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HJ 2051-2016 English PDF

HJ 2051-2016_English: PDF (HJ2051-2016)
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HJ 2051-2016English599 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Technical specification for wastewater treatment project of caustic alkali and polyvinyl chloride industry Valid HJ 2051-2016

Standard ID HJ 2051-2016 (HJ2051-2016)
Description (Translated English) Technical specification for wastewater treatment project of caustic alkali and polyvinyl chloride industry
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Z23
Word Count Estimation 26,278
Date of Issue 2016-02-01
Date of Implementation 2016-03-01
Quoted Standard GB 12348; GB 14554; GB 15562.2; GB 15581; GB 18071.1; GB 18484; GB 18597; GB 18599; GB 50014; GB 50015; GB 50016; GB 50019; GB 50046; GB 50055; GB 50093; GB 50187; GB 50194; GB 50231; GB 50236; GB 50254; GB 50255; GB 50256; GB 50268; GB 50275; GB 50483; GB/T 16483; GB/T 50335; GB/T
Drafting Organization China Environmental Protection Industry Association
Administrative Organization Ministry of Environmental Protection
Regulation (derived from) ?Ministry of Environment Protection Bulletin 2016 No.9

HJ 2051-2016 Technical specification for wastewater treatment project of caustic alkali and polyvinyl chloride industry National Environmental Protection Standard of the People 's Republic of China Caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride industrial wastewater treatment engineering technical specifications Technical specification for wastewater treatment project of caustic Polyvinyl chloride industry 2016-2-1 release 2016-3-1 implementation Ministry of Environmental Protection released Directory Preface 1 Scope of application 2 normative reference documents 3 terms and definitions 4 Wastewater and water quality 5 General requirements 6 process design 7 Major process equipment and materials Detection and Process Control Major auxiliary works 10 Labor safety and occupational health Construction and Acceptance 12 Operation and Maintenance Appendix A (informative) Internal recycling process Appendix B (informative) caustic soda, PVC main production of fouling nodes Figure 27 Preface In order to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Vanadium, PVC industrial wastewater treatment project construction and operation management, prevention and control of environmental pollution, environmental protection and human health Kang, the development of this standard. This standard specifies the technology of caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride industrial wastewater treatment engineering design, construction, acceptance, operation and maintenance Claim. This standard is a guiding standard. This standard is the first release. This standard is organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Standards Division. The main drafting of this standard. China Environmental Protection Industry Association, Hao Lan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., China Chlor-Alkali Industry association. This standard is approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on February 1,.2016. This standard has been implemented since March 1,.2016. This standard is explained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride industrial wastewater treatment engineering technical specifications 1 Scope of application This standard specifies the technology of caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride industrial wastewater treatment engineering design, construction, acceptance, operation and maintenance Claim. This standard applies to caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride as the main products of enterprises caustic soda, PVC industrial wastewater treatment works, Can be used as caustic soda, PVC environmental construction project environmental impact assessment, environmental protection facilities design and construction, construction projects Engineering, environmental protection acceptance and operation and management of the technical basis. 2 normative reference documents The contents of this standard refer to the terms of the following documents. For those who do not specify a date, the valid version applies to this standard. Standard for Environmental Noise Discharge of Industrial Enterprises Emission standard for odorous pollutants GB 14554 GB 15562.2 Environmental protection graphic markings Solid waste storage (disposal) field GB 15581 caustic soda, PVC industrial water pollutant discharge standards Basic chemical raw materials - Health protection distances - Part 1. Caustic soda manufacturing Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Incineration Standard for Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standard for Pollution Control of Storage and Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Waste Code for design of outdoor drainage Code for design of building water supply and drainage Code for fire protection of building design GB 50016 Code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning GB 50019 Code for design of corrosion protection for industrial buildings GB 50046 Code for design of power distribution for general purpose electrical equipment GB 50055 Code for construction and acceptance of automatic instrumentation GB 50093 Specification for general graphic design of industrial enterprises GB 50187 GB 50194 Construction engineering site for the use of electricity safety regulations General specification for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation works GB 50231 Code for construction of welding equipment for field equipment and industrial piping GB 50236 Code for construction and acceptance of