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HJ 2045-2014 English PDF

HJ 2045-2014_English: PDF (HJ2045-2014)
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HJ 2045-2014English809 Add to Cart 6 days [Need to translate] Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment Valid HJ 2045-2014

Standard ID HJ 2045-2014 (HJ2045-2014)
Description (Translated English) Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z23
Classification of International Standard 13.060.40
Word Count Estimation 31,355
Date of Issue 2014/12/19
Date of Implementation 2015/3/1
Quoted Standard GB 150; GB 12348; GB 18484; GB 18597; GB 18598; GB 50003; GB 50007; GB 50009; GB 50010; GB 50011; GB 50014; GB 50016; GB 50017; GB 50033; GB 50037; GB 50046; GB 50058; GB 50068; GB 50069; GB 50108; GB 50141; GB 50160; GB 50191; GB 50202; GB 50203; GB 5020
Drafting Organization China National Petroleum Co., Ltd. Petrochemical Research Institute
Administrative Organization Ministry of Environment Protection
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Environmental Protection Announcement 2014 No. 84
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Environmental Protection
Summary This Standard specifies the petroleum refining industry waste water treatment project design, construction, inspection and operation management of technical requirements. This Standard applies to petroleum refining enterprise wastewater treatment project,

HJ 2045-2014 Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment People's Republic of China National Environmental Protection Standards Petroleum refining industry Wastewater Treatment Project Technical Specifications Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment Issued on.2014-12-19 2015-03-01 implementation Issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection I directory Preface II 1. Scope ..1 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions .3 4 Design of water quality and water ..4 5 ..7 general requirements 6 ..8 Process Design 7 main process equipment and materials .20 8 detection and process control 20 9 Main aided engineering .21 10 labor safety and occupational health ..22 11 22 Construction and Acceptance Operation and maintenance 12 26 Foreword To implement the "People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Law" and "People's Republic of China Water Pollution Prevention Law" to regulate oil Refining industry wastewater treatment project design, construction and operation management, prevention and control of environmental pollution, protect the environment and human health, system The final version of the standard. This standard specifies the technical requirements of the oil refining industry wastewater treatment project design, construction, inspection and operation management. This standard is a guiding standard. This standard is the first release. This standard is developed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Science, Technology organization. This standard is mainly drafted by. China National Petroleum Corp. Oil Chemical Research Institute, China Petroleum Engineering construction Set design company Dalian Branch, China Environment Federation Technical Standards Environmental Studies Committee, Yu-Star Technology Development (Shenzhen Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. The Ministry of Environmental Protection Standards December 19, 2014 for approval. This standard since March 1, 2015 implementation. The standard explanation by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. 1 petroleum refining industry Wastewater Treatment Project Technical Specifications 1 Scope This standard specifies the petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment project design, construction, inspection and operation management of technical requirements. This standard applies to petroleum refining enterprise wastewater treatment project, as environmental impact assessment, feasibility studies, design, Construction, installation, commissioning, acceptance, operation and supervision of the technical basis. 2 Normative references The standard content of the following documents cited in the articles. For undated references, the effective version applies to this standard. GB 150 Pressure Vessel GB 12348 industrial enterprises of environmental noise emission standard plant boundary GB 14554 standard malodorous emissions GB 18484 Hazardous Waste Incineration Pollution Control Standard GB 18597 Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standard GB 18598 Hazardous Waste Landfill Pollution Control Standard GB 50003 Code for Design of masonry structures GB 50007 Code for design of building foundation GB 50009 building structural load specifications GB 50010 Design of Concrete Structures GB 50011 Seismic Design of Buildings GB 50014 outdoor drainage design specifications GB 50016 architectural design code for fire protection Design of steel structures GB 50017 GB 50033 architectural lighting design standards GB 50037 Code for design of building ground GB 50046 Code for anticorrosion design of industrial buildings GB 50058 explosion hazardous environment design of electric installations 50068 building structure GB unified standard for reliability design 2GB 50069 Water Supply and Drainage Structural design code GB 50108 Technical code for waterproofing of underground works GB 50141 structures of water supply engineering construction and acceptance GB 50160 fire protection design of petrochemical enterprises GB 50191 Code for seismic design of structures GB 50202 foundation engineering foundation construction quality acceptance Construction Quality Acceptance GB 50203 masonry structure specification GB 50204 Construction Quality Acceptance of Concrete Structure Engineering Steel Engineering Construction Quality Acceptance GB 