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HJ 579-2010 English PDF

HJ 579-2010_English: PDF (HJ579-2010)
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HJ 579-2010English469 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Technical specifications for membrane separation process in wastewater treatment Valid HJ 579-2010

Standard ID HJ 579-2010 (HJ579-2010)
Description (Translated English) Technical specifications for membrane separation process in wastewater treatment
Sector / Industry Environmental Protection Industry Standard
Word Count Estimation 18,122
Date of Issue 2010-10-12
Date of Implementation 2011-01-01
Quoted Standard GB 50235; GB/T 985.1; GB/T 1804; GB/T 3797; GB 5226.1; GB/T 19249; GB/T 20103; HJ/T 270; JB/T 2932; HG 20520
Drafting Organization Environmental R & D Center Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Jindal
Regulation (derived from) Department of Environmental Protection Notice No. 73 of 2010
Summary This standard specifies the membrane separation method of sewage treatment works design parameters, system installation and commissioning, project acceptance, operation and management, as well as pre- and post-treatment process selection. This standard applies to the membrane separation method for sewage treatment and treatment and reuse project, can be used as environmental impact assessment, design and construction of environmental protection facilities, environmental check and acceptance of completed construction projects after the completion of the technical basis for operation and management. This standard requires membrane separation method is: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane separation technology. This standard does not apply to membrane bioreactor and charged membranes for wastewater treatment and reuse of membrane separation project.

HJ 579-2010 Technical specifications for membrane separation process in wastewater treatment National Environmental Protection Standard of the People's Republic Membrane separation method sewage treatment engineering technical specification Technical specifications for membrane separation process In wastewater treatment Released on.2010-10-12 2011-01-01 Implementation Ministry of Environmental Protection released Ministry of Environmental Protection announcement No. 73 of.2010 To implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" Designed and operated, the six standards, such as the Technical Specifications for Brewing Industrial Wastewater Treatment, are now approved as national environmental protection standards and issued. The standard name and number are as follows. I. Technical specifications for brewing industrial wastewater treatment engineering (HJ 575-2010) 2. Technical specification for wastewater treatment engineering of anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic activated sludge process (HJ 576-2010) 3. Technical specification for sequencing batch activated sludge treatment wastewater treatment (HJ 577-2010) 4. Technical specification for wastewater treatment engineering of oxidation ditch activated sludge process (HJ 578-2010) 6. Technical Specifications for Oily Wastewater Treatment Engineering (HJ 580-2010) The above standards have been implemented since January 1,.2011 and published by the China Environmental Science Press. The standard content can be found on the website of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Special announcement. October 12,.2010 Content Foreword..iv 1 Scope..1 2 Normative references..1 3 Terms and Definitions.1 4 Design water quality and membrane unit suitability. 2 5 pretreatment 3 6 Membrane separation method sewage treatment system design 4 7 system installation and commissioning..8 8 Project Acceptance..9 9 Operation Management..9 Appendix A (informative appendix) Raw water analysis table 11 Appendix B (informative) System Design Information..12 Appendix C (informative) Membrane element contamination and chemical cleaning.13 Iv Foreword In order to implement the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China" This standard is formulated for the construction and operation management of engineering, prevention of environmental pollution, protection of the environment and human health. This standard specifies the design parameters, system installation and commissioning, project acceptance, operation management and pre-treatment of the membrane separation wastewater treatment project. The choice of rational and post-treatment processes. Appendix A to Appendix C of this standard are informative annexes. This standard was formulated by the Science and Technology Standards Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This standard is mainly drafted by. Jiangxi Jindalai Environmental Research and Development Center Co., Ltd., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing Environmental Protection Science Research Research Institute. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on October 12,.2010. This standard has been implemented since January 1,.2011. This standard is explained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Membrane separation method sewage treatment engineering technical specification 1 Scope of application This standard specifies the design parameters, system installation and commissioning, project acceptance, operation management, and pre-treatment of membrane separation wastewater treatment engineering. The choice of processing and post-treatment processes. This standard is applicable to wastewater treatment and deep treatment and reuse by membrane separation method. It can be used as environmental impact assessment and environmental protection. The technical basis for the design and construction, construction project completion environmental protection acceptance and operation and management after completion. The membrane separation method referred to in this standard is. Microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane separation technology. This standard does not apply to membrane separation projects using membrane bioreactor methods and charged membranes for wastewater treatment and reuse. 2 Normative references The contents of this standard refer to the terms in the following documents. For undated references, the valid version applies to this standard. GB 50235 Industrial metal pipeline engineering construction and acceptance specifications GB/T 985.1 Recommended groove for gas welding, electrode arc welding, gas shielded welding and high energy beam welding GB/T 1804 General tolerances tolerances for linear and angular dimensions of tolerances GB/T 3797 electrical control equipment GB 5226.1 Mechanical electrical safety machinery and electrical equipment - Part 1. General technical conditions GB/T 19249 reverse osmosis water treatment equipment GB/T.20103 Membrane Separation Technology Terminology HJ/T 270 environmental protection product technical requirements reverse osmosis water treatment device JB/T 2932 water treatment equipment technical conditions HG 20520 FRP/PVC (PRP/PVC) composite pipe design regulations Measures for the Administration of Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects (Order No. 13 of the State Environmental Protection Administration) 3 Terms and definitions The terms defined in the Membrane Separation Technology Terminology (GB/T.20103) and the following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1 Membrane separation A method in which a solvent is used as a driving force and a membrane is used as a filter medium to separate a solvent from a solute. 3.2 Membrane degradation The process by which the membrane is oxidized or hydrolyzed to cause a decrease in membrane performance. 3.3 Membrane fouling Refers to the process of membrane degradation due to the deposition of organic pollutants, microorganisms and their metabolites. 3.4 Membrane fouling Refers to the concentration of salts above the precipitation of their solubility on the membrane surface. 4 Design water quality and membrane unit suitability 4.1 Influent water quality requirements 4.1.1 When designing the membrane system, the water inlet requirements should be met and the appropriate membrane elements should be selected. 4.1.2 Internal pressure type hollow fiber microfiltration and ultrafiltration system water inlet, water quality requirements can refer to Table 1. Table 1 Internal pressure type hollow fiber microfiltration, ultrafiltration system water reference value Membrane Material Reference Turbidity/NTU SS/(mg/L) Mineral Oil Content/(mg/L) Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ≤20 ≤30 ≤3 Polyethylene (PE) < 30 ≤50 ≤3 Polypropylene (PP) ≤20 ≤50 ≤5 Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) ≤ 30 (particle size < 5 μm) is not allowed Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) < 200 ≤30 ≤8 Polyethersulfone (PES) < 200 < 150 ≤30 When the influent water quality exceeds the reference value of Table 1, the pretreatment process must be added. 4.1.3 There are few varieties of external pressure hollow fiber microfiltration and ultrafiltration components. Refer to Table 2 for water inlet requirements. Table 2 Reference value of external pressure type hollow fiber microfiltration and ultrafiltration system Membrane Material Reference Turbidity/NTU SS/(mg/L) Mineral Oil Content/(mg/L) Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ≤50 ≤300 ≤3 Polypropylene (PP) ≤30 ≤100 ≤5 4.1.4 When designing the roll membrane microfiltration and ultrafiltration system to enter the water, refer to Table 3. 4.1.5 Infiltration of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems shall comply with the requirements of Table 3. Table 3 Inlet limit of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis system Membrane material Limit Turbidity/NTU SDI residual chlorine/(mg/L) Polyamide composite film (PA) ≤1 ≤5 ≤0.1 Acetate membrane (CA/CTA) ≤1 ≤5 ≤0.5 When designing the nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane separation system, the influent water quality should be analyzed. The routine analysis items are shown in Appendix A. Influent water quality When the limit of Table 3 is exceeded, the pretreatment process must be added. 