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NB/T 20063-2012: PDF in English (NBT 20063-2012)

NB/T 20063-2012 ENERGY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.120.01 F 80 Filing number: 35988-2012 Glossary of terms of instrumentation and control for nuclear power plants ISSUED ON: JANUARY 06, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 06, 2012 Issued by: National Energy Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Basic concepts ... 4  3 Instrumentation control systems and device ... 18  4 Computer applications ... 36  5 Man-machine interface ... 41  6 Qualification ... 46  7 Test and maintenance ... 57  References ... 67  English index ... 71  Glossary of terms of instrumentation and control for nuclear power plants 1 Scope This standard specifies common terms and definitions related to instrumentation and control (I&C) for nuclear power plants and their power sources. This standard applies to applications for nuclear power plant; other nuclear facilities can be used with reference to it. 2 Basic concepts 2.1 Operational states A collective name for two types of states, normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. [HAF 102 (2004)] 2.2 Normal operation The operation of nuclear power plants within specified operating limits and conditions. [HAF 102 (2004)] 2.3 Design basis Information that determines the value, or range of parameters, of a structure, system, component, or device that performs a specific function and is a design boundary. This information can be either limits (derived from generally accepted practices to achieve a functional goal), or some requirements [derived from operational analysis of the assumed events wherein the structures, systems, components shall meet their functional Accident conditions with severity exceeding design basis accidents. Note: Certain beyond design basis accidents do not cause significant degradation of core performance. [IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007] 2.9 Accident conditions Working conditions which are more severe than anticipated operational events, including design basis accidents and severe accidents. [HAF 102 (2004)] 2.10 Severe accident Accident conditions with a severity that exceeds the design basis accident and causes a significant deterioration of the reactor core. [HAF 102 (2004)] 2.11 Accident management A series of actions taken during the development of beyond design basis accidents: a) In order to prevent the accident that the core is not severely damaged from escalating to a severe accident; b) In order to mitigate the consequences of severe accidents; c) In order to achieve a long-term stable state of safety. Note: Rewrite the definition of HAF 102 (2004). 2.12 Station blackout In the nuclear power plant, all the AC power supply to the buses of important and non-important power distribution devices is lost, that is, the off-site power is lost, the turbine is tripped and the emergency AC power supply in the station is faulty, but the AC power or alternative AC power as fed from [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.3.8] 2.26 Trip setpoint A predetermined set value for triggering an action. Note: Rewrite IEC 61888:2002, definition 3.22. 2.27 Safety class A safety class for electrical device and systems in nuclear power plants, which are necessary to complete emergency shutdown of the reactor, containment isolation, core cooling, exhaust heat from the containment and reactor, or to prevent large amounts of radioactive material from being discharged to the environment . Note 1: Safety class (Class 1E) is a functional term. Devices and systems can only be classified as safety class if they complete the functions listed in this part; systems or devices shall not be classified as safety class based on other functions. Note 2: Rewrite GB/T 13284.1-2008, definition 3.7. 2.28 Safety action A single action taken by a safety drive system. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.7] 2.29 Safety measures Any action that may be taken to achieve the basic requirements of the safety requirements, any conditions that may be imposed, or any procedures that may be followed. [IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007] 2.30 Protective task hardware aging and degradation) or system faults (such as software faults) caused by design errors. Note 2: A fault (especially a design fault) in the system may not be discovered until certain conditions occur (that is, the result does not meet the expected function, that is, a failure occurs). Note 3: See "Software failure". [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.22] 2.35 Fail-safe A design principle that causes the system to tend to increase safety action when any component in the system fails. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.1.16] 2.36 Detectable failures Failures that can be identified through periodic tests, or failures discovered through alarms or abnormal displays. Component failures detected at the channel, sequence, or system level are all detectable failures. Note: The failures that can be discriminated but not detectable are failures that are judged through analysis. Such failures can neither be discovered through periodic tests, nor can they be discovered through alarms or abnormal displays. [GB/T 13284.1-2008, definition 3.11] 2.37 Failure mode The manner or state in which a structure, system, or component has failed. [IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007] 2.38 Common mode failure Failure of two or more structures, systems, or components caused by a single event or cause in the same manner or mode. safety, they can be classified as "not categorized". Note 1: GB/T 15474 defines the categories of the I&C functions and related systems and device (FSE). Each category corresponds to a set of requirements. These requirements apply to I&C functions (including their specifications, design, implementation, verification, confirmation), it is also applicable to all items necessary for the realization of functions (involving characteristics and related quality assessment), regardless of how these items are distributed and interconnected in the I&C system. For the sake of clarity, this standard defines the categories of I&C functions and the levels of I&C systems, meanwhile specifies the relationship between the functional categories and the minimum levels required by the relevant systems and device. Note 2: Rewrite NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.4. 