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Test methods of soils for highway engineering
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JTG E40-2007: PDF in English UDC
P JTG E40-2007
Test Methods of Soils for Highway Engineering
ISSUED ON: JULY 11, 2007
Issued by: Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 General Provisions ... 1
2 Terms and Symbols ... 2
2.1 Terms ... 2
2.2 Symbols ... 3
3 Classification of Soil ... 5
3.1 General Requirements ... 5
3.2 Classification of giant particle soil ... 7
3.3 Classification of Coarse particle soil... 9
3.4 Classification of fine particle soil ... 11
3.5 Classification of special soil ... 13
3.6 Simple discrimination, classification and description of soils ... 14
4 Soil Sample Acquisition and Preparation ... 17
T 0101-2007 acquisition, transportation and storage of soil sample ... 17
T 0102-2007 Soil sample and sample preparation ... 19
5 Soil Water Content Test ... 26
T 0103-1993 Drying method ... 26
T 0104-1993 alcohol combustion method ... 27
T 0105-1993 hydrometer method ... 29
6 Soil Density Test ... 32
T 0107-1993 core cutter method ... 32
T 0108-1993 The method of power-driven soil sample barrel ... 33
T 0109-1993 Wax sealing method ... 36
T 0110-1993 water replacement method... 39
T 0110-1993 sand replacement method ... 44
7 Specific Gravity Test of Soil ... 51
T 0112-1993 Pyknometer Method ... 51
T 0169-2007 Buoyancy Method ... 55
T 0113-1993 Suspending Weigh Method ... 58
T 0114-1993 Siphon Cylinder Method ... 61
8 Grain Size Analysis Test ... 65
T 0115-1993 Sieve Method ... 65
T 0116-2007 hydrometer method ... 68
T 0117-1993 Pipette Method ... 78
9 Limit Water Content Test ... 83
T 0118-2007 Liquid limit and plastic limit combined method ... 83
T 0170-2007 liquid limit disc apparatus method ... 88
T 0119-1993 plastic limit rolling method ... 90
T 0120-1993 shrinkage limit test ... 92
10 Soil Shrinkage Test ... 95
T 0121-1993 Shrinkage Test ... 95
11 Test on Natural Consistency of Soil ... 100
T 0122-2007 Natural Consistency Test ... 100
12 Test on the Relative Density of Sand ... 102
T 0123-1993 Test on the Relative Density of Sand ... 102
13 Soil Humidification Test ... 106
T 0171-2007 Humidification Test ... 106
14 Test on Rising Height of Capillary Water in Soil ... 108
T 0128-1993 Test on Rising Height of Capillary Water ... 108
15 Permeability Test ... 112
T 0129-1993 Constant Head Permeability Test ... 112
T 0130-2007 Variable Head Permeability Test ... 116
16 Compaction Test of Soil ... 121
T 0131-2007 Compaction Test ... 121
17 Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test of Soil ... 128
T 0134-1993 Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test ... 128
18 Resilience Modulus Test of Soil ... 137
T 0135-1993 Loading Plate Test Method ... 137
T 0136-1993 Intensity Instrument Test Method ... 140
19 Soil Mass Consolidation Test ... 146
T 0137-1993 Single axle consolidometer method ... 146
T 0138-1993 Accelerated Test Method ... 154
20 Test on Water Content of Standard Absorption for Soil ... 163
T 0172-2007 Test on Water Content of Standard Absorption ... 163
21 Test of Loess Settlement by Soaking ... 166
T 0139-2007 Test of relative-settlement Coefficient ... 166
T 0173-2007 Test on Coefficient of Deadweight Settlement by Soaking ... 171
T 0174-2007 Test of Lixiviation Deformation Coefficient ... 175
T 0175-2007 Test on Initial Pressure of Soaking Settlement ... 179
22 Direct Shear Test of Soil ... 184
T 0140-1993 Drained Shear Test of Clay Soil ... 184
T 0141-1993 Consolidated Quick Shear Test of Clay Soil ... 189
T 0142-1993 Quick Shear Test of Clay Soil ... 196
T 0143-1993 Direct Shear Test of Sandy Soil ... 201
T 0176-2007 Drainage Repeating Direct Shear Test... 207
23 Triaxial Compression Test of Soil ... 211
T 0144-1993 Unconsolidated Undrained Test ... 211
