GB/T 22875-2018 PDF English
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Super-absorbent polymer for sanitary towel and diapers
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GB/T 22875-2018: PDF in English (GBT 22875-2018) GB/T 22875-2018
ICS 85.080
Y 39
Replacing GB/T 22875-2008, GB/T 22905-2008
Super-absorbent polymer for
sanitary towel and diapers
ISSUED ON. JUNE 07, 2018
Issued by. State Market Regulatory Administration;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Product classification ... 5
4 Requirements ... 6
5 Test methods ... 6
6 Inspection rules ... 8
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 8
Appendix A (Normative) Determination of residual monomers (acrylic acid) .. 10
Appendix B (Normative) Determination of volatile content ... 13
Appendix C (Normative) Determination of pH ... 14
Appendix D (Normative) Determination of distribution of particle size ... 16
Appendix E (Normative) Determination of density ... 18
Appendix F (Normative) Determination of yellowing value ... 20
Appendix G (Normative) Determination of absorption speed ... 22
Appendix H (Normative) Determination of absorption amount and water
retention ... 23
Appendix I (Normative) Determination of absorption amount under pressure 26
Appendix J (Normative) Determination of extractable content ... 29
Appendix K (Normative) Formulation and physical properties of standard
synthetic test solutions ... 33
Super-absorbent polymer for
sanitary towel and diapers
1 Scope
This standard specifies the product classification, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of
polyacrylate super-absorbent polymers for sanitary towels and diapers.
This standard applies to polyacrylate super-absorbent polymers which are used
by all kinds of paper diapers (sheets, pads) and sanitary towels (pads). The
super-absorbent polymers which are used by other disposable sanitary
products may make reference to this standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test
GB/T 7974 Paper, board and pulps - Measurement of diffuse blue
reflectance factor - D65 brightness (Diff/Geometry, outdoor daylight
3 Product classification
The super-absorbent polymer is divided into the super-absorbent polymer for
paper diapers (sheets, pads) and the super-absorbent polymer for the sanitary
towels (pads) in accordance with the use of the product. The super-absorbent
polymer for paper diapers (sheets, pads) is divided into the super-absorbent
polymer for baby diaper (sheets, pad) and the super-absorbent polymer for
adult diapers (sheets, pads) in accordance with the objective of use.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Provisions on inspection batch
The products which are produced by the same raw material, the same process
and the same period of time form a batch, the amount of each batch does not
exceed 500 t.
6.2 Sampling methods
Take samples evenly from the same batch and not less than 3 packaging bags,
the sample amount shall be 1 kg.
6.3 Rules for decision
When the inspection product meets the requirements of this standard or
contract, it is judged to be qualified; when any of the inspection items fails, it is
judged to be unqualified.
6.4 Quality assurance
The manufacturer shall ensure that the product quality meets the requirements
of this standard or contract. The product can only be exit-factory after being
inspected qualified and accompanied with quality certificate mark.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Sales mark and packaging
7.1.1 The product sales package shall be marked with the following contents.
a) Product name, implemented standard number, trademark, product type;
b) Name, address and contact information of the enterprise;
c) Date of manufacture and shelf life, or production lot number and limited
period of use;
d) Main raw materials;
e) Transportation and storage conditions.
7.1.2 The product shall be packed in a packaging bag with a lined plastic film.
The packaging bag shall have sufficient strength, to ensure that it will not break
or fall off during use. The various identification information on the sales package
shall be clear and not easy to fade.
Appendix A
Determination of residual monomers (acrylic acid)
A.1 Principle
The sample is extracted by physiological saline, the residual monosodium
acrylate and acrylic acid in the sample are transferred to the solution. After 1
hour, the solution is filtered, the filtrate is taken and subjected to high
performance liquid chromatography to measure the content of acrylic acid, the
result is based on the content of acrylic acid.
A.2 Reagents and materials
Unless otherwise specified, only chromatographic reagents are used.
A.2.1 Water, GB/T 6682, level I.
A.2.2 Normal saline, concentration 0.9%. WEIGH 9.00 g (accurate to 0.01 g) of
sodium chloride (analytical grade) in a beaker, DISSOLVE and TRANSFER it
into a 1 L volumetric flask, USE water to dilute it to the mark, SHAKE it uniformly.
A.2.3 Concentrated phosphoric acid, c(H3PO4) = 85% (mass ratio),
chromatographic grade or higher.
A.2.4 Aqueous phosphoric acid solution, c(H3PO4) = 0.1% (mass ratio). WEIGH
1.0 g of concentrated phosphoric acid in a 1 L volumetric flask, USE water to
dilute it to the mark, SHAKE it uniformly.
A.2.5 Acetonitrile, chromatographic grade or higher.
A.2.6 Acrylic acid, the purity is greater than 99.5%.
A.2.7 Acrylic standard stock solution (1000 mg/L). WEIGH 0.1000 g of acrylic
acid (A.2.6), accurate to 0.0001 g, PUT it into a 100 mL volumetric flask, USE
water to dilute it to 100 mL.
