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LY/T 1930-2010 English PDF

LY/T 1930-2010_English: PDF (LY/T1930-2010)
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LY/T 1930-2010English249 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Dreid leaves of rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis L.) for production of essential oil and antioxidant   LY/T 1930-2010

Standard ID LY/T 1930-2010 (LY/T1930-2010)
Description (Translated English) Dreid leaves of rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis L.) for production of essential oil and antioxidant
Sector / Industry Forestry Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard B36
Classification of International Standard 67.220.10
Word Count Estimation 7,733
Date of Issue 2010-02-09
Date of Implementation 2010-06-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 12729.2; GB/T 12729.3; GB/T 12729.5; GB/T 12729.6; GB/T 12729.7; GB/T 12729.9; GB/T 12729.10; GB/T 17527; ISO 6571-2008
Drafting Organization Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products
Administrative Organization Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products
Regulation (derived from) Industry standard filing Notice 2010 No. 5 (No. 125 overall)
Summary This standard specifies the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) dried leaf quality requirements, sampling, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, labeling, storage and transportation. This standard applies to dried rosemary leaf through, drying, or drying a variety of methods such as dry leaves dried rosemary, rosemary oil and rosemary as antioxidant evaluation of the quality of materials used in the production and trade in accordance with.

LY/T 1930-2010 Dreid leaves of rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis L.) for production of essential oil and antioxidant ICS 67.220.10 B36 People's Republic of China Forestry Industry Standard Dried rosemary leaves for the production of essential oils and antioxidants Released on.2010-02-09 2010-06-01 implementation State Forestry Administration released Content Foreword I 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 Quality requirements 2 5 sampling 2 6 Test Method 2 7 Inspection rules 3 8 Packaging, labeling, storage and transportation 3 Foreword This standard was proposed by the Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products of the Chinese Academy of Forestry. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products of the Chinese Academy of Forestry. This standard is drafted by. Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry. Participated in the drafting of this standard. Xiamen Jinmei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. Bi Liangwu, Zhao Zhendong, Liu Xianzhang, Zhang Qiuge, Li Dongmei, Wang Wei, Gu Yan, Li Dawei. Dried rosemary leaves for the production of essential oils and antioxidants 1 range Packaging, labeling, storage and shipping. This standard applies to dried rosemary leaves obtained by drying, drying or drying fresh leaves of rosemary as a rosemary oil. And the quality evaluation and trade basis of raw materials for the production of rosemary antioxidants. 2 Normative references The terms in the following documents become the terms of this standard by reference to this standard. All dated references, followed by all Modifications (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study Is it possible to use the latest version of these files? For undated references, the latest edition applies to this standard. GB/T 12729.2 Sampling method for spices and seasonings (GB/T 12729.2-2008, ISO 948.1980, NEQ) GB/T 12729.3 Preparation of powder samples for analysis of spices and condiments (GB/T 12729.3-2008, ISO 2825. 1981, MOD) GB/T 12729.5 Determination of the content of foreign substances in spices and condiments (GB/T 12729.5-2008, ISO 927.1982, NEQ) GB/T 12729.6 Determination of moisture content of spices and seasonings (distillation method) (GB/T 12729.6-2008, ISO 939. 1980, NEQ) GB/T 12729.7 Determination of total ash content of spices and seasonings (GB/T 12729.7-2008, ISO 928.1997, NEQ) GB/T 12729.9 Determination of acid-insoluble ash content of spices and condiments (GB/T 12729.9-2008, ISO 930.1997, MOD) GB/T 12729.10 Determination of alcoholic extracts of spices and condiments (GB/T 12729.10-2008, ISO 940.1979, MOD) GB/T 17527 Determination of pepper essential oil content ISO 6571.2008 Determination of volatile oil content of spices, seasonings and herbs (water distillation method) 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Dry leaves of the rosemary plant rosemary, dried leaves obtained by drying, drying or drying. Rosemary dry leaves are green Color, grayish green or yellowish green, leaf length 1cm ~ 6cm. 3.2 Lignified or unligninized main stems and thick branches from rosemary plants. 3.3 Dry brown leaves of brown, dark brown or withered yellow. ......

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