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Basic information description of food contact materials and articles for purchase and sale
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GB/T 40996-2021: PDF in English (GBT 40996-2021) GB/T 40996-2021
ICS 67.040
CCS X 02
Basic information description of food contact materials and
articles for purchase and sale
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Description requirements ... 5
Bibliography ... 20
Basic information description of food contact materials and
articles for purchase and sale
1 Scope
This document specifies terms and definitions, description requirements for basic
information description of food contact materials and articles.
This document applies to information collection, publication, exchange, storage and
management on food contact materials and articles intended for direct consumer end-
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2659, Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions
GB/T 7408, Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange -
Representation of dates and times
GB/T 17295, Codes for units of measure used in international trade
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 food contact materials and articles
Under normal conditions of use, various materials and articles that have been or are
expected to come into contact with food or food additives, or whose components may
be transferred to food.
NOTE: Include packaging materials, containers, tools and equipment used for food during the
production, processing, packaging, transportation, storage, sale and use of food, as well as inks,
adhesives, lubricants that may come into direct or indirect contact with food. Detergents, sanitizers
and public water distribution facilities are not included.
3.2 data item
The smallest indivisible unit of data.
3.3 data entity
A set of data items that describe the same characteristics of the data.
4 Description requirements
4.1 Description content
It shall include information on the organization of food contact materials and articles,
general information and the content required for the construction of the information
4.2 Description attributes
The following ten attributes shall be used when describing data entities and data items
of food contact materials and articles:
a) Chinese name
Chinese names of data entities and data items for food contact materials and
articles shall be given.
b) English name
English names of data entities and data items for food contact materials and
articles shall be given.
c) Mark
Food contact materials and articles shall be given unique marks for data entities
and data items. The naming rules for marks are as follows:
1) Marks shall not include spaces, dashes, underscores, or delimiters;
2) Specific naming methods shall be used for the marks for data entities and data
items, such as Lower Camel Case (LCC) spelling;
3) If the English name itself has an abbreviation, the abbreviated name can be
used directly.
d) Explanation
The meaning of the food contact material and article data entities and data items
shall be explained.
e) Data type and format
h) Restrictions/conditions
Indicate whether a data entity or data item is mandatory or optional. The specifiers
1) M: Mandatory, indicating that the data item is required;
2) C: Conditionally mandatory, indicating that the data item must be selected
under certain conditions. It must be selected when the conditions defined in the
restrictions/conditions are met. The specific conditions are explained in the
3) O: Optional, indicating that the data item is optional.
NOTE: "M" is the abbreviation of "Mandatory", which means mandatory. "C" is the
abbreviation of "Conditional", which means conditional selection. "O" is the abbreviation of
"Optional", which means optional.
i) Measurement unit
Conventional definition and adoption of a specific quantity used to express the
magnitude of the same quantity with which it is compared. For some quantities
of the same dimension, even if they are not of the same kind, their units may have
the same names and symbols. For different objects, the unit of measurement is
also different. Specifically, it shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T
j) Remark
Supplementary descriptions of data entities and data items for food contact
materials and articles may be provided as needed.
4.3 Description method
The dictionary description method can be used to describe 10 properties: Chinese name,
English name, mark, description, data type and format, value range, synonym,
restrictions/conditions, measurement unit and remark for data entity and data item of
each food contact material and article.
4.4 Basic information summary description
4.4.1 Data entity Organization information
English name: Organization Information
Mark: organizationInformation
Description: Information about organizations involved in the production and operation
of food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..ul
Restrictions/conditions: M General information
English name: General Information
Mark: generalInformation
Description: Information common in the product information description of food
contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..ul
Restrictions/conditions: M
4.4.2 Organization information Producer
English name: Producer
Mark: producer
Description: The legal and valid organization name of the producer of food contact
materials and articles
Data type and format: C..100
Restrictions/conditions: M Business dealer
English name: Business Dealer
Mark: businessDealer
Description: Organization name of the agent, importer or distributor of imported food
contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..100
Restrictions/conditions: C
Remark: When describing imported food contact materials and articles, this data item
is mandatory.
Mark: telephone
Description: Contact phone number of the organization that produces or distributes food
contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..20
Restrictions/conditions: C
Remark: One must be selected from, and Fax
English name: Fax
Mark: fax
Description: Facsimile telephone number of the organization that produces or
distributes food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..20
Restrictions/conditions: C
Remark: One must be selected from, and E-mail
English name: E-mail
Mark: e-mail
Description: E-mail address of the organization producing or distributing food contact
materials and articles
Data type and format: C..100
Restrictions/conditions: C
Synonyms: email, e-mail, mailbox
Remark: One must be selected from, and Country region
English name: Country Region
Mark: countryRegion
Description: Name of the country or region where the production organization of
imported food contact materials and articles is located
Data type and format: C..100
Restrictions/conditions: C
Remark: When describing imported food contact materials and products, one must be
selected from and Country region code
English name: Country Region Code
Mark: countryRegionCode
Description: Name code of the country or region where the production organization of
imported food contact materials and articles is located
Data type and format: C..20
Restrictions/conditions: C
Value range: Fill in according to the code in GB/T 2659
Remark: When describing imported food contact materials and articles, one must be
selected from and Unified social credit code
English name: Unified Social Credit Code
Mark: unifiedSocialCreditCode
Description: Identification code of the producer of food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C18
Restrictions/conditions: M
Remark: It is not applicable to imported food contact materials and articles.
4.4.3 General information Classification
English name: Classification
Mark: classification
Description: The category of food contact materials and articles
Value range: Binary file
Restrictions/conditions: O Trademark
English name: Trademark
Mark: trademark
Description: The registered trademark used
Data type and format: BY
Value range: Binary file
Restrictions/conditions: O
Synonyms: Trademark logo, registered trademark Brand
English name: Brand
Mark: brand
Description: The brand owned by the product
Data type and format: C..100
Restrictions/conditions: O Unit price
English name: Unit Price
Mark: unitPrice
Description: Unit price of food contact materials and articles sold
Data type and format: N..8,2
Value range: Positive real numbers
Restrictions/conditions: M Manufacture date
English name: Manufacture Date
Mark: manufactureDate
Description: Date when the food contact materials and articles form the final sales unit
Data type and format: YYYYMMDD
Value range: Adopt the date representation in GB/T 7408
Restrictions/conditions: M Subpackage date
English name: Subpackage Date
Mark: subpackageDate
Description: Date of repacking of food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: YYYYMMDD
Value range: Adopt the date representation in GB/T 7408
Restrictions/conditions: O Expiration Date
English name: Expiration Date
Mark: expirationDate
Description: The period for which food contact materials and articles maintain quality
Data type and format: C..50
Restrictions/conditions: O Production license number
English name: Production License Number
Mark: productionLicenseNumber
Description: Obtained production license number of food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C14
Restrictions/conditions: C
Remark: It is not applicable to imported food contact materials and articles. Product standard code
English name: Product Standard Code
Mark: microorganismIndex
Description: Microbiological requirements for food contact materials and articles
Data type and format: C..ul
Restrictions/conditions: O Inspection
English name: Inspection
Mark: inspection
Description: Whether food contact materials and articles have been inspected
Data type and format: B
Value range: yes/no, on/off, true/false
Restrictions/conditions: O Inspection report
English name: Inspection Report
Mark: inspectionReport
Description: Certification documents for the inspection of food contact materials and
Data type and format: BY
Value range: Binary file
Restrictions/conditions: O Certification
English name: Certification
Mark: certification
Description: Whether food contact materials and articles have obtained relevant
Data type and format: B
Value range: yes/no, on/off, true/false
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.