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QC/T 1037-2016: PDF in English (QCT 1037-2016)

QC/T 1037-2016 QC AUTOMOBILE STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.10 T 36 High voltage cables for road vehicles ISSUED ON. APRIL 05, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 01, 2016 Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Announcement ... 3  Foreword ... 8  1 Scope ... 9  2 Normative references ... 9  3 Terms and definitions ... 9  4 Requirements ... 9  5 Test methods ... 15  6 Inspection rules ... 21  7 Packaging and packaging mark ... 23  Annex A (normative) Structural dimensions of cable ... 25  Annex B (informative) Models of major cables ... 31  Annex. References, names and dates of implementation of 35 automotive industry standards No. Standard reference Standard name Standard reference being substituted Date of implementation (Year-Month- Day) 326 QC/T 16-2016 General technical specifications for ignition coil QC/T 16-1992 2016-09-01 327 QC/T 224-2016 Specifications of engine used in motorcycles and mopeds QC/T 224-2007 2016-09-01 328 QC/T 228-2016 Manipulation inhaul cable of motorcycle and moped QC/T 228.1-1997, QC/T 228.2-1997, QC/T 228.3-1997, QC/T 228.4-1997, QC/T 228.5-1997, QC/T 228.6-1997, QC/T 228.7-1997, QC/T 228.8-1997, QC/T 228.9-1997, QC/T 228.10-1997 2016-09-01 329 QC/T 307-2016 Technical specifications for vacuum booster QC/T 307-1999 2016-09-01 330 QC/T 414-2016 Color specification and model preparation method for automobile wires (cables) QC/T 414-1999, QC/T 730-2005 2016-09-01 331 QC/T 415-2016 Automotive cigarette lighter and cigarette-lighter power socket QC/T 415-1999 2016-09-01 332 QC/T 469-2016 Automotive engine valve technical conditions QC/T 469-2002 2016-09-01 333 QC/T 681-2016 Technical conditions for starting relay of motorcycle and moped QC/T 681-2002 2016-09-01 High voltage cables for road vehicles 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and packaging marks of high voltage cables for road vehicles. This Standard is applicable to high voltage cables for road vehicles of which the rated voltages are AC 1000V/DC 1500V and AC 600V/DC 900V. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 1690, Rubber vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of the effect of liquids GB/T 3953, Round copper wire for electrical purposes GB/T 4910, Tinned round copper wire GB/T 25085-2010, Road vehicles - 60 V and 600 V single-core cables GB/T 25087-2010, Road vehicles - Round, screened and unscreened 60 V and 600 V multi-core sheathed cables QC/T 414-2016, Color of low-voltage wire for automobile 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 25085 and GB/T 25087 apply. 4 Requirements 4.1 Model Cable model is compiled according to QC/T 414-2016. See Annex B for major cable models. 4.5.1 The insulation layer shall be tightly coated on the conductor and easily peeled off from the conductor without damaging the conductor. 4.5.2 Agreed by both supply-demand parties, it is allowed to add spacers between the insulation layer and the conductor. 4.5.3 The insulation layer shall be inspected for defects. Breakdown discharge shall not occur during the spark test of the following voltage (effective value). - 8kV for AC 600V/DC 900V cable; - 10kV for AC 1000V/DC 1500V cable. 4.5.4 The insulation volume resistivity of the insulation layer shall not be less than 109 Ω • mm. 4.6 Stranded cable (for multi-core cable) 4.6.1 Multi-core cable shall be twisted into a composite cable. The core contour shall be rounded. 4.6.2 Allow the addition of fillers between the core slots. 4.7 Shielding layer (for shielded cables) 4.7.1 The shielding layer is woven with bare copper wire or tinned copper wire as shown in Table 1. The weaving density shall be no less than 85%. 4.7.2 Allow the addition of aluminum-plastic composite film tape outside (or inside) the woven shield. The overlap ratio of the tape shall be no less than 20%. The aluminum-plastic composite film tape must be in contact with and conductive with the weaving layer, either inside or outside. 4.8 Sheathed layer (for sheathed cable) 4.8.1 The sheathed layer shall be in close contact with the core and easily peeled off from the core without damaging the insulation and shielding. 4.8.2 Allow the addition of spacers between the sheathed layer and the shield. 4.8.3 The sheathed layer shall be inspected for defects. Breakdown discharge shall not occur when it is subjected to the 8kV-voltage (effective value) spark test. 4.8.4 The insulation volume resistivity of the sheathed layer shall not be less than 109 Ω • mm. 4.9 Surface mark 4.10.16 Chemical resistance reagent. The cable is tested by chemical resistance reagent, and the insulation/sheath shall not be exposed/shielded after winding. Carry out the withstand voltage test without breakdown. The type of medium for chemical resistance reagent is determined by both supply-demand parties. 4.10.17 Mark durability. After the cable has been tested for durability, it shall comply with the requirements of 11.3.4 of GB/T 25085. 4.10.18 Ozone resistance. After the cable has been tested for ozone resistance. - For single-core unshielded cables, the requirements of 11.4.5 of GB/T 25085 shall be met; - For shielded cables, the requirements of 11.3.5 of GB/T 25087 shall be met. 4.10.19 Temperature and humidity alternation. After the cable has passed the temperature and humidity alternating test. - For single-core unshielded cables, the requirements of 11.6.5 of GB/T 25085 shall be met; - For shielded cables, the requirements of 11.4.5 of GB/T 25087 shall be met. 4.10.20 Anti-flame retardant. After the finished cable is subjected to the anti-flame retarding test, the combustion flame shall be extinguished within 30s. The upper end of the specimen shall have at least 50mm of insulation/sheath unburned. 