HJ 1013-2018 PDF English
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Specifications and test procedures for nonmethane hydrocarbons continuous emission monitoring system in stationary sources
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HJ 1013-2018: PDF in English HJ 1013-2018
Specifications and test procedures for nonmethane
hydrocarbons continuous emission monitoring
system in stationary sources
Issued by: Ministry of Ecological Environment
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 System composition and structure ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 7
6 Performance indicators ... 11
7 Testing method ... 13
8 Quality assurance ... 27
9 Testing items ... 30
Appendix A (Normative) NMHC-CEMS daily report, monthly report, annual
report ... 33
Appendix B (Informative) Original record of laboratory testing and on-site
testing ... 38
Appendix C (Normative) Calculation of conversion of volume concentration to
mass concentration in carbon ... 47
Specifications and test procedures for nonmethane
hydrocarbons continuous emission monitoring
system in stationary sources
1 Scope
This standard specifies the composition structure, technical requirements,
performance indicators, detection methods of nonmethane hydrocarbons
continuous emission monitoring system in stationary sources.
This standard applies to the design, production, testing of nonmethane
hydrocarbons continuous emission monitoring system in stationary sources.
2 Normative references
This standard refers to the following documents or their clauses. For undated
reference documents, their valid versions are applicable to this standard.
GB 3836.1 Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment - General
GB/T 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB/T 16157 The determination of particulates and sampling methods of
gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
HJ 38 Stationary source emission - Determination of total hydrocarbons,
methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography
HJ 75 Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of SO2, NOX, and
particulate matter in the flue gas emitted from stationary sources
HJ 76 Specifications and test procedures for continuous emission monitoring
system for SO2, NOX and particulate matter in flue gas emitted from
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
5.1.1 NMHC-CEMS shall have a product nameplate. The nameplate shall be
marked with product name, model, manufacturer, exit-factory number,
manufacturing date, power supply specifications, main parameter span, etc.
5.1.2 The surface of NMHC-CEMS shall be intact, without obvious defects; all
parts and components shall be connected reliably; operating keys and buttons
shall be flexible to use; positioning shall be accurate.
5.1.3 The panel of the NMHC-CEMS host is clearly displayed; the color is firm;
the characters and markings are easy to identify; there shall be no defects,
which affect the reading.
5.1.4 The shell or outer cover of the outdoor parts of NMHC-CEMS shall at least
meet the requirements of IP55 protection level in GB/T 4208.
5.2 Working conditions
NMHC-CEMS shall work normally under the following conditions:
a) Indoor ambient temperature: (15 ~ 35) °C; outdoor ambient temperature:
(-20 ~ 50) °C;
b) Relative humidity: ≤ 85%;
c) Atmospheric pressure: (80 ~ 106) kPa;
d) Power supply voltage: AC (220 ± 22) V, (50 ± 1) Hz.
Note: Under special environmental conditions, the configuration of system
equipment shall meet the requirements of local environmental conditions.
5.3 Safety requirements
5.3.1 Insulation resistance
When the ambient temperature is (15 ~ 35) °C and the relative humidity is ≤
85%, the insulation resistance of the system power terminal to the ground or
the chassis is not less than 20 MΩ.
5.3.2 Insulation strength
When the ambient temperature is (15 ~ 35) °C and the relative humidity is ≤
85%, the system shall last for 1 min, under 1500 V (effective value), 50 Hz sine
wave test voltage; there shall be no breakdown or arcing.
5.3.3 The system shall have a leakage protection device and good grounding
measures, to prevent damage to the system, which is caused by lightning
5.3.4 Installation and users shall establish effective safety measures, to prevent
the leakage of flammable, explosive, toxic, harmful gases; prevent other safety
risks. If the equipment installation environment has explosion-proof
requirements, it must be implemented, in accordance with the relevant
requirements in GB 3836.1.
5.4 Functional requirements
5.4.1 Requirements for sample collection and transmission devices The sample collection and transmission device shall select the materials,
which are resistant to high temperature, corrosion, non-absorptive, non-reactive
with the pollutants under test; meanwhile, it shall not affect the normal
measurement of the pollutants under test. The sample collection device shall have the functions of heating, heat
preservation, backflushing purification. The heating shall be uniform and stable.
The heating temperature shall be ensured to be above 120 °C, or 20 °C higher
than the flue gas temperature, whichever is higher. The heating temperature
value shall be able to be displayed and queried, in the cabinet or system
software. The sample collection device shall have a particulate filtering function.
