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QC/T 1067.1-2017: PDF in English (QCT 1067.1-2017)

QC/T 1067.1-2017 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.10 T 36 Replacing QC/T 417.1-2001 Connector used in automobile wire harness and electrical device - Part 1: Definition, test method and requirement ISSUED ON: JANUARY 09, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2017 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Announcement ... 3  Foreword ... 9  1 Scope ... 12  2 Normative references ... 12  3 Terms and definitions ... 13  4 Tests and requirements ... 15  Annex A (normative) Test method for terminal current carrying capacity ... 74  Annex B (normative) Power spectral density (PSD) or acceleration and frequency ... 76  Annex C (informative) Type and size of fixing structure of connector ... 81  Connector used in automobile wire harness and electrical device - Part 1: Definition, test method and requirement 1 Scope This Standard specifies the definition, general performance requirements as well specific test methods for automobile connector. This Standard is applicable to low-voltage connector (voltage is not higher than 60V) and high-voltage connector (voltage is higher than 60V but not higher than 600V) used in automobile wire harness and electrical device, including in-line connector and device connector. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB 252, Guideline for occupational hazard prevention and control in small and medium bag-making industry GB 484, Petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicles GB 5337, Nomenclature and terminology for automotive electrical equipment, lighting and instrumentation GB 11118.1, Hydraulic fluids of mineral oil type and synthetic hydrocarbon type GB 11121, Gasoline engine oils GB 12981, Motor vehicle brake fluids GB/T 2423.17, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Ka: Salt mist GB/T 25085, Road vehicles - 60 V and 600 V single-core cables 3.10 terminal position assurance (TPA) Mechanism to ensure terminal is installed in place and provide terminal locking force separately. 3.11 primary lock reinforcement (PLR) Mechanism to ensure that terminal primary lock structure is maintained in correct position. 3.12 connector position assurance (CPA) An additional locking mechanism on locking mechanism of connector 4 Tests and requirements 4.1 Sample pre-treatment Before all tests are conducted, it shall place the samples in an environment that the room temperature is (23±5)°C and the relevant humidity is 45%~75% for 24h. 4.1.1 Test requirements All tests shall be conducted at a room temperature of (23±5)°C. All cavities of the connector shall be tested. The cable shall meet the requirements of GB/T 25085 or it shall be agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. All cables used shall be recorded in the test report. Each test and each test sample must not affect each other. For example, in the high temperature box, it must keep a certain distance between test samples. They must not touch other nor stack. During the entire test process, it is not allowed to apply lubricant or other additives on the surfaces of plug terminal and socket terminal, except the lubricants remained during production. 4.1.2 Default test errors The default test errors are expressed as a percentage of the nominal value (Table 1). Table 1 -- Default test errors Temperature ±3°C Voltage ±5% 4.2 Appearance 4.2.1 Devices Camera, video recorder, magnifier (if necessary). 4.2.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Before conducting the test, visually check the test sample. Record manufacturing and material defects such as cracks, discoloration, burrs, etc. Take photos, videos of the test sample or prepare a sample that is not used for the test for each test group, so as to compare the specimen after the test; 2) After the test, visually check each sample that has been tested and record all observable changes. Compare the sample that has been tested with the sample that has not been tested, photos or videos in step 1). Record all the differences in the test report. 4.2.3 Requirements The sample shall not have defects such as swelling, corrosion, discoloration, wear of contact plating, physical deformation, cracking that affect the function of the product. 4.3 Plug-unplug cycle 4.3.1 Devices It shall be agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. 4.3.2 Methods According to the provisions of Table 5, complete the plug-unplug cycle of connector or terminal. When only terminals are subject to the plug-unplug cycle, during the test process, it shall ensure that the plug-unplug cycle is conducted along with the centerline of the terminal. 4.3.3 Requirements There are no damages that shall affect the follow-up tests. 4.4 Terminal-to-terminal insertion and extraction forces 4.4.1 Devices Plug-unplug testing machine. 4.4.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Prepare 10 pairs of terminals. Number each pair of terminals; 2) Fix 1 pair of terminals on the fixture. Ensure that the plug-unplug is conducted along with the centerline of the terminal; 3) Insert the terminal at a uniform speed of 50mm/min. Record the peak force required for in-place insertion (the first insertion force); 4) Separate the terminal at a uniform speed of 50mm/min. Record the peak force required for complete separation (the first extraction force); 5) According to the number of plug-unplug specified in Table 5, repeat step 3) and step 4). Record the last extraction force); 6) Conduct step 2) ~ step 5) to each pair of terminals. 