GB 13094-2017 PDF English
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[Including 2023XG1] The safety requirements for bus construction
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GB 13094-2007 | English | RFQ |
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The safety requirements for bus construction
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GB 13094-1997 | English | 559 |
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The safety requirements for bus construction
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GB/T 13094-1991 | English | 559 |
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General specification for buses
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GB 13094-2017: PDF in English GB 13094-2017
ICS 43.020
T 09
Replacing GB 13094-2007, GB 18986-2003, GB/T 19950-2005
The safety requirements for bus construction
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 12
2 Normative references ... 12
3 Terms and definitions ... 12
4 Requirements ... 18
4.1 General requirements... 18
4.2 Axle load and passenger area ... 18
4.3 Roll stability ... 20
4.4 Fire prevention measures ... 21
4.5 Exit ... 25
4.6 Interior layout... 41
4.7 Interior lighting ... 64
4.8 Articulated section of articulated bus ... 64
4.9 Directional maintenance of articulated buses ... 65
4.10 Passenger handrails and handles ... 65
4.11 Protection of stepping area ... 68
4.12 Crew member protection ... 68
4.13 Movable cover ... 69
4.14 Visual entertainment device ... 69
4.15 Sign of luggage mass ... 69
4.16 Ventilation in compartment ... 70
4.17 Trolleybus ... 70
4.18 Transition period requirements for the implementation of this standard ... 70
Appendix A (Normative) Additional technical requirements for providing
convenient facilities for wheelchair users ... 71
Appendix B (Normative) Verification of static roll limit calculation ... 87
Appendix C (Normative) Measurement of closing force of power operated
service door and reaction force of power operated ramp ... 88
Appendix D (Normative) Additional technical requirements for trolleybuses .. 92
References ... 99
The safety requirements for bus construction
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements for bus constructions.
This standard applies to category M2 and M3 buses, including trolleybuses.
This standard does not apply to sleeper buses, special school buses, special
buses and non-road buses.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2408-2008 Plastics - Determination of burning characteristics -
Horizontal and vertical test
GB/T 3730.2-1996 Road vehicle - Masses - Vocabulary and codes
GB/T 4780-2000 Terms for motor vehicle body
GB 8410-2006 Flammability of automotive interior materials
GB/T 12428-2005 Laden mass calculating method for buses
GB 14166 Safety-belts, restraint systems, child restraint systems and
ISOFIX child restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles
GB 14167 Safety-belt anchorages, ISOFIX anchorages systems and ISOFIX
top tether anchorages for vehicles
GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
GB 30678 Safety signs and information symbols for the use of bus
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 3730.2-1996, GB/T 4780-2000,
GB/T 15089 as well as the following terms and definitions apply to this
crew member (if there is a seat for the crew) (75 kg/person).
"Front" and "rear"
In front of or behind the vehicle in the normal driving direction.
4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 If the bus belongs to more than one class of class A, class B, class I, Class
II, and class III at the same time, the bus shall comply with the corresponding
provisions of this standard according to each class to which it belongs.
4.1.2 If no special provisions are made, the measurement in this standard shall
performed on the bus at the mass of vehicle in running order (the crew members
are seated or with corresponding counterweight) which is parked on a flat level.
The adjustable backrest angle of the passenger seat and the driver's seat as
well as the other adjustments shall be at the design reference position as
specified by the manufacturer. If it is equipped with a kneeling system, it shall
be set at the normal height when the bus is traveling.
4.1.3 The provisions of this standard require that a certain surface in the bus
shall be horizontal or at a certain angle at the mass of vehicle in running order.
For buses that use mechanical suspension, as long as the bus can meet the
requirements under the loading conditions declared by the manufacturer, the
surface can be inclined or exceed the specified angle at the mass of vehicle in
running order. If the bus is equipped with a kneeling system, the system shall
not be in working condition.
4.1.4 Buses that provide convenient facilities for wheelchair users shall comply
with the provisions of Appendix A.
4.2 Axle load and passenger area
4.2.1 Axle load
When the bus is at the mass of vehicle in running order and the maximum
design total mass state, the percentage of the load on the front axle and the
mass of the vehicle under the corresponding load state shall be greater than or
equal to the provisions in Table 1.