50205 GB 50206 Construction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structure Engineering GB 50231 mechanical equipment installation construction and acceptance of universal norms GB 50235 industrial metal pipeline construction norms GB 50254 electrical low-voltage electrical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance GB 50255 electric equipment installation engineering power converter equipment for construction and acceptance GB 50256 electrical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance of electric device GB 50257 electrical equipment installation engineering explosion and fire hazard electrical equipment installation and acceptance GB 50268 and drainage in construction and acceptance GB 50275 fans, compressors, pumps, installation engineering construction and acceptance GB 50300 Construction Quality Acceptance of uniform standards GB 50334 municipal sewage treatment plant construction quality acceptance GB 50345 roofing project technical specifications GB/T 50087 Industrial Enterprise Noise Control Design Specification GB/T 50934 Petrochemical engineering seepage technical specifications GB Z 2.1 Workplace Hazardous Occupational Exposure Limits - Part 1. Chemical hazardous agents GB Z 2.2 Workplace Hazardous Occupational Exposure Limits - Part 2. physical factors CECS 117 Water Supply and Drainage Design of concrete structures deformation joint procedures CECS 138 Water Supply and Drainage Design of reinforced concrete structures procedure Pool CJJ 60 urban sewage treatment plant operation, maintenance and safety technical regulations HJ 2010 film biological wastewater treatment engineering technical specifications 3HJ 2025 hazardous waste collection storage and transportation Technical Specifications SH 3017 petrochemical production design SH 3043 petrochemical equipment and piping in surface color and identification requirements SH 3501 Petroleum and Chemical combustible medium steel pipeline construction and acceptance SH/T 3022 petrochemical equipment and pipeline corrosion coating design specifications SH/T 3053 petrochemical enterprises overall layout design specifications JB/T 8471 baghouse technical requirements for installation and acceptance JB/T 8536 ESP technology mechanical installation conditions "Construction project environmental protection facilities in the acceptance monitoring technical requirements" (UNCED [2000] 38) "Acceptance of completed construction projects management approach" (SEPA Order No. 13) 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 petroleum refining industry petroleum refining industry It refers to the crude oil, heavy oil and other raw materials to produce gasoline fractions, diesel fractions, fuel oil, petroleum wax, petroleum asphalt, lubricating Oil and petrochemical raw materials such as industrial enterprises or production facilities. 3.2 petroleum refining industry waste petroleum refining industry wastewater Refers to the petroleum refining industry wastewater generated in the production process, including the production of waste, pollution, rain (mixed with wastewater Processing), sewage, cooling water blowdown, chemical water system of water sewage water, steam generator blowdown water, waste heat boiler Sewage water. Not including refineries owned power plants, boilers and waste water services to its water chemistry of water sewage water. 3.3 Wastewater process wastewater Refers to the production process in the petroleum refining industry in direct contact with the production of material discharged from the production plant effluents. Production waste Water is wastewater, sulfur-containing waste water, salt water and the like. 3.4-contaminated stormwater polluted rainwater It means that contaminated material does not meet emissions standards rain. 3.5 of FCC regenerator flue gas desulfurization wastewater flue gas desulfurization effluent of FCC regenerator Means of FCC regenerator flue gas desulfurization wastewater emissions. 3.6 grease oil separation It refers to the use of the density difference between oil and water separation to remove oil in wastewater suspension process. 43.7 coagulation coagulation It means adding coagulant, done under certain conditions water hydrolysis, condensation reaction, the colloidal dispersion destabilization and cohesion process. 3.8 flocculation flocculation Refers to the complete cohesion colloidal under certain water conditions collide with each other, adding a small amount of flocculant aggregation or coagulation to form a more Process large floc particles. 3.9 Flotation air floatation Refers to a large number of micro air bubbles generated by some method, the adhesion of water and destabilization of colloidal particles suspended in the water floating solid-liquid A process in separation. 3.10 Hydrolysis Acidification hydrolytic acidification It means under anaerobic conditions for the complex structure of the insoluble or soluble organic polymer after hydrolysis and acid production, into Simple low-molecular organic material in the process. 3.11 hypoxia anoxic zone Means a non-oxygenated pool (area), dissolved oxygen concentration is generally 0.2 ~ 0.5mg/L, the main function is to carry out denitrification. 3.12 aerobic zone aerobic zone Refers to the oxygenated pool (area), dissolved oxygen concentration is generally not less than 2mg/L, the main function is the degradation of organic matter and ammonia nitrogen nitrification. 3.13 depth treatment advanced treatment It means the further processing of the biological treatment of pollutants in water purification processes. 