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HJ 2046-2014 English PDF

HJ 2046-2014_English: PDF (HJ2046-2014)
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HJ 2046-2014English529 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Technical specification for seawater flue gas desulfrization project of thermal power plant Valid HJ 2046-2014

Standard ID HJ 2046-2014 (HJ2046-2014)
Description (Translated English) Technical specification for seawater flue gas desulfrization project of thermal power plant
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z25
Classification of International Standard 13.040.40
Word Count Estimation 20,278
Date of Issue 2014/12/19
Date of Implementation 2015/3/1
Quoted Standard GB 3097; GB 12348; GB 12801; GB 13223; GB/T 19229.3; GB 50016; GB/T 50033; GB 50040; GB 50046; GB 50069; GB/T 50087; GB 50140; GB 50222; GB 50229; GB 50243; GB 50660; GBJ 22; GBZ 1; DL 5009.1; DL/T 5029; DL/T 5035; DL/T 5044; DL 5053; DL/T 5136; DL/T 5153
Drafting Organization Beijing Longyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Ministry of Environment Protection
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Environmental Protection announcement 2014 No. 84
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Environmental Protection
Summary This Standard specifies the seawater thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project design, engineering brigade, acceptance, operation and maintenance and other technical requirements. This Standard applies to Penang at sea a unit capacity of 300 MW

HJ 2046-2014 Technical specification for seawater flue gas desulfrization project of thermal power plant People's Republic of China National Environmental Protection Standards Thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project technical specification Seawater law Technical specification for seawater flue gas desulfurization project of thermal power plant (release draft) Issued on.2014-12-19 2015-03-01 implementation Issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Table of Contents Preface ..II 1. Scope ..1 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions .2 4. Pollutants and pollution load .. 3 5 general requirements .. 3 6 ..4 Process Design 7 process equipment and materials ..7 8 ..8 detection and process control 9 9 mainly aided engineering 10 labor safety and occupational health ..13 11 construction and acceptance .14 12 Operation and Maintenance 14 Appendix A ..17 Foreword For the implementation of the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law", "People's Republic of China Air Pollution Prevention Law" and "Power Plant Air pollutant emission standards "to regulate the seawater thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project construction, to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from thermal power plants, improve the environment Quality, protection of human health, the development of this standard. This standard specifies the seawater thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project design, construction and installation, commissioning, operation and management of technical requirements and acceptance. This standard is a guiding standard. This standard is the first release. This standard is developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Science, Technology organization. Drafting of this standard. Beijing Longyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., China Environmental Science Society. The Ministry of Environmental Protection Standards December 19, 2014 for approval. This standard since March 1, 2015 implementation. This standard by the Ministry of Environmental Protection is responsible for interpretation. Thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project technical specification seawater Method 1 Scope This standard specifies the seawater thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project design, construction, inspection, operation and maintenance and other technical requirements. This standard applies to coastal a unit capacity of 300 MW and above Thermal Power Plant seawater flue gas desulfurization project, 300 MW thermal power less It may refer to when seawater flue gas desulfurization unit. Its waters should have good diffusion ocean conditions. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this standard is essential. For undated references, the effective version applies to this standard quasi. GB 3097 water quality standards GB 12348 industrial enterprises of environmental noise emission standard plant boundary GB 12801 General requirements for the production process safety and health GB 13223 Thermal Power Plant Air Pollutant Emission Standards GB/T 19229.3 Part III coal-fired flue gas desulphurization equipment. Seawater Flue Gas Desulfurization equipment GB 50016 architectural design code for fire protection GB/T 50033 architectural lighting design standards GB 50040 dynamic machine foundation design specification GB 50046 Code for anticorrosion design of industrial buildings GB 50069 Water Supply and Drainage Structural design code GB/T 50087 Industrial Enterprise Noise Control Design Specification GB 50140 Building fire extinguishers configuration design specifications GB 50222 interior decoration of buildings for fire protection design GB 50229 fire protection design of power plant and substation GB 50243 Construction Quality Acceptance of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering GB 50660 and medium-sized power plant design specifications GB J 22 factories and road design specifications GB Z 1 Design of Industrial Enterprises hygiene standards DL 5009.1 power construction safety regulations (thermal power plant section) DL/T 5029 power plant construction decoration design standards DL/T 5035 