GB/T 32662-2016 PDF English
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Complete set of pyrolysis equipment for waste rubber and waste plastic to oil
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GB/T 32662-2016: PDF in English (GBT 32662-2016) GB/T 32662-2016
ICS 71.120; 83.200
G 95
Complete set of pyrolysis equipment for waste rubber
and waste plastic to oil
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of PRC;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Composition, model and basic parameters ... 8
4.1 Composition ... 8
4.2 Model ... 9
4.3 Basic parameters ... 9
5 Requirements ... 9
5.1 Basic requirements... 9
5.2 Functional requirements ... 10
5.3 Technical requirements ... 10
5.4 Safety requirements ... 11
5.5 Environmental requirements ... 13
5.6 Painting and appearance requirements ... 13
6 Test ... 14
6.1 Basic requirements testing ... 14
6.2 Functional requirements testing ... 14
6.3 Testing of technical requirements ... 14
6.4 Safety testing... 17
6.5 Testing of environmental requirements ... 18
6.6 Painting and visual inspection ... 18
6.7 Test before no-load operation ... 18
6.8 No-load operation test ... 18
6.9 Load operation test... 19
7 Inspection rules ... 19
7.1 Inspection classification ... 19
7.2 Exit-factory inspection ... 19
7.3 Type inspection ... 19
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 20
8.1 Marking ... 20
8.2 Packaging ... 21
8.3 Transportation ... 21
8.4 Storage ... 21
Appendix A (Informative) Model and compilation method of complete production
set ... 22
Appendix B (Informative) Model and compilation method of main equipment 24
Appendix C (Informative) Basic parameters of main equipment and devices 27
Appendix D (Normative) Determination of oil content of solid products obtained
from pyrolysis ... 28
Complete set of pyrolysis equipment for waste rubber
and waste plastic to oil
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, composition, model and basic
parameters, requirements, testing, inspection rules, markings, packaging,
transportation and storage of complete set of pyrolysis equipment for waste
rubber and waste plastic to oil.
This standard applies to complete set of pyrolysis equipment for continuous and
intermittent waste rubber and waste plastic (hereinafter referred to as complete
production set).
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 151 Heat exchanger
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2589 General principles for calculation of total production energy
GB 2893 Safety colors
GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB 4053.1 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 1:
Steel vertical ladders
GB 4053.3 Safety requirements for fixed steel ladders and platform - Part 3:
Industrial guardrails and steel platform
GB 4655 Safety rules of static electricity in the rubber industry
GB 5226.1-2008 Electrical safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of
machines - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 6388 Transport packaging receipt and delivery mark
GB/T 9969 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of
industrial products
GB/T 10610 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Surface texture:
Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 13384 General specifications for packing of mechanical and electrical
GB/T 13452.2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness
GB/T 16157 The determination of particulates and sampling methods of
gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
GB 16297-1996 Comprehensive emission standard of air pollutants
GB 50058 Code for design of electrical installations in explosive
GBZ 1-2010 Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises
HG/T 2108 Determination of noise pressure level of rubber machinery
HG/T 3120 The general technological requirements for the appearance of
the rubber and plastic machinery
HG/T 3228-2001 General specifications of painting for rubber and plastics
NB/T 47003.1-2009 Steel welded atmospheric pressure vessels
SH 3009 Specifications for design of combustible gas emission system in
petrochemical industry
SY 6503 Safety technical specification of combustible gas detection and
alarm system for petroleum and natural gas engineering
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Complete set of pyrolysis equipment for waste rubber and waste
plastic to oil
5.1.2 The pipes and valve joints shall be connected reliably, without leakage;
all piping systems shall be clean and unblocked.
5.1.3 The complete production set shall be stable during normal operation;
there shall be no abnormal vibration, no interference, jamming, or abnormal
5.1.4 The heating device shall use controlled temperature hot air to heat the
pyrolysis reactor.
5.1.5 The temperature of the solid product in contact with atmospheric air shall
not be higher than 60 °C.
5.1.6 The working environment’s sanitation requirements for complete
production set shall comply with the provisions of 6.1 of GBZ 1-2010.
5.2 Functional requirements
5.2.1 The complete production set shall have:
a) Manual or automatic control mode;
b) The function of online control and display of the operating status of each
c) The function of automatically recording and printing various operating
parameters (pressure, temperature, flow, motor frequency);
d) The function of real-time fault alarm and self-diagnosis.
