GB/T 3836.36-2022_English: PDF (GB/T3836.36-2022)
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Explosive atmospheres -- Part 36:Electrical safety devices for the control of potential ignition sources from Ex Equipment
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GB/T 3836.36-2022
Standard ID | GB/T 3836.36-2022 (GB/T3836.36-2022) | Description (Translated English) | Explosive atmospheres -- Part 36��Electrical safety devices for the control of potential ignition sources from Ex Equipment | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | K35 | Classification of International Standard | 29.260.20 | Word Count Estimation | 22,286 | Date of Issue | 2022-10-14 | Date of Implementation | 2023-05-01 | Drafting Organization | Nanyang Explosion-proof Electric Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Instrumentation Automatic Control System Inspection and Testing Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao Nuocheng Chemical Safety Technology Co., Ltd., China University of Mining and Technology, Helong Explosion-proof Electric Co., Ltd., Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Technical Committee for Standardization of Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment (SAC/TC 9) | Proposing organization | China Electrical Equipment Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Management Committee |
GB/T 3836.36-2022
Explosive atmospheres -- Part 36.Electrical safety devices for the control of potential ignition sources from Ex Equipment
ICS 29.260.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Explosive Atmospheres Part 36.
Electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment
Equipment, MOD)
2022-10-12 Released 2023-05-01 Implementation
State Administration for Market Regulation
Released by the National Standardization Administration
Preface III
Introduction V
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and Definitions 2
4 Basic requirements 2
5 Prevention of ignition by safety devices 2
6 Functional requirements for safety devices 3
7 Testing and Validation 4
8 flags 4
9 User Manual 5
Appendix A (Informative) Safety Device Application Example 6
Appendix B (Informative) Safe Motor Temperature (SMT) Subfunction for Variable Frequency Powered Motors 12
Appendix C (Informative) Guidelines for the Assessment of Simple Safety Devices 14
Reference 15
This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1.Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents"
This document is part 36 of GB/T 3836 "Explosive Atmospheres". GB/T 3836 has published the following parts.
--- Part 1.General requirements for equipment;
--- Part 2.Equipment protected by flameproof enclosure "d";
--- Part 3.Equipment protected by increased safety "e";
--- Part 4.Equipment protected by intrinsically safe "i";
--- Part 5.Equipment protected by a positive pressure enclosure "p";
--- Part 6.Equipment protected by liquid immersion type "o";
--- Part 7.Equipment protected by sand-filled mold "q";
--- Part 8.Equipment protected by the "n" type;
--- Part 9.Equipment protected by encapsulation type "m";
--- Part 11.Test methods and data for the classification of gas and vapor substance properties;
--- Part 12.Test methods for the characteristics of combustible dust substances;
--- Part 13.Repair, overhaul, restoration and alteration of equipment;
--- Part 14.Location classification for explosive gas atmospheres;
--- Part 15.Design, selection and installation of electrical installations;
--- Part 16.Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations;
--- Part 17.Equipment protected by positive pressure room "p" and artificial ventilation room "v";
--- Part 18.Intrinsically safe electrical systems;
--- Part 20.Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga level;
--- Part 21.Application of the production quality management system for explosion-proof products;
--- Part 22.Protective measures for optical radiation equipment and transmission systems;
--- Part 23.Class I EPLMa equipment for gas and/or coal dust environments;
--- Part 24.Equipment protected by special type "s";
--- Part 25.Process sealing requirements between flammable process fluids and electrical systems;
--- Part 26.Guidelines for electrostatic hazards;
--- Part 27.Static hazard test;
--- Part 28.Basic methods and requirements for non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres;
--- Part 29.Structural safety type "c" for non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres, type "b" for controlled ignition sources, and type "k" for liquid immersion;
--- Part 30.Equipment and components for explosive atmospheres in underground mines;
--- Part 31.Equipment protected by a dust ignition-proof enclosure "t";
--- Part 32.Electronically controlled spark timing intrinsically safe systems;
--- Part 33.Equipment for severe working conditions;
--- Part 34.Complete sets of equipment;
--- Part 35.Classification of explosive dust atmosphere sites;
--- Part 36.Electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment.
