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JB/T 4711-2003: PDF in English (JBT 4711-2003)

JB/T 4711-2003 INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing JB 2536-1980 Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport 压力容器涂敷与运输包装 ISSUED ON: MARCH 17, 2003 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2003 Issued by: State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Announcement of the State Economic and Trade commission of the People's Republic of China ... 3  Foreword ... 5  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Coating ... 6  4 Packing for transport ... 8  5 Pictorial marks ... 14  Standard interpretation for JB/T 4711-2003 “Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport” ... 16  Supplementary statement on matters related to the standard of reference ... 20  Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport 1 Scope This Standard specifies relevant requirements of coating and packing for transport of pressure vessels and their components and parts. In addition to those specified in this Standard, coating and packing for transport of pressure vessels and their components and parts shall also meet the technical requirements of drawings. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrigendum), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. GB/T 146.1-1983, Rolling Stock Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways GB 146.2-1983, Structure Gauge for Standard Gauge Railway GB 191-2000, Packaging-Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods GB/T 197-1981, General Purpose Screw Threads -- Tolerances and Fits for Diameter from 1 to 355mm GB/T 8923-1988, Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Steel Surfaces Before Application of Paints and Related Products 3 Coating 3.1 Surface de-rusting 3.1.1 Clear off rusts on external surfaces of vessels that are made of carbon steel and low alloy steel, rusts on internal surfaces on which de-rusting operation can be conducted and other coated surfaces that require coating with anticorrosive paint. again. If rusty stain or pollution is discovered, perform surface treatment. Coating environment shall clean, dry and draughty. Environment temperature shall not be less than the specified coating temperature of paint. Coated anticorrosive paint shall be uniform and firm, be free from defects such as bubble, cracking, sagging and peeling; otherwise, it shall be repaired. When necessary, use special apparatus to test thickness and compactness of coating. 3.2.5 Unless otherwise specified in drawing, anticorrosive paint may not be coated under the following conditions: a) internal surface of vessel; b) internal components exited factory along with assembled vessel; c) stainless steel pressure vessels; d) pressure vessels made of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. 3.2.6 As for following grooves, anticorrosive paint shall not be coated within the range of approximate 100mm to groove edge. If coating is required, protective film that is harmless to welding quality and is easy to remove may be coated: a) cut surface grooves of vessels exited factory in segments; b) peripheral grooves of grooves in pieces; c) other welding grooves on vessel shell that need to be assembled and welded at application site. 3.3 Coating of protective film Polished surfaces, e.g. screw threads and sealing surfaces, shall be coated with protective film that is easy to remove. 4 Packing for transport 4.1 General packing requirements for transport 4.1.1 Select adaptable packing structure and method according to characteristics such as application requirements, structure dimensions, weight, distance and means of transport (railway, highway, waterway and air) of vessel. The packing of vessel shall have sufficient intensity to ensure that vessel and its components and parts are able to be transported to destination safely and reliably. space, manufacturer shall provide stowage plan to indicate positions of accessories to be relocated or removed; it shall obtain purchaser’s approval in written form. On such circumstances, manufacturer shall provide reassembling and welding procedures as well as inspection method required for site welded connection pipes. 4.2 Packing type of vessels 4.2.1 Nude packing Large or extra-large parts that have enough rigid and are undetachable shall be supported by bracket at the bottom and be tensioned by tensioning hoop at the top to prevent rolling and motion. 4.2.2 Frame Vessel as well as its components and parts are reliably fixed in firm frame that is made of section steel or square timber. 4.2.3 Wrapping Use soft materials to pack components and parts that are not easy to be damaged or lost during transport and loading/unloading process, that have relatively big specification and small quantity. Then use iron wire or flat steel to tie up. 4.2.4 Dark case Dark case refers to enclosed packing case that is used to pack high-precision small parts that are easy to be damaged or lost and shall be protected from moisture and corrosion. 4.2.5 Skeleton case Use this packing type for components and parts that do not need dark case and shall not be wrapped. The case may be lined with asphalt felt inside if necessary. 4.3 Packing for transport of vessels exited factory in a whole or in segments 4.3.1 General requirements Generally, use nude packing for vessels exited factory in whole or in segments. 