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DZ/T 0080-2010: PDF in English (DZT 0080-2010)

DZ/T 0080-2010 GEOLOGICAL MINERAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing DZ/T 0080-1993 Specifications for geophysical logging of coal ISSUED ON: MARCH 06, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON: MARCH 31, 2010 Issued by: Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 General ... 6  4 Logging design ... 7  5 Construction preparation ... 11  6 Requirements for data collection ... 13  7 Method technical requirements ... 19  8 Data processing, interpretation ... 26  9 Submission and acceptance of results ... 31  10 Instruments and equipment ... 37  11 Safety construction, health protection ... 42  Appendix A (Normative) Logging notice ... 47  Appendix B (Normative) Well-site basic data record book ... 49  Appendix C (Normative) Raw data standard of geophysical logging of coal (recommended standard) ... 54  Appendix D (Normative) Logging result book ... 56  Appendix E (Normative) Warehousing-incoming registration form of logging record, processing disk (tape) ... 59  Specifications for geophysical logging of coal 1 Scope This specification specifies the basic requirements for the design, instrumentation, measurement technology, raw material’s quality evaluation, data processing and interpretation, report preparation, safety protection of geophysical logging of coal. This code is applicable to geophysical logging work related to coal, coalbed methane, hydrology, engineering, environment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as: geological exploration work of coal) in the geological exploration work of coal resource evaluation, coal mine basic construction, coal mine safety production. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard; however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GBZ 142-2002 Radiological protection standard for sealed radioactive sources used in oil and gas-field logging GBZ 19871-2002 Basic standards for ionizing radiation protection and radiation source safety DZ/T 0069-1993 Schema/legend and color application standard of geophysical survey map DZ/T 0181-1997 Hydrogeological logging work specifications DZ/T 0196-1997 General technical conditions for logging instrument DZ/T 0215-2002 Specifications for coal, peat exploration GWF 02 Regulations on management of radioisotope and radiation accident b) Divide the lithology profile of the borehole, determine the physical property data of the coal-seam, calculate the sand, mud and water content of the rock-layer, infer and interpret the stratigraphic age; c) Conduct physical and chemical comparison of coal and rock-layers; establish stratigraphic geological cross-sections; d) Determine the dip-angle and inclination of the formation, study the variation law of coal and rock-layer, geological structure and sedimentary environment; e) Measure the ground temperature of the formation; analyze and evaluate the characteristics of the ground temperature change; f) Measure formation porosity, formation water saturation; determine water- bearing-layer location and recharge relationship between water-bearing- layers; measure water inflow and permeability coefficient; g) Measure the mechanical parameters of the coal-seam; h) Preliminarily estimate the gas content, porosity, permeability of the coalbed methane in the target coal-seam; qualitatively evaluate the permeability of the top and bottom rock-layers; i) Determine the top angle and azimuth of the borehole; j) Inspection evaluation of cementing quality and correction of casing depth; k) Provide information or make preliminary assessments of other beneficial minerals. 3.10 Processing and interpretation of data shall integrate various logging methods and measured data of parameters. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly and reasonably use geological, hydrological, engineering, environmental and drilling, ground geophysical and laboratory data, to provide accurate and reasonable geological results for coal geology exploration work. 3.11 The organization form, technical strength, equipment, transportation of logging work shall be adapted to the construction characteristics of logging. At the same time, it is encouraged to use new technologies, new methods and new parameters, to continuously improve and develop logging technology and continuously expand the field of geological applications. 4 Logging design 4.1 Basic requirements sampling interval, sampling method, test and physical property test of coal and rock core in other test holes shall be adapted to the purpose of the test. The coal-seam’s number, thickness, structure, lithology, geological structure, stratigraphic age, core inclination shall be correctly divided and described in detail. 4.5.3 It shall prepare the test plan before the test. It shall prepare the test summary in time after the test. 5 Construction preparation 5.1 Logging notice 5.1.1 After the drilling and exploration project is completed, the project team will issue a “logging notice” to the logging project undertaker, which will be confirmed through signature by the geological and logging person in charge (see Appendix A for the contents of logging notice). 