The front or back end of the sampling equipment shall be equipped with a
particulate filter, which is easy to replace or clean. The filter shall be able to filter
particles, which has a particle size of at least 5 μm. The sample transfer pipeline shall have the functions of stable and
uniform heating and heat preservation. The heating temperature shall be
ensured to be above 120 °C, or 20 °C higher than the flue gas temperature,
whichever is higher. The heating temperature value shall be able to be
displayed and queried, in the cabinet or system software. There shall be at least two gas transmission pipes, in the sample
transmission pipeline, one is used for collection and transmission of sample gas,
whilst the other is used for full process calibration of calibration gas. The
system's sample collection and transmission device shall meet the
requirements for completing the functions of calibrating the complete system. The sampling pump shall have sufficient suction capacity, to overcome
the negative pressure of the flue; ensure that the sampling flow is accurate,
reliable, and relatively stable.
5.4.2 Pretreatment equipment The pretreatment equipment and its components shall be easy to clean
and replace. It shall be made of materials, which do not absorb and do not react
instruments. The exhaust gas discharge pipeline of the system shall be laid in a
standard manner. It shall not be placed randomly. The tail gas discharge device of the system shall be able to ensure that
the moisture in the exhaust gas does not condense, accumulate or even freeze,
causing blockage of the tail gas discharge pipeline and poor exhaust. If
necessary, it shall be equipped with heating or trace-heating devices, gas-liquid
separation devices, etc. The system shall be equipped with a regular automatic back-flushing
device, according to the actual needs of the site, to regularly back-flush other
measuring parts, such as the sample collection device, to avoid blockage
caused by accumulation of particles. The zero air pretreatment device shall have the functions of dust
removal, water removal, oil removal, hydrocarbon removal. The generated zero
air shall meet the requirements of The internal gas pipelines, circuits, data transmission lines inside the
system shall be laid in a standardized manner. The pipelines of the same type
shall be assembled and set as centralized as possible. Different types of
pipelines OR pipelines of different functions and directions shall be
distinguished by clear markings. Various wiring shall be safe and reasonable,
AND easy to find, maintain, repair.
5.4.6 Requirements of calibration function The system shall be able to be calibrated manually and/or automatically. For the system, which adopts the extraction measurement method, it
shall have a fixed and easy-to-operate calibration gas full-system calibration
6 Performance indicators
6.1 Laboratory testing
6.1.1 Analysis cycle
System analysis cycle: ≤ 2 min.
6.1.2 Instrument detection limit
The detection limit of the system: ≤ 0.8 mg/m3.
For devices that use catalytic oxidation technology to oxidize gaseous organic
compounds other than methane, the conversion efficiency shall not be less than
6.1.12 Parallelism
The relative standard deviation of the displayed value of the same standard
sample, which is measured by three systems (sets), is not more than 5%.
6.2 On-site detection of pollutant discharge
6.2.1 Analysis cycle
System analysis cycle: ≤ 3 min.
6.2.2 24h drift
24 h zero drift and span drift: Not more than ± 3% of full scale.
6.2.3 Accuracy
When using the reference method to make measurement, the average
concentration of the non-methane hydrocarbon is:
a) When < 50 mg/m3, the absolute value of the absolute error of the average
value of the measurement results of NMHC-CEMS and the reference
method is ≤ 20 mg/m3;
b) When ≥ 50 mg/m3 ~ < 500 mg/m3, the relative accuracy of the
measurement results of NMHC-CEMS and the reference method is ≤ 40%;
c) When ≥ 500 mg/m3, the relative accuracy of the measurement results of
NMHC-CEMS and the reference method is ≤ 35%.
6.2.4 Performance indicators of exhaust gas parameters
The performance indicator requirements of exhaust gas parameters (oxygen,
flow rate, flue gas temperature, humidity) shall meet the relevant requirements
of HJ 76.
7 Testing method
7.1 Laboratory testing requirements and methods
7.1.1 General requirements Take at least 3 sets of systems of the same model for simultaneous
testing, at the designated laboratory site. When the system has dual-span or multi-span (non-hardware
adjustment), only the minimum span of the instrument will be tested for
technical indicators. The maximum detection span of the non-methane
hydrocarbon monitoring unit is 200 mg/m3. During the testing, in addition to system zero and span calibration, it is
not allowed for unplanned maintenance, overhaul, adjustment of the system. If the test is interrupted due to power supply problems, after the power
supply returns to normal, continue testing; the completed test indicators and
data are valid. If the test is interrupted due to a system failure, restart the test after the
system returns to normal; the completed test indicators and data will be invalid.
