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GB 26722-2024 English PDF (GB/T 26722-2022, GB 26722-2011)

GB 26722-2024_English: PDF (GB26722-2024)
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GB 26722-2024English939 Add to Cart 7 days [Need to translate] Steel wire ropes for ropeway Valid GB 26722-2024
GB/T 26722-2022EnglishRFQ ASK 7 days [Need to translate] Steel wire ropes for ropeway Obsolete GB/T 26722-2022
GB 26722-2011EnglishRFQ ASK 6 days [Need to translate] [GB/T 26722-2011] Steel wire ropes for ropeway Obsolete GB 26722-2011

Standard ID GB 26722-2024 (GB26722-2024)
Description (Translated English) Steel wire ropes for ropeway
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard H49
Classification of International Standard 77.140.65
Word Count Estimation 46,440
Date of Issue 2024-06-25
Date of Implementation 2024-09-25
Administrative Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 26722-2022 (GB/T26722-2022)
Description (Translated English) Steel wire ropes for ropeway
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H49
Classification of International Standard 77.140.65
Word Count Estimation 51,521
Date of Issue 2022-03-09
Date of Implementation 2022-10-01
Drafting Organization Angang Steel Rope Co., Ltd., Guizhou Steel Rope Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Saifutian Steel Cable Co., Ltd., Kunshan East Coast Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd., Jiangyin Xingcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd., Hubei Fuxing New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Research Institute, Shanxi Engineering Vocational College
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 26722-2011 (GB26722-2011)
Description (Translated English) [GB/T 26722-2011] Steel wire ropes for ropeway
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard H49
Classification of International Standard 77.140.65
Word Count Estimation 31,354
Date of Issue 2011-06-16
Date of Implementation 2012-02-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 228.1; GB/T 238; GB/T 239; GB/T 1839; GB/T 2104; GB/T 8170; GB/T 8358; GB/T 8706; GB/T 15030; GB/T 21965; YB/T 5343; SH/T 0387; SH/T 0388
Drafting Organization Angang Steel Company Limited
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 9 of 2011
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the cable and ground wire rope tramway classification, ordering content, materials, technical requirements, inspection and testing, inspection, packaging, marking and quality certification. This standard applies to passenger, cargo ropeway, ground cable cars, towing rope with round strand wire rope, compacted strand wire rope and wire rope seal.

GB 26722-2024. Steel wire ropes for cableways National Standards of People's Republic of China ICS 77.140.65CCS H 49 Cableway wire rope 2024-06-25 Release 2024-09-25 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Replace GB/T 26722-2022 Table of Contents Preface·... 1 Scope·... 2 Normative referenced documents·... 3 Terms and Definitions·... 4 Classification·... 5 Order contents·... 6 Wire rope material·... 7 Technical requirements·... 8 Inspection and test methods·... 9 Acceptance·... 10 Packaging, Marking and Quality Certification·... Appendix A (Normative) Mechanical Properties of Steel Wire Ropes·... Appendix B (Informative) Selection and Storage of Steel Wire Rope·... Appendix C (Informative) Calculation of Nominal Metal Cross-sectional Area of Wire Rope and Approximate Diameter of Outer Steel Wire·... Appendix D (Normative) Calculation of reference weight and minimum breaking force of steel wire rope, calculation of total breaking force of sealed steel wire rope...···40 References·... Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting is required. This document replaces GB/T 26722-2022 "Steel Wire Ropes for Ropeways". Compared with GB/T 26722-2022, except for structural adjustments and editing In addition to the changes in performance, the main technical changes are as follows. --Added 4 typical wire rope structures. 6×49SWS, 6×55SWS, 6×K49SWS and 6×K55SWS (see Table 1); --Changed the diameter ranges of 2 structural steel wire ropes, 6×36WS and 6×K36WS (see Table 1, Table 1 of the 2022 edition); --Deleted the requirements related to elastic modulus (see 7.7 and 8.1.5 of the 2022 edition); --Changed the wire rope diameter measurement method (see, of the 2022 edition); --The test methods for elongation and elastic modulus of wire ropes have been deleted (see Appendix D of the 2022 edition). Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows. --First published in.2011 as GB 26722-2011; --The first revision in 2022 is GB/T 26722-2022; --This is the second revision. Cableway wire rope 1 Scope This document specifies the classification, ordering content, wire rope materials, technical requirements, inspection and test methods, acceptance, packaging, etc. of ropeway wire ropes. Packaging, marking and quality certification. This document applies to round strand wire ropes, compacted strand wire ropes, special wire ropes for use in towing ropeways, ground cable cars, passenger and freight aerial ropeways, etc. Stranded wire rope and sealed wire rope. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document. For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document. GB/T 228.1 Tensile test of metallic materials Part 1.Room temperature test method GB/T 238 Metallic wire repeated bending test method GB/T 239.1 Metallic wire Part 1.One-way torsion test method GB/T 1839 Test methods for quality of zinc coating on steel products GB/T 2104 General provisions for packaging, marking and quality certification of steel wire ropes GB/T 8358 Method for determination of breaking force of steel wire rope GB/T 8706 Terminology, marking and classification of wire ropes GB/T 15030 Sisal steel wire rope core GB/T 21965 Steel Wire Rope Acceptance and Defect Terminology GB/T 43357 Test methods for general properties of steel wire ropes NB/SH/T 0387-2023 Lubricants for wire ropes YB/T 081 Rounding off of numerical values in metallurgical technical standards and determination of test values YB/T 4452 Steel Wire Rope Fiber Core YB/T 4643 Special-shaped steel wire for rope making YB/T 5343-2015 Round steel wire for rope making 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 8706 and the following apply to this document. 3.1 Composite steel core composite steel core; CSC A type of steel-based composite core, a rope core made by twisting steel wire ropes with a fiber core or a polymer core. 4 Categories 4.1 Steel wire ropes for ropeways (hereinafter referred to as steel wire ropes) are classified into round strand steel wire ropes, compacted strand steel wire ropes, and ......

GB/T 26722-2022 Steel wire ropes for ropeway ICS 77.140.65 CCSH49 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 26722-2011 Wire rope for ropeway Published on 2022-03-09 2022-10-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation Released by the National Standardization Administration directory Preface I 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 Category 1 5 Order contents 3 6 Wire rope material 4 7 Technical requirements5 8 Inspection and test methods 18 9 Acceptance 20 10 Selection and maintenance 21 11 Packaging, marking and quality certification 21 Appendix A (normative) Mechanical Properties of Wire Rope 22 Appendix B (informative) Nominal metal cross-sectional area of wire rope 41 Appendix C (informative) Approximate formula for calculating the diameter of outer steel wire of unsealed steel wire rope 43 Appendix D (normative) Test methods for elongation and elastic modulus of wire ropes 44 Appendix E (Informative) Wire Rope Selection and Maintenance 45 foreword This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1.Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents" drafted. This document replaces GB/T 26722-2011 "Wire Rope for Ropeway". Compared with GB/T 26722-2011, except for editorial changes, The main technical changes are as follows. --- Added 4 typical structures of 6×V20FC, 6×V33FC, 6×V42FC, 6×V48FC steel wire ropes with special-shaped strands (see Appendix A in Table A.7 and Table A.8); --- Deleted the typical structure of five-layer fully sealed steel wire rope (see Table 10 of the.2011 edition); ---Modified 6×7, 6×19S, 6×25F, 6×26WS, 6×29F, 6×31WS, 6×36WS, 6×41WS, 6×K7, 6× K19S, 6×K25F, 6×K26WS and 6×K31WS 13 steel wire rope structure diameter ranges (see Table 1, Table 1 of the.2011 edition); --- Modified the diameter range of the split-strand steel wire of the round strand and special-shaped strand wire rope, and the diameter range of the steel wire was modified to 0.50≤δ≤4.60mm (see Table 6, Table 10, Table 14, Table 8 and Table 12 of the.2011 edition); --- Added and revised some steel wire bending and torsion indicators, and the steel wire diameter range was revised to 0.50≤δ≤4.60mm (see Table 6, Table 10, Table 14, Table 8 and Table 12 of the.2011 edition); --- Delete the two wire rope grades of unsealed wire rope 1570 and 1670 (see Table 20 to Table 25 in the.2011 edition); --- Added two wire rope grades 2060 and 2160 (see Appendix A, Table A.1 to Table A.8); --- Change the "galvanized" in the surface state of the steel wire to "coating" (see Chapters 6 to 8, Chapters 6 to 7 of the.2011 edition); --- Added solid polymer rope core (SPC) (see 5.2); ---Increased the