5.1.2 When the logging is noticed via telecommunication, after the logging personnel arrives at the well site, they shall complete the formal formalities in time. 5.1.3 Loggers shall arrive at the well site before the agreed time. If there is any special situation that cannot be reached in time, it shall timely notice the planned arrival time to the relevant department. 5.2 Logging preparation 5.2.1 It shall, based on the design requirements, the drilling exploration data of the borehole to be tested, the logging data of adjacent hole, analyze the geological conditions of the borehole. 5.2.2 Check the working status of the instrument on site and follow the requirements of Table B.3 in Appendix B to fill in the inspection results. At the same time, the data related to the adjustment and test must be recorded in digital and monitored records, meanwhile the corresponding charts shall be drawn and well kept. 5.2.3 Check other necessary equipment, tools, materials, materials, etc. The radioactive source tank must be locked and stored to ensure safety. 5.2.4 Follow the requirements of Table B.1 in Appendix B to carry out the determination of well fluid resistivity, well fluid temperature, well fluid density. 5.2.5 Carry out cable depth (marking) inspection and follow the requirements of Table B.5 in Appendix B to fill in the inspection results. When the monitoring record fails, it is necessary to perform on-site playback and obtain the corresponding well-site’s original playback record curve; b) The monitoring records shall select paper and printing equipment that can be stored for a long time. The general paper feeding error is not more than 1%; c) The monitoring records shall be marked with the vertical and horizontal proportions. The selected depth scale shall meet the requirements for the determination of the target layer and the formation stratification. Generally, it may use 1:200 or 1:500; d) In the same exploration area, the horizontal scale shall be uniform. It shall be able to clearly identify coal-seams, rock-layers (including loose layers), water-bearing-layers, fracture zones and so on. The relative amplitude of the two-thirds of the main parameter curve of the recoverable coal-seam shall not be less than 4 cm, except for the method that is not significantly different from the surrounding rock. Logging methods with large dynamic range of data such as lateral logging shall be recorded in logarithmic scale; e) Different curves shall be distinguished by different line types or colors; f) There shall be no breaks on the target layer. In other sections, the number of breaks per 100 meters shall not exceed 2; the break distance shall not be greater than 1 mm. The curve shall not be distorted, leaked or otherwise interfered. 6.1.5 Preliminary interpretation of coal-seam well site a) There must be two or more qualitative and fixed physical parameters. It shall follow the requirements of Table B.8 in Appendix B to fill the preliminary interpretation of the results of the coal-seam well site; b) The methods of physical parameters shall be interpreted according to their respective interpretation principles; the results (i.e., preliminary interpretation results) shall be determined from the average of the interpretation results; c) The error between the initial interpretation results and the final interpretation results shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 1 -- Requirements for interpretation error of coal-seam and parting Unit in meter Coal-seam thickness Maximum thickness difference Maximum depth difference Maximum thickness difference of interlayer is no saturation. 7.8 Ultrasonic imaging logging 7.8.1 The unit of the sound amplitude recording curve is mV. 7.8.2 The depth scale shall be selected according to the accuracy requirements and the inclination of the rock-layer. 7.8.3 Before the instrument is lowered into the well, the sound reflection and magnetic scanning lines shall be monitored and examined in the special mud cylinder. When logging, the instrument must be centered. 7.8.4 Measurement range is according to the design requirements. 7.9 Natural potential logging 7.9.1 The unit of natural potential is mV. 7.9.2 Before the electrode is downhole, it shall remove the oxide on the electrode. 7.9.3 The polarity shall be discerned during the measurement so that the curve is positive in the right direction and negative in the left direction. The baseline of the curve shall be determined in the lithologically pure mudstone or silty rock section. 7.9.4 The total resistance of the measuring line shall be greater than 10 times the value of the grounding resistance change. 7.9.5 In areas with industrial stray current interference, the N-electrode can be made by casing or cable sheath. It may also measure the natural potential gradient curve. 7.10 Resistivity logging 7.10.1 The unit of resistivity is Ω·m and the unit of resistivity is ms/m. 7.10.2 Before the electrode system is downhole, an external resistance shall be connected for two-point inspection. The relative error between the inspection value and the calculated value shall not exceed 5%. 7.10.3 The same type of electrode system shall be used for the same survey area. 7.10.4 The change in grounding resistance affects the measurement result by not more than 2%. 