low - voltage electrical appliances GB 50254 electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of electric power converter equipment for installation of electrical installations GB 50255 Code for construction and acceptance of electrical installations for electrical installations of GB 50256 electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage in GB 50268 Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Compressor, Fan, Pump Installation Code for design of environmental protection for chemical construction projects GB 50483 GB/T 16483 SAFETY DATA SHEET Contents AND PROJECT STATE Code for design of wastewater reuse project GB/T Technical code for seepage prevention of petrochemical engineering GB/T Code for construction and acceptance of water supply and drainage structures GB 50141 Code for design of CECS97 blast aeration system Code for design of sewage activated sludge process in cold area of CECS111 Code for design of CECS128 biological contact oxidation Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of CJJ60 city sewage treatment plant Standard for Design of Chemical Hazardous Waste Landfill on HG/T 20504 Technical requirements for environmental protection products - Belt press filters for sludge dewatering HJ/T 251 Environmental protection products - Technical requirements Roots blowers HJ/T 252 environmental protection products in the technical requirements, microporous aerator Technical requirements for environmental protection products - Pressure dissolved air flotation devices Technical requirements for environmental protection products HJ/T 265 Technical requirements for environmental protection products HJ/T 277 Environmental protection products - Technical requirements Rotary decanter Technical requirements for environmental protection products push - flow diving mixer HJ/T 283 Environmental protection products Technical requirements Van filter press and plate and frame filter press HJ/T 336 Environmental protection products Technical requirements Diving sewage pump Technical requirements for environmental protection products - Dosing devices for water treatment Technical specification for anaerobic - anoxic - aerobic activated sludge process Technical Specification for Sequencing Batch Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Engineering "Technical Standard for Hygienic Quality of Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant" (Wei Guan Fa [2007] No. 265) "Construction project (project) completion and acceptance method" (construction construction [1990] 1215) Measures for the Administration of Acceptance of Environmental Protection for Completion of Construction Projects (State Environmental Protection Administration Decree No. 13) 3 terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 ion membrane electrolysis ion exchange membrane cell electrolysis process Refers to the salt water as raw material using ion-exchange membrane electrolytic cell production caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen production process. 3.2 ethylene oxychlorination process Refers to the ethylene as raw material using ethylene oxychloride production of PVC production process. 3.3 calcium carbide acetylene method carbide-acetylene process Refers to calcium carbide, chlorine and hydrogen as raw materials to produce PVC production process. 3.4 reactive chlorine waste water Refers to the production of caustic soda process, chlorine purification process in the chlorine gas scrubber generated wastewater. 3.5 vinyl chloride waste water Refers to the production of PVC process, the polymerization reactor and slurry stripping tower section of the waste water, including the reactor water, coating Water, stripping tower condensate and so on. 3.6 mercury-containing waste water mercury-containing waste water Refers to acetylene as raw material for the production of PVC process, the use of mercuric chloride catalyst catalytic synthesis of vinyl chloride process of alkaline Waste water, acid waste water, mercury transfer catalyst waste water and workshop floor flushing water. 3.7 nickel containing waste water nickel containing waste water Refers to the production of caustic soda process, salt secondary refining of chelating resin regeneration tower produced in the regeneration of wastewater. Salt mud washing and filter pressing water Refers to the production of caustic soda salt washing and filtration process of waste water. 3.9 carbide slag waste water-slag waste water Refers to the use of calcium carbide production process of acetylene, acetylene occurred in the process of carbide slurry after separation of the supernatant. 3.10 sodium hypochlorite waste water Refers to the production of PVC process, the use of sodium hypochlorite solution purification of acetylene gas generated when the waste water. 3.11 PVC centrifugal mother liquid of polyvinyl chloride Refers to the suspension polymerization process in the polymerization of polyvinyl chloride after the end of the slurry into the centrifugal unit for solid-liquid separation after the discharge Waste water. 3.12 Polyvinyl chloride centrifugal mother liquor effluent efflux of centrifugal mother liquid of polyvinyl chloride Refers to the suspension polymerization process of PVC centrifugal mother liquor by recycling device for recycling, the recovery of waste water Wait. 3.11 internal circulation process Refers to the production unit of waste water generated in the workshop to achieve the production process to return to the water after the standard recycle. 