This document is modified to adopt IEC TS60079-42.2019 "Explosive Atmospheres - Part 42.Electricity for Controlling Potential Ignition Sources of Explosion-Proof Equipment"
Gas Safety Device", the document type is adjusted from IEC technical specifications to my country's national standards.
Compared with IEC TS60079-42.2019, this document has made the following structural adjustments.
---Appendix A corresponds to Appendix B of IEC TS60079-42.2019;
---Appendix B corresponds to Appendix C of IEC TS60079-42.2019;
---Appendix C corresponds to Appendix A of IEC TS60079-42.2019.
The technical differences between this document and IEC TS60079-42.2019 and their reasons are as follows.
--- Replaced IEC 60079-0 (see Chapter 3) with the normatively quoted GB/T 3836.1 to adapt to the technical conditions of our country, increase
--- Replaced ISO 60079-37 (see Chapter 3) with the normatively cited GB/T 3836.29 to adapt to my country's technical conditions, increase
plus operability;
--- Replaced IEC 61508-4 (see Chapter 3) with the normatively cited GB/T 20438.4 to adapt to my country's technical conditions, increase
plus operability;
--- Replaced IEC 61511-1 (see Chapter 3) with the normatively cited GB/T 21109.1 to adapt to my country's technical conditions, increase
Add maneuverability.
The following editorial changes have been made to this document.
--- In order to be consistent with the existing standard series, change the name of this document to "Explosive Atmospheres Part 36.Controlling Potential Points of Explosion-Proof Equipment"
Electrical Safety Devices for Ignition Sources";
--- Adjusted the description of the scope of Chapter 1;
--- Replace the informative reference IEC 61508 (all parts) with GB/T 20438 (all parts), and move it from Chapter 2 to
--- Replaced the international documents cited for information with Chinese documents, and revised the references.
Please note that some content of this document may be patented. The issuing agency of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents.
This document is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment (SAC/TC9).
This document is drafted by. Nanyang Explosion-proof Electric Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Instrumentation Automatic Control System Inspection and Testing Institute Co., Ltd., Qing
Dao Nuocheng Chemical Safety Technology Co., Ltd., China University of Mining and Technology, Helong Explosion-proof Electric Co., Ltd., Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
Division Eight Mines.
The main drafters of this document. Zhang Gang, Wang Jun, Liu Bin, Jiang Xuqiang, Zhang Jianwen, Zhang Shengyu, Xia Huihui, Guo Xiaopo, Dong Kai.
GB/T 3836 "Explosive Atmospheres" aims to establish the basic technical requirements for equipment and its application in explosive atmospheres, covering
The design, manufacture, inspection, model selection, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair and site classification of equipment for explosive atmospheres shall be divided into parts
Standard form, including but not limited to the following sections.
--- Part 1.General requirements for equipment;
--- Part 2.Equipment protected by flameproof enclosure "d";
--- Part 3.Equipment protected by increased safety "e";
--- Part 4.Equipment protected by intrinsically safe "i";
--- Part 5.Equipment protected by a positive pressure enclosure "p";
--- Part 6.Equipment protected by liquid immersion type "o";
--- Part 7.Equipment protected by sand-filled mold "q";
--- Part 8.Equipment protected by the "n" type;
--- Part 9.Equipment protected by encapsulation type "m";
--- Part 11.Test methods and data for the classification of gas and vapor substance properties;
--- Part 12.Test methods for the characteristics of combustible dust substances;
--- Part 13.Repair, overhaul, restoration and alteration of equipment;
--- Part 14.Location classification for explosive gas atmospheres;
--- Part 15.Design, selection and installation of electrical installations;
--- Part 16.Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations;
--- Part 17.Equipment protected by positive pressure room "p" and artificial ventilation room "v";
--- Part 18.Intrinsically safe electrical systems;
--- Part 20.Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga level;
--- Part 21.Application of the production quality management system for explosion-proof products;
--- Part 22.Protective measures for optical radiation equipment and transmission systems;
--- Part 23.Class I EPLMa equipment for gas and/or coal dust environments;
--- Part 24.Equipment protected by special type "s";
--- Part 25.Process sealing requirements between flammable process fluids and electrical systems;
--- Part 26.Guidelines for electrostatic hazards;
--- Part 27.Static hazard test;
--- Part 28.Basic methods and requirements for non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres;
--- Part 29.Structural safety type "c" for non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres, type "b" for controlled ignition sources, and type "k" for liquid immersion;
--- Part 30.Equipment and components for explosive atmospheres in underground mines;
--- Part 31.Equipment protected by a dust ignition-proof enclosure "t";
--- Part 32.Electronically controlled spark timing intrinsically safe systems;
--- Part 33.Equipment for severe working conditions;
--- Part 34.Complete sets of equipment;
--- Part 35.Classification of explosive dust atmosphere sites;
--- Part 36.Electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment.