5.2.2 The control system shall have:
a) Man-machine dialogue function;
b) Reserve an information network interface system;
c) Switch between manual control mode and automatic control mode without
d) Data collection, calculation, processing, command functions for pressure,
temperature, flow.
5.3 Technical requirements
5.3.1 Pyrolysis reactor
5.4.2 The exposed high-temperature parts of the complete production set that
are accessible to the human body shall take protective measures, so that the
temperature of the outer surface is not greater than 60 °C.
5.4.3 The safety protection parts of the complete production set shall be painted
with yellow safety color or alternative black and yellow safety color stripes in
accordance with the provisions of GB 2893.
5.4.4 The electrical equipment installed in the pyrolysis workshop in the
complete production set shall meet the requirements of GB 50058.
5.4.5 The insulation resistance between the power circuit wires and the
protective grounding circuit of the complete production set shall comply with the
requirements in 18.3 of GB 5226.1-2008.
5.4.6 The withstanding voltage between all circuit wires of the electrical
equipment of the complete production set and the protective grounding circuit
shall comply with the provisions of 18.4 in GB 5226.1-2008.
5.4.7 The continuity of the protective connection circuit of the complete
production set shall comply with the requirements in 8.2.3 of GB 5226.1-2008.
5.4.8 The electrical control system of the complete production set shall have
overload protection and emergency shutdown devices.
5.4.9 There shall be audible and visual warning signals before the operation of
the complete production set.
5.4.10 The highest point of the complete production set shall be provided with
lightning protection devices.
5.4.11 All metal equipment, equipment shells, metal pipes, brackets,
components and parts in the complete production set shall be directly anti-static
grounded; the grounding resistance of the electrostatic grounding body shall
not be greater than 100 Ω.
5.4.12 The intermediate oil tank of the complete production set shall be
equipped with a cofferdam to prevent oil leakage; its volume shall be greater
than the volume of the intermediate oil tank.
5.4.13 The steel ladders, protective railings and platforms in the complete
production set shall meet the requirements of GB 4053.1 and GB 4053.3.
5.4.14 The complete production set shall be equipped with a flammable gas
safety discharge device; its design shall meet the requirements of SH 3009.
5.4.15 The combustible gas detection and alarm system shall be installed in the
5.6.2 The appearance quality shall meet the requirements of HG/T 3120.
6 Test
6.1 Basic requirements testing
6.1.1 Test 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4 through no-load test run and PLC program
operation testing.
6.1.2 For the testing of 5.1.5, use a point thermometer to perform testing.
6.1.3 The test of 5.1.6 shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
GBZ 1-2010.
6.2 Functional requirements testing
6.2.1 Perform the load test run, PLC program and operation inspection; it shall
meet the requirements of 5.2.1.
6.2.2 Perform the no-load test run and PLC program operation inspection; it
shall meet the requirements of 5.2.2.
6.3 Testing of technical requirements
6.3.1 Testing of pyrolysis reactor The water pressure or air pressure test shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant requirements in 9.7 of NB/T 47003.1-2009. After the processing of the dynamic sealing surface of the pyrolysis
reactor is completed, the surface roughness of the dynamic sealing surface is
tested according to the method specified in GB/T 10610. See Table 3 for the tests of ~
After the complete production set runs for 4 hours under load, use a
thermometer to measure at least 3 points on each bearing housing; take the
maximum reading.
6.3.6 Testing of annual throughput Testing of annual throughput of continuous production set
After the load operation is normal, use a platform scale or a feeding metering
device and a timer to measure the 8 h throughput. Take the average value as
the hourly throughput. Then calculate the annual throughput according to
formula (1).
Annual throughput (t) = hourly throughput (t/h) × 8000 h ……………………(1) Testing of the annual throughput of intermittent production set
Use a platform scale or a feeding metering device and a timer to measure the
throughput and time used in 3 cycles. Take the average value as the throughput
per cycle and processing time per cycle. Then calculate the annual throughput
according to formula (2).
Annual throughput (t) = Throughput per cycle (t/time) × [8000 h/processing
time per cycle (h/time)] ………(2)
6.3.7 Testing of pyrolysis rate Sampling of solid products obtained from pyrolysis For continuous production set, take a sample every 2 h; take 100 g ±
5 g of sample each time, totally 3 times. Mix it uniformly and prepare for use. When the output of intermittent production set is about 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of
the total output in the discharging process, take 100 g ± 5 g each. Mix it
uniformly and prepare for use. Results processing
The pyrolysis rate is calculated according to formula (3).
