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NB/SH/T 0822-2010 English PDF

NB/SH/T 0822-2010_English: PDF (NB/SH/T0822-2010)
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NB/SH/T 0822-2010English259 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Standard test method for determination of phosphorus, sulfur, clacium, and zinc in lubrication oils by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy Valid NB/SH/T 0822-2010

Standard ID NB/SH/T 0822-2010 (NB/SH/T0822-2010)
Description (Translated English) Standard test method for determination of phosphorus, sulfur, clacium, and zinc in lubrication oils by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Sector / Industry Energy Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard E34
Classification of International Standard 75.100
Word Count Estimation 10,177
Date of Issue 2010-05-01
Date of Implementation 2010-10-01
Adopted Standard ASTM D6481-1999 (2004), MOD
Drafting Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Research Institute of Petroleum
Administrative Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation - Research Institute
Regulation (derived from) National Energy Board Notice No. 1 of 2010
Summary This standard applies to the determination of unused lubricating oil phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, zinc content of additive elements, each element measuring range in Table 1. 1. 2 Standard is limited to using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The instrument uses X-ray tube as the excitation source and the ability to distinguish between adjacent elements of the signal. 1. 3 standard uses a correction factor between elements of the empirical correction factor is calculated from data obtained. 1. 4 This standard does not apply to the determination of oil content of magnesium and copper. 1. 5 Determination of the standard NA Ding barium containing chlorine or lubricant additives. 1. 6 standard is applicable to ordinary operating personnel, it can be used as a quality control analysis of conventional testing methods. 1. 7 Standard involving certain dangerous materials, and equipment for the cherry, but it does come with this ring on all security issues related to making recommendations. Therefore, the user is necessary before using Bong standard to establish appropriate safety precautions wells to determine the appropriate management system.

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