power plant heating, ventilation and air conditioning design technical regulations DL/T 5044 Electric Power Design Engineering Technical specification DC system DL 5053 power plant labor safety and industrial hygiene regulations Design DL/T 5136 power plant, substation secondary wiring design technical regulations DL/T 5153 power plant auxiliary power design regulations DL/T 5196 Technical specification for power plant flue gas desulfurization design DL/T 5339 Hydraulic power plant design specifications DL/T 5436 seawater thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project commissioning adjustment and quality assessment procedures and acceptance HJ/T 75 stationary sources Continuous Emission Monitoring Technical Specifications HJ/T 76 stationary sources flue gas emissions continuous monitoring system technical requirements and test methods HJ/T 179 thermal power plant flue gas desulfurization project technical specification limestone/lime - gypsum HJ/T 255 Construction Project Environmental Protection acceptance for power plant "Project (Project) final acceptance approach" (Total construction [1990] No. 1215) "Acceptance of completed construction projects management approach" (SEPA Order No. 13) 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Seawater FGD seawater flue gas desulfurization Using seawater as a wet flue gas desulfurization absorber, the present standard of the process does not add other chemicals. 3.2 absorbent absorbent Desulfurization process for removing sulfur dioxide reactants (SO2) and other harmful substances. Absorbent seawater desulfurization process is used Seawater, usually from the coastal thermal power condenser circulating cooling water. 3.3 absorber absorber Desulfurization reaction apparatus removing SO2 and other harmful substances. 3.4 Seawater recovery system seawater recovery system Seawater after desulfurization were, aeration and other methods to make the final discharge water quality is restored to meet the relevant quality requirements of the system. Generally include aeration tank, aeration blowers and aeration and the like. 3.5 aeration tank aeration basin Utilization and aeration methods such as seawater desulfurization of water quality recovery processing building structures. 3.6 flue gas cooling system accident emergency quench water system When the temperature in the boiler flue gas desulfurization equipment accident conditions exceed the design inlet temperature of flue gas, desulfurization system equipment and to protect the wood preservative Safe operation of the flue gas material provided emergency cooling equipment and systems. 4. Pollutants and pollution load The amount of flue gas desulfurization equipment 4.1 flue gas inlet, SO2 content can be calculated according to the provisions of HJ/T 179's. 4.2 smoke constituents other contaminants (such as hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), sulfur trioxide (of SO3)) should be based on the design data of the fuel Material analysis data calculated or measured data is determined. 4.3 system design desulfurization efficiency seawater flue gas desulfurization devices shall meet local thermal power plant SO2 emission limits and total control. Take off Efficiency of sulfur by HJ/T 179 is calculated. 5 general requirements 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 new construction, renovation, expansion of the FGD plant should be the main project and thermal power plants or heating boiler at the same time design, construction, and Put into use. 5.1.2 absorber design life of new generating units shall not be less than 30 years, the absorber design life of not less than existing turbines Generator set life. 5.1.3 seawater FGD boilers, coal-fired its average sulfur content (as received) should be not more than 1%. When the unit has both cooling sea When water does not meet the needs of the desulfurization process, the water should be added to the amount inadequate. Supplemented seawater through technical and economic measures should be integrated more reasonable after determine. 5.1.4 flue gas inlet dust concentration of seawater FGD unit should not exceed 30 mg/Nm3. 5.1.5 desulfurization equipment design, construction should be consistent with GB 50660, DL/T 5196 and other relevant requirements of standards and regulations, and to ensure that its exhaust fumes Put in line with GB 13223 standards or local requirements. Water quality efflux 5.1.6 seawater flue gas desulfurization apparatus treatment should be in accordance with the approved emission waters offshore environmental function zoning, Marine function zoning requirements for the implementation of GB 3097. Measures to reduce noise 5.1.7 desulfurization island design, construction, should take effective sound insulation, noise reduction, greening, noise and vibration control Design should comply with GB/T 50087 and GB 50040, and the plant boundary noise should reach GB 12348 requirements. 5.1.8 seawater FGD project shall take the necessary measures to ensure that waste gas, solid waste, treatment and disposal of heavy metals were in line with Requirements and corresponding standards EIA approval document. 5.1.9 flue gas desulfurization project, shall comply with this standard, it should also comply with the relevant national project quality, safety, health, fire and other parties From mandatory standard provisions surfaces. 5.2 General layout Total plane 5.2.1 seawater FGD equipment shall be arranged in line with GB/T 19229.3, DL/T 5196, HJ/T 179 requirements. 