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GB/T 43911-2024 English PDF

GB/T 43911-2024_English: PDF (GB/T43911-2024)
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GB/T 43911-2024English1239 Add to Cart 8 days [Need to translate] Evaluation method for uncertainty of boiler thermal performance test Valid GB/T 43911-2024

Standard ID GB/T 43911-2024 (GB/T43911-2024)
Description (Translated English) Evaluation method for uncertainty of boiler thermal performance test
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J98
Classification of International Standard 27.063.30
Word Count Estimation 62,688
Date of Issue 2024-04-25
Date of Implementation 2024-11-01
Drafting Organization China Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute, Jiangsu Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Institute, Liaoning Safety Science Research Institute, State Administration for Market Regulation, Tsinghua University, China Special Equipment Inspection Group Co., Ltd., China Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Promotion Association, Zhejiang Special Equipment Science Research Institute, Shandong Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute Group Co., Ltd., Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenyang Chemical University, China Institute of Metrology, Sichuan Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Xizi Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Sifang Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Zhide Thermal Industry Co., Ltd., Tianjin Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Technology Research Institute, Zhejiang Tefu Development Co., Ltd., Hunan Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute, Dalian Boiler Pressure Vessel Equipment inspection and testing
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Energy Basics and Management Standardization (SAC/TC 20 )
Proposing organization National Energy Basics and Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 20 )
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

GB/T 43911-2024: Uncertainty assessment method for boiler thermal performance test ICS 27:063:30 CCSJ98 National Standards of People's Republic of China Uncertainty Evaluation Method for Boiler Thermal Performance Test Released on 2024-04-25 2024-11-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Table of Contents Preface III 1 Range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 Symbols 4 5 Analysis of sources of measurement uncertainty 5 6 Establishment of measurement model 6 7 Evaluation of standard uncertainty 8 8 Evaluation of expanded uncertainty 16 9 Assessment Report 16 Appendix A (Normative) Expanded uncertainty of typical boiler thermal efficiency 17 Appendix B (Informative) Standard uncertainty of gas fuel composition analysis results 18 Appendix C (Informative) Standard uncertainty of industrial analysis, elemental analysis and calorific value determination results of solid fuels 19 Appendix D (Informative) Calculation Example for Gas Fuel Boiler 23 Appendix E (Informative) Calculation Example for Solid Fuel Boiler 42 References 55 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting: Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents: The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents: This document was proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Energy Fundamentals and Management Standardization (SAC/TC20): This document was drafted by: China Special Equipment Testing and Research Institute, Jiangsu Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Institute, Liaoning Safety Science and Technology Research Institute, Institute of Science and Technology, State Administration for Market Regulation, Tsinghua University, China Special Inspection Group Co:, Ltd:, China Special Equipment Safety and Energy Conservation Promotion Association Association, Zhejiang Special Equipment Science Research Institute, Shandong Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute Group Co:, Ltd:, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenyang Chemical University, China Institute of Metrology, Sichuan Special Equipment Inspection Institute, Xizi Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co:, Ltd:, Jiangsu Fang Clean Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co:, Ltd:, Chongqing Zhide Thermal Industry Co:, Ltd:, Tianjin Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Technology Research Institute, Zhejiang Jiangtefu Development Co:, Ltd:, Hunan Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute, Dalian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection and Testing Institute Co:, Ltd: Department of Energy Conservation, National Energy Conservation Center: The main drafters of this document are: Qi Guoli, Gu Yonghua, Yu Zaihai, Wang Zhongwei, Da Yaodong, Li Shuiqing, Zhang Songsong, Leng Hao, Guan Jian, Wang Xiaolei, Wang Weiguo, Wang Lin, Wang Xingsheng, Zhuo Jiankun, Zeng Hansheng, Wu Shaohua, Wang Changming, Ge Xiang, Chen Zhengyu, Liu Ying, Xu Dinghua, Li Yishan, Wang Yunpeng, Chen Juan, Duan Hongbin, Lin Zhenyu, Chen Wei, Zhang Eying, Peng Jun, Guan Wenhong, Chen Zhigang, Xu Chongtao, Wei Xiaohua, Qi Zuoqiu, Su Ming, Peng Xiaolan, Guo Chuanjiang, Yang Shaopeng and Zhao Liyuan: Uncertainty Evaluation Method for Boiler Thermal Performance Test 1 Scope This document describes the uncertainty assessment method for boiler thermal performance tests, including the source analysis of measurement uncertainty, measurement model Establishment, assessment of standard uncertainty, assessment of expanded uncertainty and assessment report: This document is applicable to the measurement uncertainty assessment of process parameters and measurement results in boiler thermal performance tests: 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document: For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document: GB/T 10180 Thermal performance test procedures for industrial boilers GB/T 10184 Power plant boiler performance test procedures GB/T 27418 Evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainty JJF1059:1 Evaluation and Expression of Measurement Uncertainty NB/T 47066 Test methods for thermal performance of condensing boilers 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document: 3:1 Accuracy The degree of agreement between the measured value of a measurand and its true value: Note 1: The concept of "measurement accuracy" is not a quantity and does not give a numerical value: When a measurement provides a smaller measurement error, it is said that the measurement is more accurate: Yes: NOTE 2 The term “measurement accuracy” should not be confused with “measurement correctness” or “measurement precision”, although it is related to these two concepts: Note 3 to entry: Measurement accuracy is sometimes understood as the degree of agreement between measured values assigned to the measurand: [Source: JJF1001-2011, 5:8] 3:2 Trueness The degree of agreement between the average of an infinite number of repeated measurements and a reference value: Note 1: Measurement accuracy is not a quantity and cannot be expressed numerically: Note 2: Measurement accuracy is related to systematic measurement errors and has nothing to do with random measurement errors: Note 3: The term "measurement trueness" cannot be expressed as "measurement accuracy" and vice versa: [Source: JJF1001-2011, 5:9] ......

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