4 Wastewater water and water quality 4.1 Wastewater sources and classification A) Inorganic wastewater Production of caustic soda by ion-exchange membrane and the production of polyvinyl chloride and other products using calcium carbide Machine wastewater, including the electrolysis section of the washing tank, alkali-producing section of the evaporation of condensate and alkaline washing water, acid-producing section of acidic water, Machine cooling water, circulating water plant sewage, the main pollutants for the acid, alkali, salt and other inorganic. B) organic wastewater 1) the use of ethylene oxychlorination process to produce PVC and other products in the process of organic wastewater, including oxygen chloride The acid and alkali waste water produced by the reaction unit, the waste water after washing the exhaust gas, the waste water produced by the dichloride dehydration tower, the ground sewage, Coke water and accident washing tower wastewater, centrifugal section without the internal recycling of centrifugal mother liquor and centrifugal mother liquor outside the drainage, the waste Water BOD5/COD is generally less than 0.3. 2) the use of calcium carbide acetylene production of PVC and other products in the process of organic wastewater generated, including the centrifugal section Without the internal recycling of centrifugal mother liquor and centrifugal mother liquor outside the drainage, the waste water BOD5/COD is generally less than 0.3. C) Reactive chlorine wastewater Ion-exchange membrane production of caustic soda, chlorine gas purification process in the chlorine scrubber generated wastewater, the main pollutants are effective Chlorine and so on. D) Vinyl chloride wastewater Production of PVC process, the polymerization reactor produced by the reactor water, coated water and slurry stripping tower condensate, etc. Contaminants are vinyl chloride, organic matter and so on. E) Mercury containing wastewater The use of calcium carbide acetylene production of PVC products such as the process of mercury-containing wastewater, mainly from mercury catalyst synthesis of chlorine Ethylene water caustic washing process and mercury-containing acidic wastewater generated after the analysis of acidic wastewater, the main pollutants such as mercury, salt, mercury content About 0.05 mg/L to 1 mg/L. F) Nickel-containing wastewater Ion-exchange membrane electrolysis production of caustic soda, salt secondary refining of chelate resin regeneration tower produced in the regeneration of wastewater, the main pollution Things are nickel, salt and so on. G) salt mud washing water, pressure filtration water Ion-exchange membrane production of caustic soda, salt mud washing and filtration process of waste water, the main pollutants for the acid, alkali, salt, Soluble solids and suspended solids. H) carbide slag wastewater In the process of producing polyvinyl chloride products using calcium carbide acetylene, the carbide slag is separated from the supernatant, including the production Acetylene process, the hydrolysis of calcium carbide generated when the wastewater, the main pollutants are alkali, suspended solids, sulfides, phosphides and so on. I) sodium hypochlorite wastewater The use of calcium carbide acetylene acetylene production process, in the acetylene purification section using sodium hypochlorite solution purification B Acetylene gas generated when the main pollutants for the acetylene, sulfide and phosphide and so on. J) Polyvinyl chloride centrifuged mother liquor The use of suspension polymerization process to produce PVC and other products in the process of producing PVC centrifugal mother liquor, including suspension Float polymerization process in the polymerization of polyvinyl chloride after the end of the slurry into the centrifugal unit for solid-liquid separation after the discharge of the mother liquor waste Water, centrifugal mother liquor device flushing water, the main pollutants for a small amount of PVC particles, the polymerization process to join the additives and residues Reactants and the like. 4.2 Wastewater water 4.2.1 The new project waste water discharge can be calculated by the formula (1) and (2) or (1) and (3) calculated, also need to meet The relevant provisions of the standard. QY = Qi Qj (1) Qi = Σqi (1 - α) (2) Qi = βQ (3) Where. QY - integrated wastewater, m3/t; Qi - Production waste water, m3/t; Qj - other waste water, m3/t, including ground flushing water, the factory early rain, etc., should refer to GB 50015 And other criteria; Qi - the amount of waste water in each production process, m3/t, should be determined according to the water balance chart; Q - production of water, m3/t, can be determined according to the production of water quota; Α - wastewater reuse rate,%, that is, the ratio of waste water and waste water production should be based on the actual wastewater Determine with the situation or water balance chart; The reduction factor of the displacement calculated by the feed water should be determined according to the production process and the level of the water supply and drainage facilities And other factors to determine, generally take 30% to 50%. 4.2.2 The existing project wastewater discharge should be based on measured data to determine. If you do not have the field measurement conditions, can be compared with the original Material, with the scale of the actual production line of wastewater discharge data; no analogy data, according to the production workshop (line) total water consumption 30% to 50% estimate of wastewater discharge. 4.3 Wastewater quality 4.3.1 For new or expanded projects, the quality of waste water can be determined by reference to the actual operation data of similar enterprises. 