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QC/T 1048-2016: PDF in English (QCT 1048-2016)

QC/T 1048-2016 QC AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.080.20 T 42 Bus emergency hammer ISSUED ON. APRIL 05, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 01, 2016 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Annex. References, names and dates of implementation of 35 automotive industry standards S/N Standard reference Standard name Standard reference being substituted Date of implementation (Year-Month- Day) 326 QC/T 16-2016 General technical specifications for ignition coil QC/T 16-1992 2016-09-01 327 QC/T 224-2016 Specifications of engine used in motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 224-2007 2016-09-01 328 QC/T 228-2016 Manipulation inhaul cable of motorcycle and moped QC/T 228.1-1997, QC/T 228.2-1997, QC/T 228.3-1997, QC/T 228.4-1997, QC/T 228.5-1997, QC/T 228.6-1997, QC/T 228.7-1997, QC/T 228.8-1997, QC/T 228.9-1997, QC/T 228.10-1997 2016-09-01 329 QC/T 307-2016 Technical specifications for vacuum booster QC/T 307-1999 2016-09-01 330 QC/T 414-2016 Color specification and model preparation method for automobile wires (cables) QC/T 414-1999, QC/T 730-2005 2016-09-01 331 QC/T 415-2016 Automotive cigarette lighter and cigarette-lighter power socket QC/T 415-1999 2016-09-01 332 QC/T 469-2016 Automotive engine valve technical conditions QC/T 469-2002 2016-09-01 333 QC/T 681-2016 Technical conditions for starting relay of motorcycle and moped QC/T 681-2002 2016-09-01 Table of Contents Announcement ... 2  Foreword ... 8  1 Scope ... 9  2 Normative references ... 9  3 Terms and definitions ... 10  4 Technical requirements ... 10  5 Test methods ... 12  6 Inspection rules ... 14  7 Marks, packaging, transport, storage ... 15  Bus emergency hammer 1 Scope This Standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marks, packaging, transport, storage of bus emergency hammer. This Standard is applicable to bus emergency hammer used for M2, M3 buses. The emergency hammer used by other type bus shall refer to this Standard for implementation. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 191, Packaging and storage marks GB/T 2423.1, Environmental testing - Part 2. Test methods - Tests A. Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2008, IEC 60068-2-1.2007, IDT) GB/T 2423.2, Environmental testing - Part 2. Test methods - Tests B. Dry heat (GB/T 2423. 2-2008, IEC 60068-2-2.2007, IDT) GB/T 3785.1, Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1. Specifications GB 7258, Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads GB 8410, Flammability of automotive interior materials GB/T 15173, Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators GB/T 28046.1-2011, Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 1. General GB/T 28046.4-2011, Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 4. Climatic loads GB/T 30512, Requirements for Prohibited Substances on Automobiles 4.1.3 The emergency hammer handle shall have anti-slip and protection handle design. The non-metallic materials used in the hammer handle and bracket shall be flame retardant, low-smoke, non-toxic (low-toxic), halogen-free non- flame-retardant materials. Its flame retardancy shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB 7258. 4.1.4 The materials used for emergency hammers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30512. 4.1.5 There shall be no flash burrs around the emergency hammer and the surface shall be rustproof. 4.1.6 The Emergency hammer handle, bracket shall be free of flash burrs. The surface is flat and smooth, without deformation. The color shall be red, no color difference, which can withstand slight-acid, slight-alkali. 4.1.7 The emergency hammer head and handle shall be assembled tightly and firmly. 4.1.8 Emergency hammer and bracket are reliably cooperated, without loosening. It shall be easy to remove in an emergency. 4.1.9 When the emergency hammer is removed from the bracket, it shall have an audible alarm function. When the alarm device is working, the alarm sound shall be no less than 75 dB(A) at a height of 1000 mm from the ground and 2500 mm at a horizontal distance. If the alarm device is installed with a battery, it shall be easy to replace. Indicate the battery installation position and replacement cycle. 4.2 Size and quality requirements 4.2.1 The distance from the tip of the emergency hammer to the center of the hammer handle is l≥130mm. The inner part of the hammer handle is l1 ≥85mm (see Figure 1). 4.2.2 The emergency hammer diameter d≥14mm, hammer head anteversion angle β≤20°. The hammer cone angle α≤60°, hammer cone tip radius of curvature is 0.2mm (see Figure 1). 4.2.3 The mass of emergency hammer head is ≥70g. The total mass of emergency hammer (excluding the bracket) is ≥170g. 4.3 Installation requirements 4.3.1 The emergency hammer is usually placed in the bracket. The bracket shall be installed adjacent to the emergency window and easy to see and access. The installation height is 1000mm ~ 1700mm above the floor surface of the vehicle. in the low temperature for 2h according to the test conditions in Table 1. The sample shall be taken out of the cryostat and the drop test shall be completed within 5 min. 5.2.2 The emergency hammer (mounted on the bracket and the warning indicator light level upwards) is freely dropped from the height of 1.5 m on the concrete floor (the cement floor is made of concrete of which strength class is C30, thickness is at least 20 cm), twice in succession. 5.2.3 The results of the emergency hammer test shall comply with the requirements of 4.5. 5.3 Alarm device test 5.3.1 Remove the emergency hammer from the fixed bracket. The alarm device shall sound an audible alarm. Use sound level meter to test. The test results shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.9. 5.3.2 The sound level meter for measurement shall meet the requirements of the Class 1 sound level meter specified in GB/T 3785.1. “A” frequency weighting characteristics and “F” time weighting characteristics shall be used for measurement. Before and after measurement, the sound level meter shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications by using a Class 1 acoustic calibrator in accordance with GB/T 15173. 5.3.3 Measurement shall be made on open concrete flat floors and where the effects of reflections are less. The background noise shall be measured before the formal measurement and the background noise shall be less than 70 dB(A). 5.3.4 The sound level meter microphone shall be placed at the same ground level as the sound source of the alarm device. This height is 1000 mm. The horizontal distance from microphone to sound source of the alarm device is 2500 mm and points to the sound source. And measure separately according to the 3 measuring points in the position of Figure 2. Figure 2 -- Planar graph of measuring point position Sound source ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.