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Electrical self-balancing vehicle -- Electromagnetic compatibility -- Emission and immunity requirements
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GB/T 40309-2021: PDF in English (GBT 40309-2021) GB/T 40309-2021
ICS 33.100
CCS L 06
Electrical Self-balancing Vehicle - Electromagnetic
Compatibility - Emission and Immunity Requirements
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 General Requirements ... 7
4.1 Operating Modes ... 7
4.2 Test Items ... 7
4.3 Test Configuration ... 7
4.4 Test Environment ... 8
5 Emission ... 8
5.1 Conducted Emission ... 8
5.2 Radiated Emission ... 11
5.3 Harmonic Current, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker ... 13
6 Immunity ... 13
6.1 Performance Criteria ... 13
6.2 Requirements and Tests ... 14
7 Test Report ... 17
Appendix A (informative) Common Functions and Performance Degradation
Phenomena of Immunity ... 19
Bibliography ... 20
Electrical Self-balancing Vehicle - Electromagnetic
Compatibility - Emission and Immunity Requirements
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements, emission and immunity
requirements, as well as test methods and test report requirements for the
electromagnetic compatibility of electrical self-balancing vehicle.
This document is applicable to electrical self-balancing vehicle with storage battery as
the power source.
This document does not apply to electrical self-balancing vehicle for military and other
special purposes.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this
document through normative references in the text. In terms of references with a
specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In
terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 4365-2003 Electrotechnical Terminology - Electromagnetic Compatibility
GB/T 6113.104 Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus and Methods -
Part 1-4: Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus - Radiated
Disturbance Measuring Antenna and Test Site
GB/T 6113.201 Specification for Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring
Apparatus and Methods - Part 2-1: Methods of Measurement of Disturbances and
Immunity - Conducted Disturbance Measurements
GB/T 6113.203 Specification for Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring
Apparatus and Methods - Part 2-3: Methods of Measurement of Disturbances and
Immunity - Radiated Disturbance Measurements
GB 17625.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Limits - Limits for Harmonic Current
Emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase)
GB/T 17625.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Limits - Limitation of Voltage
Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public Low-voltage Supply Systems, for
functions cannot be simultaneously configured, then, they need to be separately tested.
During the emission measurement, under the typical application and actual installation
conditions specified by the manufacturer, the electrical self-balancing vehicle shall be
measured under the operating state that generates the greatest disturbance at the
measurement frequency.
If the electrical self-balancing vehicle has auxiliary equipment, then, the electrical self-
balancing vehicle shall be connected to the least number and representative auxiliary
equipment of the application port during the operation test.
If the manufacturer requires external filtering and / or shielding devices or has
prescribed measures in accordance with the user manual, then, the test in this
document shall be carried out with the prescribed devices and measures, and the
specific devices and measures shall be clarified in the test report.
4.4 Test Environment
The tests shall be carried out in a designated environment, so as to ensure the correct
operation of the EUT. The following shall be adopted:
a) Ambient temperature: 15 °C ~ 35 °C;
b) For the electrostatic discharge immunity test, the relative humidity range is 30%
~ 60%; for other tests, the relative humidity is not greater than 75%;
c) Air pressure: 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa;
d) For the site of the radiated emission measurement, the requirements for semi-
anechoic chamber or open test field shall comply with the stipulations of GB/T
If the electrical self-balancing vehicle cannot normally function under the above-
mentioned environmental conditions, it may be tested in accordance with the operating
environment required by the manufacturer, and the environmental conditions of the
actual operation shall be recorded in the test report.
5 Emission
5.1 Conducted Emission
5.1.1 Requirements for conducted emission
The electrical self-balancing vehicle shall:
a) Simultaneously satisfy the specified average value limit when using the
average reading detector for measurement and the specified quasi-peak limit
---If the highest internal operating frequency of the electrical self-balancing vehicle
is 108 MHz ~ 500 MHz, then, the measurement shall only be carried out to 2
---If the highest internal operating frequency of the electrical self-balancing vehicle
is 500 MHz ~ 1 GHz, then, the measurement shall only be carried out to 5 GHz;
---If the highest internal operating frequency of the electrical self-balancing vehicle
is higher than 1 GHz, then, the measurement shall be carried out to 5 times of
the highest frequency or 6 GHz, whichever is smaller.
5.3 Harmonic Current, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker
For the electrical self-balancing vehicle with an input current not greater than 16 A, the
harmonic current emission shall comply with the requirements of GB 17625.1.
For the electrical self-balancing vehicle with a rated current not greater than 16 A, the
voltage fluctuation and flicker limits shall comply with the requirements of GB/T
6 Immunity
6.1 Performance Criteria
6.1.1 Overview
During and after the immunity test in accordance with the stipulations of 6.2, the
compliance determination (see Table 5 ~ Table 7) shall be performed in accordance
with the different performance criteria in 6.1.2 ~ 6.1.4, and the details shall be recorded
in the test report.
During the formulation of the test scheme, the manufacturer shall provide necessary
functional descriptions of the electrical self-balancing vehicle published in public prints
and supplement the detailed performance criterion index requirements during and after
the immunity test.
Examples of some of the functions specified by the manufacturer and evaluated during
the test are as follows, but not limited to:
---mobile function;
---meter display;
---power supply;
---communication function.
During and after the immunity test of the electrical self-balancing vehicle, the common
functions and performance degradation phenomena are shown in Appendix A.
6.1.2 Performance criterion A
During and after the test, without operator intervention, the EUT shall be able to
continuously work as expected. When the equipment is used as expected, no
degradation or functional loss below the minimum performance level specified by the
manufacturer is allowed. The allowable performance degradation may be used in place
of the performance level. If the manufacturer does not specify the minimum
performance level or the allowable performance degradation, then, it may be obtained
from the product’s instruction manual or technical documents. In addition, the user has
reason to require the used equipment to reach this stipulation.
6.1.3 Performance criterion B
After the test, without operator intervention, the EUT shall be able to continue to work
as expected. When the equipment is used as expected, after the harassment is applied,
no degradation or functional loss below the performance level specified by the
manufacturer is allowed. The allowable performance degradation may be used in place
of the performance level.
During the test, performance degradation is allowed, but after the test, the operating
state shall not be changed, and the stored data shall not be lost.
If the manufacturer does not specify the minimum performance level (or the allowable
performance loss), then, it may be obtained from the product’s instruction manual or
technical documents. In addition, the user has reason to require the used equipment
to reach this stipulation.
6.1.4 Performance criterion C
During and after the test, a temporary loss of function is allowed, and the function can
be restored by itself, or in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the user
can restore it through the controller operation or re-powered EUT.
The functions and / or information stored in the non-volatile memory or protected by
the backup battery shall not be lost.
6.2 Requirements and Tests
6.2.1 Overview
The equipment immunity requirements and tests involved in this document are
provided one by one by ports (enclosure port, signal port and power port).
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.