JGJ/T 308-2013 PDF English
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Technical specification liar application of phosphorous slag powder concrete
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JGJ/T 308-2013: PDF in English (JGJT 308-2013) JGJ/T 308-2013
P JGJ/T 308-2013
Filing No.: J 1636-2013
Technical specification for application of phosphorous slag
powder concrete
ISSUED ON: JULY 26, 2013
Issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC
Technical specification for application of phosphorous slag
powder concrete
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This Specification is formulated to standardize the application of phosphorus slag
powder concrete, make full use of industrial waste, save resources, protect the
environment, achieve advanced technology, economic rationality, ensure project quality.
1.0.2 This Specification is applicable to the mix proportion design, construction, quality
inspection, acceptance of phosphorus slag powder concrete.
1.0.3 In addition to complying with this Specification, the application of phosphorus
slag powder concrete shall also comply with the provisions of the current relevant
national standards.
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Granulated electric furnace phosphorus slag powder
The molten material with calcium silicate as the main component, which is obtained
when yellow phosphorus is produced by electric furnace method, is quenched into
granules and ground into powder, referred to as phosphorus slag powder.
2.1.2 Phosphorous slag powder concrete
Concrete which uses phosphorus slag powder as the main admixture.
2.1.3 Cementitious material
The general term for cement and mineral admixtures in concrete.
2.1.4 Percentage of phosphorous slag powder
The percentage of phosphorous slag powder mass in the total mass of cementitious
2.2 Symbols
mb - Total amount of cementitious materials in each cubic meter of concrete;
mc - Cement content in each cubic meter of concrete with mineral admixtures;
mfp - Phosphorus slag powder content in each cubic meter of concrete;
βt - Percentage of cement replaced by phosphorus slag powder.
3 Raw materials
3.0.1 Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement should be used for cement. Slag
Portland cement, pozzolanic Portland cement, fly ash Portland cement, composite
Portland cement may also be used. Cement shall comply with the provisions of the
current national standard “Common Portland cement” GB 175. When other types of
cement are used, they shall meet the requirements of the corresponding standards.
3.0.2 Coarse aggregate and fine aggregate shall comply with the provisions of the
current industry standard “Standard for technical requirements and test method of sand
and crushed stone (or gravel) for ordinary concrete” JGJ 52.
3.0.3 Phosphorus slag powder shall comply with the provisions of the current industry
standard “Granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag powder used for concrete” JG/T
3.0.4 The performance index of granulated blast furnace slag powder shall comply with
the provisions of the current national standard “Ground granulated blast furnace slag
used for cement and concrete” GB/T 18046; the performance index of fly ash shall
comply with the provisions of the current national standard “Fly ash used for cement
and concrete” GB/T 1596; the performance index of silica fume shall comply with the
provisions of the current national standard “Silica fume for cement mortar and concrete”
GB/T 27690. When other admixtures are used, the performance index shall also comply
with the provisions of the current relevant national standards and shall be verified by
3.0.5 Admixtures shall comply with the provisions of the current national standards
"Concrete admixtures" GB 8076 and “Code for concrete admixture application” GB
50119. When other admixtures are used, they shall be verified by tests and the
performance shall meet the provisions of the current relevant standards.
3.0.6 The water used for concrete mixing shall comply with the provisions of the current
industry standard “Standard of water for concrete” JGJ 63.
4 Phosphorus slag powder concrete performance
4.1 Technical requirements of mixtures
4.1.1 Phosphorus slag powder concrete mixtures shall have good fluidity, cohesiveness,
water retention; they shall not segregate or bleed.
4.1.2 The performance of phosphorus slag powder concrete mixtures shall meet the
requirements of engineering design and construction. The consistency grading and
allowable deviation of concrete mixtures shall comply with the provisions of the current
national standard “Standard for quality control of concrete” GB 50164. The test method
of concrete mixture performance shall comply with the provisions of the current
national standard “Standard for test method of performance on ordinary fresh concrete”
GB/T 50080.
4.1.3 The slump loss of concrete mixtures over time shall not affect the normal
construction of concrete. The slump loss of pumped phosphorus slag powder concrete
over time should not be greater than 30 mm/h.
4.1.4 The setting time of phosphorus slag powder concrete mixtures shall meet the
requirements of engineering construction and concrete performance.
4.1.5 The total alkali content of phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture shall comply
with the provisions of the current national standard “Technical code for prevention of
alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete” GB/T 50733. The alkali content should be
measured and calculated in accordance with the provisions of the current industry
standard “Specification for mix proportion design of ordinary concrete” JGJ 55. The
alkali content of phosphorus slag powder can be taken as 1/2 of the measured value.
