GB/T 35564-2017_English: PDF (GB/T35564-2017)
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Clean biomass cookstove
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GB/T 35564-2017
Standard ID | GB/T 35564-2017 (GB/T35564-2017) | Description (Translated English) | Clean biomass cookstove | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | F13 | Classification of International Standard | 97.040.20 | Word Count Estimation | 14,113 | Date of Issue | 2017-12-29 | Date of Implementation | 2018-07-01 | Drafting Organization | China Rural Energy Industry Association | Administrative Organization | Ministry of Agriculture | Regulation (derived from) | National Standards Bulletin 2017 No. 32 | Proposing organization | Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 35564-2017
Clean biomass cookstove
ICS 97.040.20
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Biomass clean cooking stoves
2017-12-29 Posted
2018-07-01 implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
China National Standardization Administration released
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China.
This standard drafting unit. China Rural Energy Industry Association, Beijing Research Institute in Central Environmental Technology Testing Center, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Airlines
Sky Aviation University, Schindler Technology Group Co., Ltd., Yu City Founder Furnace Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Chun-yan Heating Equipment Co., Ltd.,
Extension of the United States Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Wuhan City, Hunan million Industry and Trade Industrial Co., Ltd., Shanxi Jia Wang Electronics Co., Ltd., Yuzhou Heluo Furnace
Industry Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Huaneng Eco Energy Development Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. Chen Xiaofu, Yang Mingzhen, Jia Zhenhang, Hao Fangzhou, Liu Guangqing, Li Xinghua, Zhang Yan, Guan essentials, Li Fenglin,
Hu Zongliang, Hu Jingzheng, Li Chiming, Chen Ruiquan, Li Qiang, Xue Chunyu, Zhang Yue, Shen Guofeng, Ren Yanbo.
Biomass clean cooking stoves
1 Scope
This standard specifies the type of biomass cooking stoves that the method of representation, technical requirements, safety requirements, test methods, inspection rules, standard
Zhi, packaging and storage.
This standard applies to the combustion of biomass and cooking fuels cooking stove.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this article
Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
Air quality - Determination of carbon monoxide - Non - dispersive infrared method
Determination of Particulate Matter and Gaseous Pollutants in Exhaust of Fixed Pollution Sources GB/T 16157
HJ/T 44 Determination of carbon monoxide in exhaust from stationary sources - Non - dispersive infrared absorption method
HJ618 Ambient air PM10 and PM2.5 Determination Gravimetric method
NY/T 12 biomass fuel heat test method
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Burning biomass and its molding fuel, to meet the requirements of this standard thermal efficiency and emissions of air pollutants qualified stoves.
Effective heat usefulenergy
Boil water warmed up and vaporized during the test.
Cooking power cookingpower
Potable water per unit of time to absorb heat.
Cooking thermal efficiency cookingefficiency
Biomass fuel input into the stove to provide effective stoves as a percentage of the total heat.
Emission factor
Unit of effective heat emitted by a certain amount of atmospheric pollutants.
4 models that
4.1 Model with uppercase Chinese phonetic alphabet, Arabic numerals and Roman numerals.