A.2.8 Acrylic standard intermediate solution (100 mg/L). PIPETTE 10 mL of
acrylic acid standard stock solution (A.2.7) into a 100 mL volumetric flask, USE
water to dilute it to 100 mL.
A.3 Instruments and equipment
A.3.1 High performance liquid chromatography.
Appendix B
Determination of volatile content
B.1 Instrument and equipment
B.1.1 Oven, it can keep the temperature at 105 °C ± 2 °C.
B.1.2 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.001 g.
B.1.3 Dryer, with active desiccant (e.g., silica gel).
B.1.4 Specimen container, for the transfer and weighing of specimen. The
container is made of a lightweight material that is water-repellent and resistant
to changes under experimental conditions. The inner diameter of the container
is 55 mm ± 5 mm.
B.2 Determination step
WEIGH approximately 4.0 g of the specimen, accurate to 0.001 g, LOAD it into
a specimen container (B.1.4) which has reached to constant weight. PLACE
the container which contains the specimen in an oven (B.1.1) at a temperature
of 105 °C, OPEN the container lid, DRY it for 3 hours. After 3 hours, OPEN the
oven, COVER the container lid in the oven, then PLACE the container into the
dryer (B.1.3) for 30 minutes, WEIGH the mass of the container and the
specimen. PERFORM two parallel determinations simultaneously.
B.3 Calculation of results
The volatile content is calculated in accordance with formula (B.1).
M - Volatile content of the specimen, %;
m1 - The mass of the specimen before drying, in grams (g);
m2 - The mass of the specimen after drying, in grams (g).
The arithmetic mean of the two determinations is used as the result, the result
is rounded off to one decimal place. The absolute error of the two
determinations shall not exceed 0.4%.
Appendix D
Determination of distribution of particle size
D.1 Instrument and equipment
D.1.1 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.01 g.
D.1.2 Screen vibrator, the amplitude is 1 mm and the frequency is 1400 r/min.
D.1.3 Screen, standard screen has a diameter of 200 mm and a mesh size of
45 μm and 106 μm.
D.1.4 Receiving base and cover.
D.1.5 Brush.
D.2 Determination step
D.2.1 CLEAN the screen (D.1.3) before each use, CHECK the entire surface of
the screen under the light source, CHECK the damage of each screen. If any
cracks or holes are found, DISCARD the damaged screen and REPLACE it
with a new one. If the screen is not clean, it needs to be cleaned.
D.2.2 STACK the screens on the screen vibrator (D.1.2), PLACE the receiving
base (D.1.4) at the bottom, STACK the screens from top to bottom in the order
of 106 μm to 45 μm. USE a 250 mL glass beaker to weigh 100 g of specimen,
accurate to 0.01 g. Gently POUR the specimen into the top screen, ADD the
cover (D.1.4) and START the screen vibrator for 10 min. Then carefully
REMOVE the screen, respectively WEIGH the mass of the specimen above the
45 μm screen and on the receiving base. During determination, AVOID
ventilation airflow. USE the brush (D.1.5) to collect the specimen below screen
into a waste dish, CLEAN the screen.
D.3 Calculation of results
The distribution of particle size is calculated in accordance with formula (D.1)
and formula (D.2).
Appendix E
Determination of density
E.1 Instrument and equipment
E.1.1 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.01 g.
E.1.2 Density test device.
E.1.3 Funnel, with a capacity greater than 120 mL, with perforated throttling
damping or baffle, inner diameter of the orifice is 10.00 mm ± 0.01 mm.
E.1.4 Density cup, with the cup cylinder capacity 100 cm3 ± 0.5 cm3.
E.2 Determination step
E.2.1 PLACE the density test device (E.1.2) on the platform, ADJUST the
screws on the three feet to keep them level. PLACE the washed and dried
funnel (E.1.3) vertically at a height of 40 mm ± 1 mm above the center of the
density cup (E.1.4), to ensure the funnel level.
E.2.2 WEIGH the mass of the empty density cup, accurate to 0.01 g, RECORD
its mass as m1. Then PLACE the weighed empty density cup directly below the
E.2.3 Accurately WEIGH 100 g (accurate to 0.01 g) of specimen, gently ADD it
to the funnel. The orifice throttling damping or baffle under the funnel is closed.
E.2.4 Quickly OPEN the orifice throttling damping or baffle under the funnel, so
that all the specimens in the funnel fall naturally.
E.2.5 USE glass rod to scrape off the excess specimen on the top of the density
cup. DO not tap or shake the density cup.
E.2.6 WEIGH the mass of the density cup which contains the specimen,
accurate to 0.01 g, RECORD the mass as m2.
E.3 Calculation of results
The density of the specimen is calculated in accordance with formula (E.1).
Appendix F
Determination of yellowing value
F.1 Principle
The color of the specimen changes after a certain period of time under the
specified temperature and humidity conditions. The ratio of the D65 brightness
difference before and after the specimen treatment to the D65 brightness value
before the specimen treatment is used to represent the yellowing value.
F.2 Instrument and equipment
F.2.1 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.01 g.
F.2.2 Constant temperature and humidity chamber, which can keep the
temperature at 50 °C ± 2 °C, maintain the relative humidity at 90% ± 2%.