T 0145-1993 Consolidated-undrained Test ... 221
T 0146-1993 Consolidated Drained Test ... 236
T 0177-2007 One Sample and Multi-grade Loading Test ... 249
24 Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Soil ... 262
T 0148-1993 Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Fine Particle Soil ... 262
25 The Test on Maximum Dry Density of Coarse Particle Soil and Giant Particle Soil ... 267
T 0133-1993 surface vibration compacting apparatus method ... 267
T 0132-1993 shaking table method ... 273
26 Direct shear test o coarse particle soil ... 282
T 0178-2007 direct shear test of coarse particle soil ... 282
27 Coarse particle soil triaxial compression test ... 288
T 0147-1993 coarse particle soil triaxial compression test ... 288
28 Soil Expansibility Test ... 297
T 0124-1993 Free Expansion Ratio Test ... 297
T 0125-1993 No-load Expansion Ratio Test ... 299
T 0126-1993 Load Expansion Ratio Test ... 301
T 0127-1893 Expansive Force Test ... 304
29 Frozen Soil Test ... 308
T 0179-2007 Suspending Weigh Method Test for Frozen Soil Density ... 308
T 0180-2407 Buoyancy Method Test for Frozen Soil Density ... 309
T 0181-2007 Combined Determination Method Test for Frozen Soil Density ... 311
T 0182-2007 Core Cutter Method Test for Frozen Soil Density ... 313
T 0183-2007 Sand-filling Method Test for Frozen Soil Density ... 315
T 0184-2007 Freezing Temperature Test ... 317
T 0185-2007 Thermal Conductivity Test for Frozen Soil ... 319
T 0186-2007 Unfrozen-water Content Test ... 321
T 0187-2007 Frozen-heave Factor Test ... 324
T 0188-2007 Frozen Soil Thawing Compression Test ... 327
30 Soil Chemical Composition Test ... 331
T 0149-1993 Acidity and Alkalinity Test ... 331
T 0150-1993 Ignition Loss Test ... 332
T 0151-1993 Organic Content Test ... 333
T 0152-1993 Preparation of to-be-measured Solution for Soluble Salt Test ... 336
T 0153-1993 Determination of Total Amount of Soluble Salt-Mass Method ... 336
T 0154-1993 Determination of Carbonate and Bicarbonate in Soluble Salt ... 338
T 0155-1993 Determination of Chlorine Iron in Soluble Salt - Silver Nitrate Titration
Method ... 340
T 0156-1993 Determination of Chlorine Iron in Soluble Salt - Mercuric Nitrate
Titration Method ... 342
T 0157-1993 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Ion in Soluble Salt - EDTA
Complexometric Titration ... 344
T 0158-1993 Determination of Sulfate Radical in Soluble Salt - Mass Method ... 347
T 0159-1993 Determination of Sulfate Radical in Soluble Salt - EDTA Indirect
Complexometry ... 349
T 0l60-1993 Determination of Sodium and Potassium Ion in Soluble Salt- Flame
Photometry ... 352
T 0161-1993 Determination of Gypsum in Medium Soluble Salt - Hydrochloric Acid
Extraction Barium Sulfate Mass Method ... 354
T 0162-1993 Determination of Calcium Carbonate in Insoluble Salt - Gasometry ... 356
T 0163-1993 Cation Exchange Capacity Test- EDTA- Ammonium Salt Rapid Method
... 359
T 0164-1993 Cation Exchange Capacity Test- Ammonium Oxalate- Ammonium
Chloride Method ... 362
31 Soil Mineral Composition Test ... 365
T 0165-1993 Determination of Silicon ... 365
T 0166-1993 Determination of Sesquioxide (R2O3) Content ... 367
T 0167-1993 Determination of Iron and Aluminum ... 369
T 0168-1993 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium ... 372
Annex A Analysis and Re-arrangement Method for Test Results ... 375
Annex B Carbon Dioxide Density Sheet ... 380
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to testing the basic engineering properties
of soil, unifying the test methods, and providing reliable calculation index and parameter for
the highway engineering and construction.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to basic engineering properties tests of foundation soil,
subgrade soil and other road using soil in highway engineering.
