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GB/T 25087-2010 PDF English

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GB/T 25087-2010: PDF in English (GBT 25087-2010)

GB/T 25087-2010 Road vehicles.Round, screened and unscreened 60V and 600V multi-core sheathed cables ICS 43.040.10 T36 National Standards of People's Republic of China Road vehicles are round, shielded and unshielded 60V and 600V multi-core sheathed cable Roadvehicles-Round, screenedandunscreened60Vand (ISO 14572.2006, IDT) Released on.2010-09-02 2011-02-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration issued Foreword This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO 14572.2006 "Road vehicles with round, shielded and unshielded 60V and 600V multicore Basic performance and high performance cable test methods and requirements for sheathed cables. The following editorial changes were made. a) “This International Standard” is replaced by “this Standard”; b) Replace the comma "," with the decimal point "." as the decimal point; c) the preface to the deletion of international standards; d) deleted Appendix A of the International Standard; e) Deleted the final reference to the international standard. This standard was proposed by the National Development and Reform Commission. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted. Beijing Fox Automotive Wire Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. Huo Yan, Wang Yadong, Li Qingsen, Li Guoyu. Road vehicles are round, shielded and unshielded 60V and 600V multi-core sheathed cable 1 Scope This standard specifies the test methods for basic performance and high performance of round, shielded and unshielded multi-core sheathed cables for road vehicles. Law and requirements. The individual cores of unshielded cables shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 25085-2010. Other types of cores can also be used, but be sure The structure and testing required for these core functions shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. See GB/T 25085-2010 for temperature grades. 2 Normative references The terms in the following documents become the terms of this standard by reference to this standard. All dated references, followed by all Modifications (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study Is it possible to use the latest version of these files? For undated references, the latest edition applies to this standard. GB/T 25085-2010 60V and 600V single-core wires for road vehicles (ISO 6722.2006, IDT) GB/T 2951.11 General test methods for cables and cables - Part 11. General test methods - thickness And dimensions measurement - mechanical performance test (GB/T 2951.11-2008, IEC 60811-1-1..2001, IDT) GB/T 16422.2 exposure test methods for plastics - Part 2. Xenon arc lamps (GB/T 16422.2-1999, idt ISO 4892-2.1994) GB/T 17737.1 RF cables - Part 1. General specification, definitions, requirements and test methods (GB/T 17737.1- 2000, IDTIEC 61196-1..1995) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Basic performance (cable) basicperformance(cable) (Cable) meets the basic requirements of automotive applications. 3.2 Core core It is inherently insulated and may also have a shielded conductor assembly. 3.3 High performance (cable) highperformance(cable) (Cable) meets all basic requirements and improved mechanical and/or environmental performance (as determined by the purchaser). 3.4 Shield screen Conductive materials are used to reduce varying electromagnetic field penetration and/or radiation into designated areas. 3.5 Unshielded unscreened Missing shielding. 4 General requirements 4.1 Cable rating 4.1.1 Rated voltage The rated voltage is determined by the rated voltage of the insulated core. 60V and 600V cores should not be mixed in the same multi-core cable. 4.1.2 rated temperature class The rated temperature rating is determined by the temperature rating of the core and jacket. 4.2 600V cable Special attention should be paid to protecting cables with voltages above DC60V from mechanical shocks and avoiding the risk of electric shock. The 600V cable jacket should be identified using a durable orange color. 4.3 Test Cables shall be tested in accordance with Table 1. 4.4 General test conditions According to 4.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. 4.5 Oven According to 4.5 of GB/T 25085-2010. 4.6 Visual appearance For visual inspection, the sheath should be smooth and flat and should not have lumps, holes, inclusions or other similar defects. 5 size 5.1 Overview The structure of the cable is varied and the dimensions are determined by both the supplier and the buyer (see 5.2.4, 5.3.5 and 5.4.4). 5.2 Cable outer diameter 5.2.1 Sample According to 5.1.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.2.2 Installation According to 5.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.2.3 Procedure According to 5.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.2.4 Requirements The outer diameter of the cable shall be within the range determined by both parties. 5.3 Sheath ellipticity 5.3.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 5.3.2 Sample According to 5.1.