- The projected area of the space reserved for wheelchair users only. Minimum number of seats
For class I, class II and class A buses, the number of passenger seats on each
floor shall be at least equal to the floor area (in square meters) for passengers
and crew member (if any) on this floor, after rounding off to the nearest integer.
In class I vehicles (excluding the upper deck of double-deck buses), the number
of passenger seats shall not be less than 90% of this integer.
4.3 Roll stability
4.3.1 The test platform for the parking of buses shall be inclined to the left and
right by 28° from the horizontal position, the bus shall not roll over.
4.3.2 When carrying out the stability test, the bus shall be at the mass of the
bus in running order, meanwhile the load shall be configured as follows:
a) The load on each seat (for double-deck buses, only on the seats at upper
deck) is 65 kg (68 kg for class B, class II or class III buses and 75 kg for
crew members). For class I, II or class A single-deck buses, the
corresponding load of 65 kg for standing passengers (68 kg for
passengers of class II buses) shall be evenly distributed in the
corresponding standing area, meanwhile the height of center of mass is
875 mm above the floor. If the bus is equipped with an outer roof rack, it
shall be uniformly loaded according to the mass specified by the
manufacturer (the value is greater than or equal to R × Vx) and fixed firmly.
There shall be no luggage in the luggage rack and luggage compartment.
Among them, the values of R and Vx are checked according to GB/T
b) If the bus is designed to carry one or more wheelchairs, the wheelchair
area shall be loaded as follows:
1) For the area reserved for wheelchair users in accordance with A.7.4,
the sum of the mass of the wheelchair and its users is 250 kg,
meanwhile the center of mass is located 500 mm above the center floor
of each wheelchair space;
2) For class III and class B vehicles, if seats are installed in the area, the
seats are loaded according to the passenger mass of the
corresponding class of seat;
3) For class A, class I and class II buses, if seats are installed in the area,
the seats are loaded according to the mass of seat passengers of the
4.4.2 Fuel tank The fuel tank shall be fixed firmly. Its installation position shall be
protected by the body structure in the event of a front or rear collision of the bus.
At the same time, any part of the fuel tank shall be greater than or equal to 600
mm from the front end of the bus, greater than or equal to 300 mm from the
rear end of the bus. For the class III bus which has rear positioned engine, the
front-end face of the fuel tank shall be behind the front axle. No part of the fuel tank shall protrude beyond the total bus width. The filling port of the fuel tank shall only be used from outside the vehicle;
it shall not be located where fuel may splash onto the engine or exhaust system
when refueling. For buses longer than 7 m, the distance from the filling port and
to the service door or emergency door shall be greater than or equal to 500 mm
(for gasoline tank) or 250 mm (for diesel tank). The filling port and vent of the
fuel tank of a bus with a length greater than 6 m shall be more than 300 mm
away from any part of the exhaust pipe. If the fuel filling port is located on the side of the bus, when the filling
port’s cap is applied, it shall not protrude beyond the adjacent body surface. The filler cap shall not be opened accidentally.
4.4.3 Fuel supply system The fuel supply system shall not be installed in the driving area or
passenger area. The fuel pipes and other components of the fuel supply system shall be
reasonably arranged and reliably protected. The torsion, bending and vibration of the body structure or power
assembly shall not put the oil supply pipeline in an abnormally stressed state. When the rigid parts of the fuel supply system are combined with flexible
piping, it shall be ensured that there will be no leakage under various operating
conditions of the bus. Once any part of the fuel supply system has a fuel leak, it shall flow
smoothly to the ground; it shall not drip onto the exhaust system or high-voltage
electrical equipment.
4.4.4 Electrical equipment and conductors The conductor shall have good insulation properties. Electrical
equipment and conductors shall be able to withstand the ambient temperature
and humidity, especially the temperature in the engine compartment and the The materials within 100 mm around the exhaust system, high-voltage
electrical equipment and other obvious heat sources shall be able to withstand
the high temperatures that may be encountered, otherwise they shall be
effectively shielded, to prevent grease or other combustible materials from
coming into contact with them. The flame-retardancy of the interior decoration materials of the bus is
tested according to the method of GB 8410-2006; its horizontal burning speed
shall be less than or equal to 70 mm/min. The engine compartment shall use sound insulation and thermal
insulation materials with flame retardant performance that meets the
requirements of class A as specified in 4.6 of GB 8410-2006. It shall not use
easily immersed fuel, lubricating oil or other flammable materials without
impervious covers.