5 Test methods 5.1 General Except for the exit-factory test, all test samples shall be stored at (23 ± 5)°C for at least 16h. 5.2 Inspection of structural dimensions For single-core unshielded cables, measure according to Clause 5 of GB/T 25085. For shielded cables, measure according to Clause 5 of GB/T 25087. cable. Conduct the test according to 7.2 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.16 Cyclic bending test Conduct the test according to 7.3 in GB/T 25087. 5.17 Low temperature winding test Conduct the test according to 8.1 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 8.1 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.18 Low temperature impact test Conduct the test according to 8.2 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 8.2 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.19 Abrasion resistance test Conduct the test according to 9.3 in GB/T 25085. For shielded cables, the shield shall be grounded, and the sheathed layer shall be subjected to a scratch test. 5.20 3000h long-term aging test Conduct the test according to 10.1 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 10.1 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.21 240h short-term aging test Conduct the test according to 10.2 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 10.2 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.22 Thermal overload test Conduct the test according to 10.3 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 10.3 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.23 Heat shrinkage test Conduct the test according to 10.4 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 10.4 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.24 Chemical resistance reagent test 5.24.1 General. The types of medium recommended for chemical resistance reagent test are shown in Table 5. It is allowed to add other medium, which is determined by both supply-demand parties. For each chemical reagent to be tested, 2/3 of the specimen shall be immersed in the chemical reagent for 10s before being placed in the oven for aging, and then taken out and naturally dried for 3min. Be careful not to touch the chemical reagent at the ends of the stripping insulation. The same type of specimen impregnated with different types of chemical reagents can be stored in the same oven for thermal aging. For the specimen in Group 1, the corresponding solution shall be immersed at 240h, 480h, 720h in 1000h. The specific operation is as follows. Put the immersed 8 specimens into the oven. Remove 8 specimens at 240h. Two of the specimens are tested for follow-up, and the remaining six specimens shall be immersed and placed in an oven for 240h. At 480h, take out 6 specimens. Two of them are for subsequent test, and the remaining four specimens shall be immersed and placed in an oven for 240h. At 720 h, take out 4 specimens. Two of the specimens are subjected to subsequent tests, and the remaining two specimens shall be immersed and placed in an oven for 280h, total 1000h. For the specimens in Group 2, simply immerse the chemical once and place it in the oven for 240h. After the aged specimen is taken out, it is placed at room temperature (23 ± 5)°C for 30min. Then carry out the room temperature winding test according to GB/T 25085. Mandrel diameter is not more than 5 times the maximum cable outer diameter allowed. Must ensure winding in the middle of the specimen. After the winding test, there shall be no breaking through visual inspection. Perform 1 kV, 1 min withstand voltage test according to 6.2 of GB/T 25085, no breakdown shall occur. For shielded cables, voltage is applied between the shield and the brine. 5.25 Mark durability test Conduct the test according to 11.3 of GB/T 25085. 5.26 Ozone resistance test Conduct the test according to 11.4 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 11.3 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.27 Temperature and humidity alternating test Conduct the test according to 11.6 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to 11.4 in GB/T 25087 for shielded cable. 5.28 Anti-flame retard test Conduct the test according to Clause 12 in GB/T 25085 for single core unshielded cable. Conduct the test according to Clause 12 in GB/T 25087 for 20 240h short-term aging 4.10.13 5.21 ● ● - 21 Thermal overload 4.10.14 5.22 ● - - 22 Heat shrinkage 4.10.15 5.23 ● ● - 23 Chemical resistance reagent a 4.10.16 5.24 ● - - 24 Mark durability 4.10.17 5.25 ● - - 25 Ozone resistance 4.10.18 5.26 ● - - 26 Temperature and humidity alternation 4.10.19 5.27 ● - - 27 Anti-flame retardant 4.10.20 5.28 ● ● - NOTE. ● means being adopted; - means not being adopted. a The type of chemical reagent used is determined by the supplier and the purchaser. 7 Packaging and packaging mark 7.1 Packaging 7.1.1 The finished cable shall be properly packaged in shafts, loops or in barrels so as to accommodate transport and delivery. The number of packages is 50 m or an integral multiple thereof. 7.1.2 Allow short delivery of no less than 20 m. The length of the short segment shall be marked separately. The number of segments per cable of the packaging unit is not allowed to exceed 3 segments. 7.1.3 Allow the length measurement error not more than 1%. 7.1.4 Joints and defects shall be clearly marked. Allow removal of 30mm to 100mm insulation as a mark. 7.2 Packaging mark Each packaging unit shall be labeled. The label shall at least mark the following information. - model specification; - color; - length; - date of manufacture; - Serial number of this Standard; - manufacturer name, etc. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.