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.3.3 Installation According to 5.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.3.4 Procedure According to 5.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. Determine the maximum (dmax) and minimum (dmin) cable outer diameters, then calculate the ellipticity. O= dmax-dmin0.5× dmax d( )min × In the formula. O---ellipticity, %; Dmax---the maximum outer diameter of the cable, mm; Dmin---the minimum outer diameter of the cable, mm. 5.3.5 Requirements The ellipticity shall be within the range determined by the supplier and the buyer. Table 1 test Article number test project process test a Identification test if necessary test c First cycle b first cycle b 4.6 General requirements Visual appearance - × × - - 5.2 5.3 5.4 size Cable outer diameter Sheath ellipticity Sheath thickness 6.1 6.2 6.3 Electrical performance Continuity Withstand voltage Shielding efficiency 7.1 7.2 7.3 Mechanical behavior High temperature pressure Sheath adhesion Cyclic bending 8.1 8.2 Low temperature performance Winding Shock 9 wear-resistant - - - × × 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Heat aging 3000h long-term aging 240h short-term aging Thermal overload Sheath heat shrinkage 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Environmentally resistant and chemical Sheath resistant to liquid Sheath mark durability Ozone resistant Temperature and humidity alternation 12 anti-flame retardant - × × - - 13 Artificial Atmospheric Ageing - - - × - Note 1. × is adopted. Note 2. - is not used. a All cables are tested during or after manufacture. The frequency of the b-cycle test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. c The use of “test if necessary” shall be determined by both parties. Part d liquid is used as an "identification test" and the remaining liquid is carried out "test if necessary", as detailed in 11.1. 5.4 Sheath thickness 5.4.1 Sample According to 5.2.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.4.2 Installation According to 5.2.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.4.3 Procedure According to 5.2.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. 5.4.4 Requirements The thickness of the sheath shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser. 6 Electrical properties 6.1 Continuity 6.1.1 Sample Strip 100 mm of sheath from each end of the entire cable and strip 25 mm of insulation from each end of the core. 6.1.2 Installation Use an appropriate power source, in series with an indicator such as an ohmmeter, indicator light or buzzer. 6.1.3 Procedure Connect each core to this unit. Repeat this step until all cores have been tested. If there is shielding, it is also treated as a The cores use the same procedure to test their continuity. It is also possible to select all the cores in series and test them once. Note that the choice will not be damaged Appropriate current for individual conductors. 6.1.4 Requirements The indicator shows continuous. 6.2 Withstand voltage 6.2.1 Sample Strip the 100mm jacket from one end of the cable and strip the 25mm insulation from each core. For the test, it will be tested outside the core The conductors of all the cores are connected together. If shielded, the cores should be connected in the same way. 6.2.2 Installation Use an AC voltage source that can apply 2kV at 50Hz or 60Hz for at least 3s. 6.2.3 Procedure Apply 2kV ac voltage between the core to be tested and all other cores for at least 3s. Repeat this procedure for all cores Line test. If shielded, the shield should be tested in the same way as the test core. 6.2.4 Requirements No breakdown occurs between the cores. If there is shielding, no breakdown occurs between the wire core and the shield. 6.3 Shielding efficiency 6.3.1 Test adoption This test is only for shielded cables. Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.3.2 Shielded DC resistance This test is for cables with an operating frequency of no more than 1 MHz. Sample According to 6.1.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. A 100 mm sheath was peeled off at each end of the specimen. Device According to 6.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. Procedure According to 6.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. Requirements The requirement to shield the DC resistance is determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.3.3 Surface transfer impedance (line injection method) The allowable frequency range is in accordance with “Surface Transfer Impedance, Line Injection Method” in GB/T 17737.1. Sample According to "surface transfer impedance, line injection method" in GB/T 17737.1. Device According to "surface transfer impedance, line injection method" in GB/T 17737.1. Procedure According to "surface transfer impedance, line injection method" in GB/T 17737.1. Requirements The requirements for surface transfer impedance are determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.3.4 Surface transfer impedance (triaxial method) The allowable frequency range is in accordance with the “surface transfer impedance, triaxial method” in GB/T 