5.2.1 General Plan should be combined with seawater desulfurization process and site conditions are arranged according to local conditions, and can be divided into the absorber region and the aeration tank area area. 5.2.2 absorber area should be arranged in the vicinity of the chimney, which built structures in accordance with the process to determine the general arranged absorber, the flue support Planes, flue gas heat exchanger (if any) support, booster fan (if any) between the foundation and maintenance support, electrical control building, CEMS and small; aeration Pool area should be arranged in the vicinity of the circulating water drains, which is also building structures according to the process to determine the general arrangement of seawater booster pumping station, Aeration fan room, aeration tank, sampling devices and the like; as far away from the two regions, may be disposed between the aeration fan local control room equipment. 6 Process Design 6.1 Process 6.1.1 seawater FGD equipment shall seawater supply systems, flue gas systems, sulfur dioxide absorption system and sea water recovery system and other components. Typical seawater FGD process shown in Figure 1. 6.1.2 boiler flue gas desulphurization booster fan (if any) boost, the flue gas heat exchanger (if any) after cooling into the absorber by sea water Remove droplets carried by flue gas heat exchanger and then through a demister at the top of the flue gas desulfurization scrubber absorber settings (if any) to heat up, the most After discharge from the chimney. 6.1.3 desulfurization absorber drain into waterways recovery system aeration tank, and the water from the unit through the condenser outlet blending and aeration Treatment, etc., to restore water quality standards after discharging into the sea. 6.1.4 The total demand seawater seawater seawater desulfurization apparatus comprising an absorption tower and the amount of supply aeration tank. Figure 1 Typical seawater FGD process schematic Aeration Fan Original flue booster Fan Aeration tank GGH seawater Booster pump Cooling water accident air Drain back into the sea waters (Condensate from unit Steam outlet seawater) Gas Heat Cooling water accident 6.2 desulfurization apparatus main process systems 6.2.1 seawater supply system seawater supply system including sea water booster pump and piping and valves; absorber should adopt the unit system of water supply system. In addition to the water outlet of the booster pump water supply line, the seawater supply line should be used by gravity, should not affect the unit circuit water The safe operation of the system. booster pump seawater number should be determined according to the number of the absorber, type and operational reliability. Seawater booster pump should pump equipment. boost seawater pump house should be designed to meet the DL/T 5339 related requirements; sea water booster pump should be set up before the pool, and should be in the water Before the entrance to the pool filter settings. Seawater booster pump should be located at the outlet of water hammer action. Seawater booster pump material flow components should be able to meet the operational requirements seawater corrosion environment. seawater piping design should take full account of the working medium of the pipeline system corrosion and wear. Seawater pipeline should be buried cladding mode Set. The flow rate of the pipeline media selection by DL/T 5339 OK. seawater supply line valve should be selected on the butterfly valve flow through the pipe diameter should be consistent. Should be used between the valve and the pipe Flange connection. should be set on the absorber pipe emptying water supply measures, each 50 m ~ 100 m should set the manhole. Strainer or filter should be set on the sea booster pump outlet water pipes. 6.2.2 Flue system desulfurization booster fan and induced draft fan should merge settings. When not possible, set up a separate booster fan. desulfurization booster fan should consider the following requirements. a) desulfurization booster fan axial fan should be chosen. b) the type and quantity of booster fan with the unit should lead the same fan. c) When multiple units combined with an absorption tower should be determined according to the number of fans after technical and economic comparison. d) Basic air volume booster fan according to the amount of flue gas absorption tower design conditions to consider. Air volume margin desulfurization booster fan is not less than 10%, plus a margin of not less than a temperature of 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ of. Desulfurization booster fan pressure head substantially desulfurization apparatus itself resistance And desulfurization equipment and the import and export of pressure, outlet pressure by the body responsible for the design unit. Head Margin of not less than 20%. e) When the booster fan running in parallel, each of the booster fan, the inlet should be set bezel door. approval of advice should determine whether to set the flue gas heat exchanger according to the construction project environmental impact assessment document. flue gas heat exchanger heating surface should be taken to prevent low temperature corrosion, wear, anti-blocking, anti-fouling and other measures. flue gas heat exchanger heating surface should have good cleaning and washing measures, and should strengthen the maintenance and management of the operation. flue gas systems should be designed with reference to corrosion HJ/T 179 executed. flue gas desulfurization equipment original design temperature should be used when the boiler maximum continuous operating mode (BMCR) under the burning fuel from the host flue design Into the desulfurization device interface at runtime flue gas temperature plus 15 ℃, short-term operating temperature can increase 50 ℃. flue gas cooling system accident a) Select the water cooling system flue gas accident should be combined with the required cooling water flow and water supply capacity to determine the general should adopt