QC/T 200-2015 PDF English
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QC/T 200-2015 | English | 75 |
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Performance requirements and test methods of reservoir for air brake equipment of automobile and trailer
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QC/T 200-2015: PDF in English (QCT 200-2015) QC/T 200-2015
ICS 43.040.10
T 24
Replacing QC/T 200-1995
Performance requirements and test methods of reservoir
for air brake equipment of automobile and trailer
ISSUED ON. JULY 14, 2015
Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
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Announcement of Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology of the People's Republic of China
2015 No.49
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved 543 industry
standards such as the “Calcium carbide furnace” (standard number, name,
main content and the date of implementation are as shown in Appendix 1),
including 48 mechanical industry standards, 16 automotive industry standards,
15 aviation industry standards, 13 pharmaceutical industry standards, 58 light
industry standards, 86 textile industry standards, 68 chemical industry
standards, 16 metallurgical industry standards, 50 building materials industry
standards, 21 petrochemical industry standards, 2 nonferrous metals industry
standards, 3 nuclear industry standards, AND 147 communications industry
standards, which are all announced hereby.
Appendix. Number, name, and date of implementation of 16 automotive
industry standards.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People’s Republic of China
July 14, 2015
Number, name, and date of implementation of 16 automotive industry
No. Standard number Standard name Number of standard replaced
Date of
49 QC/T 1002-2015 Test method of durability in CH-DY for motorcycles and mopeds
January 01,
50 QC/T 1003-2015
Determination of precious metal in
metal support catalytic converter
for motorcycles
January 01, 2016
51 QC/T 1004-2015
Performance requirements and
bench test methods of automobile
electric vacuum pump
January 01, 2016
52 QC/T 200-2015
Performance requirements and
bench test methods of reservoir for
air brake equipment of automobile
and trailer
QC/T 200-1995 January 01, 2016
53 QC/T 35-2015
Automobile and trailer –
Specifications and bench test
methods of pressure control
QC/T 35-1992,
QC/T 36-1992
January 01,
54 QC/T 37-2015
Automobile and trailer –
Specifications and test methods of
bench for pressure regulator and
QC/T 37-1992,
QC/T 38-1992
January 01,
55 QC/T 77-2015
Specifications and bench test
methods of automobile hydraulic
brake wheel cylinder
QC/T 77-1993 January 01, 2016
56 QC/T 1005-2015
Specifications and bench test
methods of automobile antilock
braking system
January 01, 2016
57 QC/T 1006-2015
Specifications and bench test
methods of automobile antilock
braking system solenoid
modulator for pneumatic
January 01, 2016
58 QC/T 1007-2015
Evaluating filtration performance
of fuel filters for automobiles –
Method of particle counting
January 01, 2016
59 QC/T 1008-2015 Specifications of tank ventilation filters
January 01,
60 QC/T 1009-2015 Specifications of passenger car automatic transmission filters
January 01,
61 QC/T 1010-2015
Specifications and bench test
methods of clutch hydraulic
pressure boosting system booster
January 01, 2016
62 QC/T 1011-2015 Technical requirements and bench January 01,
Table of contents
Foreword ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative references ... 7
3 Performance requirements ... 7
4 General requirements of test ... 8
5 Test method ... 9
References ... 12
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009
“Directive for standardization – Part 1. Structure and drafting of standards”.
This standard replaces QC/T 200-1995 (Performance requirements and test
methods of reservoir for air brake equipment of automobile and trailer). As
compared with QC/T 200-1995, the main technical changes are as follows.
- DEFINE the reservoir structural form to which this standard is applicable
(SEE Chapter 1; Chapter 1 of 1995 version);
- ADD the strength requirements for multi-chamber reservoir baffles (SEE
3.2.2 and 5.1.2);
- ADD the sealing requirements for one-way valve between multi-chamber
reservoir (SEE 3.3.2 and 5.2.2);
- MODIFY the test methods and evaluation methods for corrosion resistance
(SEE 3.4 and 5.3; 3.4 of 1995 version);
- ADD the requirements for test samples and test equipment (SEE Chapter
- DELETE the inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage
(SEE Chapters 4 and 5 of 1995 version).
This standard was proposed by the National Automotive Standardization
Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this standard. China First Automobile Co., Ltd.
Technology Center, Changchun Automotive Stamping Co., Ltd., China Heavy
Vehicle Group Co., Ltd. Technology Development Center.
The main drafters of this standard. Lin Dahai, Xia Bolin, Liu Zhaoying, Peng
Lihang, Li Guangting.
This standard replaced the standards released previously as follows.
- QC/T 200-1995;
- JB 3783.1-1984, JB 3783.2-1984.
Performance requirements and test methods of reservoir
for air brake equipment of automobile and trailer
1 Scope
This standard specifies the performance requirements and test methods for of
reservoir for air brake equipment of automobiles and trailers.
This standard applies to the cylindrical metal body reservoir which is used for
the air brake system of the automobiles and trailers; AND the reservoirs of
other materials and structures may make reference to it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 9286-1998 Paints and varnishes – Cross cut test for films
GB/T 10125-1997 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray test
GB/T 10587 Specifications for salt mist testing chambers
3 Performance requirements
3.1 Appearance quality
3.1.1 The appearance of the reservoir shall be smooth, AND there shall be no
bump damage or protrusion.
3.1.2 The reservoir inside and outside surface coating shall meet the technical
requirements of the product.
3.2 Compressive strength
3.2.1 After the test, the reservoir enclosure shall not be cracked, AND the
circumferential permanent deformation shall not be greater than 1%. After the sample is placed at room temperature for 72 h, USE a
single-blade cutting tool which complies with the requirements of clause 4.1 of
GB/T 9286-1998 to cut a scratch penetrating to the painting layer at the tested
surface of the sample in accordance with the manual cutting method as
specified in clause 7.2 of GB/T 9286-1998. The distance from the scratch to
the edge of the sample shall be greater than 20 mm. USE a soft brush to clean the sample along the scratch direction for
several times, to remove all the cutting chips from the scratch.
5.3.2 Exposure test. PLACE the test sample in the salt spray test chamber; LET the tested
surface of the sample face upwards, AND the angle between the reservoir axis
and the horizontal plane is 70° ± 5°. In accordance with the salt spray test method in GB/T 10125-1997,
PERFORM continuous spray test; the test duration of the reservoir external
surface shall be not less than 48 h; AND the test duration of the reservoir
internal surface shall be not less than 96 h. After completion of the salt spray test, TAKE the sample out of the salt
spray test chamber; within 15 min, USE the clean flowing water of not higher
than 45 °C to clean the sample; then USE compressed air to blow it dry. If it
cannot finish the cleaning and blowing within the specified time, it shall
immerse the sample into the water the temperature of which is room
temperature OR store it in a plastic bag; TAKE it out for treatment after
reaching to requirements. CHEKC the sample surface corrosion, such as blistering, rust and so
on. MEASURE the corrosion spreading length at both sides of the mark.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.