GB/T 1177-2018 PDF English
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Casting magnesium alloys
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PDF Preview: GB/T 1177-2018
GB/T 1177-2018: PDF in English (GBT 1177-2018) GB/T 1177-2018
ICS 77.120.20
J 31
Replace GB/T 1177-1991
Casting magnesium alloys
ISSUED ON. JULY 13, 2018
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration Committee.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Alloy designations and codes ... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 6
5 Test methods ... 9
6 Inspection rules ... 10
Annex A (informative) Mechanical properties at high temperature of sand single
casting specimen of casting magnesium alloy ... 12
Annex B (informative) Casting form and pouring riser system diagram of
recommended sand single casting specimen ... 13
Casting magnesium alloys
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the designations and codes, technical requirements,
test methods and inspection rules of casting magnesium alloys.
This Standard is applicable to sand and metal casting magnesium alloys.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 228.1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1. Method of test at
room temperature
GB/T 228.2, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 2. Method of test at
elevated temperature
GB/T 2039, Metallic materials - Creep and stress-rupture test in tension
GB/T 5678, Sampling methods of spectrochemical analysis for cast alloys
GB/T 8063, Designation of cast nonferrous metals and their alloys
GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 13748.1, Chemical analysis methods of magnesium and magnesium
alloys - Part 1. Determination of aluminum content
GB/T 13748.4, Chemical analysis methods of magnesium and magnesium
alloys - Part 4. Determination of manganese content - Periodate
spectrophotometric method
GB/T 13748.6, Chemical analysis methods of magnesium and magnesium
alloys - Determination of silver content - Determination of silver content -
Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 13748.7, Chemical analysis methods of magnesium and magnesium
represented by RE). The main alloy element is followed by a number indicating
its nominal content (nominal content is the trimmed value of the average content
of the element). If the nominal content of the alloy element is not less than 1,
this number is expressed as an integer. If the nominal content of the alloy
element is less than 1, generally no number shall be indicated. In the front of
the alloy designation, the letter "Z" (the first letter of "casting" in Chinese pinyin)
is used to indicate the casting alloy.
3.1.3 If there are more than two alloy elements, it is not necessary to list all the
alloy elements in the designation except for the alloy elements which are
essential to the characteristics of the alloy.
3.1.4 The main alloy elements in the designation are arranged in descending
order of nominal content. When the nominal content is equal, they are arranged
in alphabetical order according to their chemical symbols.
3.2 Alloy codes
The alloy code in this Standard consists of the letters "Z" and "M" (they are the
first letters of the Chinese alphabet for "casting" and "magnesium") and the
numbers after it, where the number indicates the sequence number of the alloy.
For ZM5A, the letter "A" indicates that the magnesium ingot used in the alloy is
a high-purity magnesium ingot produced by distillation.
3.3 Alloy state codes
F - Casting state;
T1 - Artificial aging;
T2 – Annealing;
T4 - Solution treatment plus natural aging;
T6 - Solution treatment plus full artificial aging.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of casting magnesium alloy shall comply with the
provisions of Table 1. The ones with upper and lower limits in the table are the
primary components. When it only has one value, it shall be the upper limit
allowed for non-primary components.
NOTE 1. Allow to shorten the tip size of the specimen.
NTOE 2. From size A to size D, it gradually becomes smaller. Part D shall be in smooth transition.
Figure 1 -- Shae and size of san single casting specimen
4.2.4 Sand single casting specimen shall be completely covered by the same
sand type for casting. Do not allow any form of additional chilling. In order to
ensure the quality of single casting specimen, refer to Annex B for the casting
form and the pouring riser system diagram of the recommended sand single
casting specimen.
5 Test methods
5.1 Chemical composition
5.1.1 The analysis method of alloy chemical composition is according to GB/T
13748.1, GB/T 13748.4, GB/T 13748.6 ~ GB/T 13748.12, GB/T 13748.14, GB/T
13748.15, GB/T 13748.20 ~ GB/T 13748.22. Other test methods are allowed
under the condition of ensuring the accuracy of the analysis.
5.1.2 When the analysis result is controversial, it shall be in accordance with
GB/T 13748.1, GB/T 13748.4, GB/T 13748.6 ~ GB/T 13748.12, GB/T 13748.14,
GB/T 13748.15, GB/T 13748.20 ~ GB/T 13748.22 for arbitration.
5.2 Mechanical properties
The tensile test at room temperature is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of GB/T 228.1. The tensile test at high temperature is carried out in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 228.2. The creep test is carried out in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2039.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Batching
The same smelting furnace and the same heat treatment state are as one
inspection batch. The same smelting furnace but without heat treatment are
also used as an inspection batch.
6.2 Sampling method
6.2.1 Chemical composition
For alloys of same smelting furnace, before the casting or at the half of casting
duration of all castings, perform casting of chemical composition specimen.
Spectral specimen and sampling method for alloy chemical composition are
carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5678.
6.2.2 Mechanical properties For alloys of same smelting furnace, before the casting or at the half of
casting duration of all castings, perform casting of chemical composition
specimen. Single casting specimen can be tested with cast skin. The burrs and
cutting parts on the specimen shall be cleaned up. It also allows the single
casting specimen to be mechanically processed to determine the mechanical
properties of the alloy. Whether sand casting or metal casting, sand single casting specimen
can be used to test the mechanical properties of the alloy.
6.3 Determination and re-inspection
6.3.1 When the chemical composition of the alloy is unqualified for the first time,
the re-sampling is allowed to analyze the unqualified elements. If the second
analysis still fails, the chemical composition of this batch of alloys shall be
6.3.2 For alloys of same batch, send three single casting specimens in casting
state or heat treatment state at the first time to determine mechanical properties.
When the mechanical properties of two or more specimens comply with the
provisions of Table 2, the mechanical properties of this batch of alloys shall be
qualified. If the first inspection of single casting specimen in heat treatment state
fails, it may conduct sampling after heat treatment is repeated for inspection.
Should it still fail, the third heat treatment is allowed. If the test results still fail,
the mechanical properties of this batch of alloys shall be unqualified.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.