GB/T 25085.4-2020 PDF English
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Road vehicles--Automotive cables--Part 4: Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a. c. or 60 V d. c. single-core aluminium conductor cables
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GB/T 25085.4-2020: PDF in English (GBT 25085.4-2020) GB/T 25085.4-2020
Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 4.Dimensions and requirements for 30V acor 60V dcsingle-core aluminium conductor cables
ICS 43.040.10
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Road vehicles and automotive cables. Part 4.Dimensions and requirements of AC 30V or DC 60V single-core aluminum conductor cables
2020-07-21 released
2021-02-01 implementation
State Administration for Market Regulation
Issued by the National Standardization Management Committee
Table of contents
Preface Ⅲ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 General requirements 1
4.1 General test conditions 1
4.2 Safety precautions 2
4.3 Voltage range 2
4.4 Temperature class 2
4.5 Conductor material 2
4.6 Conductor 3
4.7 Insulation thickness 3
4.8 Cable outer diameter 3
4.9 Representative conductor specifications for test 3
4.10 Test items and requirements 3
5 Technical requirements 5
5.1 General 5
5.2 Dimension check 5
5.3 Electrical performance test 6
5.4 Mechanical performance test 6
5.5 Environmental test 8
Appendix A (informative appendix) Conductor specifications, number of filaments and filament diameter 12
Appendix NA (informative appendix) Product model list 15
Reference 16
GB/T 25085 "Road Vehicle Automotive Cable" is expected to be divided into 10 parts.
---Part 1.Vocabulary and design guide;
---Part 2.Test method;
---Part 3.Dimensions and requirements of AC 30V or DC 60V single-core copper conductor cables;
---Part 4.AC 30V or DC 60V single core aluminum conductor cable size and requirements;
---Part 5.Dimensions and requirements of AC 600V or DC 900V, AC 1000V or DC 1500V single-core copper conductor cables;
---Part 6.Dimensions and dimensions of AC 600V or DC 900V, AC 1000V or DC 1500V single-core aluminum conductor cables
---Part 7.Dimension and size of shielded and unshielded multi-core and single-core copper conductor cables with AC 30V or DC 60V round sheath
---Part 8.Dimensions and dimensions of shielded and unshielded multi-core and single-core aluminum conductor cables with AC 30V or DC 60V round sheath
---Part 9.Shielded and unshielded for AC 600V or DC 900V, AC 1000V or DC 1500V circular sheath
The size and requirements of multi-core and single-core copper conductor cables;
---Part 10.Shielded and unshielded round sheaths of AC 600V or DC 900V, AC 1000V or DC 1500V
The size and requirements of multi-core and single-core aluminum conductor cables.
This part is Part 4 of GB/T 25085.
This section was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
The translation method used in this part is equivalent to the adoption of ISO 19642-4.2019 ``Road vehicles and automotive cables Part 4.AC 30V or direct
Dimensions and requirements of 60V single-core aluminum conductor cable.
The Chinese documents that have a consistent correspondence with the international documents cited in this section are as follows.
---GB/T 228.1-2010 Tensile Test of Metallic Materials Part 1.Room Temperature Test Method (ISO 6892-1.2009, MOD)
This section has made the following editorial changes.
---Moved the warning of ISO 19642-4.2019 to 4.2 of this part;
--- Use "√" instead of "×" (see Table 3);
--- Use "plus" instead of "" (see Table 3, 5.5.3, 5.5.4);
--- Replace "×" with "-" (see Table 4, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table A.1, Table A.2);
---Added some notes, giving reference information about relevant domestic standards (see 4.5 note 2, footnote a in Table 2);
---Added informative appendix NA "Product Model List";
---Revised references.
This part was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC114).
Drafting organizations of this section. Shanghai Fuerxin Wire & Cable Co., Ltd., Changsha Automobile Electric Research Institute, FAW Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd., Great Wall Motors
Co., Ltd., Geely Automobile Research Institute (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., SAIC Volkswagen Co., Ltd., Changchun Bulb & Wire Co., Ltd., Mande
Electronic Appliance Co., Ltd. Baoding Xushui Electric System Branch, Sichuan Fanhua Electric Co., Ltd., Henan Tianhai Electric Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Wang Yadong, Li Guoyu, Huo Tianyu, Hu Mengjiao, Li Weiyang, Li Guohui, Wang Sufeng, Zhang Guangyong, Wang Yanwen,
Zhang Jie, Zhai Zhixin, Lu Yong, Wang Rongxi, Chen Lingling, Li Qingsen.
