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GB 21257-2024 English PDF (GB 21257-2014, GB 21257-2007)

GB 21257-2024_English: PDF (GB21257-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 21257-2024English359 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Norm of energy consumption per unit production of caustic soda, PVC, methane chloride Valid GB 21257-2024
GB 21257-2014English229 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda Valid GB 21257-2014
GB 21257-2007English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda Obsolete GB 21257-2007

Standard ID GB 21257-2024 (GB21257-2024)
Description (Translated English) Norm of energy consumption per unit production of caustic soda, PVC, methane chloride
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard F01
Classification of International Standard 27.010
Word Count Estimation 18,162
Date of Issue 2024-04-29
Date of Implementation 2025-05-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 21257-2014; GB 30527-2014
Administrative Organization National Standardization Administration
Proposing organization National Standardization Administration
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 21257-2014 (GB21257-2014)
Description (Translated English) The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard F01
Classification of International Standard 27.010
Word Count Estimation 10,147
Date of Issue 2014/4/28
Date of Implementation 2015/1/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 21257-2007
Quoted Standard GB 209-2006; GB/T 2589; GB/T 12497; GB/T 12723; GB/T 13462; GB/T 13466; GB/T 14549; GB 17167; GB 18613; GB 19153; GB 19761; GB 19762; GB 20052
Drafting Organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee on Energy and Management
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin No. 8, 2014
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission, Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This Standard specifies the caustic soda (ion exchange membrane, diaphragm) energy consumption per unit of product (referred to as energy) technical requirements limit, the scope of statistics and computational methods, and energy management measures. Thi

Standard ID GB 21257-2007 (GB21257-2007)
Description (Translated English) The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard F01
Classification of International Standard 27.010
Word Count Estimation 9,975
Date of Issue 2007-12-03
Date of Implementation 2008-06-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2589; GB/T 12497; GB/T 13462; GB/T 13466; GB/T 14549
Drafting Organization China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association
Administrative Organization National Energy Foundation and Management Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 12 of 2007 (No. 112 overall)
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection; Industrial Standardization Administration of a
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the electrolysis method (diaphragm, membrane France) soda energy consumption per unit of product technical requirements, statistical coverage and calculation methods, energy management and measures. This standard applies to electrolysis method (diaphragm, membrane France) caustic soda production enterprise energy consumption calculation, assessment and control of energy consumption for new projects.

GB 21257-2024: Energy consumption limits per unit product for caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin and methane chloride ICS 27:010 CCSF01 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replaces GB 21257-2014, GB 30527-2014 Caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin and methane chloride Energy consumption limit per unit product methanechloride Released on 2024-04-29 2025-05-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1:1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting: This document replaces GB 21257-2014 "Limits of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda" and GB 30527-2014 "Limits of energy consumption per unit product of polyethylene resin" Product Energy Consumption Limits: Compared with GB 21257-2014 and GB 30527-2014, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main The technical changes are as follows: a) The energy consumption limit per unit product of diaphragm caustic soda plants has been deleted (see Chapter 1 and Chapter 4); b) Deleted "AC power consumption per unit product of caustic soda electrolysis unit", "comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda electrolysis unit", "polyvinyl chloride resin The terms and definitions of "comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of vinyl chloride unit" and "comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of polyvinyl chloride resin polymerization unit"; The definitions of “product comprehensive energy consumption” and “comprehensive energy consumption per unit of key products in the chlor-alkali industry” in the terms and definitions have been changed (see Section 3 Chapter 3 of GB 21257-2014, Chapter 3 of GB 30527-2014); c) Added energy consumption limit levels (see Chapter 4); d) Added the energy consumption limit level and technical requirements for unit product of methane chloride (see Chapter 4 and Chapter 5); e) The advanced values of energy