During the test period, the number of system failures per unit (set) is ≤ 2. For systems with automatic calibration function, it may set any cycle;
the system will perform automatic calibration; during the testing, the automatic
calibration cycle shall be set to ≥ 24 h. For the test data of each technical indicator, it adopts the final result,
which is recorded by the system data collection and processing unit. The mass concentration of pollutants, in this standard, is the dry mass
concentration of carbon, in the standard state.
7.1.2 Standard material requirements Calibration gas: Commercially available certified calibration gas, which
has an uncertainty of ≤ 2.0%. Nitrogen or clean air can be used for zero gas (zero point gas), of which
hydrocarbons shall not exceed 0.3 mg/m3. Span calibration gas adopts methane or propane calibration gas; its
concentration is within the span of (80% ~ 100%) full scale. The calibration gas
of lower concentration can be obtained, by diluting the calibration gas of high
concentration. The precision of the dilution device shall be within 1.0%.
7.1.3 Laboratory testing methods Analysis cycle
The analysis cycle time refers to the time interval, between the two sets of
measurement results, which are given, during continuous operation of NMHC-
CEMS. There are 3 measurements in 3 consecutive days. The daily analysis
cycle time shall meet the requirements of Table 3.
7.2 On-site testing requirements and methods
7.2.1 General requirements The on-site pollution source discharge testing is allowed only, after all
the laboratory test indicators have passed. The technical requirements for on-site installation and commissioning
of the system shall comply with the relevant content of the HJ 75 standard. The sampling location, number of sampling holes, sampling point
settings of the system reference method on-site shall meet the relevant
requirements of the GB/T 16157 standard. On-site testing includes initial inspection, 90-day operation, re-
inspection. After NMHC-CEMS debugging is completed, the initial inspection
can be carried out, within 168 hours of normal operation. After the initial
inspection is qualified, it will enter the 90-day on-site operation period. After the
90-day operation meets the requirements, the re-inspection will be carried out. During the initial inspection and re-inspection, in addition to system
calibration, it is not allowed to carry out unplanned maintenance, overhaul,
adjustment of the system. During the initial inspection and re-inspection, if the test is interrupted,
due to the on-site pollution source emission failure or power supply problem,
after the troubleshooting or the power supply returns to normal, continue the
testing; the completed test indicators and data are valid. If the test is interrupted
due to a system failure, the test ends. For systems with automatic calibration function, any cycle can be set;
the system will perform automatic calibration. During the testing period, the
automatic calibration cycle shall be set to ≥ 24 h. During the 90-day on-site operation period, it shall carry out the
necessary calibration, maintenance, overhaul, in accordance with the quality
assurance plan. The system shall remotely transmit the on-site monitoring data,
as required. If the 90-day remote transmission rate of valid data reaches more
than 90%, the on-site operation test passes; otherwise, the operation period is
extended, until the requirements are met. If the system data is missing OR the
transmission is interrupted, due to on-site power supply problems or system
failures, the data will be invalid, during this period of time. The test data of each technical indicator adopts the final result, which is
recorded by the data collection and processing unit. The requirements for standard materials are consistent with the
laboratory testing requirements, as shown in 7.1.2.
7.2.2 On-site testing methods Analysis cycle
The on-site testing method of the analysis cycle time is consistent with the
laboratory testing method, as shown in The results shall meet the
requirements of Table 4. 24h drift
The detection methods of on-site 24h zero drift and span drift are consistent
with the laboratory detection methods, as shown in The results shall
meet the requirements of Table 4. Accuracy
a) When the analysis cycle time and 24h drift detection pass, the accuracy
testing can be performed.
b) After NMHC-CEMS under test runs stably, perform zero point and span
calibration, respectively.
c) After the NMHC-CEMS under test is synchronized with the reference test
method, to measure the non-methane hydrocarbon emissions on site, the
data collector continuously records the measured value, until the end of
the test by the reference method.
d) Take the reference method, within the same time interval (usually 2 ~ 3
times the analysis cycle), to form a data pair, with the NMHC-CEMS
measurement results, to ensure that the reference method and the
NMHC-CEMS measurement data are under the same conditions (exhaust
gas temperature, pressure, humidity, etc., which generally take the
standard dry basis concentration).
e) Obtain at least 9 sets of data pairs every day, for accuracy calculation.
f) When the average value of the non-methane hydrocarbon concentration,
which is measured by the reference method, is less than 50 mg/m3,
calculate the absolute value of the absolute error of the average value of
all data pair, which is measured by NMHC-CEMS and the reference
method; the results shall meet the requirements of Table 4.
g) When the average concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons, which is
measured by the reference method, is ≥ 50 mg/m3, calculate the relative
accuracy, according to formulas (16) ~ (21). The results shall meet the
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.