4.3.2 Wastewater quality can be measured by the weighted average of the measured data, the sampling location should be located in the workshop drain. Measured number According to the production cycle and production characteristics to determine the frequency of monitoring, and each production cycle shall not be less than 3 times. There is no measured conditions, Refer to Table 1 for data. Table 1 Wastewater quality Contaminants index Type of waste water CODCr (Mg/L) BOD5 (Mg/L) SS (Mg/L) Total phosphorus (Mg/L) chloride (Mg/L) Sulfide (Mg/L) Active chlorine (Mg/L) Vinyl chloride (Mg/L) Total mercury (Mg/L) Total nickel (Mg/L) PH Inorganic Wastewater 20 ~ 100 - 60 ~ 250 - 1000 ~.2000 - - - - - 5 ~ Organic wastewater 150 ~ 250 20 ~ 60 35 ~ 150 - ≤ 350 - - - - - 6 ~ 8 Active chlorine waste - - - - - - ≤ 6000 - - - - Vinyl chloride waste ≤1500 - - - - - - ≤700 - - - Mercury wastewater 80 ~ 100 30 ~ 40 60 ~ 80 - 600 ~ 1200 - - 1 ~ 5 0.5 ~ 1 - 5 ~ 9 Nickel-containing wastewater - - - - - - - - - ≤0.5 - Salt mud washing Water, pressure water 50 ~ 100 - 50 ~ 100 - ≤2000 - - - - - - Carbide slag waste 1200 ~ - 150 ~.200 30 ~ 80 ≤3000 300 ~ 500 - - - - 10 ~ Sodium hypochlorite Waste water 600 ~ 800 - 10 ~ 30 ≤1000 ≤3000 20 ~ 100 - - - - 3 ~ 5 Polyvinyl chloride Centrifuge mother liquor 100 to 450 40 to 100 90 to 350 to 20 to 40 ≤ 10 - 0.001 ~ 0.5 - - 6 ~ 9 4.3.3 Wastewater discharge after discharge or reuse water quality should be consistent with national and local standards. 5 General requirements 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 To deal with the production, treatment and discharge of wastewater, the whole process of control, the use of cleaner production and recycling technology to improve Resources, energy efficiency, reduce waste water pollution load. 5.1.2 Wastewater treatment should adopt the principle of cleaning and diversion, rain and sewage diversion, sewage division and division, quality and quality reuse. 5.1.3 Wastewater treatment works shall comply with the requirements of the environmental impact assessment document, follow the "three simultaneous" system, and the enterprise Production and development planning as the basis, integrated wastewater treatment and centralized treatment, the existing works and the new (expansion, change) construction The relationship of the process. 5.1.4 Wastewater treatment works in the construction and operation, should take anti-noise, earthquake and other measures to deal with facilities in the explosion-proof area Explosion protection measures should be taken. 5.1.5 Wastewater treatment works should be set up standardized sewage outfall, sewage outfall settings and pollutant emissions should be consistent with environmental impact assessment and Its approval documents and the relevant emission standards. 5.1.6 Materials, pharmaceuticals, sludge, waste residue, etc. should not be piled up, storage places should take the appropriate anti-corrosion, anti-seepage and other measures, Prevention and control of secondary pollution, disposal facilities, odor, noise and other pollutant emissions should meet GB 14554, GB 12348 and GB 50483 and other relevant standards. 5.1.7 Wastewater treatment engineering design, in addition to compliance with this standard and environmental impact assessment and its approval documents, but also should meet National capital construction procedures and relevant standards, and regulatory requirements. 5.2 source control and clean production 5.2.1 The use of advanced production technology and equipment, strict management, comprehensive utilization, from the source to reduce pollution, improve resource utilization With the efficiency, reduce or avoid the production process of pollutant generation and emissions. 5.2.2 The use of water balance analysis, optimize the water program, strengthen water conservation measures to reduce the generation of waste water. 5.2.3 Wastewater treatment after the need to use according to water requirements, should adopt the following ways. A) salt mud washing water, pressure filter water, carbide slag wastewater, sodium hypochlorite wastewater, polyvinyl chloride centrifugal mother liquor after treatment Can be used for production, reuse treatment process and the way see Appendix A; B) Inorganic wastewater, organic wastewater, reactive chlorine wastewater, vinyl chloride wastewater, mercury-containing wastewater and nickel-containing wastewater after treatment Priority should be given to reuse, discharge must be discharged when discharged. 5.3 Construction scale 5.3.1 The scale of construction shall be determined on the basis of the existing water, water quality and expected changes in the scope of the wastewater treatment works; Existing enterprises should be based on measured data, there is no measured data, can refer to the same type of business situation, the new (expansion, change) Construction enterprises should be based on analog or material accounting method to determine. 5.3.2 The determination of the construction scale of the wastewater treatment project should meet the following requirements. A) grille and other adjustment pool before the wastewater treatment structure according to the maximum daily flow meter; B) the control tank and the subsequent waste water treatment structure according to the maximum daily average flow meter; C) Water treatment system Based on water quality, water and reuse of recycled water, water balance and technical and economic analysis After the determination; D) sludge treatment and disposal system according to the maximum daily production mud. 5.4 Project composition 5.4.1 Wastewater treatment works by the main project, auxiliary engineering and supporting facilities and other components. 5.4.2 The main project includes waste water collection, accident pool, primary treatment, primary strengtheni...... ......

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