4 Design of water quality and water 4.1 Wastewater origin and classification Petroleum refining industry has major emitters of wastewater. wastewater, sulfur-containing waste water, salt water and the like. The main sources of wastewater And classification are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Main sources of wastewater and classification Production unit means drainage classification Atmospheric and vacuum Electric desalting saline wastewater tank Oily water separator overhead sulfur wastewater FCC naphtha sulfur waste water tank drain 5 condensed sulfur wastewater drainage tank Regeneration FGD waste water salinity Waste heat boiler drum drainage of oily wastewater Delayed Coking Coking coke cooling tower water oily wastewater Taqie coking coke water oily wastewater Contact cooling tower water separator cut water oily wastewater Fractionator overhead separating tank separating sulfur water drainage Catalytic reforming Sulfur-containing waste water drainage and gas separator Vacuum condensate containing sulfur waste Reforming catalyst and then washed with water and saline wastewater angry Hydrocracking Fractionator sulfur wastewater Process piping guide condensate drain, cut raw water tank, water sampling port discharge of oily wastewater The catalyst was washed with water and then angry saline wastewater Hydrotreating Sulfur-containing wastewater stripper Process piping guide condensate drain, cut raw water tank, drip sampling port and other oily wastewater The catalyst regenerator saline wastewater Oxidized bitumen Sewage tank drainage of oily wastewater Sulfur bituminous molding cooling water wastewater Ketone ketone benzene dewaxing recovery column of oily wastewater drainage Clay refining slag filter and water separator tank water cut oil wastewater Lubricant furfural extraction tower drainage dewatering of oily wastewater Sulfur recovery unit sulfur acid gas condensate wastewater Sour water stripping sulfur removal water oily wastewater Crude Oil Tank Farm Water Tank cut oily wastewater 4.2 Design of Water 4.2.1 Water wastewater treatment plant design should include. the amount of wastewater, sewage capacity, the amount of stormwater pollution and unforeseen wastewater. 4.2.2 Wastewater treatment plant design capacity shall be the sum of the following determination. a) the amount of wastewater should by all means a continuous process of wastewater or wastewater lift stations and wastewater intermittently comprehensive determination, and 6 can be calculated as follows. ) T (QQaQ jji   (1) Where. Q-- production volume of wastewater (m3/h); Qi-- each process unit of the continuous discharge of wastewater (m3/h); Qj-- adjusting the amount of waste water discharged within the intermittent time (m3/h); t-- intermittent water treatment time (h), preferably 2 to 3 times adjustment time; tj-- adjust the amount of wastewater intermittently occur within the time continuous drainage time (h); a-- unpredictable factor, taking 1.1 to 1.2. b) the amount of sewage shall determine the relevant provisions of GB 50014. c) the amount of contaminated stormwater should press a rainfall contaminated stormwater and flood storage facilities total volume and determine the emptying time use under Calculated as follows. SS S 1000t HFQ  (2) Where. QS-- contaminated stormwater flow (m3/h); FS-- polluted area (m2); HS-- rainfall depth (mm), should take 15mm ~ 30mm; tS-- contaminated rainwater storage tanks emptying time (h), appropriate for the 48h ~ 96h. d) unforeseen 10% to 15% by volume of wastewater during the process device should have selected the amount of wastewater. 4.2.3 When the above data are not available water, refinery wastewater treatment plant can be designed to scale crude oil processing volume of 0.6 times to 0.7 Times OK. 4.2.4 oil refining enterprises maximum allowable displacement, shall comply with the relevant national and industry standards, and should be consistent with the project Environmental impact assessment requirements. 4.3 Design Quality 4.3.1 Wastewater treatment plant influent water quality should be designed according to each device displacement, drainage water quality data to determine the weighted average calculation. no When relevant information, according to Table 2 selection. 4.3.2 Main and all inferior heavy oil processing enterprises, and its wastewater treatment plant influent water quality design can refer to Table 2. 7 Table 2 wastewater treatment plant design water quality indicators No. Parameter Unit Control Index 1 pH - 6 ~ 9 2 temperature ℃ ≤40 3 petroleum mg/L ≤300 4 sulfide mg/L ≤20 5 Chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) mg/L ≤800 6 volatile phenol mg/L ≤30 7 Ammonia mg/L ≤50 8 SS mg/L ≤300 9 BOD5/CODCr - ≥0.3 4.3.3 Wastewater treatment plant influent water temperature should be 15 ℃ ~ 40 ℃. 4.3.4 frequent fluctuations in water quality, easy impact of wastewater treatment plant operation apparatus for waste water to be collected separately, transported and disposed Corresponding online analytical instruments and cutting the waste water treatment plant waste water tank accident (pool) facility. 5 general requirements 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 Construction of oil refinery wastewater treatment project, shall comply with the provisions of this standard, it must also comply with national capital construction Set up procedures as well as national and local regulations and standards. 5.1.2 Wastewater Treatment petroleum refining industry should production conditions and development plan as the basis, to implement the national industrial policy And industrial pollution control technology policy, environmental protection and regional planning where site, combining urban development planning, co-ordination of waste Water pretreatment and focus on existing and planned change, the relationship between expansion. 5.1.3 oil refining enterprises should actively adopt cleaner production technology, improve production technology, improve circulation efficiency and reduce waste Generation and emissions of water. 