4.4.3 Requirements The appearance shall meet the requirements of 4.2. The metal substrate of the contact area shall not be exposed. The insertion and extraction forces shall meet the requirements of the product design documents or be agreed between the supplier and the purchaser. 4.5 Terminal bending resistance 4.5.1 Devices Special fixture, force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.5.2 Methods This test is not applicable to the situation that cable attachment and terminal insertion direction form 90°. The test sequence is as follows: 1) Confirm the type of test terminal according to Figure 4; 2) Number each housing and each terminal hole; 3) Use the fixture to fix housing; 4) Use the force tester to clamp the cable at a position 20mm from the insulation support; 5) Insert the terminal at a uniform speed of 50mm/min into the housing. Continuously apply a force till it reaches the value specified in Table 12 or the plastic is broken or terminal is broken when it does not reach the specified value; Alternatives: A. Crimp the terminal on the solid metal rod. Measure the terminal’s insertion force and thrust force; B. Cut off the cable from the insulation crimp. Use a rod that is close to cable diameter to push the cable that is left at the end of the terminal. 6) Record the peak force (i.e. insertion force) required for the terminal to insert into the housing before it reaches the expected stop position and the force that the housing withstands after the terminal reaches the expected stop position (i.e., thrust force). Terminal insertion force and thrust force of sealed-gasket type integrally-sealed connector The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables of maximum specification, thickest insulation layer to prepare 2 sets of samples. Use terminal-applicable cables of minimum specification, thinnest insulation layer to prepare 1 set of samples. See Table 10 for the quantities of terminals and housings; 2) Number each housing and each terminal hole; 3) Use the fixture to fix the housing; 4) Use the force tester to clamp the cable at a position 20mm from the insulation support; 5) Use a set of samples of the maximum specification cables to insert the terminal at a uniform speed of 50mm/min straight into the housing. Before it reaches the expected stop position, continuously apply the force till the value specified in Table 12. Remove the cable after each terminal hole is tested; 1) Use terminal-applicable cables to prepare corresponding quantity of terminals. Assemble 10 pairs of connectors; 2) Use the force tester to assemble the connector at a uniform speed of 50mm/min to the pre-installed position. The pre-installed position refers to the position where the plug connector and the socket connector shall work when they are inserted into the assistance mechanism; 3) Use the force tester to separate the connector at a uniform speed of 50mm/min from the pre-installed position; 4) Record the pre-installed engagement force and the pre-installed separation force. Retention force of assistance mechanism at initial position The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables to prepare corresponding quantity of terminals. Assemble 10 pairs of connectors; 2) Use the connector that has not been mated with pairing end. Place the assistance mechanism at the initial position; 3) Use the force tester to apply a force at a uniform speed of 50mm/min along with the locking direction to the assistance mechanism till the assistance mechanism is separated from the initial position; 4) Record the retention force of the assistance mechanism at the initial position. Engagement force and separation force of assistance type connector The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables to prepare corresponding quantity of terminals. Assemble 10 pairs of connectors; 2) Assemble the connector to the pre-installed position. After the assistance mechanism is separated from the initial position, it shall move the assistance mechanism at a uniform speed of 50mm/min to the locked position. Record the peak force value (that is the engagement force); 3) When the assistance mechanism has “lock-release” structure in the locked position, make the “lock-release” at the locked state. Apply 60N of force at a uniform speed of 50mm/min in the releasing direction of the assistance mechanism; 2) Fulfil the connector with terminals. It shall design a detecting device which shall be able to detect the insertion depth of terminal in time during the matching process of connector; 3) Pair the connector with another half that is possibly paired in any wrong direction, according to the following manners. It shall use new samples each time: - The insertion direction is correct but the paring end (polarization feature structure is different) is wrong; - The pairing end is current but the insertion direction is wrong; 4) Fix the connector in the fixture of force tester. Adjust the force tester, so as to make it able to insert the plug connector straightly into the socket connector according to the direction selected in step 3; 5) Insert the connector at a uniform speed of 50mm/min. Gradually apply a force till it is 3 times the force required by correct cooperation. Maintain this force 3s. For assistance type connector, use 3 times the engagement force at the pre-installed position in Maintain this force 3s. Record the information that is detected by the detecting device. If the 3 times force required by correct cooperation is less than 60N, then apply 60N of force. If the 3 times force required by correct cooperation is greater than 150N, then apply 150N of force. 