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Composite sealing gasket material
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GB/T 41487-2022: PDF in English (GBT 41487-2022) GB/T 41487-2022
ICS 23.040.80
CCS Q 69
Composite sealing gasket material
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Classification and marking ... 5
5 Requirements ... 5
6 Test methods ... 8
7 Inspection rules ... 13
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage ... 15
Composite sealing gasket material
1 Scope
This document specifies the classification and marking, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules and marks, packaging, transportation, and storage of composite sealing
gasket materials.
This document applies to the non-metallic materials (excluding materials containing
asbestos) that are compounded on both sides of the metal core material for making the
sealing gasket. This document does not apply to multi-layer composite non-metallic
materials of metal rubber sheets and metal core materials.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 191 Packaging -- Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 540-2008 Test methods for oil-resisting compressed asbestos fibre jointing
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use -- Specification and test methods
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement
of limiting values
GB/T 20671.1-2020 Classification system and test methods for nonmetallic gasket
materials -- Part 1: Standard classification system for nonmetallic gasket materials
GB/T 20671.3 Classification system and test methods for nonmetallic gasket
materials -- Part 3: Standard test method for fluid resistance of gasket materials
GB/T 30709 Standard test method for compressibility and recovery of laminated
composite gasket materials
GB/T 30710 Standard test method for creep relaxation of laminated composite
gasket materials
3 Terms and Definitions
There are no terms and definitions that need to be defined in this document.
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Classification
Composite sealing gasket materials are divided into 3 categories according to the non-
metallic materials to be composited, namely beater addition asbestos-free metal clad
plate (CJ), rolled asbestos-free metal clad plate (GJ), and flexible graphite metal clad
plate (MJ).
Beater addition asbestos-free metal clad plate, rolled asbestos-free metal clad plate, and
flexible graphite metal clad plate are divided into two types according to the composite
form, namely metal clad truss plates (C) and metal clad plane plate (P).
4.2 Marking
The mark of composite sealing gasket materials consists of product name, document
number, category, and nominal thickness.
For example:
The beater addition asbestos-free metal clad truss plate (CJC) with a thickness of 1.0 mm
Marked as: Composite sealing gasket material GB/T XXXXX-CJC-1.0.
5 Requirements
5.1 Appearance quality
The surface of the composite sealing gasket material shall be flat, and there shall be no
defects such as cracks, delamination, impurities, bubbles, and scratches, which affect
the use.
5.2 Dimensions and deviations
5.2.1 The length and width of the composite sealing gasket material shall be based on
user requirements, and the allowable deviation is ±5 mm.
5.2.2 The allowable deviation of the thickness of the composite sealing gasket material
shall meet the requirements in Table 1. If the user has special requirements for thickness
deviation, it can be processed according to the user’s requests.
6 Test methods
6.1 Specimen preparation and conditioning
According to the test requirements, cut a sample with certain dimensions from the
composite sealing gasket material. The edge of the sample shall be neat and free of
defects such as wrinkles, delamination, obvious scratches, and impurities.
Unless otherwise specified, the sample for the performance requirement test for
composite sealing gasket material shall be conditioned in an oven at 100 °C±2 °C for 1
hour, moved to a dryer, and cooled to 21 °C~30 °C; then, carry out the test.
6.2 Appearance quality
Check the appearance quality by a visual inspection.
6.3 Dimensions
6.3.1 Length and width
The length and width shall be measured with a ruler or measuring tape with a graduation
value of 1 mm. Measure at the edge and the middle of the plate respectively, and take
the arithmetic mean of measurement values of 3 points as the measurement result of the
length and width.
6.3.2 Thickness
The measurement of thickness shall be carried out according to the provisions of Type
7 material in Chapter 5 of GB/T 20671.1-2020. Measure 3 points within the range of
10 mm~20 mm from the edge in the length and width directions of the plate respectively;
that is, measure 6 points in total. Use the difference between the maximum value and
the minimum value of the 6 measurement points of the same plate as the reported value
of thickness difference, and take the average value of 6 measurement points as the
reported value of thickness.
6.4 Compression ratio, rebound rate
The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 30709.
6.5 Creep relaxation rate
The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 30710.
6.6 Performance after impregnation in IRM903 oil
The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 20671.3.
6.7 Performance after impregnation in ASTM fuel oil B
The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 20671.3.
6.8 Performance after impregnation in distilled water + ethylene glycol (50:50)
6.8.1 Reagents and equipment Ethylene glycol: analytically pure. Distilled water: It shall comply with GB/T 6682. Graduated cylinder: 100 mL. Balance: The sense quantity shall not be more than 0.001 g. Thickness gauge: The diameter of the indenter shall be 6.4 mm±0.13 mm, and
the pressure on the sample shall be 80.3 kPa±6.9 kPa. Electric drying oven: The temperature shall be ~200 °C, and the temperature
control accuracy shall be ±2 °C. Dryer. Beaker: 300 mL.
6.8.2 Test procedure Cut 3 samples with the size of 40 mm×40 mm; carry out the conditioning
according to 6.1. Accurately weigh the mass of the sample, and the weight shall be accurate to
0.001 g; take it as the mass before impregnation; then, measure the thicknesses of 5
points at the four corners and the center of the sample, and mark them as the thicknesses
before impregnation. Measure 100 mL each of ethylene glycol and distilled water with a graduated
cylinder, pour them into a beaker, and mix well. Put the sample into the beaker containing ethylene glycol and water (50:50),
and cover with a watch glass; place the beaker in an electric drying oven at 130 °C±2 °C
and keep it in the drying oven for 5 h. Take out the sample and immediately immerse it in a newly prepared solution
of ethylene glycol and water (50:50) at a temperature of 21 °C~30 °C, and keep the
sample in it for 30 min. Take out the sample and immediately absorb the excess liquid on the surface of
△d1 --- Thickness change rate;
d4 --- The thickness of the sample after aging, in millimeters (mm);
d3 --- The thickness of the sample before aging, in millimeters (mm).
Take the arithmetic mean of the thickness change rate measurement values of 5 points
of each sample as the thickness change rate of each sample. Take the arithmetic mean
of 3 samples as the test result, and the result shall be rounded to 3 significant figures
according to GB/T 8170.
6.10 Corrosion to metallic materials
The test shall be carried out according to the provisions of Chapter 4 in GB/T 540-2008.
6.11 Stripping performance
6.11.1 Instruments and equipment Electric drying oven: 0 °C~200 °C; the accuracy shall be ±2 °C; Dryer. Tools.
6.11.2 Test procedure Cut 3 samples with the size of 50 mm×100 mm, and the edges shall be cut
neatly. After placing the sample in an electric drying oven with a temperature of
100 °C±2 °C for 1 h, move it into a dryer and cool it to room temperature. Tear off the non-metallic materials on both sides and observe the surface of the
core board.
6.11.3 Result judgment
Observe the sample by eyes; if the maximum exposed area of the metal core board does
not exceed 25 mm2, it can be judged as qualified; if the maximum exposed area of the
metal core board exceeds 25 mm2, it can be judged as unqualified.
6.12 Weight loss on heating
6.12.1 Specimen
Cut 3 samples with the size of 50 mm × 50 mm; the surfaces of the samples shall be
free of dust and oil pollution. The samples shall be conditioned according to 6.1.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.