1.0.3 For engineering of all kinds, the reasonable testing program is prepared, the
representative samples are selected, the accurate data are gotten, and the correct analysis and
arrangement of data is conducted. The soil indexes to reflect the actual situation are provided
for engineering and construction.
1.0.4 The analysis and arrangement for soil test material are conducted according to
Annex A, and the overall (soil mass unit) characteristics and change regularity are estimated
by the research on the samples (data gotten in the test).
1.0.5 For soils of different type and gradation, the soil test reports shall state basic
particle gradation, liquid limit and plastic limit indexes of soils; for special soil, it shall also
provide test indexes in indicate the essential characteristic of special soil.
1.0.6 The highway soil tests shall meet the requirements of relevant current national
and professional standards, besides this standard.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Water content
Ratio of soil water mass to particle mass, expressed in a percentage
2.1.2 Density
Mass per unit volume of soil
2.1.3 Porosity
Ratio of soil void volume to total volume, expressed in a percentage
2.1.4 Void ratio
Ratio of soil void volume and solid particulate volume
2.1.5 Specific gravity of soil particle
Ratio of soil particle to the mass of 4℃ distilled water
2.1.6 Gradation
Relative content of particle group divided of soil particles with similar particle size. it is
a concept to evaluate the state of particle size distribution curve of soil particles through the
nonuniformity coefficient (Cu) and the coefficient of curvature (Cc).
2.1.7 Consistency limit
Limit water content where cohesive soil changes from a state to other state with the
change of water content
2.1.8 Consolidation
Procedure of soil volume reduction and density increase due to gradual moisture
discharge from saturated soil mass venting under external loads
2.1.9 Coefficient of compressibility
Ratio of void ratio decrease and effective pressure increase of soil sample in K0
consolidation test, i. e. gradient of the secant of a pressure section in e-p compression curve,
expressed in absolute value
2.1.10 Compression index
Gradient of straight segment in the relation curve of the void ratio (gotten in compression
test) to the effective pressure Logarithm, i.e. gradient of the straight segment in e-lgp curve
after pre-consolidation pressure
2.1.11 Constrained modulus
Ratio of vertical effective pressure to vertical strain of soil mass compressed under lateral
confinement condition
2.1.12 Modulus of resilience
Ratio of vertical pressure to rebound strain (during the unloading process) of the soil
mass under partial lateral confinement condition
2.1.13 Coefficient of permeability
Proportionality coefficient of the relation of flow speed proportional to action hydraulic
gradient where soil water seepage is under laminar condition
2.1.14 Shear strength
Ultimate shearing stress withstood by soil mass on a shear surface
2.1.15 Unconfined compression strength
Ultimate strength of soil mass (without lateral confinement condition) to resist the axial
4 Soil Sample Acquisition and Preparation
T 0101-2007 acquisition, transportation and storage of soil sample
1 Requirements in soil sample
1.1 Undisturbed soil or disturbed soil may be selected and sampled according to the
engineering object. the undisturbed soil shall be sampled for natural subsoil and excavation
side slope of bridge, culvert, tunnel, retaining wall and building construction; disturbed soil
shall be sampled for landfill subgrade, dyke, borrow pit (yard) or for only soil classification
test. Where the undisturbed soil of frozen soil is sampled, the temperature, structure and water
content of the original soil shall be kept constant.
1.2 The soil samples may be gotten from test pit, flat-hole, shaft, natural ground and
drilling hole. If the undisturbed soil sample is needed, the original structure and natural water
content of the soil sample must be kept constant, and the soil sample shall be free from
disturbance. If a drilling machine is used to borrow soil, the diameter of the soil sample must
not be less than 10cm, and special thin wall soil sample barrel shall be used; where the
undisturbed soil is borrowed from test pit or natural ground, a soil sample barrel (with iron
wall) with upper and lower covers may be used. The operation method is to press the soil
sample barrel till the barrel being filled with soil, to excavate the bottom soil layer (or swing
left or right to break), to take the barrel out and to shave the soil sample off after turning. Fill
the surrounding space with original soil, cover the lower cover; seal the soil sample barrel.
