GB/T 479-2016 PDF English
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Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
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GB/T 479-2000 | English | 719 |
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Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
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GB/T 479-1987 | English | 679 |
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Sapoznikovpenetrometer test for bituminous coal
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GB/T 479-2016: PDF in English (GBT 479-2016) GB/T 479-2016
ICS 73.040
D 21
Replacing GB/T 479-2000
Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Method summary ... 6
5 Reagents and materials ... 6
6 Instruments and equipment ... 7
7 Coal sample ... 14
8 Test preparation ... 14
9 Test procedures ... 16
10 Result expression ... 19
11 Method precision ... 21
12 Test report ... 22
Annex A (Informative) Asbestos round cushion cutting method ... 23
Annex B (Informative) Inspection method for pressure on the cross section of
the coal sample ... 24
Annex C (Informative) Coke pusher ... 26
Annex D (Informative) Coal cup cleaning method ... 27
Annex E (Normative) Discrimination for technical characteristics of coke ... 28
Annex F (Informative) Test record sheet of plastometric indices ... 30
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the provisions given in GB/T 1.1-
This Standard replaces GB/T 479-2000 Determination of plastometric indices
of bituminous coal. Compared with GB/T 479-2000, in addition to editorial
modifications, the major technical changes are as follows.
— ADD the chapter of “Terms and definitions” (SEE Chapter 3 in this edition);
— ADD the chapter of “Reagents and materials” (SEE Chapter 5 in this
— MODIFY the “emery cloth” as the “dry abrasive cloth”; ADD the
corresponding technical requirements (SEE 5.6 and 8.1 in this edition and
6.1 in 2000 edition);
— ADD an instruction on when to check the pressure on the cross section
of the coal sample (SEE 6.1.2 in this edition);
— ADD the requirements for automatic plastometric index tester (SEE 6.1.3
in this edition);
— ADD the technical requirements for furnace bricks [SEE 6.2 a) in this
edition and 4.5.1 in 2000 edition];
— ADD the requirement of the difference between the resistances of two
silicon carbide rods in series of not exceeding 0.5Ω; MODIFY the
resistance range of the silicon carbide rods as “(3 ~ 8) Ω” [SEE 6.2 c) in
this edition and 4.5.3 in 2000 edition];
— MODIFY the calibration cycle of the thermocouple from six months to one
year (SEE 6.9 in this edition and 4.10 in 2000 edition);
— ADD the requirements for the test samples of coal that the proportion of
the parts with a particle size of less than 0.2mm should not be greater
than 30% and that the shrinkage should not be less than 500g (SEE 7.1
in this edition);
— DELETE the coal samples for the determination of coal grade; the ash
reduction requirements shall be specified in accordance with GB/T 5751
(SEE 5.2 in 2000 edition);
— REVISE the equation for calculating the filling height of the coal sample
[SEE Equation (1) in 8.5 of this edition and Equation (4) in 6.11 of 2000
Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, method summary, reagents
and materials, instruments and equipment, coal samples, test preparation, test
procedures, result expression, method precision and test report for the
plastometric indices of bituminous coal.
This Standard is applicable to the bituminous coal.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to
this document. For undated references, only the latest editions (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB 474 Method for preparation of coal sample
GB/T 483 General rules for analytical and testing methods of coal
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T
483 and the following ones apply. For ease of use, some of the terms and
definitions in GB/T 483 are repeatedly listed below.
3.1 Plastometric indices
Indices for characterizing the plasticity of bituminous coal proposed by
Sapozhnikov, expressed in the maximum thickness of plastic layer, value of Y,
the final contraction value (plastometric shrinkage), value of X, etc.
[Definition in 3.3.5 of GB/T 483-2007]
3.2 Maximum thickness of plastic layer
The maximum distance between the curves of the layers plotted at each point
on the upper and lower layers of the colloid, which is measured in the
determination of the plastometric indices of bituminous coal.
NOTE. REWRITE the definition in 3.3.6 of GB/T 483-2007.
3.3 Volume curve of plastic layer
The curve on the upper layer of the colloid, changing with the temperature,
which is recorded in the determination of the plastometric indices of bituminous
[Definition in 3.3.7 of GB/T 483-2007]
3.4 Final contraction value; plastometric shrinkage
The distance between the end of the volume curve and the zero line, at a
temperature of 730°C, in the determination of the plastometric indices of
bituminous coal.
[Definition in 3.3.8 of GB/T 483-2007]
4 Method summary
PUT a certain amount of coal sample into a coal cup. PLACE the coal cup in a
special electric furnace. Then, PERFORM one-sided heating at a
predetermined heating rate. Correspondingly, coal sample forms three
isothermal layers of semi-coke layer, plastic layer and un-softened coal sample
layer. USE a probe to measure the maximum thickness of plastic layer, Y.
MEASURE the final contraction value (plastometric shrinkage), X, according to
the volume curve recorded for the test.
5 Reagents and materials
5.1 Paper tube. On a thin steel rod, cigarette paper is made into a paper tube
with a diameter of 2.5mm to 3mm and a height of about 60mm by adhesion.
When installing the coal cup, INSERT the steel rod into the paper tube. FOLD
the paper tube at the bottom for about 2mm. The upper end of the paper tube
is attached to the steel rod, so as to prevent the coal sample from entering the
paper tube.
5.2 Filter paper strip. qualitative filter paper in strips, about 60mm wide and
190mm to 200mm long.
5 - Lower brickwork; 13, 17 - Live axle; 22 - Recording drum;
6 - Connector; 14 - Lever; 23 - Recording drum pillar;
7 - Silicon carbide rod; 15 - Probe; 24 - Weight;
8 - Upper brickwork; 16 - Pressure plate; 25 - Set screw.
Figure 1 -- Diagram for the plastometric index tester with counterweight
6.1.2 Pressure inspection on the cross section of coal sample
After purchasing or moving the instrument and replacing the main parts of the
instrument, it is necessary to check the pressure on the cross section of coal
sample. SEE Annex B for the inspection method.
6.1.3 Automatic plastometric index tester
The instruments and equipment, accessories, temperature and heating rate of
the automatic plastometric index tester shall meet the relevant requirements
specified in this Standard. The automatic plastometric index tester shall be used
only after verified to be qualified by using the certified reference material for the
plastometric indices of bituminous coal and compared with the non-automatic
6.2 Heating furnace
The heating furnace is composed of upper brickwork (Figure 2), lower brickwork
(Figure 3) and electric heating elements. The requirements for each part are as
a) The physical and chemical properties of the upper and lower furnace bricks
shall meet the following requirements.
— Al2O3 content. not less than 40%;
— refractoriness. 1 670°C to 1 710°C;
— apparent porosity. not greater than 26%.
b) Furnace bricks may be equipped with two coal cups at the same time,...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.