Road vehicles automotive cables part 4.
AC 30V or DC 60V single core
Dimensions and requirements of aluminum conductor cables
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 25085 specifies that the nominal system voltage for general-purpose road vehicles shall not exceed AC 30V or DC 60V.
The size and requirements of core aluminum conductor cables.
This section applies to single-core cables for road vehicles, as well as to cores in multi-core cables.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the quotation of this document. For dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this article
Pieces. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined by ISO 19642-1 apply to this document.
4 General requirements
4.1 General test conditions
Should be tested in accordance with the provisions of Table 3 under the test conditions specified in ISO 19642-2.
If both parties agree to modify or change the test methods and requirements, all changes and modifications shall be recorded.
4.2 Safety precautions
The use of this section may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This section is not intended to address possible problems related to the use of this section
All security issues. Users of this section are responsible for formulating appropriate safety regulations and determining the applicability of regulatory restrictions before use.
4.3 Voltage range
The upper limit of the cable voltage in this section is AC 30V and DC 60V.
4.4 Temperature class
The applicable temperature class of the aluminum conductor cable should meet the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 Rated temperature class
4.5 Conductor material
The conductor shall consist of annealed or annealed compressed aluminum or aluminum alloy monofilaments. The requirements for a single conductor wire shall meet the requirements of Table 2 and
Material specification is completed. The elongation requirements shall be negotiated by the supplier and the buyer. All conductors of the finished cable should meet the resistance requirements of Table 7.
The monofilament of aluminum conductor shall be made of 1000 series aluminum or other alloys specified in EN573-1.The chemical composition should comply with EN573-3.
The requirements of Table 1 in.2013.
Note 1.See Appendix A for examples of twisted structures.
Note 2.The monofilament material and chemical composition of aluminum conductor can also refer to GB/T 16474-2011 and GB/T 3190-2008.
Table 2 Single filament characteristics after annealing
4.6 Conductor
The conductor of the finished cable should meet the requirements of cross-sectional area (CSA) and resistance in Table 7.
The maximum diameter of the conductor should meet the requirements of Table 8.
The stranded structure of the conductor is not a normative requirement.
Note 1.The existing stranded structure of aluminum conductors is shown in Table A.1.
Note 2.The recommended stranded structure of aluminum conductors is shown in Table A.2.
Other twisted structures shall be negotiated between the supplier and the buyer, but they shall meet the above requirements.
4.7 Insulation thickness
This section specifies the following three different insulation thicknesses.
4.8 Cable outer diameter
The outer diameter of each conductor specification and insulation thickness of the cable should meet the requirements of Table 8.
4.9 Representative conductor specifications for testing
When a test is required, all combinations of conductor specifications, insulation thickness and insulation materials should meet the corresponding regulations.
However, when the supplier and the buyer negotiate to allow testing of representative specifications, only the larger and smaller conductor specifications can be tested to prove the cable
The conformity of the family.
4.10 Test items and requirements
Refer to Table 3 for relevant test items applicable to single-core cables in ISO 19642-2.2019.
Table 3 Test items
5 Technical requirements
5.1 General
The cable shall be tested according to ISO 19642-2 according to its rated temperature class.
The cable should be tested in accordance with Table 3.
5.2 Dimension check
5.2.1 Cable outer diameter
The measured value of the cable outer diameter should be within the limit specified in Table 8.
5.2.2 Insulation thickness
The measured value of the insulation thickness shall not be less than the minimum value specified in Table 8.
5.2.3 Conductor diameter
The measured conductor diameter should not be greater than the maximum value specified in Table 8.
5.2.4 Cross-sectional area (CSA)
The measured cross-sectional area should be within the limits specified in Table 7.
5.2.5 Cable outer diameter during manufacturing
The outer diameter of the cable during the manufacturing process shall be continuously monitored.
The measured value of the cable outer diameter during the manufacturing process should be within the limits specified in Table 8.
5.3 Electrical performance test
5.3.1 Conductor resistance
The measured value of conductor resistance should not be greater than the maximum value specified in Table 7.
5.3.2 Requirements for temperature coefficient measurement
For aluminum, αρ=4.03×10-3K-1.
For aluminum alloys, αρ should be measured in accordance with 5.2.2 of ISO 19642-2.2019.
5.3.3 Withstand voltage
Apply a voltage of 1kV and apply a time of 30min, and the insulation should not be broken down.
Note. No need to climb voltage.
