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NB/T 47014-2023: PDF in English (NBT 47014-2023)

NB/T 47014-2023 NB ENERGY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 25.160.10 CCS J 33 Replacing NB/T 47014-2011 Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipments ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 28, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: JUNE 28, 2024 Issued by: National Energy Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 6 2 Normative references ... 6 3 Terms and definitions ... 10 4 General ... 14 5 Welding procedure qualification factors and classification ... 14 6 Welding procedure qualification for butt welds and fillet welds ... 41 7 Qualification of corrosion resistant cladding procedure ... 64 8 Others ... 74 Appendix A (Informative) Welding procedure specification flow chart ... 75 Appendix B (Normative) Supplementary provisions for base materials, filler metals, welding methods ... 76 Appendix C (Normative) Welding procedure qualification of butt welds with buttering ... 79 Appendix D (Normative) Welding procedure qualification of stainless steel-steel composite plates ... 81 Appendix E (Normative) Welding procedure qualification of heat exchange tubes and tube sheets ... 84 Appendix F (Normative) Stud arc welding procedure qualification ... 89 Appendix G (Informative) Recommended format for welding procedure qualification record ... 95 Appendix H (Informative) Common English abbreviations and codes for welding procedure qualification ... 105 Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipments 1 Scope This document specifies the rules, test methods, qualified indicators for welding procedure qualification for pressure equipment (boilers, pressure vessels, pressure pipes). This document is applicable to welding procedure qualification for welding methods such as gas welding, arc welding, submerged arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, gas metal arc welding (including flux-cored arc welding), electroslag welding, plasma arc welding, friction welding, electrogas welding, stud arc welding, electron beam welding. This document is not applicable to welding procedure qualification for gas cylinders. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for referenced documents with dates, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without dates, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 150.2 Pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials GB/T 151 Heat exchangers GB/T 228 (all parts) Metallic materials - Tensile testing GB/T 229 Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test method GB/T 699 Quality carbon structure steels GB/T 700 Carbon structural steels GB/T 711 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates sheets and strips GB/T 713 Steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels GB/T 1176 Casting copper and copper alloys GB/T 1527 Drawn tube of copper and copper alloys strip surfacing. The calculation formula is: 60×I×U/(V × bandwidth) (J/mm2). 3.22 Buttering Before the joint is prepared for final welding, pre-welding is performed on one or two groove surfaces of the joint to increase material, in order to provide a suitable transition layer weld for subsequent welding. 4 General 4.1 In addition to complying with the provisions of this document, the welding procedure qualification of pressure equipment shall also comply with the requirements of relevant standards and technical documents for boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping products. 4.2 The general process of welding procedure qualification is: According to the weldability of metal materials and welding materials, formulate preliminary welding procedure specifications according to the provisions of design documents and manufacturing process; prepare test coupons; prepare specimens; detect whether the welding joints or corrosion-resistant cladding layers meet the specified requirements; form a welding procedure qualification record to evaluate pWPS. 4.3 Welding procedure qualification shall be carried out in the organization. The equipment and instruments used for welding procedure qualification shall be in normal working condition; the metal materials and welding materials shall meet the corresponding standards; the welding personnel with skilled operation skills in the organization shall use the equipment of the organization to weld the test coupons. 4.4 The qualified welding procedure refers to the general welding procedure qualification factors listed in the qualified welding procedure qualification record, the important factors and supplementary factors in the special welding procedure qualification factors for butt welds and fillet welds, or the re-evaluated process factors in the corrosion-resistant cladding process qualification factors. 4.5 See Appendix A for the welding procedure qualification flow chart. 5 Welding procedure qualification factors and classification 5.1 General welding procedure qualification factors and classification for various welding methods 5.1.1 Welding methods and classification 6 Welding procedure qualification for butt welds and fillet welds 6.1 General qualification rules for various welding methods 6.1.1 Qualification rules for welding methods When the welding method is changed, the welding procedure qualification needs to be re-performed. 