additives are available
2012-04-25 release
2012-06-25 Implementation
Issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
National standards for food safety
Food additives are available
1 Scope
This standard applies to Agrobacterium albicans (A. faecalisvar.) Or radioactive
Agrobacterium (A.radiobacter) for the production of bacteria to sucrose or glucose as the main raw material, the specific biological fermentation and purification, dry
Dry, crushed food additives can be made from the glue.
2 chemical name, molecular formula, structural formula
2.1 Chemical name
2.2 Molecular formula
(C6H10O5) n
2.3 Structural formula
3 technical requirements
3.1 sensory requirements. should be consistent with the provisions of Table 1.
Table 1 sensory requirements
The project requires a test method
Color white or near white
Odorless or almost tasteless
State powder
Take appropriate sample in a clean, dry glass
In the natural light, observe the color and
State, smell the smell
3.2 Physical and chemical indicators. should be consistent with the provisions of Table 2.
Table 2 Physical and chemical indicators
Item Index Test Method
Gel strength/(g/cm2) ≥ 450 A.3 in Appendix A
The amount of available (in anhydrous glucose), w /% ≥ 80 A.4 in Appendix A.
pH (1% aqueous solution) 6.0 to 7.5 GB/T 9724
Dry reduction, w /% ≤ 10 GB 5009.3 direct drying method a
Ash, w /% ≤ 6.0 GB 5009.4
Total nitrogen, w /% ≤ 1.5 GB/T 609
Lead (Pb)/(mg/kg) ≤ 0.5 GB 5009.12
a Drying temperature and time are 105 ℃ and 2.5h respectively.
3.3 Microbiological indicators. should be consistent with the provisions of Table 3.
Table 3 Microbiological indicators
Item Index Test Method
Total number of colonies/(CFU/g) ≤ 10000 GB 4789.2
Escherichia coli/(MPN/g) < 3.0 GB 4789.3
Appendix A
Testing method
A.1 General provisions
The reagents and water used in this standard, when not specified in other requirements, refer to the analysis of pure reagents and GB/T 6682-2008 in the provisions of the three
Water level. Standard titration solution used in the test, the standard solution for the determination of impurities, preparations and products, without any other requirements,
GB/T 601, GB/T 602, GB/T 603. The solution used in the test refers to water when it is not specified with the formulation of the solvent
A.2 Identification test
A.2.1 Solubility test
The sample is insoluble in water and ethanol.
A.2.2 Alkaline solubility test
Weigh 0.2g sample, add to 5mL water, stirring to form a suspension, add 1mL concentration of 3mol/L sodium hydroxide solution
Liquid, non-stop oscillation, sample dissolved.
A.2.3 Gel test
Weigh 0.2g sample, placed in 10mL water containing 18mm × 180mm test tube, stirring to form a suspension in the boiling water bath
Heat 10min, cooled to room temperature, gel formation.
A.2.4 Sedimentation test with copper tartrate
A 2% (mass fraction) sample suspension was prepared, 10 mL was added, 5 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid was added, heated in a boiling water bath for 30 min, cooled to
Room temperature, with BaCO3 neutralization, the mixture centrifuged 10min, take 1mL supernatant, add to 5mL hot forest solution, generate red
A.3 Determination of gel strength
A.3.1 Instruments and equipment
Gel instrument or texture analyzer.
A.3.2 Determination conditions
A.3.2.1 Setting Mode. No. 4.
A.3.2.2 Probe shape and size. 0.5cm diameter stainless steel piston cylinder.
A.3.2.3 Probe movement speed. 250mm/min.
A.3.3 Analysis steps
0.3 g of the sample was taken in 15 mL of water and stirred at 3500 rpm for 5 min using a columnar emulsifier and then suspended
The solution was transferred to a test tube of 18 mm x 180 mm, baked in a vacuum for 3 min, and then the tube was quickly placed in a boiling water bath
10 min, cooled in cold water for 30 min. Remove the gel from the tube and remove a 10 mm of coagulation from the bottom 20 mm and 30 mm
The gel was measured with a gel or a texture analyzer and the gel strength was calculated from the recorded load-time (ft) curve.
A.3.4 Calculation of results
The gel strength is in w1 and the value is expressed in grams per square centimeter (g/cm2), calculated according to formula (A.1)
w1 = f0.196
f - load - time (ft) curve in the curve of the gel rupture curve sharp decline in the inflection point in grams (g);
0.196 --- cylindrical probe cross-sectional area of the value, the unit is square centimeters (cm2).
A.4 Determination of available gum content (based on anhydrous glucose)
A.4.1 Reagents and materials
A.4.1.1 Glucose.
A.4.1.2 Sulfuric acid.
A.4.1.3 Sodium hydroxide solution. c (NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L.
A.4.1.4 Phenol solution. 5% mass fraction.
A.4.2 Instruments and equipment
A.4.3 Analysis steps
A.4.3.1 Preparation of sample solution
Accurately weighed 100mg sample, placed in a 100mL volumetric flask, add about 90mL sodium hydroxide solution, the sample dissolved, with
Sodium hydroxide solution volume to the scale and shake. From which to absorb 5mL solution to 100mL volumetric flask, add water to the volume after the shake.
And then learn from the 1mL solution to a small volume of bottles or test tubes, and add 1mL phenol solution and 5mL sulfuric acid, shake vigorously, into the cold
Cooling in water.
A.4.3.2 Preparation of blank solution
Replace the sample with 0.1 mL of water and prepare a blank solution according to the procedure for A.4.3.1.
A.4.3.3 Preparation of standard solutions
Accurately weigh 100 mg of glucose, instead of the sample, prepare the standard solution according to the procedure of A.4.3.1.
A.4.3.4 Determination
In a suitable spectrophotometer, with 1cm of the cuvette to blank solution as a reference, at 490nm wavelength, respectively, the sample
Solution and standard solution absorbance.
A.4.4 Calculation of results
The available gel content is expressed as a mass fraction of w2 of anhydrous glucose, expressed in%, calculated according to formula (A.2)
w2 = ATAS ×
0.9 × mS
mT ×
100% (A.2)
AT --- absorbance value of sample solution;
AS --- the absorbance value of the standard solution;
0.9 --- ratio of anhydrous glucose to molecular weight of glucose;
mS --- standard solution preparation process of glucose sample size of the value in milligrams (mg);
mT - the value of the sample quality in milligrams (mg).