weight coefficient of special-shaped strand wire rope, changed the weight coefficient and minimum breakage of compacted strand wire rope and sealed wire rope Tensile coefficient (see Table 5, Table 3 of the.2011 edition); --- Deleted the table of allowable number of low-value steel wires for the split-strand steel wire test of compacted wire rope (see Table 19 of the.2011 edition), and added the low value Calculation method of allowable number of steel wires [see]; --- Increased the requirements for the use and maintenance of wire ropes for ropeways (see Chapter 9); --- Added the schematic diagram of 6×V20FC, 6×V33FC, 6×V42FC, 6×V48FC structural steel wire ropes (see Appendix A). Please note that some content of this document may be patented. The issuing agency of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed by China Iron and Steel Association. This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC183). This document is drafted by. Angang Steel Rope Co., Ltd., Guizhou Steel Rope Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Saifutian Steel Rope Co., Ltd., Kunshan East Coast Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd., Jiangyin Xingcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd., Hubei Fuxing New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Information Standards Research Institute, Shanxi Engineering Vocational College. The main drafters of this document. Zhao Xianhai, Li Guangyu, Leng Mingjian, Zheng Limao, Yang Yuemin, Wang Yong, Zhang Dongmei, Bai Yun, Li Longbiao, Zhang Dan, Liu Xiuhai, Lin Zhuying, Wang Guohui, Chen Haiyan, Xu Zhixiong, Gao Zhengkai, Wang Jing, Hao Jiujiu, Ren Cuiying, Wang Lingjun, Hou Xiangdong. This document was first published as GB/T 26722-2011 in.2011, and this is the first revision. Wire rope for ropeway 1 Scope This document specifies the classification, order content, wire rope material, technical requirements, inspection and test methods, acceptance and selection of wire ropes for ropeways and maintenance, packaging, marking and quality certification. This document is applicable to round strand wire ropes, special-shaped strand wire ropes, compacted strands, etc. Wire rope and sealed wire rope. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, dated citations documents, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 228.1 Tensile Test of Metallic Materials Part 1.Test Method at Room Temperature GB/T 238 Metallic Material Wire Repeated Bending Test Method GB/T 239.1 Metallic Material Wire Part 1.Unidirectional Torsion Test Method GB/T 1839 Test method for quality of zinc coating on steel products GB/T 2104 General requirements for wire rope packaging, marking and quality certificate GB/T 8358 Determination method of actual breaking force of steel wire rope GB/T 8706 Wire Rope Terminology, Marking and Classification GB/T 15030 Sisal Wire Rope Core GB/T 21965 Wire Rope Acceptance and Defect Terminology NB/SH/T 0387 Grease for wire rope YB/T 081 Metallurgical Technology Standard Numerical Rounding and Determination of Test Values YB/T 4643 Special-shaped steel wire for rope making YB/T 5343 Round steel wire for rope making 3 Terms and Definitions There are no terms and definitions that need to be defined in this document. 4 categories 4.1 Wire ropes are classified according to the principles specified in GB/T 8706, see Table 1 for details. If the buyer does not clearly propose the specific wire rope structure, it can be Suppliers shall determine by themselves within the same group in Table 1. ......

GB 26722-2011 Steel wire ropes for ropeway ICS 77.140.65 H49 National Standards of People's Republic of China Cableway wire rope Issued on. 2011-06-16 2012-02-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Table of Contents Preface Ⅰ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Category 1 4 order contents 3 5 rope material 3 6 Technical requirements 4 7 Inspection and Test 15 8 Acceptance 17 9 packaging, marking and quality certificate 18 Appendix A (informative) shares rope outer wires empirical formula to calculate the approximate diameter of 26 Annex B (informative) Rope fill factor 27 Foreword This standard 5,6.1,6.2.1,6.2.2,6.2.3,6.2.4,6.2.5,6.2.6,6.2.8,6.3,6.5,7.1.1,7.1.4,7.1.6, 7.1.7,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,8,9 are mandatory, others are recommended. This standard was drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This standard Annex A, Annex B is informative appendix. The standard proposed by China Iron and Steel Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted. Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Guizhou Wire Rope Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute. The main drafters. Zhang Deying, He Dehuai, Xing Yong Sheng, Xia Nan, Wang Lingjun, Wang Guohui, YANG Hong-ying, Daishi Feng, Ren Cuiying. Cableway wire rope 1 Scope This standard specifies the ground cableway and cable car wire rope classification, ordering the content, materials, technical requirements, inspection and testing, acceptance, package Equipment, marking and quality certification. This standard applies to passenger and freight ropeway, floor lifts, round strand wire rope used for towing cableway, compaction and sealing steel strand wire rope Rope. Note. If not otherwise specified "tramway" or "passenger ropeway", was both universal. If it does not specify the "skyline", "carrying cable", "pulling cable", "flat Heng cable, "" tension cords "," towing cable "," rescue rope "compared with seven kinds of common. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. RT Test methods (GB/T 228.1-2010, ISO 6892-1.. Part 1 GB/T 228.1 metallic materials tensile 2009, MOD) GB/T 238 metal material wire repeated bending test method (GB/T 238-2002, idtISO 7801. 1984) GB/T 239 metal wire torsion test method (GB/T 239-1999, ISO 7800. 1984, eqvISO 9649.1990) GB/T 1839 quality steel products galvanizing layer test method GB/T 2104 General provisions rope packaging, marking and quality certificate GB/T 8170 repair value expressed about the rules and limit values and judgment GB/T 8358 rope breaking tensile test method (GB/T 8358-2006, ISO 3108. 1974, NEQ) GB/T 8706 wire rope terminology, labeling and classification (GB/T 8706-2006, ISO 17893.2004, IDT) GB/T 15030 sisal rope core GB/T 21965 wire rope inspection and defect term (GB/T 21965-2008, ISO 2532. 1974, NEQ) YB/T 5343 Steel wire rope SH/T 0387 Steel Wire Rope Grease SH/T 0388 fiber core wire rope grease Category 3 3.1 round strand wire rope, compacted wire rope shares Number of shares in its cross-section, the number of shares and shares of the outer wire classification; seal shaped wire rope press Shape and number of layers are classified as shown in Table 1. 3.2 compacted strand wire rope round stock and press the right twist into interactive twist, left twist interaction, with the right to the same four kinds of twist and twist to the left, as shown in Figure 1 to 4 Shown. Figures 1 and 2 ply twisted rope and to the contrary, Figures 3 and 4 rope twist and shares the same; sealing rope twist by twist to ensure the outermost wire Fixed, divided into left and right twist twist two types of requirements for no party, press the right twist supply. 3.3 rope standard designation according to the provisions GB/T 8706; the structure of shares by the center to the outer marker. Rope series of marks by the following composition. twenty two a) Size 6 × 36WS b) wire rope structure -IWRC c) core structure d) steel cord level e) surface state of steel sZ f) the type and direction of twist Table 1 rope Categories Group classification principles Typical Structure diameter range Rope strands mm ROUND STRANDED Line access Steel Touch Rope 6 × 7 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 4 to 8, center Wire, twisting 1 layer steel wire, steel wire twisting pitch 6 × 7 (1-6) 8 ~ 38 6 × 19 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 7 to 12, the center Wire, twisting 2 to 3 layers of steel wire, steel wire twisting pitch 6 × 19S 6 × 25F 6 × 26WS (1-9-9) (1-6-6F-12) (1-5-55-10) 12 to 38 12 to 44 20 to 40 6 × 36 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 12 to 18, in Heart wire, twisting 2 to 3 layers of steel wire, steel wire, etc. Lay length 6 × 29F 6 × 31WS 6 × 36WS 6 × 41WS (1-7-7F-14) (1-6-66-12) (1-7-77-14) (1-8-88-16) 14 to 44 22 to 46 18 to 52 32 to 60 Compaction Steel shares Rope 6 × K7 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 4 to 8, center Wire, twisting 1 layer steel wire, steel wire twisting pitch 6 × K7 (1-6) 10 ~ 40 6 × K19 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 7 to 12, the center Wire, twisting 2 to 3 layers of steel wire, steel wire twisting pitch 6 × K19S 6 × K25F 6 × K26WS (1-9-9) (1-6-6F-12) (1-5-55-10) 12 to 40 16 to 46 14 to 40 6 × K36 6 stocks, the outer filaments per share of 12 to 18, in Heart twisted wire, three-layer steel wire, steel wire twisting pitch 6 × K29F 6 × K31WS 6 × K36WS 6 × K41WS (1-7-7F-14) (1-6-66-12) (1-7-77-14) (1-8-88-16) 18 to 46 16 to 46 18 to 60 22 to 68 seal Wire Full dense monolayer Seal rope One Z-shaped steel wire, steel wire layers 2 or Layer 2 the above WSC n1Z 22 ~ 36 Full double density Seal rope Layer Z-shaped steel, wire or 4 layers of floors 4 the above WSC n1Z n2Z 28 ~ 46 Three whole secret Seal rope Three Z-shaped steel, wire or 4 layers of floors 4 the above WSC n1Z n2Z n3Z 46 ~ 58 