6.1.2 Qualification rules for base materials Qualification rules for categories (except stud welding and friction welding): a) When the base material category number is changed, so the welding procedure qualification needs to be re-performed; b)For welding of a certain category of base materials Fe-1 ~ Fe-5A, qualified welding procedures such as arc welding, submerged arc welding, gas shielded arc welding, gas tungsten shielded welding, plasma arc welding with wire are applicable to welding of the base materials of this category with the base materials of lower category; c) Except for b), for welding of base materials of different categories, even if the welding procedure of each base material is qualified, the welding joint still needs to be re-qualified; d) When the heat affected zone specifies impact, the preliminary welding procedures for welding of two categories (groups) of base materials are the same as the welding procedure for their respective qualified welding, then the welding of these two categories (groups) of base materials does not need to be re-qualified. Group qualification rules (except stud welding and friction welding): a) Except for the following provisions, when the base material group number changes, the welding procedure qualification needs to be re-performed; b) The welding procedure that has been qualified for a base material is applicable to other base materials of the same group number; c) In the same category number, the welding procedure that has been qualified for a base material of a higher group number is applicable to the welding of the base material of the higher group number with the base material of the lower group number; d) The welding procedure that has been qualified for a base material of the Fe-1-2 group number is applicable to the base material of the Fe-1-1 group number. Base material qualification rules for friction welding: a) When the nominal composition or tensile strength grade of the base material changes, the welding procedure qualification needs to be re-performed; b) When two base materials of different nominal composition or tensile strength grades are welded together, even if the welding procedure qualification of each base material is qualified, the welding joint still needs to be re-performed. 6.1.3 Filler metal qualification rules Changing the filler metal category number requires re-qualification of the welding procedure, except when a filler metal with a higher strength level replaces a filler metal with a lower strength level to weld Fe-1 and Fe-3 base materials. When performing submerged arc welding and metal arc gas shielded welding, the addition, cancellation or volume change of supplemental filler metal exceeding 10% requires re-qualification of the welding procedure. When an impact test is required, among filler metals of the same category number, replacing a filler metal with a lower impact absorption energy qualified index with a higher filler metal (except when the impact absorption energy qualified index is lower, it can still meet the requirements of this document or design documents) or replacing a basic coated electrode with a non-basic coated electrode are both additional factors, an impact toughness test needs to be added. For welding materials for submerged arc welding of austenitic stainless steel in NB/T 47018.4, if the flux manufacturing method (melting flux, sintering flux) is changed, the welding procedure qualification must be re-performed. 6.1.4 Qualification rules for post-weld heat treatment If the post-weld heat treatment category is changed, the welding procedure qualification must be re-performed. When impact testing is required, except for gas welding, stud arc welding, friction welding, the welding procedure qualification must be re-performed after the holding temperature or holding time range of the post-weld heat treatment is changed. The post-weld heat treatment of the test coupon shall be basically the same as the post- weld heat treatment of the weldment during the manufacturing process. When the post- weld heat treatment is performed below the lower transformation temperature, the holding time of the test coupon shall not be less than 80% of the cumulative holding time of the weldment during the manufacturing process. The holding time of multiple post-weld heat treatments with the same holding temperature can be accumulated into When the qualified welding procedure is used for weldment, one or several welding methods (or welding procedures) can be used; however, the major factors and supplementary factors shall be kept unchanged, wherein the thickness of the base material and weld metal of the test coupon as qualified by each welding method (or welding procedure) is applicable to the effective range of the base material thickness and weld metal thickness of the weldment, according to the provisions of this document. 6.3.5 Test coupon preparation The welding of base material, welding materials, test coupons must comply with the preliminary welding procedure specification. For the test coupons qualified in combination, the thickness of the weld metal welded by each welding method shall be recorded, but the weld excess height shall not be included. The number and size of the test coupons shall meet the requirements for test coupon preparation. The test coupons may also be cut directly from the weldment. When the diameter of the tubular butt weld test coupon is ≥ DN500, the weld shall be welded in the vertical welding position. The weld length shall meet the requirements for specimen preparation, meanwhile there is no need to weld the entire circumferential weld. 6.4 Inspection requirements and result evaluation 6.4.1 Inspection of butt weld test coupon and specimen Items for test coupon inspection: Appearance inspection, nondestructive testing, mechanical property test, bending test. The results of appearance inspection and nondestructive testing (according to NB/T 47013) shall not show cracks. Mechanical property test and bending test: a) The number of samples for mechanical property test and bending test shall comply