17737.1. Sample According to GB/T 17737.1 "surface transfer impedance, triaxial method". Device According to GB/T 17737.1 "surface transfer impedance, triaxial method". Procedure According to GB/T 17737.1 "surface transfer impedance, triaxial method". Requirements The requirements for surface transfer impedance are determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 6.3.5 Radiation attenuation The allowable frequency range is in accordance with “radiation attenuation, absorption clamp method” in GB/T 17737.1. Sample According to "radiation attenuation, absorption clamp method" in GB/T 17737.1. Device According to "radiation attenuation, absorption clamp method" in GB/T 17737.1. Procedure According to "radiation attenuation, absorption clamp method" in GB/T 17737.1. Requirements The requirements for radiation attenuation shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 7 Mechanical properties 7.1 High temperature pressure 7.1.1 Sample According to 7.1.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. 7.1.2 Device According to 7.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010, the force F of the blade acting on the specimen is obtained by the following formula. F=0.8× i(2×Di) In the formula. F---the vertical resultant force acting on the sample, N; 0.8---factor, N/mm; D---corresponding maximum cable outer diameter, mm; i---The nominal value of the corresponding sheath thickness, mm. When calculating the force, you can round the end of the decimal, but the error should not exceed 3%. 7.1.3 Procedure According to 7.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010, 10 mm on both sides of the indentation point and the indentation, using a measuring device that does not cause deformation of the sample. The thickness of the sheath is measured. Omit the withstand voltage test. 7.1.4 Requirements For basic performance cables, the thickness of the indentation zone should not exceed 40% of the average of the other two points. For high performance cables, the thickness of the indentation zone should not exceed 60% of the average of the other two points. 7.2 Sheath adhesion 7.2.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 7.2.2 Sample According to 7.2.2 of GB/T 25085-2010, take three 150mm samples from the 3m long cable. Phase between each sample At a distance of 1 m, the length of the intact sheath retained is 100 mm. 7.2.3 Device According to 7.2.3 of GB/T 25085-2010, the metal plate has a circular hole approximately equal to the inner diameter of the sheath. 7.2.4 Procedure According to 7.2.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. If the 100mm jacket is stuck when sliding, you can re-prepare the test. Repeat this procedure by changing the length of the intact sheath to 50mm. 7.2.5 Requirements The intact part of the sheath shall be capable of being peeled off without damaging the core, and the peeling force shall be within the range determined by both parties. 7.3 cyclic bending 7.3.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by both the supplier and the buyer. 7.3.2 Sample Two samples of 600 mm length were taken from points at least 1 m apart. 7.3.3 Installation The device is shown in Figure 1. Devices that meet the following requirements are acceptable. --- bending radius R = 2.5 times the outer diameter of the cable; ---load F produces a tension of 5 N/mm 2 on the copper conductor; --- Fixing device for bending the specimen at a rate of 15 cycles/min ±90°; --- If using a heavy hammer, use a guide block to stop the swing of the weight. 7.3.4 Procedure The sample is placed with one end fixed to the bending mechanism and the other end applying a force F. Bend the specimen to supply and demand at a rate of 15 cycles per minute The number of cycles specified by the parties. Repeat this procedure for the other samples. In the picture. 1---1 cycles (90° on each side); 2---fulcrum; 3---cable; 4---fixed guide block (optional); 5---load F. Figure 1 cyclic bending test device 7.3.5 Requirements The cyclic bending requirement is determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 8 low temperature performance 8.1 Winding 8.1.1 Sample According to 8.1.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. Remove the 100mm jacket from one end of the cable and remove 25mm insulation from each core. 8.1.2 Device According to 8.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. Use a -40 ° C ± 2 ° C freezer (according to the agreement between the supplier and the buyer can use -25 ° C ± 2 ° C). The requirements for mandrel and weight are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Cable outer diameter, mandrel diameter, weight and number of windings Cable outer diameter D Mm Mandrel diameter Mm Heavy object (if using a rotating mandrel) Kg Minimum number of turns D≤2.5 2.5 \u003cD≤5 5 \u003cD≤10 10 \u003cD≤15 15 \u003cD≤25 25 \u003cD ≤ 5 times cable outer diameter 0.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 8.1.3 Procedure According to 8.