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YS/T 91-2020 English PDF (YST91-2009, YST91-2002)

YS/T 91-2020_English: PDF (YS/T91-2020)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
YS/T 91-2020English259 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] (Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, strips and foils for bottle caps) Valid YS/T 91-2020
YS/T 91-2009English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets, strips and foils for capsule Obsolete YS/T 91-2009
YS/T 91-2002English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] (Cap aluminum and aluminum alloy plate, strip) Obsolete YS/T 91-2002
YS/T 91-1995English239 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] (Cap aluminum and aluminum alloy plate, strip) Obsolete YS/T 91-1995

Standard ID YS/T 91-2020 (YS/T91-2020)
Description (Translated English) (Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, strips and foils for bottle caps)
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Word Count Estimation 12,149
Date of Issue 2020-12-09
Date of Implementation 2021-04-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YS/T 91-2009
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement No. 48 (2020)
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Standard ID YS/T 91-2009 (YS/T91-2009)
Description (Translated English) Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets, strips and foils for capsule
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H61
Classification of International Standard 77.150.10
Word Count Estimation 9,943
Date of Issue 2009-12-04
Date of Implementation 2010-06-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YS/T 91-2002
Quoted Standard GB/T 228; GB/T 3190; GB/T 3199; GB/T 5125; GB/T 7999; GB/T 16865; GB/T 17432; GB/T 20975
Drafting Organization Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of non-ferrous metals
Regulation (derived from) MIIT [2009] No. 66
Proposing organization National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee
Issuing agency(ies) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the broken -theft cap aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet, strip, foil, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage and contracts (or orders) content. This standard applies to broken -theft cap aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet, strip, foil, (hereinafter referred to as sheet, strip, foil).

Standard ID YS/T 91-2002 (YS/T91-2002)
Description (Translated English) (Cap aluminum and aluminum alloy plate, strip)
Sector / Industry Nonferrous Metallurgy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H61
Classification of International Standard 77.150.10
Word Count Estimation 10,169
Date of Issue 2002/11/22
Date of Implementation 2003/1/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) YS/T 91-1995
Adopted Standard EN 485-2-1994, ��
Drafting Organization Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd
Administrative Organization National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Industry-Science [2009] No. 66
Proposing organization National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee
Issuing agency(ies) State Economic and Trade Commission

YS/T 91-2009 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy sheets, strips and foils for capsule ICS 77.150.10 H61 People's Republic of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard Replacing YS/T 91-2002 Aluminum and aluminum alloy plate with cap, belt, foil 2009-12-04 released 2010-06-01 Implementation Issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Preface This standard replaces YS/T 91-2002 "Aluminum and aluminum alloy cap and strip for cap". Compared with YS/T 91-2002, this standard has a large change in the following. --- modified the standard name. --- thickness range from the original 0.20mm ~ 0.30mm, extended to 0.15mm ~ 0.50mm. --- increase the 1060 O, H22 state. --- modified 8011, 8011A H16, H26 state performance. --- increased baking performance. --- strict length deviation requirements. This standard by the National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee proposed and centralized. The main drafting unit of this standard. Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd., China Nonferrous Metals Industry Standard Measurement Quality Institute. This standard participates in the drafting unit. Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd., China Aluminum Henan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Chongqing Aobo Aluminum Manufacturing Co., Ltd. the company. The main drafters of this standard. He Feng, Li Xiang, Li Xiang, Li Ruishan, Ge Lixin, Guo Rui, Li Min, Wang Lijin, Gao Zuwen. This standard replaced the previous version of the standard release. YS/T 91-1995, YS/T 91-2002. Aluminum and aluminum alloy plate with cap, belt, foil 1 range This standard specifies the requirements for torsional anti-theft caps with aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, belts and foils, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, Transportation, storage and contract (or order) content. This standard is applicable to the use of aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, tapes and foils (hereinafter referred to as "plates, belts and foils"). 2 normative reference documents The terms of the following documents are hereby incorporated by reference into this standard. Whichever is the date of the reference file, which is followed by all (Excluding corrigenda) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to reach an agreement under this standard Whether you can use the latest version of these files. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this standard. Test method for room temperature tensile testing of metallic materials GB/T GB/T 3190 Chemical composition of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys GB/T 3199 aluminum and aluminum alloy processing products packaging, marking, transportation, storage Test method for ferrous metal cups GB/T 5125 Photoelectric Direct Reading Emission Spectrometric Analysis Method for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys GB/T 7999 GB/T 16865 Specimens for tensile testing of deformed aluminum, magnesium and its alloys Method for sampling chemical composition analysis of deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys GB/T 17432 GB/T 20975 (all parts) Methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum alloys 3 request 3.1 Product Classification 3.1.1 grade, status, specifications Plate, belt, foil grades, status, specifications should be consistent with the provisions of Table 1, the need for other alloys, state, specifications of the board, with foil, the supply and demand May be negotiated separately and indicated in the contract. Table 1 Grade status Specifications/mm thickness width Sheet metal, foil Sheet length strip, foil roll inner diameter a 8011, 8011A O 0.15 to 0.50 H22 0.40 to 0.50 H14, H24 0.20 to 0.50 H16, H26, H18 0.15 to 0.50 H14, H24, H16, H26 0.15 to 0.50 H18 0.20 to 0.50 H14, H24 0.20 to 0.50 H16, H26, H18 0.15 to 0.50 H14, H24, H16, H26, H18 0.15 to 0.50 H18, H19 0.2 to 0.50 500 to 1500 50 to 1500 500 to 2,000 75,150 200,300 350,405 485,505 a on the strip, foil roll diameter size requirements, the supply and demand sides consultation, the agreed size must be specified in the contract. ......

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