4.2 Membrane unit suitability The suitability of various membrane units is shown in Table 4. Table 4 Functional suitability of various membrane units Membrane unit type filtration accuracy/μm Molecular weight cutoff quality / Main use of function Microfiltration (MF) 0.1~10 >100 000 Removal of suspended particles, bacteria, partial viruses and large-scale colloids Drinking water to turbid, water reuse, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis System pretreatment Ultrafiltration (UF) 0.002~0.1 10 000~100 000 Removal of colloids, proteins, microorganisms and macromolecular organics Drinking water purification, reclaimed water, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis System pretreatment Nanofiltration (NF) 0.001 ~ 0.003.200 ~ 1 000 Removal of multivalent ions, partial monovalent ions, and Molecular weight of.200 to 1 000 Daltons Body Remove the hardness, color and radioactive radium of well water, Partial removal of soluble salts. Process material concentration, etc. Reverse osmosis (RO) 0.000 4~0.000 6 >100 to remove soluble salts and molecular weight greater than 100 Daltons Organics Seawater and brackish water desalination, boiler feed water, industry Pure water preparation, wastewater treatment and special separation 5 pretreatment 5.1 General provisions 5.1.1 In order to prevent membrane degradation and membrane clogging, suspended solids, sharp particles, sparingly soluble salts, microorganisms, oxidants, organic Pretreatment of pollutants such as substances and greases. 5.1.2 The depth of pretreatment shall be determined according to the membrane material, the structure of the membrane module, the quality of the raw water, the quality requirements of the produced water and the recovery rate. 5.1.3 Inlet water temperature range. When the pH is 2~10, the operating temperature is 5~45°C; when the pH value is greater than 10, the operating temperature should be less than 35 ° C. 5.2 Pretreatment of microfiltration and ultrafiltration systems 5.2.1 Removal of suspended particulate matter and colloids in the influent can be carried out by a coagulation-precipitation-filtration process. Can be added to help increase membrane flux, And a flocculant compatible with the membrane material. 5.2.2 Fine mesh and disc filters should be installed before microfiltration and ultrafiltration systems. Disk filter filtration accuracy before internal pressure membrane system It should be less than 100 μm; before the external pressure membrane system, the filter efficiency of the disc filter should be less than 300 μm. 5.2.3 When the influent mineral oil exceeds the value of Table 1 or the animal and vegetable oil exceeds 50 mg/L, the degreasing process should be increased. 5.3 Pretreatment of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems 5.3.1 To prevent chemical oxidative damage of the membrane, the activated carbon may be adsorbed or a reducing agent (such as sodium hydrogen sulfite) may be added to the influent water to remove residual chlorine or Other oxidants, control residual chlorine content of 0.1 mg/L or less. 5.3.2 To prevent the colloid, slime and particle fouling formed by the corrosion of iron and aluminum, it is possible to use double anesthesia with anthracite and quartz sand as the filter medium. The filter is removed. 5.3.3 To prevent microbial contamination, the influent can be sterilized by physical or chemical methods. 5.3.4 Control scale formation, acid addition can effectively control carbonate scale; add scale inhibitor or strong acid cation resin to soften, can effectively control sulfuric acid Salt scaling. 5.3.5 Microfiltration or ultrafiltration can remove all suspended solids, colloidal particles and some organic matter, and the effluent reaches the silt density index (SDI)≤3. Turbidity ≤ 1 NTU, can effectively prevent colloid and particulate contamination and block membrane components. 6 membrane separation method sewage treatment system design 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 The membrane separation process wastewater treatment process should be selected based on the raw water quantity, water quality and water production requirements, and recovery rate. Design data See Appendix B for a lookup. 6.1.2 When using a contact filtration process to treat low turbidity wastewater, the dosing point should be 1.0 m away from the filter inlet. 6.1.3 When the activated carbon adsorption process is adopted, the fungicide should be added at the inlet of the activated carbon filter. 6.1.4 Reducing agent and/or scale inhibitor should be added before the security (filtration accuracy less than or equal to 5 μm) filter. Security filter Install the pressure gauge. 6.1.5 In order to prevent the corrosion of pipelines and equipment caused by acidification and chlorination in pretreatment, PVC should be used on the low pressure side of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems. For pipes and fittings, stainless steel pipes and fittings should be used on the high pressure side. 6.1.6 Membrane separation system Concentrated water should be discharged after treatment. 6.1.7 The ratio of pressure vessel arrangement of the first-stage multi-stage nanofiltration and reverse osmosis system should be 2.1 or 3.2 or 4.2.1 or proportionally increase. 6.2 Microfiltration, ultrafiltration system design 6.2.1 Process design parameters include. 