4.14.3 Requirements When the connector is withstanding the wrong engagement force, it shall not be damaged. The plug terminal and the socket terminal shall not be in contact. 4.15 Insertion force and extraction force of TPA (including PLR) 4.15.1 Devices Force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.15.2 Methods Separation force of TPA at pre-installed position (if applicable) Prepare 10 sets of housings that are not equipped with terminals. Fix the housings in the fixture. Separate TPA from the housing straightly at a uniform speed of 50mm/min. Record the peak force value. Force required by assembling TPA to locked position when all terminals are correctly assembled in connector at least be 20N or agreed by the supplier and the purchaser; 2) When all terminals are correctly assembled to the connector, the maximum force required by assembling TPA to the locked position is 60N; 3) When terminals are not assembled in the housing, the force required by assembling TPA to the locked position shall at least be 15N; 4) When a terminal is not assembled to the locked position, the force required by assembling TPA to the locked position shall at least be 60N; 5) The force required by releasing TPA from the locked position shall be 18N~60N or agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. 4.16 Insertion force and extraction force of CPA 4.16.1 Devices Force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.16.2 Methods Insertion force and extraction force of CPA after connector is correctly fit Prepare 10 pairs of connectors. Insert the connector to the right place. At the same time, assemble CPA to the pre-installed position (if applicable). Insert CPA at a uniform speed of 50mm/min to the locked position. Record the peak force value. Extract CPA from the locked position at a uniform speed of 50mm/min. Record the peak force value. Insertion force of CPA when connector does not cooperate Prepare 10 sets of connectors that do not cooperate. Assemble CPA to the pre- installed position (if applicable). Apply a force at a uniform speed of 50mm/min along with CPA’s locking direction till CPA is assembled to the locked position. Record the peak force value. Extraction force of CPA at pre-installed position (if applicable) Prepare 10 sets of connectors. Assemble CPA to the pre-installed position. Apply a force at a uniform speed of 50mm/min along with CPA’s extraction direction till CPA is separated from the connector. Record the peak force value. 4.16.3 Requirements After the connector correctly cooperates, the maximum insertion force of CPA is 22N and the extraction force shall be 10N~30N. When the connector does not cooperate, the insertion force of CPA shall at least be 60N. The extraction the above steps 2) ~ 4) within 30min. 4.18.3 Requirements The sound level generated by the connector in place shall be higher than the ambient sound: 7dB before humidity, 5dB after humidity; or agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. 4.19 Drop 4.19.1 Devices Meter ruler. 4.19.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Prepare 18 housing. Place TPA, CPA, control rod or slider in the pre- installed position (if applicable); 2) Divide the housings into 6 groups. Test in three directions: X, Y and Z; 3) For 6 faces of rectangular connector, test a set of housing for each face. From a 1m high position, drop the housing to the horizontal concrete floor; 4) Record the sample damage and accessory detachment. 4.19.3 Requirements The test sample shall meet the requirements of appearance inspection. The applicable accessories shall not separate from their pre-installed positions. 4.20 Strength of terminal hole 4.20.1 Devices Force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.20.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Prepare 5 connectors of which PLR is not at the locked position and 5 terminals; 2) Randomly select a terminal hole for terminal of each specification from test samples; 3) Use the force measured in to increase 40N as the force required Devices Force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.21.