4.4.7 Fire monitoring and fire extinguishing facilities Buses shall be equipped with an alarm system that can monitor the high
temperature or smoke in the compartment. If the engine compartment is located behind the driving area, a
temperature alarm system shall be configured, to issue an alarm when the
temperature is too high in the engine compartment and other cabins equipped
with gas/fuel heaters. The monitoring area shall include components that may
come into contact with leaking flammable fluids (including liquids or gases) and
whose operating temperature (including temperature at failure) is higher than
the ignition point of the fluid. The alarm system as specified in and shall provide the
driver with an audible or visual alarm signal in the driving area. Once the engine is started, the alarm system shall be in working
condition. The space for one or more fire extinguishers shall be provided, one of
which is placed close to the driving seat. On class A or class B buses, the space
for each required fire extinguisher shall not be less than 8 × 106 mm3; for class
I, class II or class III buses, the required space shall not be less than 15 × 106
mm3. For double-deck buses, additional space for fire extinguishers shall be
provided on the upper deck. The fire extinguisher shall be easily accessible in emergency situations;
its installation location shall be clearly visible or clearly marked.
service door). It shall meet the following requirements:
a) On class I and class II double-deck buses, if there are more than 50
passengers on the upper deck, there shall be at least 2
intercommunication staircases or 1 intercommunication staircases and 1
half staircase;
b) On a class III double-deck bus, if there are more than 30 passengers on
the upper deck, there shall be at least 2 intercommunication staircases or
1 intercommunication staircases and 1 half staircase.
4.5.2 Exit location The service door shall be located on the right side of the bus, at least
one of the service doors shall be located on the front half of the bus. However,
the following doors can be set:
a) A door (non-service door) for wheelchair passengers is provided in the
rear or side wall;
b) A service door is set in the rear wall, which can be used by passengers
when special needs;
c) For buses designed for passengers to get on/off from left side, such as
those that only need to get on/off from left side due to the location of the
platform, service doors can be provided only on the left. For buses
designed for passengers to get on/off from both sides, such as the buses
that need to run not only along the dedicated lane for public bus as
provided along the central lane of the road but also along the ordinary
road, it may set one or more service doors at the left side; however, it shall
ensure that when the service door at one side is opened, the service door
at the other side shall be reliably locked simultaneously;
d) A service door is provided in the back of the class A or class B bus. If the passenger area S0 is greater than or equal to 10 m2, the two
service doors specified in shall be provided separately. For single-deck
buses (except for class A, class I, and class II buses whose service doors are
on the left), the distance between the horizontal vertical planes passing through
the center of the area of the two doors shall be greater than or equal to 40% of
the total length of the passenger area. For double-deck buses, if the two doors
are on the same side, the distance shall be greater than or equal to 40% of the
total length of the passenger area at lower deck or 25% of the total length of
the bus. If they are not on the same side, it does not need to meet this
requirement. If there are double doors in the two doors, it shall be measured
between the two farthest doors. For articulated buses, if the distance between
two doors of different rigid sections is greater than or equal to 40% of the total
it can still be opened from inside the vehicle. The height of the door opening device outside the vehicle to the
horizontal ground (at no load) shall be less than or equal to 1800 mm; the
distance from the outer edge of the door shall be less than or equal to 500 mm
or on the door. For hinged or pivoted single-leaf hand-operated service door, when the
bus moves forward, the opened door shall tend to close when it touches a
stationary object. If the spring-loaded lock is used for the manually controlled service door,
it shall be of two-stage type. When the service door is closed, there shall be no mechanism on the
inside of the door to cover the step. The door operating mechanism and other
devices installed on the inside of the door can invade the concave part of the
step, but the intrusive part shall not become an additional floor that the
passenger may stand on; meanwhile the mechanism and device shall not be
hazardous to passengers. The driver shall be able to observe the situation of passengers near the
inside and outside of each non-automatically controlled service door on the seat.