In general, by taking the protective measures specified in GB/T 3836 (all parts), the potential ignition source is reduced to become an effective ignition source
possibility. If these measures cannot reduce this possibility, it can be controlled by using suitable safety devices. Although a previous
The safety devices used are also briefly mentioned in some explosion-proof type standards, but it is still necessary to formulate a special explosion-proof device for safety devices.
technical standard. In terms of international standards, IEC released IEC TS60079-42.2019 "Explosive Atmospheres Part 42.
Electrical Safety Devices for Controlling Potential Ignition Sources of Explosion-Proof Equipment, specifies the basic requirements for electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment
requirements, functional requirements, testing and verification, as well as marking and instruction manuals, and its main technical content can also be applied to the situation in our country. because
Therefore, IEC TS60079-42.2019 is adopted to formulate this document, and appropriate modifications have been made to adapt to the specific conditions of our country.
Use this document with the understanding of the following.
As part of the protection of equipment in explosive atmospheres, safety devices used to control potential sources of ignition should consider reliability for the intended purpose, in order to
Identify the principles of hazardous location classification and explosion protection technology. As part of GB/T 3836, this document provides guidelines for the application of safety functions.
guide to reduce the risk of ignition of the equipment. It relies on relevant national security-related control system standards.
Explosive Atmospheres Part 36.
Electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment
1 Scope
This document specifies the basic requirements, functional requirements, testing and verification, and standardization of electrical safety devices for controlling potential ignition sources of explosion-proof equipment.
requirements such as manuals and manuals.
This document applies to the implementation of safety functions to control the electrical safety of potential ignition sources of electrical or non-electrical explosion-proof equipment in explosive atmospheres
This document provides guidance to manufacturers of equipment in which electrical safety devices are used to reduce explosion protection in explosive atmospheres
The possibility that a potential ignition source of the equipment becomes an effective ignition source.
This document also applies to combinations of elements that perform safety functions. E.g.
--- logical system;
--- Final element.
This document may also be used to independently assess safety devices for non-specific explosion-proof equipment designs.
Safety devices can be used as a measure to achieve the Equipment Protection Level (EPL) required for explosion-proof equipment relative to potential ignition sources. safety gear
The combination of equipment and explosion-proof equipment will comply with the relevant standards for EPL in GB/T 3836 (all parts). However, by simply increasing security
Devices to increase the EPL of explosion-proof equipment are outside the scope of this document.
This document does not apply to.
--- Mechanical control equipment, such as pressure relief valves, mechanical governors and other mechanical safety devices;
--- the use of gas detection;
--- Control equipment to prevent the formation of explosive atmospheres, such as inerting systems and ventilation systems;
--- Blast mitigation.
Note. Some potential ignition sources may not be operable through safety device control.
If the safety integrity level of the electrical safety device has been determined in other parts of GB/T 3836, this document can be used to achieve
Reference to Safety Integrity Level.
Electrical safety devices may be installed as part of Explosion-Proof Controlled Equipment (EEUC) or separately and may be located in hazardous locations
Inside or outside the premises.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, dated citations
documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
GB/T 3836.1 Explosive Atmospheres Part 1.General Requirements for Equipment (GB/T 3836.1-2021, IEC 60079-0.
2017, MOD)
GB/T 3836.29 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 29.Non-electrical Equipment Structural Safety Type "c" for Explosive Atmospheres, Controlled Ignition
Source type "b", liquid immersion type "k" (GB/T 3836.29-2021, ISO 80079-37.2016, MOD)
GB/T 20438.4 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems Part 4.Definitions and Abbreviations