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Analyze the terminal and terminal hole structures to determine the wrong terminal insertion direction. Generally, it shall at least test the wrong insertion directions of 90°, 180°, 270°. The rectangular terminal shall at least test the wrong insertion direction of 180°; 2) Use terminal-applicable cables of maximum specification and thickest insulation layer to prepare sufficient terminals and housings. According to the wrong insertion direction determined in step 1), it shall at least 10 times for each direction. Each test shall use new terminals and terminal holes. Each terminal hole on the housing shall be tested. Number each housing and each terminal hole; 3) Fix the housing in the fixture. The housing cannot be deformed by force; 4) Use the force tester to clamp the cable at the position 20mm from the insulation support; 5) Adjust the force tester to make it be able to straightly insert the terminal into the terminal hole according to the wrong insertion direction selected in step 1); 6) The insertion force shall be 1.5 times the maximum force value of terminal inserting into housing or 15N. The greater value shall prevail; 7) Apply the force specified in step 6) in a uniform speed of 50mm/min to insert the terminal into the terminal hole; 8) Record the test results: situations that the terminal is not inserted into the terminal hole, the terminal insertion depth; 9) Use new terminal and new terminal hole to repeat step 3) ~ step 8). Test all terminal holes. NOTE: This test is not applicable to the situation that the terminal can be correctly inserted in any direction (360°) into the terminal hole and be locked. 4.21.3 Requirements In the case of wrong insertion, the terminal cannot be inserted into the terminal hole or the insulation support and the seals are exposed outside the terminal Where, R = Distance from the center of fixing table to the seal (m). 4) After rotating, record the position of the seal on the connector. 4.24.3 Requirements After the test, the seal shall remain at the originally designed position. 4.25 Retention force of seals (mated connector) 4.25.1 Devices None. 4.25.2 Methods Prepare 10 pairs of connectors that are assembled with seals. Insert the connectors in place. Then quickly separate the connectors. 4.25.3 Requirements After the test, the seals shall remain at the original designed position. 4.26 Retention force of board end pin 4.26.1 Devices Force tester with peak reading characteristics. 4.26.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Place the sample in an environment where the relevant humidity is 95%~98% and the temperature is 40°C for 6h. Then complete the extraction test; 2) The test shall apply thrust force and pull force on the centerline of pin. If there is a bent pin, the bent part of the pin can be cut off; 3) Fix the connector in the fixture; 4) Use the force tester to gradually apply a force to the pin. Record the peak force value when the pin starts moving (the moved distance is less than foil (or the shield). Connect the positive electrode to all cable ends; 5) Set the high-voltage test device as the voltage selected in step 2). Subject to this voltage between the metal foil and all cable ends for at least 60s. Record the current leakage. Requirements In the test, there cannot be medium breakage or breakdown between any two terminal holes of connector and between the terminal hole and the connector shell. The current leakage shall be less than or equal to 5mA. 4.29 Thermal shock 4.29.1 Devices Temperature shock test chamber (-40°C~175°C), circuit continuity monitoring equipment. 4.29.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables of any specification o prepare 10 pairs of connectors. The connector shall include all accessories such as TPA, CPA, seals. Number each pair of connectors; 2) Evenly divide the samples into 2 groups. The first group is used for the micro-current connection resistance test after the terminal shock. The second group is used for the circuit continuity monitoring during the test process; 3) Place the sample in the temperature chamber. Samples shall not touch each other; 4) The well-mated samples shall be subject to 100 times of thermal shock cycles. Each cycle includes: - 30min at 40°C; - 30s of maximum transition time; - 30min at the maximum temperature of temperature level selected in Table 2; - 30s of maximum transition time; 5) During the test, it shall conduct the circuit continuity monitoring to the second group according to step 7) in 4.17.2. relevant humidity is 45%~75%. The interruption time shall be recorded in the test report. 4.30.3 Requirements The test samples shall be able to complete relevant tests according to the test sequence and meet the test requirements. 4.31 Heat aging 4.31.1 Devices Temperature chamber (-40°C~175°C). 4.31.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables of minimum specification and thinnest insulation layer to prepare 10 pairs of connectors. The connector shall include all accessories such as TPA, CPA, seals. Number each pair of connectors; 2) Set the temperature chamber at the maximum temperature of temperature level selected in Table 2 and make the temperature stable; 3) Place the sample at the temperature chamber and maintain 1008h (or agreed by the supplier and the purchaser). The samples shall not touch each other. 4.31.3 Requirements The test samples shall be able to complete relevant tests according to the test sequence and meet the test requirements. 