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GB/T 3535-2006 English PDF (GB/T 3535-1983)

GB/T 3535-2006_English: PDF (GB/T3535-2006)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 3535-2006English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Petroleum products -- Determination of pour point Valid GB/T 3535-2006
GB/T 3535-1983English239 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] Petroleum oils--Determination of pour point Obsolete GB/T 3535-1983

Standard ID GB/T 3535-2006 (GB/T3535-2006)
Description (Translated English) Petroleum products - Determination of pour point
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E30
Classification of International Standard 75.080
Word Count Estimation 8,868
Date of Issue 2006-01-23
Date of Implementation 2006-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 3535-1983
Adopted Standard ISO 3016-1994, MOD
Drafting Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Research Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Sciences
Administrative Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Research Institute of Petroleum and Chemical Sciences
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement 2006 No.8 (Total No.95)
Proposing organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the method for determining the pour point of petroleum products. Also describes the measurement of fuel material, pour point test procedure under heavy lubricant base oil and a residue containing a fuel component product.

Standard ID GB/T 3535-1983 (GB/T3535-1983)
Description (Translated English) Petroleum oils--Determination of pour point
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E04
Classification of International Standard 75.08
Word Count Estimation 6,661
Date of Issue 1983/3/9
Date of Implementation 1983/12/1
Adopted Standard ISO 3016-1974, NEQ
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2006 No. 8 (No. 95 overall)
Proposing organization People Republic of China Ministry of Petroleum Industry
Issuing agency(ies) National Bureau of Standards

