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GB/T 31900-2015 (GB/T 31900-2024 Newer Version) PDF English

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GB/T 31900-2015: PDF in English (GBT 31900-2015)

GB/T 31900-2015 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 61.020 Y 76 Woven children’s clothing ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2016 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Requirements ... 5  4 Inspection methods ... 14  5 Test classification rules ... 18  6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 25  Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the China Textile Industry Federation. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Garment Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 219). The drafting organizations of this standard. Shanghai Garment Research Institute, National Garment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Shanghai), Zhejiang Red Yellow Blue Clothing Co., Ltd., Quanzhou Jazz Rabbit Clothing Co., Ltd, Fujian Wild Leopard Children's Products Limited. The main drafters of this standard. Shi Qin, Xu Jian, Ye Xiandong, Xu Youjiang, Cai Dongsheng, Zhou Shuangxi, Yang Xiuyue. Woven children’s clothing 1 Scope This standard specifies the requirements, inspection methods, inspection classification rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage, and other technical characteristics of the woven children's clothing. This standard applies to the children's clothing using the textile fabrics as the main fabric. This standard does not apply to infants and young children under the age of 36 months. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard. GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in color GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining GB/T 1335 (All parts) Standard sizing systems for garments GB/T 3917.2 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 2. Determination of tear force of trouser-shaped test specimens (single tear method) GB/T 3921-2008 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to washing with soap or soap and soda GB/T 4841.3 Color cards of standard depths for dyeing with dyestuffs 2/1, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, 1/25 GB 5296.4 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest - Part 4. Textiles and apparel GB/T 8629-2001 Textiles - Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing GB/T 8630 Textiles - Determination of dimensional change in washing and drying GB/T 18132 Silk garments GB 18401 National general safety technical code for textile products GB/T 21294 Testing methods of physical and chemical performance of garments GB/T 21295 Requirements for physical and chemical performance of garments GB/T 22702 Standard safety size for drawstrings on children’s upper wear GB/T 22705 Safety specifications for cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing GB/T 29862 Textiles - Identification of fiber content GB/T 31907 Method of garment measurement FZ/T 80002 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage of garments FZ/T 80004 Rule for garments delivery inspection FZ/T 80007.3 Dry wash resistance test methods for garments used adhesive interlining 3 Requirements 3.1 Instructions for use Instructions for use are as specified in GB 5296.4. 3.2 Type specifications 3.2.1 Type is set in accordance with GB/T 1335. 2.2.2 The specification of main parts of the finished product shall be designed in accordance with the relevant requirements of GB/T 1335. 3.3 Raw materials shall be free from skewing, AND the lock hole thread mark shall be beautiful, neat, flat, and smooth. 3.9.11 The nail catcher shall be firm, the button foot shall be appropriate in height, AND the thread knot shall be not exposed. The nail catcher shall not be fixed onto the single layer cloth (except for the decorative button); the foot wrapping height is compatible with the button hole thickness, it is wrapped for over three times (the decorative button is not wrapped), AND the thread ending knot shall be strong and complete. 3.9.12 The button and button hole shall be aligned in vertical direction. The snap button shall be secure, aligned vertically, appropriate in engagement, AND free from deformation or over-tightness. 3.9.13 The attach band zippers shall be flat and smooth, AND consistent in height at left side and right side. 3.9.14 The trademarks and durability labels shall be accurate, clear and correct. 3.9.15 The symmetrical parts shall be basically the same. 3.9.16 It is not allowed for the collar parts to use jumping needle. Within 30 cm of other parts, it is not allowed for continuous jumping needle OR more than two locations of the single jumping needle. It is not allowed for the chain type thread mark to use jumping needle. 3.9.17 The decorations (embroidery, insert, etc.) shall be firm, flat and smooth. 3.9.18 The side seam of the trousers (skirt) shall be smooth and straight; the twisting rate of trousers shall be not more than 2%; the twisting rate of tube skirt products shall be not more than 3%; AND there is no requirement for shorts. 3.9.19 The trousers back crotch seam shall be stitched with double threads or chain type threads. 3.10 Specifications allowable deviation The specification allowable deviation of the main parts of the finished product is as specified in Table 4. Table 4 unit in centimeters Name of the part Allowable deviation Upper wear length ± 1.0 Bust ± 1.5 Collar size ± 0.6 fastness will not be used to assess the products which cannot be dry washed as specified in the instruction. AND the water washing mutual staining by splicing is only used to assess the product with splicing between deep color and light color. 3.12.4 In the size change rate, the collar size is only used to assess the closed collar. The waistline is not used to assess the elastic waist; AND the fold treatment and zonal elastic products will not be subjected to the transverse size change rate. 3.12.5 The adhesive interlining peeling strength is only used to assess the color and body of the upper wear, the composite or coated fabric peeling will not be assessed, AND the non-woven fabric adhesive interlining will not be subjected to the assessment of this item if it cannot be peeled in the test. 3.12.6 The allowable color fastness degree of the fabrics with silk fiber content ≥ 50% shall follow the requirements of GB/T 18132. 3.12.7 It is allowed for the qualified product assessment indicator of the wet rubbing color fastness of the raised and flocking fabric as well as deep color fabric to be lowered for half level as compared with those specified in this standard. 3.12.8 The allowable cracking degree indicator of each square meter of mass fabric at a level of 52 g/m2 and below shall follow the requirements of GB/T 18132. The seaming requirements shall comply with the requirements of this standard. The outer layer which is only used for decoration purposes shall not be subjected to seaming performance assessment. 3.12.9 The raised fabric will not be subjected to pilling assessment. 4 Inspection methods 4.1 Inspection tool 4.1.1 Steel tape or ruler, in the scale value of 1 mm. 4.1.2 Grey scale used for color change assessment of the textile color fastness test (GB/T 250). 4.1.3 Grey scale used for staining assessment of the textile color fastness test (GB/T 251). 4.1.4 1/12 Color card of standard depth for dying with dyestuffs (GB/T 4841.3). fiber ≥ 50%); it is dried by hanging in natural air; three finished products shall be randomly taken from the batch for test, AND the mean value of the three products will be used. 4.4.2 The size change rate of the finished product after dry washing shall be tested in accordance with FZ/T 80007.3; the conventional dry washing method is used; three finished products shall be randomly taken from the batch for test, AND the mean value of the three products will be used. 4.4.3 The soap washing color fastness of the finished product shall be tested using the method C (3) as specified in GB/T 3921-2008 [Silk, regenerated cellulose fiber, hemp, nylon, wool and blended fabric are tested using the method A (1) as specified in GB/T 3921-2008]. 4.4.4 The tearing strength of finished product shall be tested in accordance with GB/T 3917.2. 4.4.5 The safety specification of children’s upper wear drawstring shall be in accordance with GB/T 22702. 4.4.6 The safety requirements of children's clothing cords and drawstring shall be in accordance with GB/T 22705. 4.4.7 Other physical and chemical property items are tested in accordance with GB/T 21294, where the seam performance is tested on the sample taken based on clothing style. 4.4.8 As for the test items for which the sampling location is not mentioned, it ... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.