electric Industrial water plant. b) shall be subject to the flue gas accident cooling water spray nozzle fully join the flue after. c) the position of the flue gas cooling water spray cooling system accident should be set at the time of the induced draft fan or booster fan (no booster fan) and flue gas exchange Flue (without flue gas heat exchanger) between the heat or absorber, and left to ensure that the flue gas atomized cooling water is evaporated to dryness required Correspondence between the flue length. d) flue gas accident cooling system should be set up cooling water buffer tank. Installation height should meet the buffer tank nozzle spray atomization of the indenter Requirements, water tank capacity should meet at least 2 to 5 minutes of consumption of water. Fill the buffer tank should be equipped with water pumps and other measures complement Pumps should use a reliable power supply. e) When the water pressure to meet the water and reliable water nozzle pressure, water can also be a direct water supply. f) The use of direct water supply pump, the pump head should meet the requirements of the pressure nozzle. Reliable power supply for the pump should be used. 6.2.3 sulfur dioxide absorption system sulfur dioxide absorption system equipment includes absorption tower and its internal parts. Absorber should be based on the number of boiler capacity, desulphurization installation Determined set reliability requirements, water supply conditions. 300 MW or more units should be equipped with a furnace a tower; 200 MW and two units under appropriate Furnace with a tower. Seawater desulfurization process can be packed tower, spray tower or other tower, using a gas-liquid countercurrent. absorption column body can make concrete or steel structure, anti-corrosion measures should be taken to the inner wall of the tower. Tower equipment should be able fit It should tower temperature and corrosion requirements. When the spray tower, the number of spray levels should be based on the amount of flue gas desulfurization, flue gas SO2 concentration, desulfurization efficiency, water quality and Factors such as temperature setting, should not be less than three. absorber should be installed defogger. Normal operating conditions, the flue gas outlet mist droplet concentration should not exceed 75 mg/Nm3. absorber should be provided with sufficient number and size of Manhole, repair and maintenance in order to meet the requirements. absorber evacuation measures should be set after the bottom of the outage. absorber drainage point should be set to manual sampling points. absorber should be set up outside for repair and maintenance of platforms and escalators, platform design load of not less than 4 kN/m2, the width of the platform is not small To 1.2 m; tower should be provided with fixed maintenance platform. 6.2.4 Seawater recovery system sea recovery aeration tank should be based on the number of absorber configuration, aeration tank inlet sea water allocation requirements, water supply conditions, Maintenance and reliability requirements determined. 300 MW and above units should adopt a furnace with an aeration tank. sea recovery systems process design and equipment selection should also meet the emissions of chemical oxygen demand in the water (COD), pH value And dissolved oxygen (DO) requirements. Aeration treatment should be preceded by the acidic seawater from the absorber is diluted to a pH of 5 or more. Size aeration tanks effective aeration area should be based on the inlet flue gas desulfurization equipment parameters desulfurization efficiency, water quality conditions, sea Water effluent quality requirements and other factors to determine the ambient temperature, should have good operating economy. aeration tank level should be based on the design tide level at the outlet of the circulating water drain (not less than 10% of the high tide level requirements) and the sea Determine resistance and other water drainage canals factors. Running tidal seawater changes should not affect the aeration tank, aeration tank should prevent high tide Marine spill measures. Aeration fan selection should be sized according to the aeration tank design level. Fan type centrifugal fan should be adopted, when the conditions are right Roots blower may choose, do not use the equipment, no less than two. Setting aeration system as a whole should have the energy saving, the composition is simple, easy installation and maintenance management, easy to row In addition to failure and so on. aerator should be used in a uniform gas distribution, the resistance is small, easy to plug, corrosion-resistant, easy operation and maintenance, long life type. Seawater pool emptying and maintenance measures aeration tank should be designed. aeration tank body should adopt the reinforced concrete structure. Aeration tanks to sea water aeration areas should be protected against rot; aeration tank In all exposure to salt spray and water gas equipment, pipelines, platforms and escalators holder should have a salt spray corrosion prevention measures; should be easy to avoid Equipment and facilities corroded arranged near the aeration tank. aeration tank area should have good noise control measures. 7 process equipment and materials 7.1 General provisions Select the 7.1.1 process equipment and materials should be based on economic, applicable, to meet specific process requirements desulfurization unit, can choose a long-running Reliability and long service life of equipment and materials. Selection and Performance 7.1.2 The main process equipment requirements, see Chapter 6 of this standard. 7.1.3 Materials should be selected in the thermal power plant commonly used material. 7....... ......

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