Four whole secret Seal rope Four Z-shaped steel wire, steel wire or 5 layers 5 layers the above WSC n1Z n2Z n3Z n4Z 58 ~ 70 Five full secret Seal rope Five Z-shaped steel, wire or six layers of floors 6 the above WSC n1Z n2Z n3Z n4Z n5Z 60 ~ 70 Right interactive twist sZ figure 1 Left interactive twist zS figure 2 With the right to lay zZ image 3 Left twist in the same direction sS Figure 4 4 ordering content Contract in accordance with this standard orders should include the following main elements. a) number of this standard; b) the product name; c) structure (standard designation); d) nominal diameter; e) twist; f) lay length range; g) surface state; h) the nominal tensile strength; i) the quantity (length); j) use; k) other requirements. 5 Material rope 5.1 wire rope 5.1.1 rope with round wire shall comply with the provisions of YB/T 5343 an important purpose. 5.1.2 include wire rope with round strand core yarn and filling yarn. 5.2 cord In addition to Group 7 wire rope, the other groups of steel cord to a core of the fiber core. Fiber core shall comply with GB/T 15030, or made of synthetic fibers and other fibers can meet the requirements. Except as otherwise required to be square Grease impregnated seek, fiber core applications with anti-corrosion, rust-proof performance, fiber core should have anti-extrusion, anti-corrosion, anti-rust oil storage function. 5.3 Grease Ma core fat shall comply with SH/T 0388 or other relevant requirements. 6 Technical Requirements 6.1 shares 6.1.1 Unit should twisting even close. 6.1.2 shares center wire should have sufficient supporting role, so that the outer envelope can be uniformly twisted wires twisted to allow stocks between adjacent wires Uniform gap. Shares with the same diameter steel wire, which is the center of the wire should be appropriately increased. 6.2 Rope 6.2.1 twisting round strand wire rope, compacted shares rope lay length should be between 6.7 to 7.5 times the diameter of the rope; rope and line contact seal Round-strand lay length should not exceed 10 times the diameter, the contact point round-strand lay length should not exceed 11 times its diameter. twisting wire rope should be uniform, tight and not loose. In an expanded and no load, can not be wavy. Within the ropes shall There are staggered, bent and broken wires and other defects, but allowed wire flattening phenomenon due to deformation caused by the presence of the pressing tools and clamps. round strand wire rope, wire rope shares compaction and sealing rope round strand core at the time of manufacture, with a diameter of the wire should be referred to the same tension as well Strength steel allows the use of different diameters the same or adjacent nominal tensile strength; the Z-shaped steel wire rope seal layer wire should be the same with anti Tensile strength, different layers of steel wire nominal tensile strength may be different. But should ensure the minimum wire rope breaking force in line with the provisions of Table 20 to Table 30. rope cord should have sufficient supporting role, so that the outer package even twisting twisted strands. Between each adjacent shares are advised to have a more Uniform gap. All galvanized steel wire rope wire should be galvanized. The rope wire connector should be minimized. When connecting wire, welded connection applications. It shares the same twisting, the round steel stocks Each connector wire rope in shares within a distance of not less than 10m; compacted strand wire rope in each wire connector within a distance of not less shares To 15m; the seal layer round wire rope in same connector must be located no less than 5m, from the Z-shaped steel fittings shall not be less than 3m. In addition to the cord, the adjacent layers Z-shaped steel wire rope twisting to be sealed in the opposite. 6.2.2 oiled Unless otherwise required by the demand side, the rope surface is greased. When the demand side coated with oil, the oil should be consistent with the rope SH/T 0387 or The provisions of other relevant requirements. 6.2.3 Diameter nominal diameter Rope nominal diameter, the diameter of the supply and demand sides agreed. Table 20 to Table 30 lists the typical nominal diameter, atypical public Diameter, in the order specified in the contract, according to the method specified in this standard assessment and acceptance. And compacted wire rope round stock shares of outer wires Approximate diameter of Appendix A; fill factor calculation method, see Appendix B. Found diameter The actual diameter of the rope according to the method prescribed 7.1.1 measured diameter. Its deviation. round strand wire rope seal and a 5% 0; compacting Strand wire rope 7% roundness Round stock, shares compacted rope roundness should not exceed 4%; roundness seal rope should not exceed 5%. 