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GB/T 13611-2018 PDF English

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GB/T 13611-2018English185 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Classification and basic characteristics of city gas Valid
GB/T 13611-2006English479 Add to Cart 3 days Classification and essential property of city gas Obsolete
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GB/T 13611-2018: PDF in English (GBT 13611-2018)

GB/T 13611-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.160.30 P 45 Replacing GB/T 13611-2006 Classification and basic characteristics of city gas ISSUED ON: MARCH 15, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON: FEBRUARY 01, 2019 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 5  4 Classification principle ... 6  5 Calculation method of characteristic indicator ... 6  6 Category and characteristic indicators ... 7  7 Test gas ... 8  8 Test pressure of burning appliance test gas... 11  Annex A (normative) Mass requirements and characteristic values of single gas used for preparing test gas ... 12  Annex B (informative) Preparation method of test gas ... 14  Bibliography ... 19  Classification and basic characteristics of city gas 1 Scope This Standard specifies the classification principles of city gas, the calculation method of characteristic indicators, the requirements of categories and characteristic indicators, the test gas of city gas, and the test pressure of test gas of city gas burning appliances. This Standard applies to the classification of various types of gas used as urban fuel. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 11062, Natural gas - Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe indices from composition 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 city gas The public gas that meets the standard gas quality requirements, is supplied for residential life, commercial (public buildings) and industrial enterprises as fuel for production. NOTE: City gas generally includes artificial gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied petroleum gas mixed air, dimethyl ether gas, and biogas. 3.2 reference conditions The dry gas state that the temperature is 15℃ and the absolute pressure is 101.325kPa. [GB/T 16411-2008, Definition 3.1] 3.3 heating value; calorific value The heat released by the complete combustion of a specified amount of gas. NOTE: The heat released, including the latent heat of vaporization of water vapor in the flue gas, is called high calorific value. The heat released, excluding the latent heat of vaporization of the water vapor in the flue gas, is called low calorific value. [Rewrite GB/T 12206-2006, Definition 3.1] 3.4 relative density; specific gravity The ratio of the mass of a certain volume of dry gas to the mass of the same volume of dry air at the same temperature and pressure. NOTE: The relative density is a dimensionless quantity, indicated by the symbol d. [GB/T 12206-2006, definition 3.5] 3.5 Wobbe number; Wobbe index The ratio of the calorific value of a gas to the square root of its relative density. 3.6 reference gas The standard gas representing a certain type of gas. 3.7 limit gas The standard gas prepared according to the allowable fluctuation range of gas. 4 Classification principle City gas should be classified according to the type of gas and its characteristic indicator Wobbe number W. The fluctuation range of Wobbe number W and calorific value H should be controlled. 5 Calculation method of characteristic indicator 5.1 Heating value The calorific value can be calculated according to formula (1): Where, H - Gas calorific value (high calorific value Hs and low calorific value Hi), in megajoules per cubic meter (MJ/m3); Hr - The calorific value of r combustible components in the gas, in megajoules per cubic Annex A (normative) Mass requirements and characteristic values of single gas used for preparing test gas A.1 The purity of the single gas used to prepare the test gas should not be lower than the following values: a) Nitrogen (N2): 99%; b) Hydrogen (H2): 99%; c) Methane (CH4): 95%; d) Propylene (C3H6): 95%; e) Propane (C3H8): 95%; f) Butane (C4H10): 95%; g) The total content of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and oxygen in the above c), d), e) and f) should be less than 1%. The total nitrogen and carbon dioxide content should be less than 2%. A.2 When the supply of methane is difficult, local natural gas can be used instead. When the supply of propane, butane and propylene is difficult, liquefied petroleum gas can be used instead. However, the error between the Wobbe number W of the prepared test gas and the given value should be within the specified range of ±2%. A.3 The relative density d and calorific value H of various single gases used for preparing the test gas should be calculated and determined according to the provisions of GB/T 11062. Commonly used single gas characteristic value (15℃, 101.325kPa, dry) should adopt the value specified in Table A.1. Annex B (informative) Preparation method of test gas B.1 General requirements B.1.1 The artificial gas should be prepared with raw gas methane, hydrogen and nitrogen. B.1.2 Natural gas, mainly composed of methane, should be prepared with methane, nitrogen, propane or butane. B.1.3 The tempering limit gas of natural gas should be prepared with methane, hydrogen, propane or butane. B.1.4 When used for laboratory sampling inspection and type inspection of gas appliances, liquefied petroleum gas mixed air should not be used as the test gas source for natural gas burning appliances. B.2 Artificial gas B.2.1 When methane, hydrogen and nitrogen are used as the raw gas for gas distribution, the two parameters of the control test gas and the reference gas, the Wobbe number and the burning speed index are equal (same) to obtain the required content of each component in the test gas. They can be calculated according to formula (B.1), formula (B.2) and formula (B.3): Wobbe number of test gas: Burning speed index of test gas: Its nitrogen composition: Where, Ws,0 - The Wobbe number of the reference gas source to be replaced, in megajoules per cubic meter (MJ/m3); SF,0 - The burning speed index of the base gas source to be replaced; fCH4, fH2, fN2 - The volume fractions of methane, hydrogen and nitrogen components in the test gas, respectively, %; Hs, CH4, Hs, H2 - The high calorific value of methane and hydrogen, respectively, in megajoules per cubic meter (MJ/m3); dCH4, dH2 and dN2 - The relative densities of methane, hydrogen and nitrogen, respectively. NOTE: Ws,0 and SF,0 can solve simultaneous formula (B.1), formula (B.2), and formula (B.3). Obtain the volume fractions of methane, hydrogen and nitrogen in the test gas. B.2.2 The burning speed index SF can be calculated according to formula (B.4) and formula (B.5): Where, SF - The burning speed index; fH2 - The volume fraction of hydrogen in the gas, %; fCm Hn - The volume fraction of hydrocarbons other than methane in the fuel gas, %; fCO - The volume fraction of carbon monoxide in the gas, %; fCH4 - The volume fraction of methane in the gas, %; d - The relative density of gas (the relative density of air is 1); k - The correction coefficient of oxygen content in the gas; fO2 - The volume fraction of oxygen in the gas, %. B.3 Natural gas fractions of methane, hydrogen, propane and nitrogen in the test gas are obtained. B.3.2.2 Replacement of distribution gas raw gas When the gas distribution raw gas is methane, hydrogen, nitrogen and butane, the parameters of propane in formula (B.6), formula (B.7) and formula (B.8) can be replaced with the corresponding values of butane. B.3.2.3 Yellow flame index IY B. The yellow flame index of artificial gas can be calculated according to formula (B.9). The calculated result should not be greater than 80: Where, IY - The yellow flame index of the gas; yr - The yellow flame coefficient of r hydrocarbon in the gas, see Table B.1 for the values; fr - The volume fraction of r hydrocarbon in the gas, %; d - The relative density of the gas; fO2 - The volume fraction of oxygen in the gas, %; Hs - The high calorific value of gas, in megajoules per cubic meter (MJ/m3). B. The yellow flame index of natural gas can be calculated according to formula (B.10). The calculated result should not be greater than 210: The meaning of each symbol in the formula is the same as that of formula (B.9). Table B.1 -- Yellow flame coefficients corresponding to various hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Yellow flame coefficient ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.