2.54 A category of an I&C function Functions that play a major role in achieving or maintaining nuclear power plant’s safety to prevent DBE from causing unacceptable consequences. Note: A category functions also include those whose failures can directly cause accident conditions if it cannot be mitigated by other A category functions. 2.55 B category of an I&C function Playing the function of supplementing the A category function to achieve or maintain the safety of nuclear power plant, especially functions required to operate after reaching a controlled state, in order to prevent DBE from causing unacceptable consequences or mitigating the effects of DBE. Note: B category also includes those functions whose failure may cause or worsen DBE. Because A category functions can ultimately prevent or mitigate the consequences of DBE, the safety requirements for B category functions do not have to reach the height of A category functions. If required, allow B category functions to be more functional than A category functions in the detection of a required action or its subsequent actions. 2.56 C category of an I&C function Functions that assist or indirectly play a role in achieving or maintaining the 2.60 Upgrading Based on operating experience and the availability of new processes and new materials, the modernization of design or functionality improvement of the device. This includes choosing materials that are more resistant to aging, reconfiguration to improve reliability, even rearranging device and adding new features. [IEC 62342:2007, definition 3.20] 3 Instrumentation control systems and device 3.1 Instrument control system 3.1.1 Electrical system Integration of electrical device that performs a certain function. [RCCE:2005] 3.1.2 Instrumentation and control system (l&C system) A system based on electrical, electronic, and/or programmable electronic technology, that performs I&C functions as well as service and supervision functions related to the operation of the system itself. Note 1: According to the typical functional characteristics of the I&C systems, the IAEA distinguishes between automatic control systems, HMI systems, interlock systems, protective systems. Note 2: Rewrite NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.35. 3.1.3 I&C systems important for safety The instrumentation control system whose failure or malfunction may cause the plant personnel or the public to experience excessive radiological exposure to the instrumentation and control systems, as well as those instrumentation control system to prevent unforeseen consequences of anticipated operational occurrences, including safety systems and safety- related instrumentation control systems. 3.1.18 Reactor trip system Part of the safety system, a combination of device that quickly reduces the reactor's neutron fluence rate to stop the reactor through irreversible actions. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.37] 3.1.19 Automatic power cutback (runback) system This system automatically controls the reduction of the reactivity at the specified speed of the control rod; reduces the reactor power to a predetermined level programmatically. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.34] 3.1.20 Train; division The name of a given system or device group, that is physically, electrically, functionally independent of other redundant equipment groups. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.1.29] 3.1.21 Channel; train The configuration where several interconnected components in the system emit a single output signal, where the single output signal is combined with signals from other channels (such as monitoring channels or safety actuation channels), the channel is terminated. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.1.30] 3.1.22 Functionality A qualitative representation of the range or scope of functions a system or device can perform. Note: A system that can perform many complex functions is "highly functional"; a system that can only perform a few simple functions is "low- functional". 3.2.3 Sensor A device that senses what is measured and converts it into an output of the same or another nature according to a certain rule. [GB/T 13983-1992, definition 5.3] 3.2.4 Transmitter A sensor that outputs a standardized signal. For example: pressure transmitter, concentration transmitter, frequency transmitter, etc. [GB/T 13983-1992, definition 5.4] 3.2.5 Functional unit A component or combination of components that performs one or more basic functions. Note: For example, in the "calibrator", "forming unit", "pulse amplitude screening unit", "calibration unit" are all functional units. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 3.1.6] 3.2.6 Execute features It is composed of electrical device and mechanical device and their connecting parts. After receiving the signal from the monitoring instruction device, it performs a function directly or indirectly related to the safety function. The scope of the execute feature starts from the output end of the monitoring instruction device, until reaching to (and including) the coupling between the execute feature and the process. Note 1: In some cases, protective actions can be performed for the actuators (such as check valves, self-relief valves) that respond directly to process conditions. Note 2: The execute feature usually includes valve actuator, prime mover, actuated equipment. [GB/T 13284.1-2008, definition 3.13] 3.2.22 Preferred power supply (PPS) Under the accident and post-accident conditions, the power source that supplies power to the safety-level power system from the transmission system is given priority. [GB/T 12788 -2008, definition 3.19] 3.2.23 Standby power supply The power supply used to supply power when the priority power supply is unavailable. [GB/T 12788-2008, definition 3.30] 3.2.24 Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) A power supply consisting of a rectifier device, an inverter device, a secondary cell pack, a power switch to continuously supply power to loads such as instrumentation and control systems important to safety. Note: Rewrite GB/T 4960.6-2008, 3.3.21. 