1) The amount of water treated, m3/d; 2) treating water quality; 3) membrane flux, m3/(m2·d); 4) operating pressure, MPa; 5) backwash cycle, h; 6) Each backwash time, min. 6.2.2 Process. The operation mode of microfiltration and ultrafiltration systems can be divided into batch and continuous; the arrangement of components should be one stage. Install in parallel. The recommended basic process flow is shown in Figure 1. Intake basin disc filter microfiltration/ultrafiltration water production tank Backwash Concentrated water/backwash water Emission/reuse/depth processing Original sewage collection pool Figure 1 Basic process flow chart of microfiltration and ultrafiltration system 6.2.3 Basic design calculation The amount of water produced is calculated according to formula (1). Sm mq CS qo= × × (1) Where. qs--stable water production capacity of single membrane element, L/h; Qo--the initial water production of a single membrane element, L/h; Cm--assembly coefficient, ranging from 0.90 to 0.96; Sm - stability factor, ranging from 0.6 to 0.8. The design temperature is 25 ° C, the actual temperature fluctuation, the formula (2) can be used to correct the calculation of water production. St s (1 0.0215) Tq q −= × (2) The number of membrane modules is calculated according to formula (3). Qn = 3 ( ) In the formula. Q--design water production, L/h. Equation (4) calculation. The concentration and volume of the concentrate can be RV ⎛ ⎞= ⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠ (4) Where. ρ--concentrated concentration of the concentrate, mg/L; 6.3 nanofiltration, 6.3.1 Process The first-stage system process. the influent water passes through the nanofiltration or reverse osmosis system to meet the water production requirements. Have a first-level batch Ρ0--the mass concentration of the feed liquid, mg/L; V--the volume of the concentrate, L; V0--the volume of the feed liquid, L; R--contaminant removal rate. Reverse osmosis system design Rational, first-class continuous. The basic process flow is recommended as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Concentrated water Water tank (pool) inlet water nanofiltration/reverse osmosis water production Figure 2 First-level batch process basic process flow chart Water tank (pool) inlet water nanofiltration/reverse osmosis water production Concentrated water Figure 3 One-stage continuous basic process flow chart One-stage multi-stage system process. When the primary separation water quantity does not meet the recovery rate requirement, a multi-stage series process may be adopted, each stage The effective cross-sectional area is decremented. The recommended basic process flow is shown in Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6. Concentrated water Water tank (pool) inlet water nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Product water Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Figure 4 Basic process flow chart of the first-stage multi-stage circulation system Water tank (pool) inlet water nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Product water Concentrated water Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Figure 5 Basic process flow chart of the first-stage multi-stage continuous system Influent Concentrated water Water tank (pool) Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Nanofiltration/reverse osmosis Product water One paragraph, two paragraphs and three paragraphs Figure 6 Basic process flow chart of the first-stage multi-stage system Multi-stage system process flow. When the primary system water production cannot meet the water quality requirements, the primary system water production is sent to another Reverse osmosis system, continue to separate until qualified water is obtained. The recommended basic process flow is shown in Figure 7. Concentrated water Concentrated water Product water Concentrated water Level 1 and Level 3 Reverse osmosis water tank (pool) water tank reverse osmosis water tank reverse osmosis water Figure 7 Basic process flow chart of multi-level system The arrangement of the membrane modules can be divided into series and parallel. 6.3.2 Basic design calculation Water production per unit membrane element The water production capacity of a single membrane element at a design temperature of 25 ° C, m3/h. It should be corrected according to the temperature correction factor. It can also be designed at 25 °C. The water production is increased or decreased by 2.5% per liter, down 1 °C. The number of membrane elements is calculated according to formula (5). Max 0.8 = × (5) Where. Qp--design water production, m3/h; Qmax--the maximum water production capacity of the membrane element, m3/h; 0.8--Design safety factor. The number of pressure vessels (membrane shells) is calculated according to formula (6). eNN = (6) Where. Nv - the number of pressure vessels; Ne--design component number; n--The number of components in each container. 6.3.3 Pipe design For nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems with a water production of 50 m3/h or more, the design flow of the inlet pipe shall be equal to the inlet of each pressure vessel. The sum of the flow rates. The flow rate of the water producing branch pipe and the main pipe should be less than or equal to 1.0 m/s. The water produced in each section should be directly input into the production tank. If each section of water production pipe should be connected in parallel to a main pipe, it should be installed on each section of water production pipe. Install a check valve. 