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GB/T 4857.17-2017 English PDF (GB/T 4857.17-1992)

GB/T 4857.17-2017_English: PDF (GB/T4857.17-2017)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 4857.17-2017English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Packaging -- Basic tests for transport packages -- Part 17: General rules for the compilation of performance test Valid GB/T 4857.17-2017
GB/T 4857.17-1992English199 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] Packaging. Transport packages. Gencral principles for the compilation of performance test schedules Obsolete GB/T 4857.17-1992

Standard ID GB/T 4857.17-2017 (GB/T4857.17-2017)
Description (Translated English) Packaging -- Basic tests for transport packages -- Part 17: General rules for the compilation of performance test
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A80
Classification of International Standard 55.180.40
Word Count Estimation 14,114
Date of Issue 2017-07-12
Date of Implementation 2018-02-01
Drafting Organization Shangfeng Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Minxuan Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College, Mechanical Science Research Institute, China Packaging Research and Testing Center
Administrative Organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)
Proposing organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee

Standard ID GB/T 4857.17-1992 (GB/T4857.17-1992)
Description (Translated English) Packaging. Transport packages. Gencral principles for the compilation of performance test schedules
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A80
Classification of International Standard 55.02
Word Count Estimation 5,536
Date of Issue 1992/11/25
Date of Implementation 1993/6/1
Quoted Standard GB 3538; GB 4857; GB 4122
Adopted Standard ISO 4180-1-1980, MOD
Drafting Organization Department of Electrical and Electronics Standardization Institute
Administrative Organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing organization People Republic of China Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Summary This standard specifies the performance test preparation transport package outline general principles and factors that transport package after evaluation of the quality of the package is subjected to performance tests should be considered. This standard applies to the preparation of transport package performance test program of any circulation system.