4.32 Chemical resistance test solution This test is only applicable to the connectors of which the sealing levels are S2 and S3. Because multiple connectors can be produced from the same material, historical data from the same material can be used for this test. 4.32.1 Devices Stainless-steel container or heat-resistant glass beaker. Methods The test sequence is as follows: 2) Prepare a saline solution at a ratio of 15g~16g of salt and 10mL of liquid detergent per liter of water. Add the right pigment. Stir the solution evenly then pour into the test container. Cool to 0°C; 3) Place the sample in the temperature / humidity chamber. The samples shall not touch each other; 4) Conduct the temperature / humidity cycle or heat aging test according to the test sequence; 5) Take out the sample from the temperature / humidity chamber. Within 30s, immerse the sample in 0°C saline solution of which the depth is 300mm~400mm for 30min; 6) Take out the sample from the saline solution. Wipe and dry the sample appearance. Immediately conduct the insulation resistance test of 4.27. 4.33.3 Requirements The test samples shall be able to complete relevant tests according to the test sequence and meet the test requirements. 4.34 Air tightness 4.34.1 Devices Pressure / vacuum source, container, temperature / humidity test chamber (40°C~175°C, relevant humidity of 0~99%). 4.34.2 Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables of minimum specification and thinnest insulation layer to prepare 10 pairs of connectors. The connector shall include all accessories such as TPA, CPA, seals. Number each pair of connectors; 2) Insert a sufficient-strength tube into the connector. There shall be no leakage between the outer surface of the tube and the sealing plug; 3) Prepare a saline solution at a ratio of 15g~16g of salt and 10mL of liquid detergent per liter of water. Add the right pigment. Stir the solution evenly then pour into the test container; 4) Seal all cable ends. Eliminate any possible leakage through wire strands; 5) Connect the tube to the pressure / vacuum gauge. Immerse the sample into the saline solution prepared in step 3); 4.35.3 Requirements The test samples shall be able to complete relevant tests according to the test sequence and meet the test requirements. 4.36 Salt spray test 4.36.1 Salt spray test (low-voltage connector) Devices Salt spray test chamber. Methods Use terminal-applicable cables of any specification to prepare 10 pairs of connectors. The connector shall include all accessories such as TPA, CPA, seals. Conduct the neutral salt spray test. The test time is 48h or agreed by the supplier and the purchaser. Requirements The test samples shall be able to complete relevant tests according to the test sequence and meet the test requirements. 4.36.2 Salt spray test (high-voltage connector) Devices Salt spray test chamber. Methods The test sequence is as follows: 1) Use terminal-applicable cables of maximum specification and thickest insulation layer to prepare 10 pairs of connectors. Use the viscous heat shrinkable tube to seal the cable ends. The connector shall include all accessories such as TPA, CPA, seals; 2) For in-line connector: from one end of wire shield, through the connector housing, to the other end of wire shield, measure the micro-current connection resistance of each pair of connectors; 3) For device connector - board end connector: from the wire shield of device connector, through the connector housing, to the device, measure the micro-current connection resistance of each pair of connectors; 4) Implement GB/T 2423.17 (neutral salt spray test). The test time is 96h; Annex A (normative) Test method for terminal current carrying capacity This Annex gives the test method for maximum current carrying capacity of terminal. The steps are as follows: 1) Use the maximum designed current of the terminal to measure the voltage drop of the 150mm long cable. For the board end connector, measure the voltage drop of the 75mm long cable; 2) Set up the test circuit according to Figure 12. Place the test sample according to Figure 13. At least use 10 pairs of terminals. Perform tin soldering to the cable measuring point. Connect the testing cable to T1, T2 (Figure 7, Figure 8). The measuring point of the ambient temperature sensor is at the same plane with the test sample. Make the probe right in front of the heating source; 3) Turn on power supply, digital multimeter and data logger; 4) Gradually increase the output current of power supply till it can provide 50% of the maximum designed current to the terminal to be tested; 5) Wait at least 15min. Make the circuit temperature at a stable state. Then record the ambient temperature, temperature of contact surface of each pair of terminals, millivolt voltage drops on each pair of terminals (millivolt voltage drops of T1~T2 in Figure 11 minus the millivolt voltage drop of the cable). Then calculate the connection resistance of terminal; 6) Increase the test current by less than 10% of the terminal's maximum designed current. Then repeat step 5); 7) Repeat step 5) and step 6) till one of the following 3 states appears: - Temperature rise of the contact surface of the terminal exceeds 55°C; - Connection resistance of terminal exceeds the specified value in Table 9; - Terminal doesn’t meet the appearance inspection requirements. The current at this time is defined as the maximum current carrying of the terminal. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.