GB/T 31270.10-2014_English: PDF (GB/T31270.10-2014)
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Test guidelines on environmental safety assessment for chemical pesticides -- Part 10: Honeybee acute toxicity test
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GB/T 31270.10-2014
Standard ID | GB/T 31270.10-2014 (GB/T31270.10-2014) | Description (Translated English) | Test guidelines on environmental safety assessment for chemical pesticides. Part 10: Honeybee acute toxicity test | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | B13 | Classification of International Standard | 65.100 | Word Count Estimation | 10,152 | Date of Issue | 2014/10/10 | Date of Implementation | 2015/3/11 | Drafting Organization | Ministry of Agriculture Pesticide Inspection Center | Administrative Organization | People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture | Regulation (derived from) | People's Republic of China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2014 No. 24 | Proposing organization | Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China | Summary | This Standard specifies the basic requirements bee acute oral toxicity and acute toxicity test contact materials, conditions, operations, quality control, data processing, test reports and the like. This Standard is applicable to chemical pesticide regist |
GB/T 31270.10-2014
Test guidelines on environmental safety assessment for chemical pesticides Part 10.. Honeybee acute toxicity test
ICS 65.100
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Chemical pesticides Environmental Safety Assessment Test Guidelines
Part 10. Acute toxicity test bees
pesticides-Part 10. Honeybeeacutetoxicitytest
Issued on. 2014-10-10
2015-03-11 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
GB/T 31270 "chemical pesticides Environmental Safety Assessment Test Guidelines" is divided into 21 parts.
--- Part 1. Soil degradation test;
--- Part 2. hydrolysis test;
--- Part 3. photolysis test;
--- Part 4. soil adsorption/desorption experiments;
--- Part 5. soil leaching;
--- Part 6. volatility test;
--- Part 7. Bioconcentration test;
--- Part 8. Water - sediment system degradation test;
--- Part 9. Birds Acute toxicity test;
--- Part 10. bees acute toxicity test;
--- Part 11. silkworm acute toxicity test;
--- Part 12. Fish acute toxicity test;
--- Part 13. Acute daphnia activity inhibition test;
--- Part 14. algal growth inhibition test;
--- Part 15. Earthworm acute toxicity test;
--- Part 16. Soil microbial toxicity test;
--- Part 17. predators Trichogramma acute toxicity test;
--- Part 18. predators of amphibians acute toxicity test;
--- Part 19. Effect of non-target plant test;
--- Part 20. Short-term feeding livestock toxicity test;
--- Part 21. Large crustaceans toxicity test.
This section is GB/T Part of 1,031,270.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
Please note that some of the content of this document may involve patents. Release mechanism of the present document does not assume responsibility for the identification of these patents.
This part of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture and focal points.
This section is responsible for drafting units. the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences.
The main drafters of this section. Yuanshan Kui, Xu Hui, Qu Wei steel, mono-n-Jun, Bu Yuanqing, Yan Qingping for Er.
Chemical pesticides Environmental Safety Assessment Test Guidelines
Part 10. Acute toxicity test bees
1 Scope
GB/T 31270 provisions of this part of the toxicity and acute toxicity test material in contact bee acute oral, conditions, operations, quality
The amount of the basic requirements of control, data processing, test reports and the like.
This section applies to bee acute oral toxicity and acute toxicity test exposure to chemical pesticide registration carried out other types of
Referring to the use of pesticides can.
This section does not apply to volatile and insoluble chemical pesticides.
2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Semi-lethal dose medianlethaldose
In the acute oral toxicity test or acute exposure test, causing 50% of the test organism at death was tested dose, with LD50 expressed.
Note. Units μga.i./bee.
The test was testsubstance
Test substance to be tested.
Chemical pesticides chemicalpesticide
The use of chemical synthetic pesticides. Some natural products active substances for the mother, imitation, structural transformation,
Innovation made for the biomimetic synthesis pesticide.
Synonyms. synthetic organic pesticides syntheticorganicpesticide.
[NY/T 1667.1-2008, the definition 2.3.1]
The original drug technicalmaterial
Final product active ingredients and impurities in the manufacturing process was composed not contain any visible foreign substances and additives, will
May be added to a small amount of a stabilizer.
[NY/T 1667.2-2008, the definition 2.5.1]
Preparation formulationproduct
By the pesticide (or parent drug) and the use of state aid made stable product.
[NY/T 1667.2-2008, the definition 2.4]
The active ingredient activeingredient; ai
Pesticide products having a specific chemical structure of the biologically active ingredient.
[NY/T 1667.2-2008, the definition 3.1]