For sampling disturbed soil, clear the surface soil, and sample with the sample quartering
method by layers. for sampling salty soil, sample by layer at vertical depth 0 ~ 0.05, 0.05 ~
0.25, 0.25 ~ 0.50, 0.50 ~ 0.75 m and 0.75 ~1.0 m. in addition, record the season, time, and air
temperature of sampling.
1.3 Quantity of soil sample: sample according to the quantity specified by
corresponding test item.
1.4 Soil borrowing records and numbering: no matter what method is adopted, the
"sample log" is used for recording, and half page is teared out as label which is pasted on the
soil sample barrel (undisturbed soil) or placed into the soil sample bag. The "sample log"
should be made of tough paper and filled in with a pencil. The recorded content of the sample
log shall include project name, route kilometrage (or location), start date of record, and end
data of record, sampling unit, characteristics of soil sample, test pit number, sampling depth,
soil sample number, soil sample number, soil sample name, function, test item or sampling
explanation, sampling staff, date of sample, etc. the sample method, disturbed or original state,
sampling direction and phenomenon in sampling procedure shall be recorded in the sampling
explanation column.
2 Soil sample package and transportation
2.1 Undisturbed soil or disturbed soil whose natural water content needs be kept
constant, after sampling, shall be immediately sealed in the soil sample barrel, i.e. the air-gap
on the soil sample barrel shall be closed with adhesive tape, and red oil is covered on both
ends for marking the text "upper, lower" (soil sample layer location). The label teared down
from the "sample log" are stuck on the barrel wall; the barrels enveloped with gauze fabric
and poured with molten wax to avoid moisture loss. For undisturbed soil sample, the soil
sample structure shall be kept constant; for frozen soil, the undisturbed soil sample hereof
shall be kept constant.
2.2 The undisturbed soil after sealing shall be placed at cool and dark place before
being cased, and the frozen soil sample shall be kept constant temperature; for disturbed soil
whose natural water content needs not be kept constant, the soil should be placed into bags
after being air dry and crushed.
2.3 The soil samples shall be checked with the "sample log" in casing, and they are
encased in upon without fault. The case number shall be recorded in the record book stub. the
barrel for the undisturbed soil shall be placed vertically in the wooden case and the upper and
lower positions are identified. The open space in the barrel shall be filled tight with straw
(wheat straw) or soft material to prevent being vibrated and frost during the transportation
process. The text "handle with care", "keep upright", "upward" and "downward" shall be
marked clear and the wooden case shall be numbered. The bag for disturbed soil sample may
be packed into the jute bag upon being checked with the list. The gunny is marked with the
number and arranged with the label (like baggage label) after the opening is tightened. The
label shall be marked with gunny number, the quantity of soil bags in it and the number of the
soil bags.
2.4 The disturbed soil sample of salty soil should be packed with plastic bags, and a
small plastic bag in the large bad is used to pack the sample log label to prevent the label
being rotted due to wetness; or the folded label is placed in the plastic bag opening and the
bag opening is folded for closing in, and a rubber ring is used to bundled the bag opening
below the label. The bag opening with the label is folded under and tied down the rest rubber
ring. The 5plastic bag of soil sampled from each salty soil section may be packed together in a
larger cloth bag and they shall be checked with the record book stub before being packed into
the cloth bag. The cloth bag number is recoded in the primary record book.
3 Receiving and management of soil samples
3.1 The soil sample attached with "Test Commission Form" shall be submitted to the
test organization, and the columns of the "Test Commission Form" shall be filled in clearly
according to the stub of the "sample log"; the other test requirement, if needed, may be
indicated in the Test Commission Form. the Commission Form for soil sample test shall
include the following information: laboratory name, commission date, soil sample number,
laboratory number, soil sample number (field identification), sampling site or mileage stake
number, hole (it) number, test purposes, test item, and responsible person (director, engineer
in charge, entrusting organization and contact, etc.).