For class I double-deck buses, this requirement also applies to the inside of all
service doors and the vicinity of each intercommunication staircase on the
upper decks. For service doors on the rear wall of class A and class B buses, if
the driver can observe a person of 1.3 m tall at a point 1 m behind the bus, it
meets this requirement. For the service door on the articulated bus behind the
hinge, it shall not be observed only with the mirror. If it is not directly observable,
optical or other auxiliary devices shall be installed. Under the conditions of normal use, when the service door is opened
inwards, its structure shall ensure that the opening movement will not harm the
passengers. When necessary, appropriate protective devices shall be installed. If the service door is adjacent to the toilet or other inner doors, it shall
be able to prevent misuse. This requirement does not apply to service doors
that can be automatically locked when the vehicle speed exceeds 5 km/h. The service door located in the back wall of class A and class B buses
shall have an opening angle of greater than or equal to 85° and be automatically
kept in the open position. Any open state of service doors shall not prevent passengers from
reaching or using emergency exits, except for buses with a length of less than
7 m and sliding doors. For each driver operated service door, the driver shall be able to operate
it with manipulators on the seat. The manipulators (excluding manipulators
operated with feet) shall be clearly marked and distinct from other signs. Each power-controlled service door shall be able to activate a visual
warning device. The driver shall be able to clearly see this warning in the normal
driving position and in any lighting environment, to remind that the door is not
completely closed. This warning device shall give a signal between the fully
open position of the rigid structure of the door and 30 mm from the fully closed
position. Multiple doors can share a warning device. However, the front service
door that does not meet the requirements of and may not be
equipped with such warning device. The control part for the driver to open and close the power-operated
service door shall be able to enable the driver to move the service door at any
time during the door closing or opening process. The structure and control system of the power operated service door
shall ensure that the passengers are not injured or pinched by the door when
closing the door. If the following two requirements are met, this provision is met:
a) At any of the measurement points as described in Appendix C, the
clamping force when the door is closed shall not exceed 150 N, otherwise
the door shall be automatically fully opened again (except for
automatically operated service door), meanwhile kept in the open position
until the door closing control is operated. See Appendix C for the test
method. The peak force can be higher than 150 N for a short time, but
shall not exceed 300 N. Re-opening system can be checked by a test bar
which has a cross-section height of 60 mm, a width of 30 mm, a radius of
5 mm.
b) When the passenger's wrist or finger is caught by the door, one of the
following conditions shall be met:
1) The door shall be automatically reopened to fully open (except for
automatically operated service door) and kept open until the door
closing control is operated.
2) The passenger's wrist and fingers can be easily extracted without injury.
This requirement can be checked by hand or test bar (section height 60
mm, width 30 mm, fillet radius 5 mm). The thickness of the test bar is
gradually reduced from 30 mm to 5 mm in the length of 300 mm,
meanwhile it shall not be polished or lubricated. If the door clamps the
test rod, it shall be easily pulled out.
3) The door is kept at a position where the test bar which has a section
height of 60 mm, a width of 20 mm, a radius of 5 mm can pass freely.
