GB/T 18276-2017 PDF English
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Test-bed methods and evaluating index of dynamic property of motor vehicles
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GB/T 18276-2000 | English | 719 |
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Test-bed methods and evaluating index of dynamic property for motor vehicles
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GB/T 18276-2017: PDF in English (GBT 18276-2017) GB/T 18276-2017
ICS 43.180
R 16
Replacing GB/T 18276-2000
Test-bed methods and evaluating index of
dynamic property of motor vehicles
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Testing parameters ... 6
5 Evaluation index ... 6
6 Testing equipment ... 7
7 Testing preparation ... 7
8 Testing methods ... 8
9 Test result evaluation ... 14
Appendix A (Informative) Recommended limit value for maximum torque
condition speed and driving wheel power ... 16
Appendix B (Normative) Driving wheel power correction method ... 18
References ... 21
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 18276-2000 “Test-bed method and evaluating
index of dynamic property of motor vehicles”.
As compared with GB/T 18276-2000, the main technical changes of this
standard are as follows.
- This standard is only applicable to in-use commercial vehicles equipped
with ignition or compression ignition engines. Other vehicles may refer to
this standard (see clause 1).
- DELETE the terms and definitions of net power, measured driving wheel
power, corrected driving wheel power and simulated inertia, ADD the terms
and definitions of “driving wheel power” (see clause 3; clause 2 of 2000
- DELETE the “test conditions” (see clause 3.3 of the 2000 version);
- ADD the “test equipment” requirements (see clause 6);
- ADD the “test preparation” requirements (see clause 6);
- MODIFY the “detection method”, PROVIDE specific detection method
based on different detection working conditions, DELETE the acceleration
time, coast-down distance, and time test (see clause 8; clause 4 of 2000
- ADD the “evaluation of test results” (see clause 9);
- MODIFY the “limit” (see 9.1; clause 3.4 of 2000 version);
- DELETE the “Basic requirements for dual drum chassis dynamometers”,
“Automotive dynamic performance test form”, and “Calculated radius of
automobile tires” (see Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix D of the 2000
- ADD the “Recommended vehicle speed and driving wheel power at
maximum torque condition” (see Appendix A);
- MODIFY the “Correction method of driving wheel power” (see Appendix B;
Appendix C of the 2000 version).
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Transport of the People's
Republic of China.
Test-bed method and evaluating index of
dynamic property of motor vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test bed test parameters, evaluation indicators,
testing equipment, testing preparations, testing methods, and testing results
assessment, etc., of the dynamic properties of motor vehicles.
This standard applies to the in-service commercial vehicles equipped with
ignition or compression ignition engines, other vehicles may refer to this
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2977 Size designation, dimensions, inflation pressure and load
capacity for truck tires
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Driving wheel power
The output power of a vehicle engine via the drive train to the drive wheels.
Observed effective power
The output power of the engine under actual intake conditions.
[GB/T 18297-2001, definition 3.1]
as the evaluation index.
6 Testing equipment
6.1 The dynamometer shall meet the technical requirements of JT/T 445.
6.2 Double drive-axle vehicle testing shall use a three-axle six-roller
6.3 It is equipped with ambient temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric
pressure measurement device, temperature measurement device
measurement accuracy is ± 1.5 K, relative humidity measurement device
measurement accuracy is ± 5%, atmospheric pressure measurement device
measurement accuracy is ± 0.5 kPa.
7 Testing preparation
7.1 Dynamometer
7.1.1 Warm-up
Use the anti-drag motor or motor vehicle to drive the drum to rotate the
dynamometer to warm it up, until the coast-down time of the dynamometer
approaches stable.
7.1.2 Indicator value zeroing
The dynamometer is statically unloaded and the force and speed indications
are zeroed or reset.
7.2 Motor vehicles under testing
7.2.1 The vehicle is unladen.
7.2.2 The specifications of the fuel and lubricating oil used in motor vehicles
shall comply with the specifications of the manufacturer's technical conditions.
7.2.3 Check the tread depth and air pressure of the drive axle tires. The depth
of the pattern shall not be less than 1.6 mm. Tires shall not contain foreign
matter. The tire shall be dry and the air pressure shall comply with the provisions
of GB/T 2977.
7.2.4 Collect the following parameters of the vehicle under testing.
a) Engine rated power (Pe), in kilowatts (kW);
b) Maximum engine torque (Me), in Newton meter (N • m); The pilot drives the vehicle steadily up to the dynamometer and sets the
driving wheel of the vehicle on the drum. The axis of the driving wheel shall be
parallel with the axis of the drum, fix the non-driving wheel of the vehicle. Start the motor vehicle, gradually accelerate, move the transmission to
the direct gear (the automatic transmission shall be placed in “D” position), so
that the motor vehicle can run stably with the minimum speed of the direct gear. Set the speed of the vehicle in accordance with the maximum torque
condition as determined in, the dynamometer performs constant speed
power metering. Load the dynamometer, step the acceleration pedal to the end, after the
vehicle speed is stabilized for 5 s at set speed, read the average value of the
measured power of the dynamometer for not less than 3 s, take record. During the reading, the actual speed shall be stabilized within the set
speed ± 0.5 km/h.
8.1.2 Rated power condition testing Fix the vehicle in accordance with and and start it. Step the accelerator pedal to the end, load the dynamometer with the
maximum power scan point, record the maximum power point velocity (vP), in
kilometers per hour (km/h). Set the dynamometer to perform constant speed dynamometer testing
in accordance with vP. After the vehicle speed is stable for 5 seconds at the set
speed, read the mean value of the measured power of the dynamometer for not
less than 3 s and take record. During readings, the actual speed shall be stabilized within ± 0.5 km/h
of the vP value.
8.1.3 Driving wheel power calculation The driving wheel power is calculated in accordance with formula (2).
P = Pg + Pc + Pf ...(2)
P -The driving wheel power, in kilowatts (kW);
Pg - Measured power of the dynamometer, in kilowatts (kW);
Pc - Internal dynamometer power loss, in kilowatts (kW);
Appendix B
Driving wheel power correction method
B.1 Standard environmental conditions
B.1.1 Atmospheric pressure. p0 = 100 kPa.
B.1.2 Relative humidity. Φ0 = 30%.
B.1.3 Ambient temperature. T0 = 298 K (25 °C).
B.1.4 Dry air pressure. ps0 = 99 kPa.
Note. The dry air pressure is calculated based on the total pressure of 100 kPa
and the partial pressure of water vapor of 1 kPa.
B.2 Power correction factor
The measured power is corrected in accordance with the formula (B.1) to the
corrected power in the standard status.
P0 = α • P ...(B.1)
P0 - Corrected power in standard environmental status, in kilowatts (kW);
α - correction factor, which is αa for ignition engine, and αd for compression
ignition engine;
P - Measured power, in kilowatts (kW).
B.3 Ignition engine correction factor
The ignition engine correction factor αa can be calculated in accordance with
formula (B.2).
T - Ambient temperature during the test, in Kelvin (K);
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.