4.3.2 Packing for transport of vessels exited factory in a whole Prior to shipping, remove all residues in vessel. Manufacturer shall conduct package design according to specific 4.3.3 Packing for transport of vessels exited factory in segments For vessels that exit factory in segments, if rigidity of opening end is insufficient, it shall set reinforcing stay and seal the opening in appropriate mode. Other requirements are same with of this Standard. 4.4 Packing for transport of vessels exited factory in pieces 4.4.1 Before packing, number and mark the pieces according to sequence of cutting plan. 4.4.2 Overlap each group of pieces on steel or wood convex brackets, concave face facing downward. Use wood block (or other buffer materials) to cushion the pieces between them. Use flat steel and bracket to tied up and weld. For cylindrical vessels, divide into pieces. The pieces shall be overlapped upright and be bundled. 4.4.3 Gross weight of each group of pieces and brackets shall not exceed 15t. If necessary, set lifting lug for bracket to lift it. It is forbidden to directly lift the pieces up. 4.5 Packing for transport of vessels that have special requirements 4.5.1 For pressure vessels that are made of stainless steel, non-ferrous metal and its alloy, special packing requirements for transport are as follows: a) Before loading for transport, thoroughly clean up residues, oil stain and water stain in vessels; b) when lifting, use nylon sling or steel wire rope that has protective case. It is strictly forbidden to directly tie steel wire rope onto vessel for lifting. During packing process for transport, other measures shall be taken so as to prevent potential pollution of harmful ions such as iron and copper. c) during packing process for transport, measures shall be taken to protect anticorrosive surfaces against various damages. If passive (oxidation) film of anticorrosive surface is damaged during packing process for transport, measures shall be taken to restore it so as to meet original technical requirements. 4.5.2 Special packing requirements for transport of vessels that need to be filled with inert gas for shielding are as follows: a) type, concentration and pressure of inert gas that is filled in vessel shall be in accordance with technical requirements of drawing; medium or precise level specified in GB/T 197-1981, in addition that their screw threads shall be coated with protective film in accordance with 3.3 of this Standard, they shall also be added with shield for protection. 4.6.5 When casing, heavy components and parts shall be placed at lower part of case so as to lower package gravity center. Where it is incapable to realize it, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure gravity center not exceeding 1/2 of case height. 4.6.6 Weight per packing case shall not exceed 3t. 4.7 Packing for transport of documentary data 4.7.1 Documentary data includes product’s exit-factory quality certificate, packing list and relevant documents specified in of this Standard. Each batch of goods shipped must be accompanied with a packing list to indicate the goods at each location number in every case, in every bag and in every stand, to indicate that if the goods are integral or they are only parts. According to delivery conditions and packing conditions for transport of vessels, the following documentary data shall also be included if necessary: a) installation drawing and installation instructions; b) stowage plan required in 4.1.7, field reassembling and welding procedure documents, and documents required for inspection; c) arrangement drawing of vessel exited factory in pieces. 4.7.2 All documentary data shall be sorted and bound in book form and shall be packed and sealed in plastic bags so as to prevent water, moisture and missing. 4.7.3 Where the above-mentioned documentary data are dispatched together with goods, they shall be packed in the biggest dark case. The dark case shall be clearly marked on external face. The quality evidentiary documents may also be posted separately. 5 Pictorial marks 5.1 Make the following marks on surface of nude-packed vessel and obvious parts of packing case: a) Delivery mark: 1) factory number (or command letter No.); Standard interpretation for JB/T 4711-2003 “Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport” This Standard is based on JB 2536-1980. It adopts the latest results of application research of coating technology in antisepsis and life extension in national "Ninth Five-Year Plan" Key Technology Research Project "Research on Life Prediction of Pressure Vessels in Service". It is stipulated after substantial supplement, modification and improvement. The main modifications and supplements are explained as follows. 1 About modification on standard’s name The name of JB 2536 is “Paint, Packing and Transportation of Pressure Vessels”. In this Standard, it modified the “paint” to “coating”, “packing and transportation” to “packing for transport”. The reasons are as follows: 1) JB 2536 was formulated in late 1970s. At that time, the surface of pressure vessels only required to spray antirust paint. It also only specified simple principle requirements for drying, oil stain removing, rust removing, welding spatter removing to metal surface in front of paint. In JB 2536, it also made a table to recommend major paint types for user. More than 20 years have passed, and technology and people’s requirements for product quality (including surface quality) have been greatly improved. Various new metal and non-metallic anticorrosive coatings continue to appear. Surface modification technology has been widely used in many production fields. Therefore, simple painting cannot meet requirements for many pressure vessels. For this reason, we modified “paint” in standard’s name to “coating”. “Coating” is selected so as to be in line with the internationally-accepted name. It includes quality level requirements for surface de-rusting and quality requirements for coating of anticorrosive coating. 