consumption limits have been deleted (see Chapter 4 of GB 21257-2014 and Chapter 4 of GB 30527-2014); f) The statistical scope of caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin products and energy-consuming working fluids has been changed (see Chapter 6, Section 5 of GB 21257-2014): Chapter 5 of GB 30527-2014); g) Deleted the indicator value and calculation method of "AC power consumption per unit product of caustic soda electrolysis unit" (see GB 21257-2014, Section 4 Chapter 1, Chapter 5); h) The calculation method and formula for comprehensive energy consumption per unit of caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride resin have been changed (see Chapter 6, Chapter 5 of GB 21257-2014, Chapter 5 of GB 30527-2014): Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents: The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents: This document is proposed and coordinated by the National Standardization Administration: The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows: ---GB 21257, first issued in:2007 and first revised in:2014; ---GB 30527, first issued in:2014: ---This is the first integrated revision: Caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin and methane chloride Energy consumption limit per unit product 1 Scope This document specifies the energy consumption per unit product (abbreviated as energy consumption) limit level, technical requirements and Requirements, statistical scope and calculation requirements: This document is applicable to the calculation and assessment of energy consumption of caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin and methane chloride production enterprises by ion membrane electrolysis, as well as Energy consumption control for new construction, renovation and expansion projects: 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document: For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document: GB/T 2589 General rules for calculation of comprehensive energy consumption GB/T 12723 General rules for the compilation of energy consumption limits per unit product GB/T 29116 General rules for calculation of raw material consumption of industrial enterprises 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 12723 and the following apply to this document: 3:1 The ratio of comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin or methane chloride products to the output of qualified products during the statistical reporting period: Note: Product refers to qualified final product or intermediate product: 4 Energy consumption limit levels 4:1 Caustic soda energy consumption limit level The energy consumption limit level of caustic soda is divided into 3 levels, see Table 1, among which level 1 has the lowest energy consumption: ......

GB 21257-2014 The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda ICS 27.010 F01 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB 21257-2007 Energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda Issued on. 2014-04-28 2015-01-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword 4.1 and 4.2 of this standard are mandatory, the rest are recommended. This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard replaces GB 21257-2007 "energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda", compared with GB 21257-2007, the main changes as follows. --- Revised soda plant unit product energy consumption limits, caustic soda plant unit product energy consumption admittance value, energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda plant Advanced value index; --- Reference to GB/T 2589-2008 "comprehensive energy consumption calculation of Law", revised the scope of energy statistics and calculation methods. This standard by the National Development and Reform Commission Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization Department proposed. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Energy and Management (SAC/TC20) China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, Centralized. This standard was drafted. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, China Chlor-Alkali Industry Association, Tianjin Bohai Chemical Co., Ltd. of days, days Tianjin Dagu Chemical Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Tianye (Group) Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co. Ltd., Shenyang Chemical Corporation. The main drafters of this standard. Yang Jianrong, Tangbi Yong, Huang Huajun, Zhang Xin, Yi, change, Zhu Jianping, Li Yongliang, Sun Weishan, Zhang Lei, Zhou Junhua, early Liu, dry into the military, the French military, Zhou Xiong, Zhou Jun, Yin Jian, Liu Dongsheng, Chen Zhenggang, Zouzhi Jing. Energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda 1 Scope This standard specifies the caustic soda (ion exchange membrane, diaphragm) unit product energy consumption (energy for short) the technical requirements of quotas, and statistical coverage Calculation methods, and energy management measures. This standard applies to soda (ion exchange membrane, the membrane method) to calculate the energy consumption of production enterprises, assessment and control of new energy projects. