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QC/T 716-2004 PDF English

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QC/T 716-2004: PDF in English (QCT 716-2004)

QC/T 716-2004 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Retention Strength and Insertion Resistance Test Method for Automobile Weatherstrips ISSUED ON: OCTOBER 20, 2004 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2005 Issued by: National Development and Reform Commission Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Instruments and apparatuses ... 4  4 Sample and state adjustment ... 5  5 Test steps ... 5  6 Test result expression ... 6  7 Test report ... 6  Foreword This Standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization. The drafting organizations of this Standard: Tianjin Star Light Rubber and Plastic Co., Ltd., Shanghai SAIC-METZELLER Sealing Systems Co., Ltd., Guizhou Guihang Automobile Components Co., Ltd. Hongyang Seal Components Co., Ltd., Beijing Wanyuan Jinde Automobile Sealing Products Co., Ltd., Chongqing Yifeng Automobile Sealing Co., Ltd., Xiamen Baiji Industrial Co., Ltd. Company, Hubei Nuoke Automobile Sealing Strip Co., Ltd. The drafters of this Standard: Hao Jie, Chen Haiyan, Hu Zhugeng, Ma Junli, Deng Mingxiang, He Wenbing, Yu Gangli. Retention Strength and Insertion Resistance Test Method for Automobile Weatherstrips 1 Scope This Standard specifies the retention strength and insertion resistance test method for automobile weatherstrips. This Standard applies to the test of the retention strength and insertion resistance for automobile weatherstrips. 2 Normative references The terms in the following documents become the terms of this Standard by reference to this Standard. For dated references, all subsequent amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this Standard. However, parties to agreements that are based on this Standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this Standard. GB/T 2941, Standard temperature, humidity and time for environmental regulation and testing of rubber samples (eqv ISO471:1983) HG/T 2369, Rubber and plastic tensile testing machine technical conditions GB/T 8170, Rules of rounding off of numerical values 3 Instruments and apparatuses 3.1 Tensile testing machine The tensile testing machine shall comply with the relevant requirements of HG/T 2369. The relative error of the indication is within ±1%. 3.2 Painted board 3.2.1 The painted board shall be a cathodic-electrophoresis painted board; the surface of the painted board shall be smooth and free of scratches and obvious wear marks; the four corners shall be smooth rounded corners. 3.2.2 The length and thickness of the painted board shall be designed according to the product structure. Unless otherwise specified, the recommended length of the painted board is (100 ± 0.2) mm. 3.3 Test tooling The test tooling structure is designed according to the product structure. It shall be ensured that the sample is installed on the tooling perpendicular to the direction of insertion or extraction. If there is no special regulation, the recommended structure is shown in Figure 1. 4 Sample and state adjustment 4.1 In routine tests, three samples shall be taken from different finished or semi- finished products. If there is no special regulation, the length of the sample shall be (120 ± 2) mm; the part that interferes with the test other than the clamping portion in the sealing strip shall be removed. 4.2 The time interval between the test and the production of the product AND the adjustment of the sample before the test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2941. 4.3 If it is not specified in the product technical documents, the sample, before the test, shall be parked for at least 3 hours under the environment where the temperature is (23±2) °C and the relative humidity is (50±5) %. The sample shall not be pressurized and deformed during the parking period. Figure 1 -- Schematic diagram of the common insertion force and extraction force test tooling structure 5 Test steps 5.1 Insertion force test Extraction force plate Insertion force plate Extraction direction Insertion direction Sample Fixture Fixture Sample 5.1.1 Select the insertion force test fixture according to the product structure. 5.1.2 Mount the sample on the lower fixture of the test machine; install the painted board of insertion on the upper fixture of the test machine. The painted board shall be aligned with the sample insertion center during installation. 5.1.3 Set the insertion depth and insertion speed according to the product test requirements. The insertion depth shall be such that the board passes through the last set of internal teeth but does not touch the bottom of the clamping groove. If it is not specified, the insertion speed is 50 mm/min. 5.1.4 Start the test machine, so that the painted board is inserted into the sample at the specified speed; record the maximum force value. 5.2 Extraction force test 5.2.1 Select the extraction force test fixture according to the product structure. 5.2.2 Firstly, insert the painted board slowly into the bottom of the clamping groove of the sealing strip; then, install it on the machine. During installation, the load line that is applied in the test shall match the centerline of the sample. 5.2.3 Set the extraction speed according to the product test requirements. If it is not specified, the extraction speed is 50 mm/min. 5.2.4 Start the test machine, so that the painted board is extracted from the sample at the specified speed; record the maximum force value. 6 Test result expression 6.1 The calculation result is rounded to 1% according to GB/T 8170. 6.2 For the insertion force test, take the maximum value of the three samples as the test result: for the extraction force test, take the minimum value of the three samples as the test result. The unit is expressed in Newtons (N). 7 Test report The test report shall contain the following contents: a) test name, number: b) number of this Standard; c) sample length; d) painted board thickness: e) the measured value and average value of each sample; f) test conditions: test temperature, time, speed and other relevant parameters; g) test result; h) type of instruments and apparatuses in the test: i) tester and date. __________ END __________ ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.