GB/T 29094-2012 PDF English
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Temper designations for copper and copper alloys
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GB/T 29094-2012: PDF in English (GBT 29094-2012) GB/T 29094-2012
ICS 77.150.30
H 62
Temper designations for copper and copper alloys
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword . 3
1 Scope .. 4
2 Basic principles . 4
3 Temper designations .. 4
Annex A (Informative) Cross references between new and old temper codes
. 13
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard modifies and adopts the United States ASTM B601-2009, Standard
classification for temper designations for copper and copper alloys - wrought and cast.
The difference between this Standard and ASTM B601-2009, Standard classification
for temper designations for copper and copper alloys - wrought and cast, are as follows.
-- in M tempers (as manufactured tempers), M08 (as low-pressure cast) is added in
this Standard than the ASTM standard;
-- in OS tempers (annealed tempers, with grain size prescribed), OS030 temper
(with nominal average grain size 0.30 mm) is added in this Standard than in the
ASTM standard;
-- in TD tempers (solution heat-treated + cold-worked), TD08 temper (solution heat-
treated and cold-worked to spring) is added in this Standard than in the ASTM
-- in TH tempers (solution heat-treated + cold-worked + precipitation hardened),
TH08 temper (spring + precipitation hardened) is added in this Standard than in
the ASTM standard.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 243
on Nonferrous Metals of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 243).
The responsible drafting organizations of this Standard. Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd.,
CHINALCO Luoyang Copper Co., Ltd., CHINALCO Shenyang Nonferrous Metal
Processing Co., Ltd., Nongbo Powerway Alloy Material Co., Ltd., China Nonferrous
Metal Industry Research Institute of Quality, Metrology and Quality.
The participating drafting organizations of this Standard. CHINALCO Shanghai Copper
Co., Ltd., Shenzhen GEM Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this Standard. Cao Jianguo, Yang Lijuan, Wei Lianyun, Zhao
Wanhua, Wang Yanjie, Cai Jihua, Yan Li, Shao Shengzhong, Liu Yong, Zhu Yingli,
Zhao Baohong, Wang Yunsong, Cao Hui.
Temper designations for copper and copper alloys
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the basic principles and methods for temper designations for
copper and copper alloys.
This Standard applies to copper and copper alloy products.
2 Basic principles
2.1 Temper designations for copper and copper alloys are classified into three
2.2 The first-class temper is expressed using a capitalized English letter,
representing the basic production mode of products.
2.3 One Arabic numeral or one capitalized English letter, added after the first-class
temper, expresses the second-class temper, representing the functions or specific
production process of products.
2.4 1~3 Arabic numerals are added after the second temper, representing the final
molding method of products.
3 Temper designations
3.1 Designations for the first-class tempers
3.1.1 M -- as-manufactured tempers
Applicable to tempers produced in the product by the primary manufacturing
operations of casting or hot working.
3.1.2 H -- cold-worked tempers
Applicable to tempers produced by different manufacturing processes or by controlled
amounts of cold-working.
3.1.3 O -- annealed tempers
Applicable to tempers produced by annealing to meet mechanical property
requirements or grain size requirements.
Table 7 -- Designations for the second- and third-class tempers of heat-treated
tempers (T)
temper code Temper name
temper code Temper name
TQ Quench hardened
TQ00 Quench hardened
TQ30 Quench hardened + tempered
TQ50 Quenched hardened + temper annealed
TQ55 Quench hardened + temper annealed + cold drawn + stress relieved
TQ75 Interrupted quench
TB Solution heat-treated TB00 Solution heat-treated
Solution heat-
treated +
TF00 Solution heat-treated + precipitation heat-treated
TF01 Precipitation heat-treated plate - low hardness
TF02 Precipitation heat-treated plate - high hardness
Solution heat-
treated +
TX00 Spinodal-decomposition hardened
Solution heat-
treated + cold-
TD00 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (1/8 hard)
TD01 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (1/4 hard)
TD02 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (1/2 hard)
TD03 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (3/4 hard)
TD04 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (hard)
TD08 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (spring)
Solution heat-
treated + cold-
worked +
TH01 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (1/4 hard) + precipitation heat-treated
TH02 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (1/2 hard) + precipitation heat-treated
TH03 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (3/4 hard) + precipitation heat-treated
TH04 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (hard) + precipitation heat-treated
TH08 Solution heat-treated + cold-worked (spring) + precipitation heat-treated
Cold-worked +
TS00 Cold-worked (1/8 hard) + spinodal-decomposition hardened
TS01 Cold-worked (1/4 hard) + spinodal-decomposition hardened
cold-worked +
stress relieved TR04
Precipitation heat-treated or spinodal-
decomposition heat-treated + cold-worked (hard) +
stress relieved
TM Remaining-heat hardened
TM00 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (1/8 hard)
TM01 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (1/4 hard)
TM02 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (1/2 hard)
TM03 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (3/4 hard)
TM04 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (hard)
TM06 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (special hard)
TM08 Remaining-heat hardened + cold-worked (spring)
3.2.5 Designations for the second- and third-class tempers of welded tube
tempers (W)
The designations for the second- and third-class tempers of welded tube tempers (W)
shall be as specified in Table 8. After the refining process (re-annealing and re-cold-
working) treatment after welding, the welded area has become a processed structure
which can adopt a general temper code. Such temper designations shall adopt O, OS
or H as their code in accordance with the details after finishing.
Table 8 -- Designations for specific tempers of welded tube tempers (W)
temper code Temper name
temper code Temper name
WM As-welded temper
WM50 As-welded from annealed strip
WM00 As-welded from 1/8 hard strip
WM01 As-welded from 1/4 hard strip
WM02 As-welded from 1/2 hard strip
WM03 As-welded from 3/4 hard strip
WM04 As-welded from hard strip
WM06 As-welded from special hard strip
WM08 As-welded from spring strip
WM10 As-welded from high spring strip
WM15 As-welded from annealed strip, thermal stress relieved
WM20 As-welded from 1/8 hard strip, thermal stress relieved
WM21 As-welded from 1/4 hard strip, thermal stress relieved
WM22 As-welded from 1/2 hard strip, thermal stress relieved
WM24 As-welded from 3/4 hard strip, thermal stress relieved
WO Welded + annealed
WO50 Welded + light annealed
WO60 Welded + soft annealed
WO61 Welded + annealed
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.