Pyrolysis rate = 1 - The oil content of the solid product obtained from
pyrolysis… (3)
See Appendix D for the test method for the oil content of the solid product
obtained by pyrolysis.
6.3.8 Testing of energy consumption
6.4.15 Carry out testing for 5.4.15 in accordance with the requirements of SY
6.5 Testing of environmental requirements
6.5.1 According to the method specified in Chapter 8 of GB 16297-1996, carry
out testing for the atmospheric pollutants discharged by the complete
production set in 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 and the atmospheric pollutants characteristic
of the industry.
6.5.2 According to the method specified in GB/T 16157, carry out testing for the
dust concentration at the outlet of the dust removal device in 5.5.3.
6.5.3 Perform noise testing for 5.5.4 according to the method as specified in
HG/T 2108.
6.6 Painting and visual inspection
6.6.1 According to the method specified in HG/T 3228, carry out paint quality
inspection on 5.6.1. According to the requirements of GB/T 13452.2, carry out
testing for the thickness of the paint film.
6.6.2 Perform appearance quality inspection on 5.6.2 according to the method
specified in HG/T 3120.
6.7 Test before no-load operation
Before no-load operation, it shall check the complete production set in
accordance with ~, 5.4.1, 5.4.3 ~ 5.4.15; all of them shall meet
the requirements.
6.8 No-load operation test
6.8.1 No-load operation test shall be carried out after the assembly inspection
is qualified and meets the requirements of 6.7. The continuous no-load
operation time is not less than 4 h.
6.8.2 During no-load operation, testing shall be carried out in accordance with
5.1.2 ~ 5.1.4, 5.1.6, 5.2, 5.5.4.
6.8.3 The no-load operation test of the complete production set is allowed to be
carried out after installation at the user site.
a) When a new product is trial-produced and finalized, or an old product is
subject to trans-plant production;
b) After formal production, when there are major changes in structure,
materials, processes;
c) When the production is restored after suspension for 2 years;
d) When there is a big difference between the exit-factory inspection result
and the last type inspection result;
e) During normal production, at least one unit/set shall be sample-checked
every three years;
f) When the national quality supervision department puts forward a
requirement for type inspection.
7.3.2 The samples for type inspection shall be products that have passed the
exit-factory inspection; not less than one sample shall be taken each time.
7.3.3 Type inspection items shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 5 of this standard.
7.3.4 If the type inspection items all meet the requirements of this standard, it
is judged as qualified. For type inspection, one set shall be randomly inspected
at a time. If there are unqualified items, two more sets shall be selected for
inspection. If there are still unqualified items, the inspection shall be carried out
one by one.
8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Marking
Each single unit of equipment in the complete production set shall have a
product nameplate, precautions or warning signs, related movement direction
signs. The type and size of the sign shall comply with the requirements of GB/T
13306. The product sign shall have the following content:
a) Product name;
b) Product model;
c) Annual throughput;
d) Production date;
Appendix D
Determination of oil content of solid products obtained from pyrolysis
D.1 Method summary
Under the condition of isolating air, weigh a certain amount of solid product
sample and put it in a high-temperature furnace to heat it for a certain period of
time. Then determine its mass loss.
D.2 Equipment
D.2.1 High temperature furnace, the temperature can be controlled at (450 ±
5) °C.
D.2.2 Crucible, volume 30 cm3, with lid.
D.2.3 Stopwatch, accuracy 0.2 s.
D.2.4 Analytical balance, which has an accuracy of 0.1 mg.
D.2.5 Dryer, equipped with effective desiccant.
D.2.6 Oven, gravity convection type, controllable temperature is (105 ± 2) °C or
(125 ± 2) °C.
D.3 Sample preparation
Crush all the samples taken to below 4 mm; use the quartering method to
reduce it to about 60 g; grind it to make it all pass through a standard sieve of
0.25 mm.
D.4 Test procedure
D.4.1 Place the prepared sample in an oven (D.2.6) at 105 °C or 125 °C to dry
for 1 hour. Take it out and move it to a desiccator (D.2.5) to cool to room
temperature. Prepare for use.
D.4.2 In a 450 °C high temperature furnace (D.2.1), burn the empty crucible
(D.2.2) for about 0.5 h. Take it out. Place it on the asbestos net on the
workbench and cool it for 2 min ~ 3 min. Then move it into a desiccator to cool
to room temperature. Use an analytical balance (D.2.4) to weigh it.
D.4.3 Place the dried sample in a weighed crucible. Gently tap the crucible on
a firm and flat plate, to spread the sample flat in the crucible. Fill it to about 2
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.