5.1.4 Petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment should follow the principle of decontamination triage, sewage pollution of partition. 5.1.5 Wastewater Treatment venue pollutants are advised by a closed transport facilities. 5.1.6 The treated wastewater should be consistent with the environmental impact assessment approval documents and related emissions standards. 5.1.7 Wastewater Treatment petroleum refining industry should be supporting the construction of secondary pollution prevention facilities, to ensure the noise, the stench, the danger Waste to meet the GB 12348, GB 14554 and HJ 2025 and other relevant environmental standards. 85.1.8 wastewater treatment plant should be done in accordance with anti-seepage treatment GB/T 50934 and other relevant environmental standards, in order to avoid contamination of groundwater resources source. 5.1.9 Water pollution control project online monitoring system should be installed in accordance with the relevant provisions. 5.2 site selection 5.2.1 Wastewater treatment plant site selection, should be consistent with GB 50014, GB 50160 and SH/T 3053 requirements. 5.2.2 Wastewater treatment plant should be arranged on the upwind side of the plant and the lower the minimum annual frequency of wind direction, and should stay away from environmentally sensitive areas. 5.2.3 Wastewater treatment plant should not affect the flood and flood control standards should be the same plant. 5.3 General Layout 5.3.1 Wastewater treatment plant layout should be consistent with GB 50014 and GB 50160 of the relevant provisions. 5.3.2 Wastewater treatment plant layout should meet the process requirements, and should be combined with the wind, the total discharge outlet location, terrain, danger The degree of risk, fire safety distance and other factors, according to the functions the relative concentration of the purge relative separation arrangement. 5.3.3 Wastewater treatment field between each treatment structure should be arranged by gravity flow, to minimize the number of upgrade. 5.3.4 each treatment should be considered to calculate the head loss between the structures along the line loss, head loss and the loss of local structures, And should leave some safety factor safety factor may be 10% to 20% of the total head loss selection. 5.4 project constitutes a 5.4.1 Wastewater Treatment petroleum refining industry by the pretreatment of wastewater engineering and integrated wastewater treatment project components. 5.4.2 Wastewater Pretreatment includes electric desalting wastewater pretreatment project, a sulfur-containing wastewater pretreatment engineering, spent caustic wastewater pre Treatment works, gasification wastewater pretreatment works. 5.4.3 Integrated wastewater treatment project includes the main project, aided engineering and production management facilities. a) the main project includes wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and disposal and waste gas treatment system. 1) waste water treatment includes physical and chemical, biochemical and treatment system. 2) sludge treatment and disposal of sludge reduction including treatment and final disposal systems. 3) exhaust gas processing includes collection, transportation and processing systems. b) ancillary works including electrical, telecommunications, building and construction, fire, field area roads and other systems. c) production manager including control rooms, analysis laboratories, office space, and so on duty. 6 Process Design 6.1 General provisions 6.1.1 The wastewater treatment system should be divided according to the water quality of wastewater, treated water quality requirements and other factors. 96.1.2 oily salt water mixing process, select the appropriate sub-quality treatment programs take full account of the total emissions of the wastewater project indicators, waste Water salinity, water quality and waste water whereabouts requirements, wastewater treatment difficulty, emission standards and other factors, it is determined after technical and economic comparison. 6.1.3 Wastewater treatment plant core facilities, such as flotation, pool acid hydrolysis, biochemical pool, etc., should be at least two series of design and The series should be set up between China Unicom necessary piping. 6.1.4 FCC regenerator flue gas desulfurization waste water should be treated separately to meet the wastewater discharge standards. 6.2 wastewater pretreatment plant Electric desalting wastewater 6.2.1 Crude Oil Unit should be near breaking, degreasing, cooling treatment. 6.2.2 The sulfur-containing waste water should be used to stripping treatment, post-processing application for desalting water, catalytic rich gas is washed with water or other workers Art of water, and the recycling rate should be not less than 65%, the remaining part is discharged to waste water treatment plant for centralized treatment. Wastewater should 6.2.3 gasification apparatus stripped settlement process. 6.2.4 Delayed coking unit should be sealed coke cooling water recycling, coke cut water should be recycled. 6.2.5 paraffin and asphalt machine molding machine cooling water should be recycled. 6.2.6 should adopt the spent caustic wastewater biological method, wet oxidation pretreatment methods. 6.2.7 acids, bases after physicochemical treatment of wastewater should be discharged into the wastewater treatment plant for centralized treatment. 6.2.8 Tank water tank should be set to automatically cut water cut, cut water tank, drain cleaning, tank cleaning water should be at a pre-degreasing Management. 6.3 Route Selection Process 6.3.1 Petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment process shown in Figure 1. 1 petroleum refining ...... ......

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