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GB/T 4857.15-2017 English PDF (GB/T 4857.15-1999, GB/T 4857.15-1989)

GB/T 4857.15-2017_English: PDF (GB/T4857.15-2017)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 4857.15-2017English199 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Packaging -- Basic tests for transport packages -- Part 15: Controlled horizontal impact test method Valid GB/T 4857.15-2017
GB/T 4857.15-1999English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] ackaging. Transport packages. Controlled horizontal impack test method Obsolete GB/T 4857.15-1999
GB/T 4857.15-1989EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Basic tests for transport packages--Controlled horizontal impact test method Obsolete GB/T 4857.15-1989

Standard ID GB/T 4857.15-2017 (GB/T4857.15-2017)
Description (Translated English) Packaging -- Basic tests for transport packages -- Part 15: Controlled horizontal impact test method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A83
Classification of International Standard 55.020
Word Count Estimation 10,113
Date of Issue 2017-10-14
Date of Implementation 2018-05-01
Drafting Organization China Packaging Research and Testing Center, Suzhou Guangbo Mechanical Environmental Laboratory Co., Ltd., Saiwen (Tianjin) Industrial Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 49)
Proposing organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC / TC 49)
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 4857.15-1999 (GB/T4857.15-1999)
Description (Translated English) ackaging. Transport packages. Controlled horizontal impack test method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A83
Classification of International Standard 55.02
Word Count Estimation 6,691
Date of Issue 1999/9/7
Date of Implementation 2000/2/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 4857.15-1989
Quoted Standard GB/T 4857.1-1992; GB/T 4857.2-1992; GB/T 4857.11-1992; GB/T 4857.17-1992; GB/T 4857.18-1992
Adopted Standard ASTM D4003-1992, MOD
Drafting Organization Ministry of Science and Research Institute of Machinery Industry Machinery
Administrative Organization National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing organization China Packaging Corporation
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This standard specifies the input level by controlling the impact of the performance requirements of the principal horizontal impact test using test equipment, test procedures and test reports.

Standard ID GB/T 4857.15-1989 (GB/T4857.15-1989)
Description (Translated English) Basic tests for transport packages--Controlled horizontal impact test method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A80
Date of Issue 1989/3/31

GB/T 4857.15-2017 Packaging - Basic tests for transport packages - Part 15. Controlled horizontal impact test method ICS 55.020 A83 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 4857.15-1999 Package transport package basic test Part 15. controllable horizontal impact test method Part 15.Controledhorizontalimpacttestmethod 2017-10-14 Published 2018-05-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration released Foreword GB/T 4857 "package transport package basic test" is divided into the following sections. --- Part 1. Marking of various parts of the test; --- Part 2. Temperature and humidity control; --- Part 3. Static load stacking test method; --- Part 4. Using pressure test machine compression and stacking test methods; --- Part 5. Drop test method; --- Part 6. Rolling test method; --- Part 7. Sinusoidal fixed frequency vibration test method; --- Part 9. Spray test method; --- Part 10. Sinusoidal variable frequency vibration test method; --- Part 11. Horizontal impact test method; --- Part 12. Immersion test method; --- Part 13. Low pressure test method; --- Part 14. Tipping test method; --- Part 15. Controllable horizontal impact test method; --- Part 17. General rules for the preparation of completeness and fullness of transport packages preparation performance test program; --- Part 19. Circulation test information records; --- Part 20. Collision test method; --- Part 22. Unit cargo stability test method; --- Part 23 - Random vibration test method. This section GB/T 4857 Part 15. This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This section instead of GB/T 4857.15-1999 "package transport package controllable horizontal impact test method" and GB/T 4857.15- Compared to.1999, the main technical changes are as follows. --- Modify the standard name; --- Remove the normative references in the "GB/T 4857.11-1992 package transport package horizontal impact test side Act "(see Chapter 2 in.1999 edition); --- Modify the definition of "non-return load" and "non-return load device" (see,.1999 edition 3.2, 3.1); --- Modify part of the test system requirements (see 5.3,.1999 version 5.3); --- Added test equipment debugging (see 6.6.1 and 6.6.2); --- Modify the original 6.6.1 ~ 6.6.5 serial number (see 6.6,.1999 version 6.6); --- Amendment of some of the contents of Appendix A (see Appendix A,.1999 edition Appendix A); --- Remove the Appendix B in the "reference GB/T 4857.11-1992 Appendix A A1 ~ A4" (see Appendix B,.1999 edition Appendix B); --- Modify the contents of Appendix B B.5 [see appendix B in e),.1999 edition Appendix B in B.5]. This part of the National Packaging Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC49) and focal point. The main drafting units in this section. China Packaging Research Center, Suzhou Guangbo Mechanical Environmental Laboratory Co., Ltd., 赛 News (Tianjin) Engineering Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this section. Chen Zhiqiang, Xu Wei Feng, Zhu Ronghua, Wang Zhili, Meng Qingguang, Li Zhiheng, Fu Zhenxi. This part replaces the standards previously issued as. --- GB/T 4857.15-1989, GB/T 4857.15-1999. Package transport package basic test Part 15. controllable horizontal impact test method 1 Scope GB/T 4857 provisions of this part of the level of impact through the control input level impact test equipment used in the main Can request, test procedures and test reports. This section applies to assess the impact of transport packages in the horizontal impact strength and packaging of the contents of the protection. This is true The test can be either a single test or as part of a series of tests on a package. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 4857.1 packaging and transport packaging parts of the test method of labeling Packaging - Transport packages - Basic test - Part 2. Temperature and humidity conditioning GB/T 4857.17 package transport packages preparation performance test program general principles 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Backload load backload Impact, the test sample received by the pressure of the rear. 3.2 Backload device backloaddevice Simulated devices that are the same or similar to the test sample or that simulate the load on the rear of the test package in a transport vehicle. 3.3 Pulse program device shockpulseprogrammer Impact impulse test machine control the pulse parameters (such as pulse waveform, peak acceleration and duration, etc.) of the device. 4 test principle The test sample according to a predetermined state, the test equipment impact at a certain impact speed, the test sample to withstand pulse programmer Predetermined impact pulse produced, test principle shown in Figure 1. ......

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