3.2 Where receiving the soil samples, the test organization shall check the soil samples
according to the Test Commission Form and check whether the delivered soil sample meet the
requirements of the test items. Simultaneously, where a soil sample is checked, it shall be
numbered in the laboratory numbered column in the Commission Form, and the new number
is recorded in the original label to avoid confusing with other soil sample numbering.
3.3 After the soil samples are checked and received, they shall be registered in the "Soil
Sample Receiving and Dispatching Register Book" and handed over to the test responsible
person for storage and testing item by item as required. After completing the tests, rest soil
sample shall be packed in the original bag. Where the test results are given off and the
entrusting organization receives the report a month later, the soil sample may be disposed id
no person or organization enquiries. For any problems, the rest soil may be used for re-test.
T 0102-2007 Soil sample and sample preparation
1 Preparation procedure of disturbed soil sample of fine particle soil
1.1 The disturbed soil sample shall be described like color, soil type, smell and
enclosure; if necessary, the disturbed soil samples are mixed, and the representative soil
sample is sampled for water content determination.
1.2 The blocky disturbed soil is placed in a sheet rubber and rolled disperse with a
wood roller or crasher, but the particle shall not be crushed; if the disturbed soil cannot be
rolled disperse due to high water content, it may be dried in air and then rolled disperse.
1.3 The rolled soil sample is sieved according to the required amount of soil sample in
the test. the soil sample shall be sieved with 0.5mm sieve for the physical tests like liquid
limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit; the soil sample for general water test and mechanical
test shall be sieved with 2mm sieve; the maximum particle diameter of the soil sample for
compaction test must satisfy the requirement in the maximum particle diameter of the soil
sample in the test with different compaction mold. After the soil sample is sieved by the
standard sieve as required, enough amount of typical sample is selected and placed in a
container and marked with the label in which the information including project name, soil
sample number, sieve diameter, function, preparation date and personnel are indicated. if
loose soil sample contains a large amount of coarse sand and a small amount of fine particle
soil (sand or clay), it shall be selected typical sample by fourfold division method after
wetting and loosening; typical sample; if the soil sample is clean sand, the typical sample may
be selected with a soil balance.
1.4 For making the sample with certain water content, 1~ 5kg is sieved with a 2mm
sieve and the water addition is calculated by the procedure 2.2 in this method; the selected
soil sample is spread in a non-absorbent tray and the water of required amount is sprayed with
a spraying equipment; after being mixed fully, the sample is put into a container and covered
close, and the sample is wetted for 24h for use (the wetting time of sandy soil may be reduced
1.5 Where the water content of humid soil on different position (at least two), the
difference of the water content shall satisfy the permissible parallel difference in the water
content determination.
1.6 Where soil samples from different soil layers are selected for preparing mixed
sample, the corresponding mass proportioning shall be calculated in proportion according to
the thickness of soil layers, and the preparation of disturbed soil is conducted by procedure
1.1 ~ 1.4 in this method.
2 Calculation for disturbed soil sample preparation
2.1 The arid soil mass is calculated according to the following formula:
s w
mm 01.01 (T 0102-1)
ms——Arid soil mass (g);
m——Air dried soil mass (or natural soil mass) (g);
small height; and sample pressing method for ones with large height.
4.1 Compacting method
4.1.1 Corresponding ramming (compacting) energy is adopted to compact as required
by the engineering.
4.1.2 Wet soil samples are prepared by item 1 and 3 in this method according to the
required dry mass and water content, and the mass hereof are weighed to the accuracy of 0.1g.
4.1.3 The in-wall of the soil-cutting ring for test is coated with a thin layer of vaseline,
and placed on the specimen, the cutting edge facing downward; the specimen is cut by the
soil-cutting ring to a soil column whose diameter is lightly larger than the one of the cutting
ring; the cutting ring is pressed downwards vertically, cutting while pressing, till the soil
sample outstretches the upper part of the cutting ring; the both ends of the cutting ring is
shaves off, the cutting ring outer wall is wiped up and the total mass of the soil and the
soil-cutting ring is weighed to the accuracy of 0.1g, and the water content of the soil sample
shaved off from the both ends of the cutting ring.