6.2.4 Length nominal length The nominal length of the rope should both supply and demand in the order specified in the contract, all samples should be included in the length of the order. Measured length Found rope length was measured according to the provisions of 7.1.2. Found in length under no-load condition and ordering length tolerances shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 rope length tolerance Rope length/m tolerance ≤400 0 ~ 5% > 400 ~ 1000 0 ~ 20m > 10,000 - 2% 6.2.5 Weight Weight Typical nominal diameter Reference weight Table 20 to Table 30, atypical nominal diameter of the reference weight by (1) calculated as follows. M = Wd2 (1) Where. --- The M reference weight per unit length of wire rope, in units of 100 meters per kilogram (kg/100m); d --- rope nominal diameter in millimeters (mm); A weight coefficient of the W --- rope structure unit length, in units of 100 m · kg per square millimeter (kg/100m · mm2). W values are given in Table 3. Table 3 Rope weight factor and minimum breaking force coefficient Group categories Weight coefficient W minimum breaking force coefficient K Natural fiber core core synthetic steel core fiber core steel core W1n W1p W2 kg/100m · mm2 K1 K2 1 6 × 7 0.351 0.344 0.335 2 6 × 19 0.380 0.371 0.338 3 6 × 36 0.380 0.371 0.340 4 6 × K7 0.410 0.410 0.375 5 6 × K19 6 6 × K36 0.425 0.425 0.373 Single sealed 0.575 0.602 Double sealed 0.597 0.613 Three sealed 0.594 0.618 Four sealed 0.590 0.612 Five sealed 0.594 0.614 NOTE. In the two groups the cord, 6 × 19S weight coefficient values should be listed in the table smaller than 3%. measured weight Rope measured weight shall comply with 7.1.3. 6.2.6 breaking force Determination of the whole rope breaking force Typical nominal diameter of the rope breaking force measurement shall not be less than specified in Table 20 to Table 30, the nominal diameter of the rope atypical real Measured breaking force shall not be less than the value by (2) is calculated after. Fmin = K · D2 · Rr (2) Where. Fmin --- Minimum breaking tension unit kN (kN); d --- nominal rope diameter, in millimeters (mm); Rr --- nominal rope tensile strength, in megapascals (MPa); K --- a specified minimum wire rope breaking force structure coefficients (K values in Table 3). Determination of the inner wire rope breaking force sum Sealing wire rope wire rope may also be measured in the aggregate breaking strength. Typical nominal diameter of the wire breaking rally should not be less than the sum of the table 26 to 30 in the table after conversion coefficients calculated by the sum of the wire breaking force, atypical nominal diameter of breaking the tension should not be less than the sum of the press (2) calculated by the conversion coefficient value after calculation; represented by kN. 6.2.7 Elongation Permanent rope elongation in use by mutual agreement. 6.2.8 Appearance There should be no appearance of wire rope manufacturing defects GB/T 21965 are listed. 6.3 stock split wire 6.3.1 the actual diameter Found wire diameter round strand wire rope and wire rope round strand core seal shall comply with YB/T relevant provisions of 5343 (due to the cards Causing a pressing wire flattening allows a large cross-sectional dimensions of the subject). Z-shaped cross-sectional shape of the wire shown in Figure 5, the shape characteristic value should be in accordance with Table 4. Figure 5 Z-shaped cross-sectional shape of the wire Table 4 Z-shaped wire shape characteristic value Z-form h. b 1.0 ~ 1.3 h. e 0.55 ~ 0.75 Height and tolerances Z-shaped wire shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. Table 5 Z-shaped wire height tolerance Nominal height h/mm Height tolerance/mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire 2.0,3.0,4.0 ± 0.10 0.35-0.05 5.0,6.0,7.0 ± 0.12 0.40-0.05 6.3.2 surface state The surface condition of the wire shall comply with the provisions in Table 6. Table 6 and the surface condition of the wire nominal tensile strength The surface condition of the rope category nominal tensile strength/MPa Round strand rope Smooth and B grade galvanized - - - 1570 1,670,177,018,701,960 AB grade galvanized - - - 1,570,167,017,701,870 - A grade galvanized - - - 1,570,167,017,701,870 - Compacted strand wire rope Smooth and B grade galvanized - - - 1570 1,670,177,018,701,960 AB grade galvanized - - - 1570 1,670,177,018,701,960 A grade galvanized - - - 1,570,167,017,701,870 - Sealing Rope Round wire Z-shaped steel Glossy - - 1470 1570 1,670,177,018,701,960 Galvanized - - 1470 1570 1,670,177,018,701,960 Smooth 1,270,137,014,701,570 1670 1770 - - Galvanized 