7.11 Electrode potential logging 7.14.2 The instrument must be inspected by a known diameter before the downhole, with an error of not more than 10 mm. 7.14.3 Within the borehole casing, the measured value shall not differ from the casing’s inner diameter by more than 10 mm. In the measured data, there shall be no actual value which is less than the value when the measuring arm is fully retracted or more than the value when the measuring arm is fully extended. 7.15 Well-deviation logging 7.15.1 The test must be carried out before the downhole of the instrument. The checkpoints of the apex angle and the azimuth angle are not less than two; the difference between the measured value and the measured value of the compass is as follows: the apex angle is not more than 1°; the azimuth angle is not more than 20° (when the apex angle is greater than 3°). The instrument must be zero-hoisted for inspection at the wellhead before and after the downhole, with an error of not more than 0.5°. 7.15.2 In case of point measurement, when the apex angle is greater than 1°, at each measurement point, it shall measure the apex angle and azimuth angle simultaneously. When the apex angle is less than 3° or there is a ferromagnetic object near the slanting point (within 10 m), there is no requirement for the azimuth error. 7.15.3 In case of point measurement, the spacing between measuring points is generally not more than 50 m, the oriented inclined holes are not more than 20 m, the deepest measuring points are not more than 10 m from the bottom of the hole. When the change of apex angle between two adjacent measuring points is greater than 2° or the change of azimuth angle is greater than 20° (the apex angle is greater than 3°), the measurement shall be densified. The measuring point may not be densified any more after being densified to 10 m. 7.15.4 In case of point measurement, the inspection measurement point shall not be less than one per 200 m. The deepest measurement point must be tested. The difference between the tested value and the original measured value: the apex angle is not more than 1°; the azimuth angle is not more than 10°. Instruments that are continuously used for recording may not be inspected. 7.15.5 For the instruments with cable resistance compensation device, it is forbidden to change the compensation value during measurement. 7.15.6 The ratio of the difference between the well-diameter of the measuring section and the diameter of the well inclinometer to the length of the well inclinometer shall be less than 0.035 (sin2°). When the diameter of the borehole does not meet the above requirements, it may use the method of measuring multiple points around the borehole wall at the same depth. Other processing items shall be carried out according to the logging design requirements. 8.2 Interpretation of single-hole data 8.2.1 Logging borehole shall be subjected to full-hole geological interpretation. The principle of interpretation shall be reasonable and the basis shall be sufficient. 8.2.2 Study the geological and geophysical characteristics and laws of the construction area. Select appropriate lithology identification and stratification methods. 8.2.3 Interpretation of coal-seam a) There must be two or more qualitative and fixed physical parameters. It shall follow the requirements of Table D.2 of Appendix D to fill the interpretation results of coal-seam; b) The methods of physical parameters shall be interpreted according to their respective interpretation principles. The results (i.e., the final interpretation results) shall be determined from the average of the interpretation results. 8.2.4 Lithology interpretation a) There must be three or more qualitative and fixed physical parameters. It shall follow the requirements of Table D.3 of Appendix D to fill the results; b) The rock-layer, the marking layer, the fracture zone shall be comprehensively interpreted in combination with geological, drilling and regional laws. The results of lithologic interpretation shall be basically consistent with the cores with higher adoption rates. 8.2.5 Determination of well-deviation According to the inclination measurement data, determine the top angle and azimuth of the drilling hole. Meanwhile follow the requirements of Table D.4 in Appendix D to fill the results. The depth interval is generally not more than 50 m. 8.2.6 The interpretation of water-bearing-layer (band) and dissolved (crack) gaps shall be carried out in conjunction with hydrogeological data. Qualitative interpretation must have physical parameter curves that reflect the water storage space and permeability performance. The determination results of the fixed-thickness interpretation shall adopt the average of the interpretation results of the two physical parameters. 8.2.7 Determination of well temperature factors. 8.3.3 Study and summarize the methods and rules of qualitative, fixed- thickness, quantitative interpretation of the work area. 8.3.4 Comparative analysis of coal and rock-layer It must use three or more qualitative and fixed-thickness physical parameters to determine the coal and rock-layer contrast. 