5.3.4 Withstand voltage after environmental test
Apply a voltage of 1kV and apply a time of 1min, and the insulation should not be broken down.
5.3.5 Insulation defect
Continuous application of 3kV AC voltage, the insulation should not be broken down.
5.3.6 Insulation volume resistivity
Insulation volume resistivity should not be less than 1×109Ω·mm.
5.4 Mechanical performance test
5.4.1 Peel force
The measuring force should be within the negotiated value range between the supplier and the buyer.
5.4.2 Wear resistance General
The test is only applicable to cables with conductor specifications not greater than 6mm2, and either drag or scrape test should be carried out.
Both the supplier and the demander should clarify which test to use.
Cables with conductor specifications greater than 6mm2 need not be subjected to abrasion test. Drag test
The cable sample shall be tested after adding a heavy object according to the requirements of Table 4.
The average value of 4 readings of the cable sample should not be less than the specified value in Table 4.
Table 4 Dragging test requirements Scraping test
The cable sample shall be subjected to the total vertical force as specified in Table 5.
The minimum number of cycles should not be less than the specified value in Table 5.
Table 5 Scratch test requirements
5.4.3 Breaking force of finished cable
The cable specification and breaking force to be tested shall be negotiated between the supplier and the buyer.
5.4.4 Loop bending
The test is only applicable to cables with conductor specifications not greater than 25mm2.
The requirements of the test shall be negotiated between the supplier and the buyer.
5.4.5 Flexibility test
The test is applicable to cables with conductor specifications not less than 8mm2.
The requirements of the test shall be negotiated between the supplier and the buyer.
5.5 Environmental test
5.5.1 Sample preparation and winding test
ISO 19642-2.2019 5.4.1 specifies the size of the mandrel used to prepare the sample in the environmental test.
It also specifies the requirements for winding tests to detect defects caused by environmental stress.
5.5.2 3000h long-term thermal aging under rated temperature class
The sample should be aged for 3000h at the upper limit temperature of the rated temperature class.
After the sample is wound, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.3 Rated temperature class plus 240h short-term thermal aging at 25℃
The sample should be aged for 240h at the upper limit temperature of the rated temperature class plus 25℃.
After the sample is wound, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.4 Rated temperature class plus 6h thermal overload at 50℃
The sample should be aged for 6h at the upper limit temperature of the rated temperature class plus 50℃.
After the sample is wound, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.5 High temperature pressure test
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.6 Heat shrink
The maximum shrinkage of either end of the specimen should not exceed 2mm.
5.5.7 Low temperature winding
The sample should be placed at the lower limit temperature of the rated temperature class for 4h.
After the sample is wound, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.8 Cold shock
The sample should be tested according to the weight of the weight required in Table 6.
After the sample is impacted, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
Table 6 Cold shock test requirements
5.5.9 Alternating temperature and humidity
After the sample is wound, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.10 Hot water
Connect the sample conductor to the "" pole and the copper electrode to the "-" pole for testing.
Use a new sample, change the polarity and retry the test.
For both samples, the insulation volume resistivity should not be less than 1×109Ω·mm.
Visually inspect the insulation for cracks.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.11 Resistant to liquid chemicals
The sample is wound after being impregnated with liquid chemicals, and the conductor should not be exposed after winding.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.12 Cable mark durability
All cable markings should be kept clear.
5.5.13 Stress crack resistance
The test is applied to the use of insulating materials that are susceptible to environmental stress cracking problems (such as FEP and ETFE, and the conductor size is less than
For cables of 6mm2), whether to carry out the test is negotiated by both parties.
After the sample is tested, the conductor should not be exposed.
During the withstand voltage (5.3.4) of the sample after the environmental test, the insulation shall not be broken down.
5.5.14 Ozone resistance
After the sample test, visually inspect the insulation surface to be free of cracks.
5.5.15 Anti-flammability
Any burning flame on the insulating material should be extinguished within 30s after ignition, and the insulation at least 50mm at the top of the sample should remain unburned.
All 5 samples should pass the test.
Table 7 CSA and conductor resistance
Appendix NA
(Informative appendix)
Product model list
The cables are mainly compiled according to QC/T 414-2016.Common types of cables are shown in Table NA.1.
Table NA.1 shows the types of commonly used cables and does not include all types. Negotiated by the supplier and the demander, you can also use
Other types of cables required by QC/T 414-2016.
Table NA.1 List of commonly used AC 30V or DC 60V single-core aluminum conductor cable models
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.