1,270,137,014,701,570 1670 1770 - - 6.3.3 Tensile strength Nominal tensile strength Wire nominal tensile strength shall comply with the provisions in Table 6. round strand steel wire rope strength allowable difference shall comply with the provisions in Table 7. Table 6 is the lower limit value of the tensile strength, the upper limit is equal to The lower limit specified in Table 7 together with the allowable difference. Table 7 intensity allowable difference Nominal wire diameter δ/mm strength allowable difference/MPa 0.6≤δ < 1.0 1.0≤δ < 1.5 1.5≤δ < 2.0 δ≥2.0 6.3.4 repeated bending number of repeated bending round strand wire rope should be in accordance with Table 8. Table 8 round strand wire rope in the minimum number of repeated bending Nominal wire diameter bending radius Smooth and B grade galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire A class AB grade galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa δ/mm d/mm 1570 1670 1770 1870 1960 1570 1670 1770 1870 1570 1670 1770 1870 0.6≤δ < 0.65 0.65≤δ < 0.7 1.75 0.7≤δ < 0.75 0.75≤δ < 0.8 0.8≤δ < 0.85 0.85≤δ < 0.9 0.9≤δ < 0.95 0.95≤δ < 1.0 2.50 Table 8 (continued) Nominal wire diameter bending radius Smooth and B grade galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire A class AB grade galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa δ/mm d/mm 1570 1670 1770 1870 1960 1570 1670 1770 1870 1570 1670 1770 1870 1.0≤δ < 1.1 1.1≤δ < 1.2 1.2≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.4 1.4≤δ < 1.5 3.75 1.5≤δ < 1.6 1.6≤δ < 1.7 1.7≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 1.9 1.9≤δ < 2.0 5.00 2.0≤δ < 2.1 2.1≤δ < 2.2 2.2≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 2.4 2.4≤δ < 2.5 2.5≤δ < 2.6 2.6≤δ < 2.7 2.7≤δ < 2.8 2.8≤δ < 2.9 2.9≤δ < 3.0 7.50 3.0≤δ < 3.1 3.1≤δ < 3.2 3.2≤δ < 3.3 3.3≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.6 3.6≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 3.8 3.8≤δ < 3.9 3.9≤δ < 4.0 10.0 4.0≤δ < 4.1 4.1≤δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ < 4.3 4.3≤δ < 4.4 4.4 15.0 Repeated bending frequency Compaction shares in wire rope shall conform to Table 9. Table 9 compacted steel wire rope shares the minimum number of repeated bending Before twisting wire nominal Diameter δ bending Radius d Smooth and Class B Class A Class AB galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire mm Tensile strength grade/MPa 1570167017701870196015701670177018701960157016701770 1870 0.5≤δ < 0.55 0.55≤δ < 0.6 0.6≤δ < 0.65 0.65≤δ < 0.7 1.75 0.7≤δ < 0.75 0.75≤δ < 0.8 0.8≤δ < 0.85 0.85≤δ < 0.9 0.9≤δ < 0.95 0.95≤δ < 1.0 2.50 1.0≤δ < 1.1 1.1≤δ < 1.2 1.2≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.4 1.4≤δ < 1.5 3.75 1.5≤δ < 1.6 1.6≤δ < 1.7 1.7≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 1.9 1.9≤δ < 2.0 5.00 2.0≤δ < 2.1 2.1≤δ < 2.2 2.2≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 2.4 2.4≤δ < 2.5 2.5≤δ < 2.6 2.6≤δ < 2.7 2.7≤δ < 2.8 2.8≤δ < 2.9 2.9≤δ < 3.0 7.50 3.0≤δ < 3.1 3.1≤δ < 3.2 3.2≤δ < 3.3 3.3≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 10.00 Table 9 (continued) Before twisting wire nominal Diameter δ bending Radius d Smooth and Class B Class A Class AB galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire mm Tensile strength grade/MPa 1570167017701870196015701670177018701960157016701770 1870 3.5≤δ < 3.6 3.6≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 3.8 3.8≤δ < 3.9 3.9≤δ < 4.0 10.00 4.0≤δ < 4.1 4.1≤δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ < 4.3 4.3≤δ < 4.4 4.4 15.00 repeated bending frequency sealing rope round wire shall comply with the requirements of Table 10, the number of Z-shaped wire repeated bending should be consistent Specified in Table 11. Table 10 sealed round wire rope in the minimum number of repeated bending Wire nominal diameter δ/mm Bending radius d/mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa 1,470,157,016,701,770 1,870,196,014,701,570 1,670,177,018,701,960 1.0≤δ < 1.1 1.1≤δ < 1.2 1.2≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.4 1.4≤δ < 1.5 3.75 1.5≤δ < 1.6 1.6≤δ < 1.7 1.7≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 1.9 1.9≤δ < 2.0 5.00 2.0≤δ < 2.1 2.1≤δ < 2.2 2.2≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 2.4 2.4≤δ < 2.5 2.5≤δ < 2.6 2.6≤δ < 2.8 2.8≤δ < 3.0 7.50 Table 10 (continued) Wire nominal diameter δ/mm Bending radius d/mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa 1,470,157,016,701,770 1,870,196,014,701,570 1,670,177,018,701,960 3.0≤δ < 3.1 3.1≤δ < 3.2 3.2≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 4.0 10.0 4.0≤δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ < 4.4 4.4≤δ≤5.0 15.0 Table 11 in the Z-shaped steel wire rope sealing minimum number of repeated bending Nominal wire Height h/mm Bending radius d/mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa ≤1370 1470 1570 1670 ≥1770 ≤1370 1470 ≥1570 2.0 7.5 109876875 3.0 7.5 98766765 4.0 10.0 97655765 5.0 6.0 7.0 15.0 Note. The wire height is not listed in the table, the minimum number of repeated bending wire height shall comply with the larger adjacent. 