4.1.6 The maximum water-soluble chloride ion content of phosphorus slag powder
concrete mixture shall comply with the requirements of Table 4.1.6. The water-soluble
chloride ion content of phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture should be measured
according to the rapid determination method of chloride ion content of concrete mixture
in the current industry standard “Testing code of concrete for port and waterwork
engineering” JTJ 270.
mc - The amount of cement per cubic meter of mineral admixture concrete (kg/m3);
mb - The total amount of cementitious materials per cubic meter of concrete (kg/m3);
βt - The percentage of cement replaced by phosphorus slag powder (%).
5.2.3 The amount of phosphorus slag powder per cubic meter of concrete, mfp, can be
calculated as follows:
mfp - The amount of phosphorus slag powder per cubic meter of concrete (kg/m3);
mb - The total amount of cementitious materials per cubic meter of concrete (kg/m3);
βt - The percentage of cement replaced by phosphorus slag powder (%).
5.2.4 The minimum amount of cementitious materials and the maximum water-cement
ratio shall comply with the provisions of the current industry standard “Specification
for mix proportion design of ordinary concrete” JGJ 55.
5.2.5 The amount of admixture shall be calculated as a percentage of the total amount
of cementitious materials.
5.2.6 The construction mix proportion of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall be
adjusted according to the provisions of the current industry standard “Specification for
mix proportion design of ordinary concrete” JGJ 55; it is used after verification.
6 Production and construction of phosphorus slag powder
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 Before construction, the construction unit shall prepare a technical plan for the
construction of phosphorus slag powder concrete, based on design requirements,
engineering properties, structural characteristics, environmental conditions, etc.
6.4 Transporting of fresh concrete
6.4.1 The transportation of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall comply with the
relevant provisions of the current national standards “Standard for quality control of
concrete” GB 50164, “Code for construction of concrete structures” GB 50666,
"Ready-mixed concrete" GB/T 14902.
6.4.2 For phosphorus slag powder concrete constructed by pumping, the transportation
shall be able to ensure continuous pumping of concrete and shall comply with the
relevant provisions of the current industry standard “Technical specification for
construction of conc rete pumping” JGJ/T 10.
6.4.3 When phosphorus slag powder concrete is transported to the pouring site,
segregation or stratification shall not occur.
6.4.4 For concrete transported by mixer trucks, when the slump loss is large and cannot
meet the construction requirements, an appropriate water reducer with the same
composition as the original mix proportion can be added to the tank of the truck. The
amount of water reducer added shall be confirmed by test in advance and recorded.
After the water reducer is added, the concrete mixer truck shall rotate quickly to mix
evenly; it shall be pumped or poured only after the required working performance is
6.5 Casting of concrete
6.5.1 The pouring of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall comply with the relevant
provisions of the current national standards “Standard for quality control of concrete”
GB 50164 and “Code for construction of concrete structures” GB 50666.
6.5.2 Vibration shall ensure that the concrete is dense and uniform; it shall avoid under-
vibration, over-vibration, missed vibration.
6.5.3 During summer construction, the temperature of phosphorus slag powder concrete
mixture entering the formwork shall not exceed 35 °C; it should choose nighttime
pouring of concrete. When the on-site temperature is higher than 35 °C, the metal
formwork should be watered to cool it down; no water shall be left; shielding measures
can be taken to prevent the metal formwork from exposed to sunlight.
6.5.4 During winter construction, the temperature of phosphorus slag powder concrete
mixture entering the formwork shall not be lower than 5 °C; corresponding thermal
insulation measures shall be taken.
6.5.5 When the wind speed is greater than 5.0 m/s, windproof measures shall be taken
when pouring phosphorus slag powder concrete.
6.5.6 When pouring structures with larger vertical dimensions, they shall be poured in
layers; the thickness of each layer should be controlled within 300 mm ~ 350 mm.
6.5.7 When pouring phosphorus slag powder concrete, the material shall be evenly
distributed in the plane; the material shall not be driven by a vibrating rod.
6.5.8 When vibrating phosphorus slag powder concrete, collision with the formwork,
steel bars and embedded parts shall be avoided.
6.5.9 During the pouring process of phosphorus slag powder concrete, the stability of
the formwork support and the tightness of the joints shall be observed; no concrete
leakage shall occur.
6.5.10 After the phosphorus slag powder concrete is vibrated and compacted, it shall be
smoothed and pressed by a finishing machine or manually for multiple times before
final setting; moisturizing maintenance shall be carried out after smoothing.