shall also be an out-of-vehicle display. The display (such as light-emitting
buttons and light-emitting signals) shall be on or near the corresponding
d) When it is directly activated with a switch, the functional status of the
system shall be clearly displayed to the driver through the switch position,
indicator light or light display switch. The switch shall be specially marked;
it shall not be mixed with other control parts. Opening of automatically operated service door After the driver activates the door opening control, the passenger shall
be able to open the door as follows:
a) Operation from inside the bus, for example, pressing a button or passing
a light grid;
b) Operation from outside the bus (except for doors marked for exit only), for
example, it can press the light-display button, the button below the light-
display signal, or a similar device marked accordingly. After pressing the button mentioned in and adopting the
contact method with the driver as described in, a storage signal may be
issued, and the door opened after the driver activates the door opening control. Closing of automatically operated service door
The closing of the automatically operated service doors shall comply with the
following requirements:
a) After automatically operated service door is opened, it shall be
automatically closed after a time interval. If passengers enter and exit the
door during this time interval, the safety device (i.e. step contactor, grating
or one-way valve, etc.) shall ensure that there is sufficient door closing
delay time;
b) If passengers enter or exit when the door is closing, the closing process
shall be automatically terminated, the door shall return to the open position;
the return action is initiated by one of the safety devices described in or other devices;
c) When the driver activates the door opening control, the service door that
has been automatically closed according to shall be able to be
opened by the passenger in the manner of;
d) After the activation of the opening of automatically operated service door
opening is released by the driver, the opened door shall be closed
according to and
be satisfied:
- Maintain an opening angle of at least 100° (limiting bands, chains or other
restraining devices may be used);
- The access passage gauge for the emergency door can freely pass through
the door to the outside of the bus. If the emergency door is located near the toilet or other inner doors, it
shall be able to prevent misuse. This requirement does not apply to emergency
doors that can be automatically locked when the vehicle speed exceeds 5 km/h. All emergency doors shall provide sound devices to alert the driver when
the emergency doors are not fully closed. The warning device shall be activated
by the movement of the door locking device (for example, the latch or handle),
rather than the movement of the door itself.
4.5.8 Technical requirements for emergency windows The push-out emergency window shall be opened outwards. The opening of emergency windows shall meet one of the following
- Easy to open quickly from inside and outside the bus;
- Use safety glass easily to be broken (instead of laminated glass or plastic)
and provide a convenient device for breaking the emergency window glass
on or near each emergency window in the bus. The breaking device of the
emergency window behind the bus shall be located in the middle position
above or below the emergency window, or the glass breaking device shall
be placed on both the left and right sides. Emergency windows that can be locked from the outside of the vehicle
shall be structurally guaranteed to always open from the inside of the vehicle. Emergency windows hinged horizontally at the upper end shall have an
appropriate mechanism to keep them fully open. The opening of the hinged
emergency window shall ensure the unimpeded entry and exit of the bus. The height of the lower edge of the side window of the bus (the upper
edge of the metal lower frame of the sliding window) from the floor plane of the
foot pedal below it (without any local changes, such as local deformation
caused by wheels, transmission devices or toilets, etc.) shall be less than or
equal to 1200 mm, meanwhile greater than or equal to 500 mm. For push-pull
and push-out side windows, if the lower edge of the openable part is less than
650 mm, a protective device shall be provided at a height of 650 mm to 700 mm
from the floor to prevent passengers from falling outside the vehicle. If the side
4.5.10 Technical requirements for telescopic step The telescopic step shall work synchronously with the corresponding
service door or emergency door. When the door is closed, the telescopic step shall not protrude 10 mm
from the adjacent bus surface. For class A and B buses, the vertical projection
of the surface above the step shall not protrude by 10 mm. When the door is opened, the telescopic step shall be in the extended
position; its area shall meet the requirements of When the power-operated telescopic step is in the extended position,
an audible or visual alarm prompt shall be issued to the driver; if the bus cannot
start on its own power at this time, the alarm prompt may not be provided. The power-operated telescopic step shall not extend when the bus is
running. If the control device fails, the step shall be retracted and kept in the
stowed position. When the control device fails or the step is damaged, it shall
not hinder the operation of the corresponding door. When a passenger stands on a power-operated telescopic step, the
corresponding door shall not be closed; a 15 kg weight can be placed in the
center of the step to check it. This rule does not apply to doors in the driver's
field of vision and non-power operated doors. The movement of the telescopic step shall not cause harm to the body
of people inside or outside the vehicle. There shall be yellow and black warnings
around the upper surface of the telescopic step. The outer corner of the telescopic step shall adopt a round corner
transition with a radius greater than or equal to 5 mm; its upper and lower edges
shall adopt a round corner transition with a radius greater than or equal to 2.5
mm. When the service door is opened, the telescopic step shall be reliably
maintained in the extended position. When the weight of 136 kg is placed in the
center of the telescopic step of the single access door or the weight of 272 kg
is placed in the center of the telescopic step of the double access door, the
deformation at any point of the step shall not exceed 10 mm.
4.5.11 Exit signs Each emergency exit shall be marked, its safety signs and location
shall comply......
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.