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. GB 209-2006 hydroxide for industrial use GB/T 2589 General Principles of comprehensive energy consumption calculation GB/T 12497 three-phase asynchronous motor economy GB/T 12723 energy consumption per unit of product preparation General GB/T 13462 Power Transformer Economic Operation GB/T 13466 AC driven fan (pump, air compressor) General economic operation GB/T 14549 Power quality utility grid harmonic GB 17167 energy use per unit of energy measuring instruments and General Manager GB 18613 small and medium three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency rating GB 19153 displacement air compressors energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency rating GB 19761 fan energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency rating GB 19762 water pump energy efficiency of limited value and energy conservation evaluation values GB 20052-phase distribution transformer energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency rating 3 Terms and Definitions GB/T 12723 and defined by the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda products thecomprehensiveenergyconsumptionofproductcausticsoda During the reporting period, caustic soda production total energy consumption in the entire process. Note. The total energy consumption refers to a variety of energy consumption and loss of production system, auxiliary production system and auxiliary production systems and does not include infrastructure, technological transformation And other projects consumption, production and recycling area bounded outwardly amount of energy output. 3.2 Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda thecomprehensiveenergyconsumptionperunitproductofcausticsoda Off with the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of production represented 100% of caustic soda. 3.3 Caustic soda electrolysis unit AC power consumption per unit of product theACelectricconsumptionofECUperunitproductofcausticsoda Electrolytic base equivalent to 100% caustic electrolytic cell yields represent the direct consumption of AC power, namely the electrolytic process unit power consumption, does not include Power consumption including power equipment and the like. 3.4 Caustic soda electrolysis unit comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product thecomprehensiveenergyconsumptionofelectrolysisunitof causticsoda Comprehensive energy consumption of electrolytic alkali electrolysis unit off 100% caustic soda production unit represented by the number of energy including chlorine, hydrogen consumed by the process The amount does not include the amount of energy evaporation of caustic soda and other post-processing consumed. 4. Technical Requirements 4.1 caustic soda unit product energy consumption limits Existing soda plant unit product energy consumption limits include comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda and caustic soda electrolysis cell AC power consumption, the index value should be Comply with the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 caustic soda unit product energy consumption limits A product name and specifications (Mass fraction) /% Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda / (Kgce/t) AC power consumption of caustic soda electrolysis unit b / (KW · h/t) Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥30.0 Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥45.0 Ion exchange membrane solid caustic ≥98.0 ≤375 ≤500 ≤800 ≤2470 Diaphragm caustic ≥30.0 Diaphragm caustic ≥42.0 Diaphragm solid base ≥95.0 ≤880 ≤1100 ≤1200 ≤2530 a product name and specifications of the implementation of the provisions of GB 209-2006. Diaphragm caustic soda electrolysis unit AC power consumption of limited value b table, refers to a metal anode diaphragm electrolyzer current density for the implementation of a standard 1700A/m2 of. When the metal anode diaphragm electrolyzer current density, the current density for each increase or decrease 100A/m2, caustic soda electrolysis cell units depletion increased product AC 44kW · h/t. 4.2 Access caustic soda unit product energy consumption value Caustic soda production plant energy consumption per unit of product value, including integrated access to energy and electrolysis unit AC power consumption, its index value should be in accordance with Table 2 Provisions. Table 2 caustic soda unit product energy consumption value access A product name and specifications (Mass fraction) /% Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda / (Kgce/t) AC power consumption of caustic soda electrolysis cell / (KW · h/t) Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥30.0 Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥45.0 Ion exchange membrane solid caustic ≥98.0 ≤315 ≤450 ≤650 ≤2340 a product name and specifications of the implementation of the provisions of GB 209-2006. Caustic soda unit product energy consumption advanced 4.3 value Caustic soda production plant energy consumption per unit value index advanced electrolysis cell including integrated AC power consumption and energy consumption, which reached the index value in Table 3 Claim. Table 3 caustic soda unit product energy consumption advanced value A product name and specifications (Mass fraction) /% Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda / (Kgce/t) AC power consumption of caustic soda electrolysis unit b / (KW · h/t) Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥30.0 