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NB/SH/T 0827-2010 English PDF

NB/SH/T 0827-2010_English: PDF (NB/SH/T0827-2010)
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NB/SH/T 0827-2010English239 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Standard test method for sulfur compounds in light petroleum liquids by gas chromatograph and sulfur ive detection Valid NB/SH/T 0827-2010

Standard ID NB/SH/T 0827-2010 (NB/SH/T0827-2010)
Description (Translated English) Standard test method for sulfur compounds in light petroleum liquids by gas chromatograph and sulfur ive detection
Sector / Industry Energy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E30
Classification of International Standard 75.080
Word Count Estimation 9,952
Date of Issue 2010-05-01
Date of Implementation 2010-10-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 4756; GB/T 11140; SH/T 0253; ASTM D4307
Adopted Standard ASTM D5623-1994 (2004), NEQ
Drafting Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Research Institute of Petroleum
Administrative Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation - Research Institute
Regulation (derived from) National Energy Board Notice No. 1 of 2010
Summary This standard provides a variety of light petroleum distillates Determination of volatile sulfur compounds. This standard applies to petroleum distillates, gasoline (including gasoline containing oxygenates), and other final boiling point at atmospheric pressure of not more than 230��C petroleum distillates. This standard can be determined based on the mass fraction range of sample types and the instruments used vary, most cases, this standard applies to the determination of sulfur compounds in a single ten ancient sulfur content of the sample in 0. 1mg/kg ~ 100mg/kg. 1. 2 standard does not purport to all qualitative monomer sulfur compounds. Measurement range specified in the method, the linear response of the detector response to sulfur and sulfur compounds all shirt body equimolar response to sulfur are the undecided and sulfur compounds have been characterized monomers can be carried out quantitatively. However, many active sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan mass fraction in the sampling and analysis process will change. The total sulfur content of the sample can be measured sulfur content of sulfur compounds monomer cumulative estimate, but the standard does not determine the total sulfur content as the preferred method. 1. 3 standard uses the International System of Units (SI) units. 1. 4 This standard is not intended to refer to certain hazardous materials, operations, equipment and all safety related to this issue. Therefore, using a standard user, you should establish appropriate safety and protective measures, and make sure you have a hammer of management system.

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