with the provisions of Table 10, unless otherwise specified. b) When impact test is required, Charpy V-notch impact test shall be carried out only on steel and aluminum-magnesium alloy and austenitic stainless steel welded joints with magnesium content exceeding 3%; only weld metal impact specimens shall be taken for aluminum-magnesium alloy and austenitic stainless steel welded joints. c) When the test coupon adopts two or more welding methods (or welding procedures with different major factors and supplementary factors), the tensile surface of the tensile specimen and the bending specimen shall include the weld Tensile test Sampling and processing requirements: a) The weld excess height of the specimen shall be removed mechanically to make it flush with the base material; sampling on electron beam welded tubular butt weld test coupon shall avoid the overlap where the beam is attenuated. b) For test coupon which has a thickness less than or equal to 30 mm, full-thickness tensile specimens are used. The specimen thickness shall be equal to or close to the base material thickness T of test coupon. c) When the testing machine is limited in capacity and cannot perform full-thickness tensile tests, the test coupon can be evenly layered and sampled in the thickness direction. The thickness of the specimens after equal division shall be close to the maximum thickness that the testing machine can test. The test of two or more equally divided specimens replaces the test of one full-thickness specimen. Test specimen form: a) Compact plate joint with shoulder plate tensile test specimen (as shown in Figure 4) is applicable to butt weld test coupons of all thickness plates; b) Compact pipe joint with shoulder plate tensile test specimen type I (as shown in Figure 5) is applicable to all wall thickness tubular butt weld test coupons, which have an outer diameter greater than 76 mm; c) Compact pipe joint with shoulder plate tensile test specimen type II (as shown in Figure 6) is applicable to tubular butt weld test coupons, which have an outer diameter less than or equal to 76 mm; d) Pipe joint full section tensile test specimen (as shown in Figure 7) is applicable to tubular butt weld test coupons, which have an outer diameter less than or equal to 76 mm. Test method: Determine the tensile strength of the welded joint in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 228. Qualified index: a) When the base material of the specimen is the same metal material code, the tensile strength of each (piece) specimen shall not be lower than the minimum tensile strength of the base material specified in this document: 1) The minimum tensile strength specified for steel base material is equal to the lower limit of tensile strength specified in its standard. 2) Aluminum base material 1) The base material category with serial number 1 in Table 12: When T > 3 mm, take S = 3 mm and remove the excess thickness from the pressure surface of the specimen; when T ≤ 3 mm, S is as close to T as possible. 2) The base material category other than serial number 1 in Table 12: When T > 10 mm, take S = 10 mm and remove the excess thickness from the pressure surface of the test specimen; when T ≤ 10 mm, S is as close to T as possible. 3) For plate-shaped and tubular test coupon which have an outer diameter of Φ > 100 mm, the specimen width B = 38 mm; when the outer diameter Φ of the tubular test coupon is 50 mm ~ 100 mm, then B = (S + Φ/20) mm and 8 mm ≤ B ≤ 38 mm; when 10 mm ≤ Φ < 50 mm, then B = (S + Φ/10) mm and the minimum is 8 mm; or when Φ ≤ 25 mm, the test coupon is divided into four equal parts in the circumferential direction. b) Transverse side bending specimens are shown in Figure 9. 1) The thickness of the specimens is 3 mm (for the base material category with serial number 1 in Table 12) or 10 mm (for the base material category other than serial number 1 in Table 12). 2) When the specimen thickness T ≥ 10 mm, the specimen width B is equal to or close to the test coupon thickness. However, when the test coupon thickness T ≥ 38 mm, it is allowed to test two or more side bending specimens which have a width of 20 mm ~ 38 mm in the direction of the test coupon thickness instead of a full-width side bending specimen. Test method: a) The bending test is carried out according to the test method specified in GB/T 2653 and Table 12 to determine the integrity and plasticity of the welded joint; b) The center of the weld of the specimen shall be aligned with the axis of the indenter. During the side bending test, the side with the more serious defect is used as the tensile surface; c) The bending angle shall be measured when the specimen is subjected to the maximum bending load on the testing machine; d) In Table 12, No.6, when the lower limit of the standard value of the elongation at break A is less than 20% of the base material, if its welded joint fails the bending test specified in Table 12, No.6, whilst the actual measured value is less than 20%, then it is allowed to increase the diameter of the indenter and re-test. At this time, the indenter diameter is equal to S (200 - A) / 2A (A is the lower limit of the specified value of the elongation at break multiplied by 100. If the two sides are Appendix B (Normative) Supplementary provisions for base materials, filler metals, welding methods B.1 The welding procedure qualification requirements for base materials, filler metals, welding methods outside the scope of this document shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix. B.2 Base materials B.2.1 Base materials other than those in Table 1 B.2.1.1 When the nominal composition is within the range of base materials listed in Table 1, the following provisions shall be met: a) For