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. The winding speed is 0.2 r/s, and the number of turns is specified in Table 2. After winding, the outside of the sheath was visually inspected. If the jacket has no cracks For example, the withstand voltage test is carried out in accordance with 6.2. If the demand side requires, peel off the sheath without damaging the core, visually check, if there is no cracking, press GB/T 25085- In.2010, the AC1kV (root mean square) withstand voltage test was performed on the core. 8.1.4 Requirements The samples showed no signs of cracking and no breakdown occurred during different withstand voltage tests. 8.2 Impact 8.2.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 8.2.2 Sample Prepare three specimens of at least 150 mm in length. Unless otherwise specified, the specimen shall include a complete sheath, including any existing Layer jacket. 8.2.3 Installation According to 8.2.3 of GB/T 25085-2010, the quality of the weight is shown in Table 3. Table 3 weight quality Cable outer diameter D Mm Weight quality D≤15 300 15 \u003cD≤25 400 25 \u003cD≤35 500 35 \u003cD 600 8.2.4 Procedure According to 8.2.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. After the impact, the sample was allowed to return to room temperature and the sheath was visually inspected. If there is shielding, carry out the withstand voltage test between the shielding and the salt water bath; but for the 6.2.3 procedure of GB/T 25085-2010, Change under. --- Before applying voltage, the sample should be immersed in a brine bath for 10 min; --- Apply AC1kV voltage for 1min; --- No longer raise the voltage after applying AC1kV voltage. 8.2.5 Requirements The sample showed no signs of cracking. If shielded, no breakdown should occur during the withstand voltage test. 9 wear resistant 9.1 Test use Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 9.2 Sample Prepare a 1 m long sample. Strip 100mm long jacket from each end of the cable and strip 25mm long insulation from each end of each core. Twist the ends of the core together. If there is shielding, the shield should be twisted together with the core. 9.3 device An 80J garnet belt is used, and the vertical belt edge has a 10 mm long conductive strip at intervals of 75 mm. Fit a suitable one on the axle arm The bracket (see Figure 2) keeps the specimen in a stable position and is always in an unused area of the belt. Applied to the specimen by the bracket, the support rod and the axle arm The total force is (0.63 ± 0.05) N. The vertical force exerted on the specimen is the resultant force of the bracket, the axle arm, the support rod and the additional weight. If necessary To do, you can replace the 4kg weight with a 2kg weight. In the picture. 1---support rod; 2---4kg additional weight; 3---axis arm; 4---sample; 5---bracket; 6---belt support pin, Φ=6.9mm; 7---80J abrasive belt. Figure 2 wear test device 9.4 Procedure Place the cable in a horizontal position as shown in Figure 2. Use unused areas of the friction belt. With additional weight attached, the bracket is pressed On the sample. The belt was pulled down at the speed of (1500 ± 75) mm/min. Record the length of the belt required to expose the conductor. mobile The sample was 20 mm and rotated 90° clockwise. Repeat this test to take four readings. The average reading is the wear resistance value. 9.5 Requirements The wear resistance should meet the limits determined by both the supplier and the buyer. 10 heat aging 10.1 3000h long-term aging 10.1.1 Purpose This test is used to verify the rated temperature class. 10.1.2 Sample According to 10.1.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. Strip the 25mm jacket from each end of the cable. 10.1.3 Installation According to 10.1.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. Mandrel diameter and weight are shown in Table 2. 10.1.4 Procedure According to 10.1.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. After winding, the outside of the sheath was visually inspected. If there is no sign of cracking on the sheath, press 6.2 It is prescribed to carry out a withstand voltage test. If the user needs, peel off the sheath without damaging the core, visually check, if there is no cracking, press GB/T 25085- In.2010, the AC1kV (root mean square) withstand voltage test was performed on the core. 10.1.5 Requirements According to 10.1.5 of GB/T 25085-2010. The sheath should show no signs of cracking. No breakdown occurred during different withstand voltage tests. 10.2 240h short-term aging 10.2.1 Purpose This test is used to simulate thermal drift. 10.2.2 Sample According to 10.2.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. Strip the 25mm long sheath from the cable. 10.2.3 Installation According to 10.2.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. The mandrel diameter and weight requirements are shown in Table 2. 10.2.4 Procedure According to 10.2.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. After winding, the surface of the sheath was visually inspected. If there is no sign of cracking on the sheath, press 6.2 It is prescribed to carry out a withstand voltage test. If the user needs, peel off the sheath without damaging the core, visually check, if there is no sign of cracking, press GB/T 25085- In.2010, the AC1kV (root mean square) withstand voltage test was performed on the core. 10.2.5 Requirements According to 10.2.5 of GB/T 25085-2010, the sheath has no signs of cracking. No breakdown should occur in different withstand voltage tests. 