8.3.5 Stratigraphic analysis Based on the comparison of coal and rock-layer, establish the main geological section of the stratum, to analyze the sedimentary environment, sedimentary law and geological structure of coal and rock-layers. 8.3.6 Coal-seam analysis Based on the comparison data of coal and rock-layers, establish the geological plane of the main recoverable coal-seams, to analyze the distribution characteristics and variation laws of coal-seams. 9 Submission and acceptance of results 9.1 Basic requirements 9.1.1 For the submission of logging results, it shall extensively collect and study the relevant information such as logging, geology, hydrology, ground geophysical exploration and drilling in the construction area and adjacent areas. 9.1.2 The submission of logging results shall fully consider the geological needs and try to adopt new methods, new technologies and new parameters, to expand the scope of geological applications and improve comprehensive benefits. 9.1.3 During the preparation of logging results, it shall strengthen the comprehensive research on the physical properties of the exploration area, reprocess the interpretation results of unreasonable single-hole processing. 9.2 Preparation, submission, acceptance of single-hole result specification 9.2.1 Before the preparation of the single-hole interpretation result specification, the technical person in charge of the preparation shall, based on the design requirements and combining the regional geophysical characteristics and the actual conditions of the logging work, draw up a practical outline based on this specification. Detail the data interpretation methods, techniques, interpretation basis, interpretation principles. e) Geological results Detail the geological application results of rock, coal-seam comparison, structure, sedimentary environment, mining technical conditions, coalbed methane, other beneficial minerals. f) Conclusions and recommendations Briefly describe the completion of geological tasks and evaluate the interpretation accuracy; Explain the main lessons, problems, and suggestions. 9.3.3 Main contents of the attached drawing part of the professional technical report a) Comprehensive result drawing of borehole logging (1:500 or 1:200); b) Comprehensive histogram of the physical properties of the stratum; c) Comparison of coal and rock-layer curves (1:50); d) Comparison of complex structural coal-seams (1:50); e) Plan contour map required for logging design; f) Other related drawings. 9.3.4 Main contents of the attached form parts of the professional technical report a) Logging work quantity and quality summary form; b) Coal-seam interpretation results and comprehensive utilization form; c) The result form of fault interpretation; d) Comparison form of log interpretation results with results of other method; e) Well-deviation measurement and conversion results form; f) Ground temperature measurement results form; g) Other forms to be attached. 9.3.5 For general small (determined according to the actual situation of each province) or lower level (pre-censored) survey projects, the professional 10.2.18 The program and data files recorded in the storage medium shall be routinely checked once every 6 months and re-copied once every 12 months. 10.2.19 After the development and modification of the collection procedure (including the curing procedure), it must pass the expert appraisal organized by the relevant department. 10.3 Calibration, testing, calibration of instrument 10.3.1 General requirements For the scale device of the method instrument for quantitative interpretation, the physical quantity must be transmitted by a higher-grade scale device or measured by a precision instrument and monitored regularly. All instruments and equipment shall be calibrated, tested, scaled in accordance with the instructions and the requirements of this specification. Various instruments and equipment shall be calibrated, tested, scaled at intervals of 6 months, unless otherwise specified below. If the instrument sensitivity change or the well site test error exceeds the limit due to replacement of components, adjustment of working conditions, it must be recalibrated, tested or scaled. The instruments for each method in the logging system must be tested for stability once every 12 months. It continuously runs for 4 h; its output change is not more than 3.5%. The data of calibration, test and scale must be digitally recorded and monitored at the same time. Meanwhile it shall prepare the corresponding diagram and save it well. 10.3.2 Cable depth Depth marks and their requirements a) If it is found that the mark is shifted, the power cable is strongly stretched in the hole, or the cumulative hole depth reaches 1 × 104 m, it shall check the interval of marks in the hole and fill the inspection record; b) If the error between the standard marks exceeds 0.10 m or the cumulative error exceeds 0.1%, it must be re-made. When the power cables of the device which uses the measuring wheel are activated or turned over, or when it is strongly stretched in the hole, or when the cumulative hole depth reaches 1 × 104 m, it shall, in the borehole which has a depth of more than 500 m, check the matching error between the cable and the measuring wheel under the elevated motion state. The measured depth of d) The installation status of the device to be fixed; e) Brakes and shifting devices for winches. 