metal materials that comply with the safety technical specifications for pressure equipment and have been included in national standards and industry standards, as well as foreign materials that are allowed to be used in the design, when the "base material classification report" indicates that the contractor has mastered the characteristics of the metal material (chemical composition, mechanical properties, weldability) and confirmed that it is equivalent to a metal material in Table 1, THEN, the material can be classified into the category and group of a certain material in the welding procedure qualification document of the organization. b) Except for the cases listed in B., welding procedure qualification shall be carried out separately for each metal material code (named in accordance with the standard requirements). B.2.1.2 When the nominal composition is not within the range of base materials listed in Table 1, the contractor shall formulate a welding procedure qualification standard for use by the organization, with technical requirements not lower than those specified in this document. The base materials shall be classified and grouped according to the requirements of the "base material classification report". B.2.2 Basic contents of “base material classification report”: a) Corresponding standards or technical conditions of base materials. b) Smelting method, heat treatment status, product form, technical requirements of base materials. c) Product quality certificate. d) Weldability of base material: 1) Weldability analysis; 2) Process welding performance, use welding performance. e) Welding method, welding material, welding procedure. f) Performance of base material in use and its source. g) Various conclusions, data, sources. h) Classification and grouping statement of base material. i) Conclusion: The base material is classified into categories, groups and the minimum standard tensile strength specified for the base material. B.2.3 The “Base material classification report” shall be archived for future reference. B.3 Filler metals B.3.1 Filler metals other than those listed in Tables 2 to 4 B.3.1.1 Filler metals that have corresponding categories in Tables 2 to 4 but are not listed in the standards: a) When the "Filler metal classification report" indicates that the contractor has mastered its chemical composition, mechanical properties, weldability, it can be classified according to the classification basis in Tables 2 ~ 4 in the welding procedure qualification document of the organization; b) Filler metals other than those described in B. shall be qualified for welding procedures according to the models or codes provided by each welding material manufacturer. B.3.1.2 For filler metals whose categories are not listed in Tables 2 ~ 4, the contractor shall formulate welding procedure qualification standards for use by the organization, with technical requirements not lower than those specified in this document; the filler materials shall be classified according to the requirements of the "Filler metal classification report". B.3.2 Basic contents of the "Filler metal classification report": a) Corresponding standards or technical conditions for filler materials. b) Original conditions of filler materials: 1) Model or designation of manufacturer; 2) Type of electrode coating, current category and polarity, welding position, Appendix D (Normative) Welding procedure qualification of stainless steel-steel composite plates D.1 In addition to complying with the relevant provisions of this document, the welding procedure qualification of stainless steel-steel composite plates (including composite plates produced by rolling composite method, explosive welding method, overlay welding method) shall also comply with the provisions of this Appendix. D.2 Coating thickness participates in design strength calculation D.2.1 The test coupon shall be prepared with stainless steel-steel composite plate. D.2.2 Base material thickness: The qualified welding procedure is applicable to the effective range of base material thickness of weldment, which shall be calculated according to the coating and base thickness of the test coupon. D.2.3 Weld metal thickness: a) First weld base and then weld cladding: The chemical composition of welding procedure qualification test coupon shall be determined according to the provisions of Figure 17 and b) in 7.3.2, which shall comply with the provisions of relevant technical documents. The distance b from the processed surface to the interface between the transition layer weld and the base material weld metal is measured, which is the minimum thickness of stainless steel corrosion resistant layer weld metal. The qualified welding procedure is applicable to the effective range of weld metal thickness of weldment, which shall be calculated according to the combined weld metal thickness. b) First weld cladding and then weld base: The welding procedure qualification test coupon does not need to be analyzed for weld metal chemical composition; the qualified welding procedure is applicable to the effective range of weld metal thickness of weldment according to the main text of this document. D.2.4 During the tensile and bending tests, all parts of the welded joints of the composite metal materials (including the base layer, transition weld, cladding) shall be inspected; the impact test shall only inspect the welded joints of the base layer. a) The tensile test specimen shall include the full thickness of the cladding and base layer; b) The bending test shall include the full thickness of the cladding and base layer; 4 side bending test specimens shall be taken. The bending test parameters shall be ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.