10.3 Thermal overload 10.3.1 Purpose This test is used to simulate the thermal overload conditions of the cable. 10.3.2 Sample Strip the 25mm long sheath from each end of the cable according to 10.3.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 10.3.3 Device According to 10.3.3 of GB/T 25085-2010, the mandrel diameter and weight requirements are shown in Table 2. 10.3.4 Procedure According to 10.3.4 of GB/T 25085-2010, after winding, visually inspect the outside of the sheath. If there is no sign of cracking on the sheath, press 6.2 It is prescribed to carry out a withstand voltage test. If the demand side requires, peel off the sheath without damaging the core, visually check, if there is no sign of cracking, press GB/T 25085- In.2010, the AC1kV (root mean square) withstand voltage test was performed on the core. 10.3.5 Requirements According to 10.3.5 of GB/T 25085-2010, there should be no signs of cracking on the sheath. No breakdown occurred in different withstand voltage tests. 10.4 Sheath heat shrinkage 10.4.1 Sample Prepare three.200mm long specimens. 10.4.2 Device According to 10.4.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 10.4.3 Procedure According to 10.4.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. The contraction of the sheath is measured. 10.4.4 Requirements Determined by negotiation between the supply and demand sides. 11 Environmental and chemical resistance 11.1 Sheath resistant to liquid 11.1.1 Sample According to of GB/T 25085-2010. 11.1.2 Device According to of GB/T 25085-2010. During impregnation of the cable, the bend diameter should be at least ten times the outer diameter of the cable. Mandrel straight See Table 2 for the requirements for diameter and weight. Note. The source of the material is determined by the supplier and the buyer. If the same result can be confirmed, the equivalent product can be used. 11.1.3 Procedure According to of GB/T 25085-2010, the withstand voltage test is omitted. 11.1.4 Requirements After winding, the specimen should show no cracking. Other requirements are determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 11.2 Sheath Mark Durability The test is determined according to GB/T 25085-201011.3 by both parties. 11.3 Sheath resistant to ozone 11.3.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 11.3.2 Sample According to 11.4.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 11.3.3 Installation According to 11.4.3 of GB/T 25085-2010, the mandrel and weight requirements are shown in Table 2. 11.3.4 Procedure According to 11.4.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. The sample is wound on a mandrel, and the sample having a diameter of not more than 10 mm is wound three times in diameter. Samples larger than 10 mm are wound one and a half times. 11.3.5 Requirements According to 11.4.5 of GB/T 25085-2010. Check only the outside of the jacket. 11.4 Temperature and humidity alternation 11.4.1 Test adoption Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 11.4.2 Sample Prepare two 600mm long specimens. 11.4.3 Installation The test box is in accordance with 11.6.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. The mandrel diameter is shown in Table 2. 11.4.4 Procedure The sample is wound on the mandrel, and the sample having a diameter of not more than 10 mm is wound three times, and the sample having a diameter of more than 10 mm is wound one and a half times, and Fix its end. Sample pretreatment procedures are shown in GB/T 25085-2010. Perform a visual inspection of the jacket, negligible end fixing due to the fixture Into the damage. 11.4.5 Requirements The specimen shall show no signs of cracking. 12 anti-flame retardant 12.1 Sample According to 12.1 of GB/T 25085-2010. 12.2 device According to 12.2 of GB/T 25085-2010. 12.3 Procedure According to 12.3 of GB/T 25085-2010. All cables are flamed for 30 s. 12.4 Requirements According to 12.4 of GB/T 25085-2010. 13 Artificial atmospheric aging Whether or not to adopt this test shall be determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer. 13.1 Sample Ten tensile specimens were taken from the cable sheath to be tested according to GB/T 2951.11. 13.2 Device According to GB/T 16422.2, use ultraviolet radiation box, with a (55 ± 3) °C xenon arc lamp, circulating water spray (5min water spray and 25min The drying interval, or 12 min and 180 min, respectively, and the relative humidity at the drying interval was (50 ± 5)%. 13.3 Procedure Five samples were taken and placed in the test chamber for 750 h. Then take the sample out of the test chamber and allow it to return to room temperature, then The tensile test was carried out in accordance with GB/T 2951.11 together with the other five samples. 13.4 Requirements After artificial atmospheric aging, the elongation should not be less than 50% of the original elongation. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.