6.3.4 Dosing system, a liquid tank with a thermometer should be set up to prepare a solution of a certain concentration. Dosing method should be measured Pump delivery can also be done using a ejector mounted on the inlet pipe. 6.3.5 Automatic control systems and instruments The monitoring items of the automatic control system shall include. 1) Inlet pressure, MPa; 2) Influent conductivity, μS/cm; 3) Water production flow rate, m3/h; 4) water conductivity, μS/cm; 5) Concentrated water flow, m3/h; 6) Concentrated water pressure, MPa. The inlet pipe shall be provided with a residual chlorine monitor and operated in conjunction with the reducing agent dosing device. The high pressure pump inlet shall be provided with a low pressure protection switch; the high pressure pump outlet shall be provided with a high pressure protection switch. When adding acid to adjust the pH value of the influent water, the pH upper and lower limit cut-off switches should be set; if the inlet water is equipped with heating measures, it should be set. High temperature cut-off switch. 6.4 Treatment of membrane separation concentrated water 6.4.1 Technical requirements for concentrated water treatment The membrane separation concentrated water produced by the sewage treatment process can be incorporated into the sewage biochemical treatment system; it can also be combined with chemical cleaning wastewater, medium filter and live The charcoal filter backwashing wastewater is collected and processed. 6.4.2 The basic process flow for concentrated water treatment is shown in Figure 8. Membrane separation Chemical cleaning water Filter backwash Regulating tank reaction tank sedimentation tank hydrolysis acidification tank contact oxidation tank Sludge pool Pressure filter mud cake Sedimentation tank Reaction cell Discharge Figure 8 Basic process flow chart for concentrated water treatment 6.4.3 Concentrated water treatment discharges shall comply with national or local wastewater discharge standards. 7 system installation and debugging 7.1 Microfiltration, ultrafiltration system installation and commissioning 7.1.1 Microfiltration, ultrafiltration system installation It should be installed according to the design requirements. 7.1.2 Microfiltration, ultrafiltration system debugging When the system is started, the concentrated water discharge pipe valve and the production pipe valve should be opened, and the protection liquid in the membrane module should be rinsed with tap water until The rinse water is free of foam. Inlet pressure is 0.1-0.4 MPa, and working temperature is 15-35 °C. The commissioning project shall include. 1) Inlet pressure, MPa; 2) Influent flow rate, m3/h; 3) Water production flow rate, m3/h; 4) Concentrated water flow, m3/h; 5) Concentrated water pressure, MPa. For every 30 minutes of continuous operation, the system should be backwashed once, and the backwashing time should be 30 s. 7.2 Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane system installation and commissioning 7.2.1 Nanofiltration, reverse osmosis system installation The main frame of the equipment and the installation of the water pump shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 19249 and HJ/T 270. Pipe installation shall comply with the provisions of GB 50235 and HG 20520. The installation of instruments and meters shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 985.1 and GB/T 1804. Both ends of the pressure vessel shall be provided with a space not less than 1.2 times the length of the membrane element. The equipment should be installed indoors. The installation of the electric control cabinet shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 3797. 7.2.2 Debugging of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis systems Prior to the start of the membrane system, the pretreatment equipment and piping should be thoroughly flushed to remove impurities and dirt. Membrane system Inlet pipe valves and concentrate pipe regulating valves shall be fully open. Use low pressure, low flow qualified pre-treatment water to drive away the membrane system The internal air, the flushing pressure is 0.2-0.4 MPa, the φ100 mm pressure vessel flushing flow is 0.6-3.0 m3/h, φ200 mm pressure capacity The flushing flow rate is 2.4 to 12.0 m3/h. The low-pressure rinsing time of the membrane element with protective liquid shall be not less than 30 min, and the low-pressure rinsing time of the dry membrane element shall be not less than 6 h. in During the rinsing process, check the leak point and tighten immediately. When the high pressure pump is started for the first time, the inlet valve must be adjusted to close to the fully closed state, and the large inlet valve should be slowly opened to slowly close the small concentrated water discharge. The pipe valve adjusts the flow rate of the concentrated water and the inlet pressure of the system until the system water flow reaches the designed value. The boost rate should be less than 0.07 MPa per second. The system is continuously operated for 24 to 48 hours, and the operating param... ......

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