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GB/T 50353-2013 PDF English

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GB/T 50353-2013English85 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Calculation code for construction area of building Valid
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GB/T 50353-2013: PDF in English (GBT 50353-2013)

GB/T 50353-2013 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA UDC P GB/T 50353-2013 Calculation Code for Construction Area of Building ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 19, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 1, 2014 Jointly issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China; General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 1 General Provisions ... 7 2 Terms ... 8 3 Calculation Rules of Construction Area ... 11 Explanation of Wording in This Code ... 16 2 Terms 2.0.1 Construction area It refers to the area of grounds and floors of a building (including its walls). 2.0.2 Floor It refers to the storey of a building which is divided according to the structure of grounds and floors. 2.0.3 Structure story height It refers to the vertical distance from the upper surface of the floor/ground structure storey to the upper surface of the upper structure storey. 2.0.4 Building enclosure It refers to the walls, doors and windows enclosing the space. 2.0.5 Space It refers to the area defined by building interface for people's living and activities. 2.0.6 Structure net height It refers to the vertical distance from the upper surface of the floor/ground structure storey to the lower surface of the upper structure layer. 2.0.7 Enclosure facilities It refers to the fences established for safety, such as handrails and breast boards etc. 2.0.8 Basement It refers to the room with its indoor ground level lower than the outdoor ground level for more than 1/2 of its interior net storey height. 2.0.9 Semi-basement It refers to the room with its indoor ground level lower than the outdoor ground level for more than 1/3 but not more than 1/2 of its interior net storey height. 2.0.10 Stilt floor It refers to the open space storey with only structural support and without It refers to the building element used for the vertical traffic between storeys, which consists of continuous steps, rest platform, safety handrails (or breast board) and relevant supporting structures. 2.0.22 Balcony It refers to the outdoor space for human activities which is established on the external wall of the building and equipped with handrail or breast board. 2.0.23 Major structure It refers to the structure receiving, bearing and transferring all the upper load of the building and maintaining the organic relations of the integrity, stability and safety of upper structure. 2.0.24 Deformation joint It refers to the structural joint reserved to prevent the building from cracking or even being damaged while subjected to certain factors. 2.0.25 Overhang It refers to the building of which the bottom storey is recessed along the street to reserve space for pedestrians. 2.0.26 Overhead building It refers to the building crossing over a road and being connected to buildings on both sides of the road. 2.0.27 Passage It refers to the space arranged to pass through the building. 2.0.28 Terrace It refers to the platform set on the roof, first floor or canopy for outdoor activities of people, which is provided with enclosure facilities. 2.0.29 Plinth It refers to the finish protecting structure established on the external wall bottom of a building. 2.0.30 Step It refers to the level surface arranged in echelon for foot to place, which is set to connect indoor and outdoor terraces or different levels of storey. as their construction areas. As for those with structure storey height at or above 2.20 m, the gross area shall be calculated; as for those with such height below 2.20 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated. 3.0.8 The hallway and hall of a building shall be calculated as just one storey as for their construction areas, and the corridors inside them shall be calculated according to the horizontal projected areas of their structural base plates for their construction areas. For those with structure net height of or above 2.20 m, the gross area shall be calculated; for those with such height below 2.20 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated. 3.0.9 As for elevated corridors between buildings, those with top cover and building enclosure shall be calculated as their gross areas according to their horizontal area counted to the peripheries of their building enclosures, and those without building enclosures but with enclosure facilities shall be calculated as 1/2 of their areas according to the horizontal projected areas of their structural base plates. 3.0.10 As for tiered stack room, tiered warehouse facility and tiered garage, if they are provided with building enclosures, their construction areas shall be calculated as the horizontal areas of the building enclosures counted to peripheries; if they are not but are provided with enclosure facilities, their construction areas shall be calculated as the horizontal projected areas of structural base plates. Those without structure layers are calculated as one storey, and those with structure layers shall be calculated according to the areas of such layers respectively. For those with structure storey height of or above 2.20 m, the gross area shall be calculated; for those with such height below 2.20 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated. 3.0.11 As for stage lighting control rooms with building enclosures, they shall be calculated with the horizontal area of the building enclosure counted to its periphery. For those with structure storey height of or above 2.20 m, the gross area shall be calculated; for those with such height below 2.20 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated. 3.0.12 As for the french-windows attached to the building, they shall be calculated according to the horizontal area of the building enclosure counted to its periphery. For those with structure storey height of or above 2.20 m, the gross area shall be calculated; for those with such height below 2.20 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated. 3.0.13 As for bay windows with height difference between its windowsill and the indoor floor less than 0.45 m and structure net height of or above 2.10 m, 1/2 of the area shall be calculated according to the horizontal area of its building enclosure counted to the periphery. according to the horizontal area of its structure counted to the periphery, and balcony outside the major structure shall be calculated with 1/2 of the area according to the horizontal projected area of its structural base plate. 3.0.22 As for carriage sheds, freight sheds, platforms, gas stations, and toll stations etc. with top covers but without building enclosures, their construction areas shall be calculated as 1/2 of the horizontal projected area of the top cover. 3.0.23 The construction area of building with curtain walls as its building enclosure shall be calculated according to the outer sidelines of the curtain walls. 3.0.24 The thermal insulation for external walls of building shall be calculated for the horizontal section area of the insulating materials, which shall be counted as part of the construction area of floor. 3.0.25 Deformation joints extending to the inside shall be incorporated to the floor in the calculation of construction area. As for a building with both high and low spans, when a high span is connected with a low span internally, the area of its deformation joints shall be counted as part of the low span area. 3.0.26 As for storeys with structure layers inside the building, such as mechanical floors, pipeline layers and refuge floors etc., the gross area shall be calculated for those with structure storey height of or above 2.20 m, and 1/2 of the area shall be calculated for those with such height below 2.20 m. 3.0.27 The following items shall not be included in the calculation of construction area: 1 Building elements not connected to the inside of the building; 2 The public space and passages below overhangs and overhead buildings. 3 Over-bridges and cantilever platforms etc. for stage or backstage, which are intended to hung curtains; 4 Terraces, outdoor pools, flower shelves, water tanks on the roof and decorative structural members; 5 Operating platforms, feeding platforms, and platforms mounted with boxes or tanks inside the building; 6 Plinths, engaged columns, battlements, footsteps, wall plastering, decorative surfaces, surface layers inlaid with lump materials, decorative curtain walls, outdoor air conditioner shelves (boxes) outside the major structure, component parts, accessories, canopies without columns of which ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.