Ion-exchange membrane caustic soda ≥45.0 Ion exchange membrane solid caustic ≥98.0 ≤315 ≤430 ≤630 ≤2300 Diaphragm caustic ≥30.0 Diaphragm caustic ≥42.0 Diaphragm solid base ≥95.0 ≤680 ≤800 ≤1000 ≤2450 a product name and specifications of the implementation of the provisions of GB 209-2006. Diaphragm caustic soda electrolysis unit AC power consumption of limited value b table, refers to a metal anode diaphragm electrolyzer current density for the implementation of a standard 1700A/m2 of. When the metal anode diaphragm electrolyzer current density, the current density for each increase or decrease 100A/m2, caustic soda electrolysis cell units depletion increased product AC 44kW · h/t. 5 statistical coverage and calculation methods 5.1 statistical range 5.1.1 caustic soda production system. from crude salt or brine and metered into the barrel of salt before a delivery device, electrolytic metered into the AC The rectifier transformer start to complete the process chlorine, hydrogen treated fed and finished packaging and storage of caustic soda until about the composition of step And equipment. 5.1.2 Auxiliary caustic soda production system. the system for the production of process equipment configuration processes, facilities and equipment. Including power, electricity, machine repair, Water, gas, heating, refrigeration, instrumentation and plant material grounds, and safety, environmental protection and other devices. 5.1.3 Subsidiary caustic soda production system. production system specially configured for the production control system (factory) and the plant area for the production and service sectors unit. Including offices, operating room, lounge, dressing room, baths, central control analysis, product testing, management and repair of the cell, the membrane adsorption, Ruthenium anode coating and repair, the anode assembly, asbestos fiber processing and recycling, the membrane leakage test and repair facilities. 5.1.4 Production of caustic soda precinct. a step into the beginning of raw materials and energy metered salt, electricity, steam, etc. from storage to finished caustic soda metering And accompanying the entire production process of caustic soda electrolysis chlorine, hydrogen treated until sent. By the production system, auxiliary production system and subsidiary Production facility system composed of three parts. 5.1.5 caustic soda production system energy use shall include the amount of primary energy and secondary energy production and the amount of caustic soda border area actually consumed. Energy working fluid (Such as water, oxygen, nitrogen, compressed air, etc.), whether purchased or homegrown energy consumption statistics should not be in. 5.1.6 are not included in the production of caustic soda production system business support community area, subsidiary production systems and the loss in energy consumption should be proportional method Allocated to caustic soda production system. 5.1.7 Recycling caustic soda production boundary zone generated heat and energy and chemical reaction heat, it should not be included in the energy consumption. For precinct outside of the apparatus Recycling, energy recovery shall be the actual deduction from the present energy consumption in industry area. But in the area of production of caustic soda industry as fuel consumed electricity Legal caustic soda solution of hydrogen by-product should be included in the energy consumption. 5.1.8 various energy shall GB/T 2589 translated into a uniform unit of measurement kg of standard coal. Calorific value of energy to various enterprises in the newspaper Report period measured calorific value shall prevail. Found no conditions, refer to Appendix A of the various energy off coal reference coefficients. 5.1.9 energy consumption statistics, accounting should include the various production processes and systems should neither repeat, it should not be undercounted. 5.2 Calculation Method 5.2.1 Overview Comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda electrolysis unit comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product is calculated in accordance with Table 1 and the product specifications, production methods points Do not accounting energy consumption. 5.2.2 Calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda Some kind of caustic soda per unit of product specifications comprehensive energy consumption shall be the formula (1). EZH = EDJ × (1 x) × (1 y) EJG (1) Where. EZH --- some kind of comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product specifications of caustic soda during the reporting period, in kilograms per tonne of coal equivalent (kgce/t); EDJ --- overall energy consumption reporting period, caustic soda electrolysis cell unit of product, in kilograms per tonne of coal equivalent (kgce/t); x --- own base rate actually occurred; y --- base rate losses actually incurred; EJG --- overall energy consumption during the reporting period some specifications of caustic soda processing unit product, in kilograms per tonne of coal equivalent (kgce/t). 