4.1.4 The specimen preparation shall be completed as quick as possible, to avoid water
4.1.5 The quantity of specimen prepared is determined as required by the test; generally,
more 1~2 groups of standby specimens shall be prepared. The difference of density, water
content and preparation standard of the specimens in parallel or in same group shall
respectively within ±0.1g/cm3 or 2%.
4.2 Sample pressing method
4.2.1 As required by 4.1.2 in this method, the wet soil is placed in the pressure die and
pressed with static pressure to a certain height after leveling the soil sample; the bulldozing
device is used to pull the soil out.
4.2.2 Operate according to the requirements of 4.1.3 ~4.1.5.
5 Preparation procedure of undisturbed soil specimen
The undisturbed soil package is unpacked carefully according to the upper and lower
layer of the soil sample, and the soil sample is taken out and placed straight; the both ends are
leveled. the in-wall of the soil-cutting ring for test is coated with a thin layer of vaseline, and
placed on the specimen, the cutting edge facing downward; without special requirement, the
direction of soil-cutting shall be perpendicular to the natural soil layer surface.
The specimen us cut by the operation procedure specified in 4.1.3 in this method, and the
specimen and the cutting ring shall be close; otherwise, the specimen shall be re-selected.
During the cutting process, the specimen shall be carefully observed, and the information
like specimen stratum, smell, color, impurity, uniform condition, and crack shall be recorded.
If several specimens are cut continuously, and the water content of them shall be kept
As required by the specimen itself and the engineering, whether or not the specimen shall
be saturated; if the test or saturation is not conducted immediately, the specimens shall be
stored in the moist chamber.
After cutting the specimens, the rest undisturbed soil sample shall be packed with wax
paper and placed in the moist chamber for complementation test; the residual soil in cutting
may be used for physical property test; the density difference of specimens in parallel test or
in same group shall not be larger than ±0.1g/cm3, and the water content difference shall not be
knob;9-elevation and subsidence handwheel;10-coring head;11-upright column
cover;12-speeder;13-battery jar;14-transport wheel;15-alignment pin
2.1.1 Pedestal: consists of pedestal platform, alignment pin (15), transport wheel (14)
The platform represents the base of the entire instrument; The alignment pin shall be used for
locating the instrument where it is on operation; The transport wheel shall be used for the
short distance movement of the instrument where it changes position for coring, four wheels
shall be pulled from the ground surface where locating the position.
2.1.2 Upright column: consists of upright column (1) and upright column cover (11) on
the pedestal platform as the support of elevation mechanism, coring organization, power and
transmission mechanism.
2.1.3 Elevation mechanism: consists of elevation and subsidence handwheel (9), locking
knob (8) which shall be used for adjusting high-low of the coring structure. Loosen locking
knob, twirl the elevation and subsidence flywheel and coring structure for elevation and
subsidence, and tighten up the handle positioning where the location required.
2.1.4 Coring structure: consist of coring head (10), lifting shaft (2). The coring head shall
be the metal circular cylinder, and its lower port shall be symmetry welded two alloy steel
cutter heads, and the flat-cover shall be welded on the upper end surface with welding the nut
connected to the lifting shaft by spiral. The coring head has three kinds of specifications, i. e.
φ50mm×50mm, φ70mm×70mm, φ100mm×100mm, the coring head shall be removable. With
other accessories such as relevant coring sleeve, spanner and aluminum box, etc.
2.1.5 The power mechanism and the transmission mechanism: consists of the direct
current dynamo (4), speeder (12) and gear case, with other accessories such as accumulator
and charger. Where the power-driven machine is on the work, the gear through gear case
should transmit the power to the coring organization to rotate the lifting shaft and the coring
head shall enter into the working state of rotary cutting.
2.1.6 The main technical details of the power-driven soil sample barrel: Operating
voltage DC 24 V (36 Aꞏh); 50 ~ 70 R / min rotational speed; stepless speed regulation;
complete machine weight is about 35 kg.
2.2 B......
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.