2) This Standard does not specify product’s transport. It only specifies packing requirements when product is transported. Therefore, it is more suitable to modify the name to “packing for transport”. 2 About applicable scope of standard JB 2536 is only applicable to “painting, packing and transport of various welding pressure vessels that are made of carbon steel, low alloy steel and stainless acid resistant steel used for petroleum, chemical industries”. There are many anticorrosive coatings, including metal, non-metallic, and metal, non-metal mixed. Antirust paint is only one of them. The major role of anticorrosive coating is to strictly isolate corrosive medium from metal surface, so as to reach anticorrosive, prolong service life and save valuable materials. Considering the market economy conditions, it is generally not to recommend products in the standard. Besides, different corrosive environments require different types of anticorrosive coatings. Therefore, this Standard does not recommend variety model of anticorrosive coating. Instead, it specifies selection principle of anticorrosive coating (3.2.2), requirements for anticorrosive coating (3.2.3), coating operation and coating quality requirements (3.2.1 and 3.2.4) as well as conditions that anticorrosive coating is not needed (3.2.5). What needs to be explained here is that the term “new anticorrosive coating” as used in 3.2.3 of this Standard refers to a coating that lacks the necessary experience under the same or similar conditions (including medium, temperature, etc.). 5 About packing requirements for flange interface Flange interface, to-be-welded groove, thread interface are parts that shall be specially protected during transport. Therefore, in 4.1.4~4.1.6 of this Standard respectively propose strict requirements for their packings in case that they are damaged during transport as well as -loading-unloading process. 6 About packing of vessels exited factory in pieces JB 2536-1980 required to overlap pieces on bracket, concave face facing upward. With the accumulation of technical experience, this method has long been abandoned. In 4.4.2 of this Standard, it specifies that “Overlap each group of pieces on steel or wood convex brackets, concave face facing downward”. In order to prevent deformation of pieces during transport, the pieces with the same or similar curvature shall be combined into one group. Grouping shall not be too few. The convex portion of bracket is as close as possible to curvature of flap. 7 About packing for transport of vessels that have special requirements “Vessels that have special requirements” mentioned here include vessels that are made of stainless steel, non-ferrous metal and its alloy; vessels of particular structure such as multiple layers or hot housing or flat steel strips. In 4.5 of this Standard, it specifies special requirements for packing for transport of above vessels. 8 About packing for transport of documentary data Supplementary statement on matters related to the standard of reference To standard’s users: Thank you for using standards that are under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Boilers and Pressure Vessels of Standardization Administration of China. For standard content, development and revision, interpretation and feedback, the supplementary statement is as follows. 1 Content Standard content generally includes mandatory requirements, special disabling regulations, and recommended guidelines. Recommended guidelines are not mandatory. It shall be noted that standards are not necessary and are not possible to regulate all aspects of their scope. Therefore, aspects that are not regulated shall not be banned. Standards are different from manuals. Standards cannot replace the role of training, experience and technical identification. But experience and technical identification cannot be used to deny mandatory requirements and special prohibitions. 2 Formulation and revision Suggestions on the formulation and revision of national and industrial standards for boiler and pressure vessels shall be directly submitted to Secretariat of National Technical Committee on Boilers and Pressure Vessels of Standardization Administration of China. It shall be decided by the Committee whether to report to the relevant government authorities. In addition to the procedures prescribed by the relevant government authorities that shall be obeyed, the committee adopts a proposal review system for the formulation and revision of the standard of reference. The standard case is a form of rapid response of the Committee to technological progress. 3 Interpretation Only National Technical Committee on Boilers and Pressure Vessels of Standardization Administration of China has the right to formally interpret the standard of reference. Application for standard interpretation shall be submitted to the Secretariat in writing. The inquirer is obliged to provide as detailed and comprehensive information as possible. Enquiries that are not directly related to standard terms or that cannot be understood are considered to be part of technical advice. The Committee has the right to refuse to answer or agree to provide paid services. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.