5.2.3 Calculation of caustic soda electrolysis cell unit comprehensive energy consumption Report of caustic soda electrolysis cell unit comprehensive energy consumption shall be the formula (2). EDJ = i = 1 (Edsc × ki) Σ i = 1 (Edfz × ki []) PDJ (2) Where. A variety of physical volume of the electrolytic cell energy edsc --- During the reporting period the production system consumption; ki --- off some energy standard coal coefficient; i --- type of energy; n --- Total energy types; edfz --- During the reporting period the electrolytic cell auxiliary production system, a variety of physical volume of energy consumed by the subsidiary production systems; PDJ --- During the reporting period the electrolytic cell equivalent to 100% caustic alkali electrolysis production, tonnes (t). 5.2.4 comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda reporting process unit product calculation Some kind of comprehensive energy consumption specifications of caustic soda processing unit product shall formula (3) Calculated. EJG = i = 1 (Ejsc × ki) Σ i = 1 (Ejfz × ki []) PCP (3) Where. During the reporting period various energy ejsc --- caustic soda production process consumes physical volume consumed by the system; ejfz --- reporting period caustic soda production process auxiliary systems, various energy consumption of the system affiliated production physical volume consumed; Some specifications of caustic soda PCP --- reporting period finished off 100% caustic soda production, tonnes (t). 5.2.5 caustic soda electrolysis unit AC power consumption per unit of product calculation Caustic soda electrolysis unit AC power consumption per unit of product shall formula (4) Calculated. QDH = QDL PDJ (4) Where. Electrolysis caustic soda electrolysis cell during the reporting period QDH --- AC power consumption per unit of product, in units of kilowatt-hours per ton (kW · h/t); Electrolysis unit QDL --- During the reporting period the production process actually consumed by electrolysis alternating current power units of kilowatt-hours (kW · h); PDJ --- reporting period alkali electrolysis electrolysis unit off 100% caustic soda production, tonnes (t). 6 and energy management measures 6.1 basic management of energy-saving Enterprise regularly comprehensive energy consumption of caustic soda products, comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product caustic soda and caustic soda electrolysis cell unit AC power consumption of the product test conducted Nuclear, establish energy accountability. Enterprises according to GB 17167 instruments to measure energy and the establishment of energy measurement management system. 6.2 Energy Saving Technology Management 6.2.1 Economic Operation Enterprises should make the production of generic equipment to achieve economic operation of the state, the economic operation of the motor management should be consistent with GB/T 12497 regulations Set; economic operation management fans, pumps and air compressors shall comply with GB/T 13466; the economic operation of power transformers Management should comply with GB/T 13462 of. A variety of network maintenance and management should be strengthened. 6.2.2 transformer, rectifier step increase the number of pulse rectifier rectifying the number of phases, harmonic suppression, 6 (10) kV pulse wave-powered buses should not be below 12,35 (66) kV Rapid pulse wave pulse number not less than 18,110kV powered bus-powered buses should not be less than 24, and the grid connection point execution GB/T 14549 of the relevant provisions. rectifier natural increase power factor, to reduce higher harmonics hazards. 6.2.3 Step brine encourage the adoption of a brine membrane filtration technology to improve the quality of brine. In addition to encouraging the use of sodium nitrate filter method (Glauber's salt) technology. 6.2.4 electrolysis process use of new energy efficient zero polar distance (membrane electrode distance) membrane cell technology. encourage the use of an oxygen cathode electrolytic method caustic energy-saving technologies. 6.2.5 evaporation process Encourage the use of three - effect countercurrent caustic soda evaporation concentration techniques to improve the evaporation efficiency and reduce steam consumption. 6.2.6 chlorine and hydrogen treatment step using a large chlorine gas turbine compressors and screw refrigeration unit, lithium bromide chiller, chlorine gas liquefaction technology upgrade. Strengthening of hydrogen chloride synthesis waste heat utilization. 6.2.7 energy-consuming equipment enterprises should improve the energy efficiency of the motor system common equipment with energy efficient equipment upgrades out of high energy-consuming equipment. In a large run-time In 3000h equipment, can reach the level of the motor effect energy conservation evaluation values of GB 18613; can effect water pump reaches GB 19762 level energy conservation evaluation values; fan effect can reach the level of GB 19761 energy conservation evaluation values; displacement air compressor Effects can reach the level of GB 19153 energy conservation evaluation values. It should be 75% to 80% of the rated load of the motor is running. enterprises should improve substation and distribution equipment energy efficiency, can reach the level of effect distribution transformers GB 20052 energy conservation evaluation values. Low-voltage substation and distribution should be centralized compensation method, the use of compensation capacitors to improve power factor. enterprises should improve the energy efficiency of lighting systems, electric