GB/T 4857.17-2017 Packaging - Basic tests for tansport packages - Part 17. General rules for the compilation of performance test ICS 55.180.40 A80 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 4857.17-1992, GB/T 4857.18-1992 Basic test of packaging and transportation packages Part 17. Generic rules for the preparation of performance test syllabus Packaging-Basictestsfortansportpackages-Part 17. (ISO 4180..2009, Packaging-Complete, filedtransportpackages- General rulesforthecompilationofperformancetestschedules, MOD) 2017-07-12 released 2018-02-01 Implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Management Committee released Preface GB/T 4857 is divided into the following sections. - Part 1. Marking methods for each part of the test; - Part 2. temperature and humidity regulation; - Part 3. Static load stacking test method; - Part 4. Compressive and stacking test methods using pressure testing machines; - Part 5. Drop test method; - Part 6. Rolling test methods; - Part 7. Sinusoidal vibration test method; - Part 9. Spray test methods; - Part 10. sinusoidal vibration test method; - Part 11. Horizontal impact test methods; - Part 12. Test method for flooding; - Part 13. Low pressure test methods; - Part 14. Tilt test method; - Part 15. Controlled level impact test method; - Part 17. General rules for the preparation of performance test syllabuses; - Part 19. Records of circulation test information; - Part 20. Collision test methods; - Part 22. Unit cargo stability test method; - Part 23. Random vibration test method. This part is part 17 of GB/T 4857. This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This part replaces GB/T 4857.17-1992 "General Principles of Performance Outline for Packaging Transport Packages" and GB/T 4857.18-1992 "Quantitative data for the Outline of the Performance of Packaging Transport Packages". This part is right GB/T 4857.17-1992 and GB/T 4857.18-1992 in the revision process, the two standards will be integrated together. This section is related to GB/T 4857.17-1992 and GB/T 4857.18-1992, except for editorial changes. as follows. --- Increased determinants of conformity criteria for transport packages (see 7.1); - the factors that should be taken into account in determining the degree of damage (see 7.2); - modified the test sequence (see 9.1.2); - modified part of the test strength values (see,,,; --- Increased horizontal impact test increases the peak acceleration preference parameter (see; --- Added the contents of the test report (see 10.2). This part uses the re-drafting method to amend ISO 1480..2009 "complete package, full package of transport package performance test outline prepared by". The technical differences between this section and ISO 4180..2009 are as follows. --- on the normative reference documents, this part has made a technical differences in the adjustment to meet China's technical conditions, adjust the situation The situation is reflected in Chapter 2, "Normative references", as follows. Replace ISO 2233 (see with GB/T 4857.2 with international standard modification; Replace ISO 2234 (see with GB/T 4857.3 equivalent to the international standard; Replace ISO 12048 (see with GB/T 4857.4 equivalent to the international standard; Replace ISO 2248 (see with equivalent GB/T 4857.5 of the international standard; Replace ISO 2876 (see with equivalent GB/T 4857.6 of the international standard; Replace GB 2247 (see with GB/T 4857.7 with international standard modification; Replace GB 2875 (see with GB/T 4857.9 equivalent to the international standard; Replace GB 8318 (see with GB/T 4857.10 with international standard modifications; Replace GB 2244 (see with GB/T 4857.11 with international standard modifications; Replace GB 2873 (see with GB/T 4857.13 with international standard modification; Replace ISO 8768 (see with equivalent GB/T 4857.14 for international standards; Replace ISO 10531 (see with equivalent GB/T 4857.22 of the international standard. --- Because of this part of the reference GB/T 4122.1 "Packaging terms Part 1. Basic", the relevant terms have been explained, so delete The terms "transport package" and "circulation conditions". - For the test method, the preparation of the test sample is one of the key factors affecting the test results, while ISO 4180..2009 did not There is a requirement for the test sample, so this part adds the "test sample" requirement (see 6.3). The height of the drop test determines the acceleration at the time of the impact and does not require peak acceleration. So this part corrected the drop high The use of "peak acceleration" error. --- ISO 4180..2009 The description of "maximum load" is not clear and complete, so this part changes the description of "maximum load" (see Table 8, Table 10 and Table 11). This part of the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC49) proposed and centralized. The main drafting unit of this part. Shangfeng Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Minetuo Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College, Machinery Scientific Research Institute, China Packaging Research and Testing Center. The main drafters of this part. Huang Xue, Li Longping, Zhu Bin, Wang Lijie, Xu Weifeng, Wang Yuxin, Gao Jing. This part of the previous version of the standard to replace the release of the situation. --- GB/T 4857.17-1992; --- GB/T 4857.18-1992. Basic test of packaging and transportation packages Part 17. Generic rules for the preparation of performance test syllabus 1 Scope This part of GB/T 4857 specifies the general rules and relevant quantitative data for the preparation of transport package performance test syllabuses. This part applies to the determination of the preparation of a transport package performance test outline. This part does not apply to dangerous goods transport packages. 2 normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated edition applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all modifications) applies to this document. GB/T 4122.1 Packaging terminology - Part 1. Foundations GB/T 4857.2 Packaging transport packages - Basic test - Part 2. Temperature and humidity regulation (GB/T 4857.2-2005, ISO 2233..2000, MOD) GB/T 4857.3 Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 3. Static load stacking test method (GB/T 4857.3 - 2008, ISO 2234..2000, IDT) GB/T 4857.4 Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 4. Compression and stacking tests using pressure testing machines Method (GB/T 4857.4-2008, ISO 12048..1994, IDT) GB/T 4857.5 Packaging transport package drop test method (GB/T 4857.5-1992, eqvISO 2248. 1985) GB/T 4857.6 Rolling test method for packaging and shipping packages (GB/T 4857.6-1992, eqvISO 2876. 1985) GB/T 4857.7 Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 7. Test method for sinusoidal fixed frequency vibration (GB/T 4857.7 - 2005, ISO 2247..2000, MOD) GB/T 4857.9 Packaging transport packages - Basic test - Part 9. Spray test method (GB/T 4857.9-2008, ISO 2875..2000, IDT) GB/T 4857.10 Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 10. Sine - frequency vibration test method (GB/T 4857.10-2005, ISO 8318..2000, MOD) GB/T 4857.11 Packaging transport packages - Basic test - Part 11. Horizontal impact test method (GB/T 4857.11 - 2005, ISO 2244..2000, MOD) GB/T 4857.13 Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 13. Low - pressure test method (GB/T 4857.13- 2005, ISO 2873..2000, MOD) GB/T 4857.14 Packaging and transport packages - Tilt test method (GB/T 4857.14-1999, eqvISO 8768. 1987) Packaging - Transport packages - Controllable horizontal impact test method GB/T GB/T 4857.22 Packaging transport package unit cargo stability test method (GB/T 4857.22-1998, eqv ISO 10531..1992) GB/T 4857.23 Packaging transport packages - Basic test - Part 23. Random vibration test method Test method for large transport packages GB/T ISO 13355 package Full package shipping package and single piece of goods Vertical random vibration test (Packaging-Complete, filed transportpackagesandunitloads-verticalrandomvibrationtest) ......

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