GB/T 3535–2006 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.080 E 30 Replacing GB/T 3535-1983 Petroleum products - Determination of pour point (ISO 3016.1994, MOD) ISSUED ON. JANUARY 23, 2006 IMPLEMENTED ON. OCTOBER 01, 2006 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1  Scope ... 5  2  Terms and definitions ... 5  3  Principle ... 5  4  Reagents and materials ... 5  5  Apparatus (see figure 1) ... 6  6  Test procedure ... 7  7  Expression of results ... 10  8  Precision ... 10  9  Test report ... 11  Annex A (Normative) Thermometer specifications ... 12  Foreword This Standard modifies and adopts ISO 3016.1994 “Petroleum Products - Determination of Pour Point”. This Standard is redrafted based on ISO 3016.1994. In order to be suitable for Chinese situation, this Standard makes modifications when adopting ISO 3016.1994. The technical differences between this Standard and ISO 3016.1994 are as follows. - Add the regulations of “taking average value of two results of repeated measurement as the test results”. In order to be ease of use, this Standards makes editorial changes as follows. - Wording expression of repeatability and reproducibility are modified based on the habit of our country. This Standard replaces GB/T 3535-1983 “Petroleum - Determination of Pour Point”. Main technical differences between this Standard and GB/T 3535-1983 are as follows. - The name of this Standard is changed to “Petroleum Products - Determination of Pour Point” from “Petroleum - Determination of Pour Point”. - In Clause “Scope”, provision “general steps can be used for measurement of oil pour point, but precision is not applicable” is added as NOTE; - Clause “reagents and materials” is added; and common refrigerant preparation of - 18°C, -33°C, -51°C and -69°C cold bath is supplemented; - For sleeve in pour point tester, it defines that only metal sleeve can be used; and glass sleeve in the GB/T 3535-1983 is deleted; - Test procedures are separately described in accordance with two conditions. above -33°C for pour point, and blow or equal to -33°C for pour point. Test procedures of GB/T 3535-1983 were described in accordance with three conditions. 33°C~-33°C, above 33°C, and below -33°C; - For oil products of which the pour point specification value is not multiple-times of 3°C, it may conduct the test based on 6.9; result shall report if samples can pass or not pass the specification value; - Add automatic instrument, however, the precision is not applicable; - Repeatability and reproducibility of this Standard are both applicable to determination of oil products (including fuel oil, residual fuel oil) pour point; while reproducibility of GB/T 3535-1983 is not applicable to determination of oil products (including fuel oil, residual fuel oil) pour point; - Add thermometer used for melting point and relevant technical conditions. Annex A of this Standard is normative. This Standard was proposed by Sinopec Group. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP). Drafting organization of this Standard. SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP). Main drafters of this Standard. Guo Tao, and Chen Jie. Previous version replaced by this Standard is as follows. — GB/T 3535-1983. Petroleum products - Determination of pour point WARNING — The use of this Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1 Scope This Standard specifies a method for determination of the pour point of petroleum products. A separate procedure suitable for determination of lower pour point (see 6.10) of fuel oils, heavy lubricant base stock, and products containing residual fuel components is also described. NOTE. A method for the pour point of crude oils is under development. The pour point of crude oils may be determined by the general procedure described in this Standard, but some crude oils may need a modified pretreatment to avoid the loss of volatile material. The precision in this Standard was derived on a sample matrix that did not include crude oils (see NOTE in Clause 8). 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the following term and definition applies. pour point The lowest temperature at which a sample of petroleum product will continue to flow when it is cooled under specified standard conditions. 3 Principle After preliminary heating, the sample is cooled at a specified rate and examined at intervals of 3°C for flow characteristics. The lowest temperature at which movement of the sample is observed is recorded as the pour point. 4 Reagents and materials 4.1 Sodium chloride (NaCI), crystals. 4.2 Calcium chloride (CaCI2), crystals. 4.3 Carbon dioxide (C02), solid. 4.4 Coolant liquid. acetone, methanol or petroleum naphtha. the sample to a temperature greater than 45°C to effect the transfer to the test jar, or when it is known that a sample has been heated to a temperature higher than 45°C during the preceding 24 h, or when the thermal history of the sample is not known, keep the sample at room temperature for 24 h before testing it. 6.2 Close the test jar with the cork carrying the high-cloud-and-pour thermometer or, if the expected pour point is above 36°C, with the melting point thermometer (annex A). Adjust the position of the cork and thermometer so that the cork fits tightly, the thermometer and the test jar are coaxial, and the thermometer bulb is immersed to a depth which places the beginning of the capillary 3 mm below the surface of the sample. 6.3 Subject the sample in the test jar to a preliminary treatment, appropriate to its pour point, in accordance with 6.4 or 6.5. 6.4 Samples having pour points above - 33°C shall be treated as follows. 6.4.1 Heat the sample without stirring to 9°C above the expected pour point, or to 45°C, whichever is greater, in a bath maintained at 12°C above the expected pour point, but at least 48°C. 6.4.2 Transfer the test jar to a bath maintained at 24°C ± 1.5°C. 6.4.3 When the sample temperature reaches 9°C above the expected pour point (estimated as a multiple of 3°C), commence observations for flow in accordance with 6.7. 6.4.4 If the sample has not ceased to flow when the temperature has reached 27°C, carefully remove the test jar from the bath, wipe the outer surface with a clean cloth moistened with wiping fluid (4.5), and place it in the 0°C bath (5.7) in accordance with 6.6. Make observations for flow in accordance with 6.7 and cool as specified in the schedule given in 6.8. 6.5 Samples having pour points of - 33°C and below shall be treated as follows. 6.5.1 Heat the sample without stirring to 45°C in a bath maintained at 48°C, and cool to 15°C in a bath maintained at 6°C ± 1.5°C. 6.5.2 When the temperature has reached 15°C, carefully remove the test jar from the water bath, wipe the outer surface with a clean cloth moistened with wiping fluid, remove the high-cloud-and-pour thermometer and replace it with the low-cloud-and-pour thermometer (annex A). Place the test jar in the 0°C bath in accordance with 6.6. Successively place the test jar into lower-temperature baths in accordance with the schedule specified in 6.8. 6.5.3 When the temperature reaches 9°C above the expected pour point, commence observations for flow in accordance with 6.7. 6.6 Ensure that the disc, gasket and the inside of the jacket are clean and dry, and place the disc in the bottom of the jacket. The disc and jacket shall have been placed in the cooling medium a minimum of 10 min before the test jar is inserted. Place the gasket around the test jar approximately 25 mm from the bottom, and insert the test jar into the specification temperature is reached. Report the sample as passing or failing the specification limit. 6.10 For fuel oils, heavy lubricant base stock and products containing residual fuel components, the result obtained by the procedure given in 6.1 to 6.8 is the upper (maximum) pour point. If required, determine the lower (minimum) pour point by heating the sample while stirring to 105°C, pouring it into the jar, and determining the pour point as given in 6.2 to 6.8. 6.11 If automatic testing instruments are used, the user shall ensure that all of the manufacturer's instructions for calibration, adjustment and operation of the instrument are followed. As the p... ......

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