light and ballast should be used to achieve the energy efficiency of the relevant energy efficiency standards for energy conservation evaluation values product. Appendix A (Informative) Various energy off coal reference coefficient table Various energy off coal reference coefficients in Table A.1. Table A.1 various energy conversion of standard coal reference coefficients The average calorific energy name off of standard coal coefficient Coal 20908kJ/kg (5000kcal/kg) 0.7143kgce/kg Coal washing 26344kJ/kg (6300kcal/kg) 0.9000kgce/kg Other coal washing a) Coal washing b) Slime 8363kJ/kg (2000kcal/kg) 8363kJ/kg ~ 12545kJ/kg (2000kcal/kg ~ 3000kcal/kg) 0.2857kgce/kg 0.2857kgce/kg ~ 0.4286kgce/kg Coke 28435kJ/kg (6800kcal/kg) 0.9714kgce/kg Residue 41816kJ/kg (10000kcal/kg) 1.4286kgce/kg Water 28.43MJ/t (6800kcal/t) 0.9714kgce/t Steam (low pressure) 3763.44MJ/t (9 × 105kcal/t) 0.1286kgce/kg Gas oil 38931kJ/m3 (9310kcal/m3) 1.3300kgce/m3 Gas Field 35544kJ/m3 (8500kcal/m3) 1.2143kgce/m3 Coal mine gas 14636kJ/m3 ~ 16726kJ/m3 (3500kcal/m3 ~ 4000kcal/m3) 0.5000kgce/m3 ~ 0.5714kgce/m3 Coke oven gas 16726kJ/m3 ~ 17081kJ/m3 (4000kcal/m3 ~ 4300kcal/m3) 0.5714kgce/m3 ~ 0.6143kgce/m3 Other gas a) producer gas 5227kJ/m3 (1250kcal/m3) 0.1786kgce/m3 b) coke gas 16308kJ/m3 (3900kcal/m3) 0.5571kgce/m3 c) the gas pressure in the vaporizer 15054kJ/m3 (3600kcal/m3) 0.5143kgce/m3 d) water gas 10454kJ/m3 (2500kcal/m3) 0.3571kgce/m3 Hydrogen 10802kJ/m3 (2580kcal/m3) 0.3686kgce/m3 Thermal (equiv.) - 0.03412kgce/MJ [0.14286kgce/(103kcal)] Electricity (eq) 3601kJ/(kW · h) [860kcal/(kW · h)] 0.1229kgce/(kW · h) ......

GB 21257-2007 The norm of energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda ICS 27.010 F01 National Standards of People's Republic of China Energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda Posted 2007-12-03 2008-06-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword 4.1 and 4.2 of this standard is mandatory, the rest are recommended. Appendix A of this standard is an informative annex. This standard by the National Development and Reform Commission Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection, the National Standardization Management Committee presented an industry. This standard by the National Standardization Technical Committee for Energy and Management. This standard drafting units. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, China Chlor-Alkali Industry Association. The main drafters of this standard. Yang Jianrong, early Liu, Tang Biyong, dry into the military, Zhu Jianping, Huang Huajun, the French military, Zhou Xiong, Zhou Jun, Yin Jian, Liu Dongsheng, Chenzheng Gang, Sun Weishan, Zouzhi Jing. Energy consumption per unit product of caustic soda 1 Scope This standard specifies the technical requirements electrolysis (diaphragm, ion-exchange membrane) caustic soda unit product energy consumption (hereinafter referred to as energy) limit, The scope and method of statistical calculation, and energy management measures. This standard applies to electrolysis (diaphragm, ion-exchange membrane) to calculate the energy consumption of caustic soda production enterprises, assessment, as well as the energy consumption of new projects control. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T 2589 General Principles of comprehensive energy consumption calculation GB/T 12497 three-phase asynchronous motor economy GB/T 13462 Enterprise Power Transformer Economic Operation Guide GB/T 13466 AC driven fan (pump, air compressor) General economic operation GB/T 14549 Power quality utility grid harmonic GB 17167 energy use per unit of energy measuring instruments and General Manager GB 18613 small and medium three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency rating GB 19153 displacement air compressors energy efficiency limit value and energy conservation evaluation values GB 19761 fans limited value of energy efficiency and energy conservation evaluation values GB 19762 water pump energy efficiency of limited value and energy conservation evaluation values GB 20052-phase distribution transformer energy efficiency of limited value and energy conservation evaluation values 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Salt or brine from and metered into the barrel of salt before a delivery device, AC metered into the electrolysis rectifier transformer start, To chlorine, hydrogen treated Send complete processes and equipment and related process until the finished product caustic soda packaging and storage thereof. 3.2 Process equipment for the production system configuration process, facilities and equipment. Including power, electricity, machine repair, water, gas, heating, refrigeration, instrumentation and plant material grounds, and safety, environmental protection and other devices. 3.3 Departments and units of the production system specially configured production control system (factory) and the plant area for the production of services. Including offices, operating room, lounge, dressing room, baths, central control analysis, product testing, management and repair of the cell, the membrane adsorption, Yang Tu Ru pole and repair, the anode assembly, asbestos fiber processing and recycling, the membrane leakage test and repair facilities. ......

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