Moisturizing maintenance can be carried out by sprinkling water, covering, spraying
curing agent, etc.
6.5.11 After the phosphorus slag powder concrete components are formed, it is not
allowed to walk on the concrete before the compressive strength reaches 1.2 MPa.
6.6 Curing of concrete
6.6.1 The curing of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall be carried out in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the current national standards “Standard for quality
control of concrete” GB 50164 and “Code for construction of concrete structures” GB
6.6.2 The curing of phosphorus slag powder concrete components or products shall
comply with the following provisions:
1 When steam curing or damp heat curing is used, the curing time and curing system
shall meet the requirements of concrete and product performance;
2 When steam curing is used, it shall be divided into four stages: standing, heating,
constant temperature, cooling. The standing time after concrete forming should
not be less than 1 h; the heating rate should not exceed 25 °C/h; the cooling rate
should not exceed 20 °C/h; the maximum temperature and constant temperature
shall be less than or equal to 75 °C. Before concrete components or products are
taken out of the pool or the curing measures are removed, the temperature
measurement shall be carried out; when the components are taken out of the pool
or the curing measures are removed, the temperature difference between the
surface and the outside shall not be greater than 20 °C;
3 When wet natural curing is used, it shall comply with the provisions of Article
ignition loss, chloride ion content, stability;
2 The inspection items of other raw materials shall be implemented in accordance
with the relevant current national standards.
7.1.4 The inspection rules for raw materials shall comply with the following provisions:
1 Phosphorus slag powder shall not exceed 200 t per inspection batch; bulk cement
shall not exceed 500 t per inspection batch; bagged cement shall not exceed 200
t per inspection batch; fly ash and slag powder and other mineral admixtures shall
not exceed 200 t per inspection batch; aggregate shall not exceed 400 m3 or 600
t per inspection batch; admixture shall not exceed 50 t per inspection batch;
2 When the source of phosphorus slag powder is stable and has passed three
consecutive inspections, the inspection batch size can be doubled.
7.1.5 The sampling of raw materials shall comply with the following provisions:
1 The sampling of phosphorus slag powder shall be carried out in accordance with
the provisions of the current industry standard “Granulated electric furnace
phosphorous slag powder used for concrete” JG/T 317;
2 The sampling of other raw materials shall be carried out in accordance with the
current relevant national standards.
7.1.6 The quality of phosphorus slag powder and other raw materials shall comply with
the provisions of Chapter 3 of this Specification.
7.2 Property inspection of concrete mixture
7.2.1 The raw material metering system of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall be
used only after verification; the concrete production unit shall conduct self-inspection
once a month. The raw material metering deviation shall be checked once per shift; the
raw material metering deviation shall comply with the provisions of Article 6.2.2 of this
7.2.2 During the production and construction process, the phosphorus slag powder
concrete mixture shall be sampled and tested; the working performance of the
phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture shall be sampled and tested at the mixing site
and the pouring site, respectively; the water-soluble chloride ion content shall be
sampled and tested at the pouring site.
7.2.3 The working performance of the phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture shall
be checked not less than 1 time per 100 m3, meanwhile not less than 2 times per work
shift; the number of inspections may be increased if necessary. The water-soluble
chloride ion content of phosphorus slag powder concrete of the same project and the
same mix proportion shall be tested at least 1 time.
7.2.4 The performance of the phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture shall comply
with the provisions of Article 4.1 of this Specification.
7.2.5 When the performance of phosphorus slag powder concrete mixture is abnormal,
the cause shall be found and the mix proportion shall be adjusted according to the actual
7.3 Property inspection of hardened concrete
7.3.1 The strength inspection of phosphorus slag powder concrete shall comply with
the provisions of Article 4.2.2 of this Specification; other mechanical performance tests
shall comply with the engineering requirements and the provisions of the current
relevant national standards.
7.3.2 The inspection and evaluation of the long-term performance and durability of
phosphorus slag powder concrete shall comply with the provisions of the current
industry standard “Standard for inspection and assessment of concrete durability” JGJ/T
7.3.3 The mechanical properties, long-term properties, durability of phosphorus slag
powder concrete shall comply with the provisions of Articles 4.2 and 4.3 of this
Specification, respectively.
7.4 Acceptance of concrete engineering
7.4.1 The quality acceptance of phosphorus slag powder concrete engineering shall
comply with the provisions of the current national standard “Code for acceptance of
constructional quality of concrete structures” GB 50204.
7.4.2 The acceptance of phosphorus slag powder concrete projects shall comply with
the provisions of this Specification, on the long-term performance and durability of
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.