11.3.2 During the construction process, the operator shall observe the working state of the instrument and equipment. Any abnormality found shall be disposed of in time. 11.3.3 After the operation of the instrument is completed, each control unit must be restored to a safe position; it is strictly forbidden to carry the equipment and pull out and plug in the power supply. 11.3.4 Before transporting the instrument and equipment, it shall be properly packaged and fixed. It is forbidden to mix with the goods that are in danger of safety during transportation. The vehicle-mounted computer must take anti- shock and dust-proof measures. The floppy drive, optical drive and hard disk must be in a safe state. 11.3.5 When checking the insulation of power cable, it shall cut off the connection between the core and surface and underground instrument room. When checking the insulation of each instrument and equipment, it must select the instrument which is appropriate to its withstanding voltage. 11.3.6 When the armored cable is pulled out of the winch, it shall be prevented from knotting. 11.3.7 The tension-weakening link shall be provided at the connection between the downhole instrument and the power cable. The breaking force at this point shall be less than one-half of the allowable tensile force of the cable. 11.3.8 When the winch is started, the cable is lifted and lowered, it is prohibited for emergency braking and sudden acceleration. When the cable is lifted, the instrument and personnel shall avoid the area as affected by the cable movement. 11.3.9 It is strictly forbidden to lower down the cable beyond the well depth. When the instrument is 20 m away from the wellhead, there shall be a deceleration warning signal. 11.3.10 Cable lifting and lowering speed shall not be too fast. When the instrument is close to the bottom of the well, casing shoes, wellhead, or where the well condition is complex, it must reduce the speed. 11.3.11 The instrument shall not stay at the bottom of the well for more than 60 s. The residence time at the open hole section shall not exceed 3 minutes. 11.3.12 It is strictly forbidden to use the downhole instrument to impinge obstacles in the hole. When the resistance is encountered, the instrument shall the Regulations on the safety and protection of radioisotopes and radiation devices (GWF 02) and approved by the competent authority. 11.4.7 In the event of a radioactive accident such as theft or loss of a radioactive source, the source user must properly handle it in accordance with the Regulations on the safety and protection of radioisotopes and radiation devices (GWF 02) and the Radiation Accident Emergency Plan; promptly report it to the competent unit and local environmental protection, public security and other relevant departments. After the event, it shall write the accident details, accident responsibility, consequences, handling results into the detailed report and establish a dedicated file. 11.4.8 Radioactive sources must be salvaged as much as possible when it falls into the borehole, meanwhile designated personnel shall be responsible for implementation. If salvage is invalid, they must be properly disposed of in accordance with the Regulations on the safety and protection of radioisotopes and radiation devices (GWF 02) and the Radiation Accident Emergency Plan. Find the location of the radioactive source, and quickly report to the competent authorities and local environmental protection, public security and other relevant departments. When it is confirmed that there is no damage and contamination, it may use cement to seal the full hole. When submitting the geological report, it shall describe the hole number, date of accident, details of radioactive source, mark it on the plan and the borehole histogram. 11.4.9 When the vehicle transports the radioactive source, the dose equivalent rate in and around the vehicle shall comply with the requirements of GBZ 142- 2002 and GBZ 19871-2002. 11.4.10 Personnel who intend to participate in radiological work must undergo a physical examination; those who have an inadaptation may not participate in this work. Personnel engaged in radioactive work shall undergo regular physical examinations; those who have confirmed radiation injury shall be treated or removed from radiological work in a timely manner. 11.4.11 All radioactive staff shall establish a health record in his/her organization. 11.4.12 When operating the radioactive source, it shall be carried out in the source tank. It is prohibited for direct contact with the radioactive source. Special tools shall be used when radioactive sources must be exposed. For the source carrying device with an orientation device, the human body shall operate on the back of the orientation window. 11.4.13 The dose equivalents received by radioactive workers shall not exceed the requirements of GBZ 142-2002 and GBZ 19871-2002. When it is exceeded, it shall suspend exposure to the radioactive sources and arrange the necessary ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.