F.2.3 Test container, in glass or stainless steel, cylindrical, with a bottom
diameter of 35 mm ± 5 mm and a height of 10 mm ± 2 mm.
F.2.4 Reflectance photometer, in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 7974.
F.3 Determination step
F.3.1 TAKE a sufficient amount of specimen, PLACE in and FILL the test
container (F.2.3), to ensure that the surface of the specimen is flat and level
with the top edge of the test container.
F.3.2 Carefully PLACE the test container which contains the specimen in the
test area of the reflectance photometer (F.2.4), DETERMINE the D65
brightness R1 of the specimen.
F.3.3 SET the constant temperature and humidity chamber (F.2.2) to a
temperature of 50 °C and a relative humidity of 90%. TURN on the constant
temperature and humidity chamber. After reaching to the set temperature and
humidity, PLACE the test container which contains the specimen into the
constant temperature and humidity chamber for conditioning.
F.3.4 After 28 d, TAKE out the test container which contains the specimen, USE
a glass plate to press the surface of the specimen flatly, to make the surface of
the specimen level with the upper edge of the test container, then carefully
PLACE the test container which contains the specimen in the test area of
reflectance photometry, to determine the D65 brightness R2 of the specimen.
Appendix G
Determination of absorption speed
G.1 Reagents and materials
Standard synthetic test solution. see Appendix K.
G.2 Instrument and equipment
G.2.1 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.001 g.
G.2.2 Beaker, the capacity is 100 mL.
G.2.3 Measuring cylinder, 10 mL.
G.2.4 Stopwatch.
G.3 Determination step
G.3.1 USE balance to weigh 1.000 g of specimen, accurate to 0.001 g, POUR
it into a 100 mL beaker. SHAKE the beaker to evenly spread the specimen at
the bottom of the beaker.
G.3.2 USE the measuring cylinder to measure 5.0 mL of 23 °C standard
synthetic test solution, quickly POUR it into the beaker which contains the
specimen, quickly SHAKE the beaker to evenly distribute the specimen. POUR
in the standard synthetic test solution and start timekeeping at the same time.
When the liquid mirror disappears in the beaker, STOP timekeeping
immediately and RECORD the time.
Note. When shaking the beaker, AVOID the specimen from being attached to
the wall of the beaker.
G.3.3 Each sample is determined twice.
G.4 Calculation of results
The arithmetic mean of the two determinations is taken as the determination
result, the absorption speed is expressed in seconds (s), the result is rounded
off to an integer position.
Appendix J
Determination of extractable content
J.1 Reagents and materials
Unless otherwise specified, only analytical reagents are used.
J.1.1 Water, GB/T 6682, Level III.
J.1.2 Sodium hydroxide solution, c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L.
J.1.3 Hydrochloric acid solution, c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L.
J.1.4 Normal saline, concentration 0.9%. WEIGH 9.00 g (accurate to 0.01 g) of
sodium chloride in a beaker, DISSOLVE and TRANSFER it to a 1 L volumetric
flask, USE water to dilute it to the mark, SHAKE it uniformly.
J.1.5 Standard buffer solution, with a pH of 4.00, 6.86, 9.18 at 25 °C.
J.2 Instrument and equipment
J.2.1 Balance, the sensitivity is 0.0001 g.
J.2.2 pH meter.
J.2.3 Beaker, the capacity is 250 mL.
J.2.4 Parafilm.
J.2.5 Magnetic stirrer and stir bar.
J.2.6 Vacuum filter bottle and Buchner funnel.
J.2.7 Filter paper, quantitative filter paper.
J.2.8 Vacuum pump.
J.2.9 Burette, 10 mL or 20 mL, readable accuracy of 0.01 mL.
J.3 Determination step
J.3.1 USE the measuring cylinder to accurately measure 200 mL of normal
saline, POUR it into a 250 mL beaker, PUT in a stir bar.
J.3.2 WEIGH 1.000 g of specimen, accurate to 0.001 g, then POUR all into the
VHCl,s - The volume of hydrochloric acid solution required to titrate the
supernatant of the filtered sample to pH 2.7, in milliliters (mL);
VHCl,b - The volume of hydrochloric acid solution required to titrate the blank
solution to pH 2.7, in milliliters (mL);
cHCl - The concentration of hydrochloric acid solution, in moles per liter
J.4.3 The total amount of carboxylic acid which is neutralized in the filtrate is
calculated in accordance with formula (J.3).
nCOONa - The total amount of carboxylic acid which is neutralized in the filtrate,
in moles (mol);
J.4.4 The relative mass of carboxylic acid and carboxylate is calculated in
accordance with formula (J.4) and formula (J.5).
mCOOH - The relative mass of acrylic acid, in grams (g);
mCOONa - The relative mass of sodium acrylate, in grams (g);
MCOOH - The molar mass of acrylic acid, in grams per mole (g/mol) (MCOOH =
MCOONa - The molar mass of sodium acrylate, in grams per mole (g/mol)
(MCOONa = 94.0);
Fdil - The dilution factor, which is 200/50 = 4.
J.4.5 The extractable content in the super-absorbent polymer is calculated in
accordance with formula (J.6).
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.