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JB/T 10562-2006 English PDF

JB/T 10562-2006_English: PDF (JB/T10562-2006)
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JB/T 10562-2006English419 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Technical specification for general purposes axial fans Valid JB/T 10562-2006

Standard ID JB/T 10562-2006 (JB/T10562-2006)
Description (Translated English) Technical specification for general purposes axial fans
Sector / Industry Mechanical & Machinery Industry Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J72
Classification of International Standard 23.120
Word Count Estimation 13,165
Date of Issue 2006-07-27
Date of Implementation 2006-10-11
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 13274-1991
Quoted Standard GB/T 275; GB/T 1171; GB/T 1236; GB/T 2888; GB/T 3181; GB/T 3235; GB/T 4323; GB/T 9438; GB/T 10178; GB/T 13306; GB/T 19074; JB/T 6444; JB/T 6886; JB/T 6887; JB/T 6888; JB/T 8689; JB/T 8690; JB/T 9101; JB/T 10213; JB/T 10214; JB/T 6445
Drafting Organization Institute of Shenyang Blower
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee fan
Regulation (derived from) NDRC Notice No. 46 of 2006
Summary This standard specifies general purposes (hereinafter referred to as " fan ") the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, the guarantee period, signs and packaging. This standard applies to ventilation systems, air conditioning, industrial production use unipolar axial fan. Its transport medium is air or air, other non-corrosive gas mixture. Medium inlet temperature: direct-coupled motor temperature does not exceed 40��C, belt drive type temperature does not exceed 60��C, coupling drive -type temperature does not exceed 100��C. Medium amount of dust, other solid impurities no sticky content not more than 100mg/m3, other materials.

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