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GB 30603-2014 PDF English

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GB 30603-2014English110 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. National Food Safety Standard -- Food Additives -- Sodium Acetate Valid
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GB 30603-2014: PDF in English

GB 30603-2014 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Sodium Acetate ISSUED ON: APRIL 29, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON: NOVEMBER 01, 2014 Issued by: National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC Table of Contents 1 Scope ... 3 2 Molecular Formula, Structural Formula and Relative Molecular Mass ... 3 3 Technical Requirements ... 3 Appendix A Test Methods ... 5 National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Sodium Acetate 1 Scope This Standard is applicable to food additive sodium acetate made from acetic acid and sodium hydroxide (or sodium carbonate). 2 Molecular Formula, Structural Formula and Relative Molecular Mass 2.1 Molecular formula C2H3NaO2 • nH2O (n=3 or 0). 2.2 Structural formula CH3COONa • nH2O (n=3 or 0). 2.3 Relative molecular mass 136.08 (crystal product). 82.03 (anhydrous product). 3 Technical Requirements 3.1 Sensory requirements The sensory requirements shall conform to the provisions of Table 1. Appendix A Test Methods A.1 General provisions Unless otherwise stated, only the reagents identified as analytically pure and the tertiary water specified in GB/T 6682 shall be used in the analysis. The standard titration solution used in the test method, the standard solution for the determination of impurities, preparations and products, unless otherwise specified, shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 601, GB/T 602 and GB/T 603. When the used solution does not indicate by which solvent to prepare, it refers to the aqueous solution. A.2 Identification test A.2.1 Reagents and materials A.2.1.1 Sulfuric acid. A.2.1.2 Ethanol. A.2.1.3 Hydrochloric acid solution: 1+1. A.2.1.4 Uranium zinc oxyacetate solution: take 10g of uranyl acetate; add 5mL of glacial acetic acid and 50mL of water; and dissolve with slight heat. Take 30g of zinc acetate; add 3mL of glacial acetic acid and 30mL of water; and dissolve with slight heat. Mix the two solutions; let cool; filter; and then obtain it. A.2.1.5 Ferric chloride solution: 90g/L. A.2.2 pH test Take 1g of sample, accurate to 0.01g; dissolve with appropriate amount of water and dilute to 100mL; the pH of the measured solution shall be 8.0~9.5. A.2.3 Sodium salt test After moistening the platinum wire by hydrochloric acid solution; dip the sample and burn it in a colorless flame. The flame shall be bright yellow. Take 1g of sample, accurate to 0.01g; dissolve by appropriate amount of water; add 1mL of hydrochloric acid solution; dilute to 20mL by water. Take 1mL of this solution; add 5mL of uranium zinc acetate solution; shake; then generate a yellow precipitate. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.