6.3.5 twist round strand wire rope twisting number in the wire should meet the requirements of Table 12. Table 12 round strand wire rope twisting minimum number Nominal wire Diameter δ test length Smooth and B grade galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire A class AB grade galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa mm 1570 1670 1770 1870 1960 1570 1670 1770 1870 1570 1670 1770 1870 0.6≤δ < 1.0 1.0≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 3.0 3.0≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 4.0 4.0 4.0 < δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ≤4.4 100δ twenty four twenty two twenty three twenty one twenty three twenty one twenty four twenty three twenty one twenty four twenty three twenty one twenty three twenty one twenty three twenty two twenty three twenty two twenty four twenty two twenty one compacted strand wire rope wire torsional times comply with the requirements of Table 13. Table 13 Compaction shares wire rope in the minimum number of twist Before twisting wire Nominal diameter δ test length Smooth and Class B Class A Class AB galvanized steel wire galvanized steel wire mm Tensile strength grade/MPa 1570167017701870196015701670177018701960157016701770 1870 0.5≤δ < 1.0 1.0≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 3.0 3.0≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 4.0 4.0≤δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ≤4.4 100 × δ twenty three twenty two twenty four twenty three twenty one twenty four twenty three twenty one twenty two twenty two twenty four twenty two twenty one twenty two twenty two sealed rope twists in the number of round wire shall comply with the requirements of Table 14; the number of reverse Z-shaped steel shall conform to Table 15 Provisions. twenty one Table 14 sealing rope twist minimum number of round wire Wire nominal diameter δ/mm Test length / mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa 1,470,157,016,701,770 1,870,196,014,701,570 1,670,177,018,701,960 1.0≤δ < 1.3 1.3≤δ < 1.8 1.8≤δ < 2.3 2.3≤δ < 3.0 3.0≤δ < 3.4 3.4≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 4.0 4.0≤δ < 4.2 4.2≤δ < 4.4 4.4≤δ≤5.0 100δ twenty four twenty two twenty one twenty four twenty three twenty one twenty four twenty three twenty two twenty four twenty three twenty two twenty one twenty three twenty two twenty one twenty two twenty one Table 15 in the Z-shaped steel wire rope seal the minimum number of twist Nominal wire height h/mm Test length / mm Smooth wire galvanized steel wire Nominal tensile strength/MPa ≤1370 1470 1570 1670 1770 ≤1370 1470 ≥1570 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 twenty three twenty four twenty one Note. The wire height is not listed in the table, the minimum number of times to reverse the provisions should be consistent with a greater degree of adjacent wires. 6.3.6 Zinc Coating Level Round strand wire rope and steel wire rope shares compacted zinc coating level is divided into three levels. Level B, AB and A-level; seal the cord Galvanizing layer regardless of level. zinc coating weight The average weight of zinc coating application weight per unit surface area of the zinc coating, the unit g/m2. Round strand steel wire rope galvanized coating weight Shall comply with the provisions of Table 16; compacted steel wire rope shares zinc coating weight should be in accordance with Table 17; sealing rope-plated round wire Zinc coating weight should be in accordance with Table 18, Z-shaped steel zinc layer weight of not less than 100g/m2. If the weight of zinc coating does not meet the standard gauge Fixed, while others meet the performance requirements smooth rope, you can press the smooth rope delivery. Table 16 round strand wire rope in the minimum weight of zinc coating Wire nominal diameter δ/mm Grade A Grade B AB grade g/m2 0.6≤δ < 0.7 0.7≤δ < 0.8 0.8≤δ < 1.0 1.0≤δ < 1.2 1.2≤δ < 1.5 1.5≤δ < 1.9 1.9≤δ < 2.5 2.5≤δ < 3.2 3.2≤δ < 3.5 3.5≤δ < 3.7 3.7≤δ < 4.0 4.0≤δ≤4.4 Table 17 in the wire compacted strand wire rope minimum weight of zinc coating Before twisting wire nominal diameter δ/mm The minimum weight of zinc coating/(g/m2) Grade A Grade B AB grade 0.5≤δ < 0.6 0.6≤δ < 0.7 0.7≤δ < 0.8 0.8≤δ < 1.0 1.0≤δ < 1.2 1... ......

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