3.2.25 Alternative ac source (AAC) An AC power source installed in or near a nuclear power plant and meets the following requirements: a) It can be connected (but usually not connected) to an emergency AC power system off-site or on-site; b) The probability of common mode failure with the priority power supply or the emergency AC power supply in the station is the least; c) Power can be supplied in time after the station blackout; d) Sufficient capacity and reliability to operate all systems required in case of station blackout, and to ensure safe shutdown and maintain the power consumption within the safe shutdown period (beyond design basis accidents). 3.2.31 Impulse line (sensing line) Pipes that connect the process to the sensors. Impulse lines (sensing lines) are commonly used to connect pressure, level, and flow transmitters to the process, their lengths range from a few meters to hundreds of meters. The sensing line may also contain isolation and root valves as well as other related device along the line. Note: Rewrite ISA 67.01.01:2002, definition 3.9. 3.2.32 Quality The degree to which an item's overall characteristics meet specified or expected requirements. [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.46] 3.2.33 Documentation All written or graphical records of descriptions, definitions, instructions, reports or certifications related to activities, requirements, processes or results. [GB/T 12788-2008, definition 3.11] 3.2.34 Quality assurance Planned and systematic activities required to provide adequate assurance that products or services meet specified quality requirements. [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.47] 3.2.35 Quality plan Documents that specify specific quality activities and the resources and procedures for those activities for a particular product, project or contract. [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.48] [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 2.2.5] 3.3.6 Fission ionization chamber The ionization chamber which uses fissionable material as a sensitive layer to detect neutron. Note 1: Ionization is caused by fission fragments generated by a nuclear reaction between neutrons and fissile material. Note 2: Depending on the fissile material used, detection of thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, neutrons of various energies are possible. Note 3: See definitions of fission [IEV 393-11-26] and fissile [IEV 393-11-28]. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 2.2.11] 3.3.7 Self-powered neutron detector (SPND) A detector that does not require an external power source and converts incident radiation into electrical signals through the action of its emitter (sensitive material) and neutrons. [GB/T 8995-2008, definition 3.6] 3.3.8 SeIf-powered detector Neutron or gamma-ray detectors that generate weak electrical signals through neutron and gamma-ray activation without the need for an external power source. Note: GB/T 2900.82-2008, revise definition 394-24-04. 3.3.9 (Liquid or gaseous) effluent monitor Device for continuously monitoring the radioactivity of a gaseous exhaust stream or a liquid exhaust stream discharged to the environment in a gas exhaust system. Note: Rewrite GB/T 2900.82-2008, definition 394-32-22. 3.3.15 Useful life of a neutron detection Under the radiation and environmental conditions within the specified range, the working life of the detector when its characteristic index exceeds the specified deviation. It can be expressed by the fluence of incident particles, the generated pulse count, and the like. [GB/T 8995-2008, definition 3.14] 4 Computer applications 4.1 Computer-based system The I&C system whose functions are mainly dependent on or completely implemented by microprocessors, programmable electronics or computers. [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.10] 4.2 Software Programs (ordered instruction sets), data, rules, and all related documents related to the operation of computer-based I&C systems. [NB/T 20054-2011, definition 3.30] 4.3 System software Software part of an I&C system designed for a specific computer or device family, to facilitate the development, operation, modification of computer systems and related programs. Software designed for a particular computer system or computer system family, to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the computer system and its related programs, such as operating systems, compilers, utilities. System software usually consists of operating system software and supporting software. [NB/T 20054-2011, definition 3.36] 4.4 4.18 Automated code generation The function of an automated tool that translates an application-oriented language into code that can be compiled or executed. [NB/T 20054-2011, definition 3. 5] 4.19 Software safety life cycle The necessary activity involved in the development or operation process from the time when the I&C system software important for safety proposes the software requirements specification in the concept design stage to the point when the software is no longer used and ends. [NB/T 20054-2011, definition 3.33] 4.20 Implementation 1) The process of converting a design into a hardware device, a software device, or both; 2) Results for defining the 1) process. [GB/T 13629-2008, definition 3.32] 4.21 Functional validation Verification of the correctness of the application function specifications according to the top-level power plant function and performance requirements. It complements system validation (verification of system compliance with functional specifications). [NB/T 20026-2010, definition 3.24] 4.22 Interrupt The suspension of the process (such as the execution of a computer program) as caused by an event external to the process. Alarms When the meter's reading exceeds a setting value or exceeds the setting range, an audible or visual signal is triggered on the alarm panel and other displays, to provide field personnel with information about the device or event. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.23] 5.2 Alarm system A system used to alert the operator in case of an abnormal situation, such as a system or process deviation, may require corrective action. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.25] 5.3 Warning system (of reactor) Part of an alarm system that provides visual and audible signals for conditions that are abnormal, but not immediately severe, even temporarily. [GB/T 4960.6-2008, definition 4.4.26] 5.4 Alarm display processing Alarm signal processing functions or mechanisms for controlling or improving alarm display, for example, combined alarm, alarm suppression. Note: The object of alarm display processing is the alarm as identified by the alarm signal processing logic. [NB/T 20027-2010, definition 3.6] 5.5 Alarm prioritization Alarm signal processing function or mechanism for alarms classified by importance. Note: Priority can be defined in advance or determined dynamically based on plant operating conditions. performance, and human error plays an important role in the risk that the system may occur. [IEEE 1023:2004, definition 3.5] 5.21 Human error The manual operation deviates from the expected result to meet the specific requirements of correctness, completeness, appropriateness or timeliness. [IEEE 1023:2004, definition 3.3] 6 Qualification 6.1 Device qualification 6.1.1 Baseline parameter The initially determined technical data, which is used as a benchmark for evaluating the acceptable performance of the qualified sample. [IEEE 572:2006, definition 3.1] 6.1.2 Service condition A collective term for the environment, load, power source, and signal conditions during the normal operation, abnormal operation, or design basis event of a nuclear power plant. [IEEE 323:2003, definition 3.17] 6.1.3 Operating experience Accumulation of verifiable operating data under operating conditions comparable to the qualification conditions of the particular device being qualified. Note: Rewrite GB/T 15473-1995, definition 3.5. 6.1.4 [IEEE 323:2003, definition 3.16] 6.1.9 Residual life The duration for which a structure, device or component performs its safety function under specified operating conditions and is expected to be maintained. [IEEE 1205:2000, definition 3.5] 6.1.10 Service life The time from the initial operation of a structure, system, or component to its final retirement. [IEEE 1205:2000, definition 3.6] 6.1.11 Equipment qualification Evidence obtained through analysis, type testing, or operating experience proves that the device can function according to the specified accuracy and performance requirements under the specified operating conditions and environmental conditions. Note: Rewrite GB/T 12727-2002, definition 3.8. 6.1.12 Qualification margin The difference between the test conditions at the time of the qualification and the actual operating conditions. Note: Rewrite IEEE 323:2003, definition 3.13. 6.1.13 Approval of qualification The process of approving a device as qualified. Note: Conditions required for approval to qualify device: - Condition 1, the device shall be suitable for the intended use; [GB/T 13625-1992, definition 3.13] 6.1.28 Correlation coefficient A measure of the degree of correlation between two time-history curves. It is a function of time and provides a statistical estimate of the degree of correlation between two motions in the time domain. The value ranges from 0 (irrelevant motion) to 1 (fully correlated motion). [NB/T 20040-2011, definition 3.23] 6.1.29 Coherence coefficient A measure of the degree of correlation between two time-history curves. It is a function of frequency and provides a statistical estimate of the degree of correlation between two motions in the frequency domain. The value ranges from 0 (irrelevant motion) to 1 (fully correlated motion). [NB/T 20040-2011, definition 3.24] 6.1.30 Floor acceleration Acceleration caused by a specific seismic motion on the floor of a specific building. [GB/T 13625-1992, definition 3.16] 6.1.31 Ground acceleration The ground acceleration caused by a given seismic motion. The maximum ground acceleration is equal to the zero-period acceleration (ZPA) of the ground response spectrum. [IEEE 344:2004, definition 3.11] 6.1.32 Cutoff frequency The frequency at which the zero-period acceleration asymptote begins in the response spectrum (i.e., the starting frequency where the spectral [NB/T 20040 -2011, definition 3.21] 6.1.37 Flexible equipment Device, structures and components with a minimum resonance frequency below the cut-off frequency of the response spectrum. [NB/T 20040-2011, definition 3.22] 6.1.38 Damping Damping is a general term that describes the energy loss caused by various mechanisms in a system. Actually, damping depends on many parameters, such as structural system, vibration mode, deformation, applied force, speed, material, joint slip and so on. [GB/T 2423.48-2008, definition 3.2] 6.1.39 Critical damping The minimum viscous damping that allows a shifted system to return to its original position without oscillation within the shortest time allowed. [GB/T 2423.48-2008, definition 3.3] 6.1.40 Damping ratio In viscous damping systems, the ratio of actual damping to critical damping. [GB/T 2423.48-2008, definition 3.4] 6.2 Aging management 6.2.1 (Natural) aging Under operating conditions within the design range, the change of the physical, chemical, or electrical characteristics of a component or device over time. Such changes may cause its important functional characteristics to deteriorate. [GB/T 13625-1992, definition 3.19] 7.1.3 In-situ test Channel performance test of the instrument channel’s sensor or component without leaving the system's normal installation position. [ISA 67.06.01:2002, definition 3.12] 7.1.4 Periodic testing Tests performed at planned intervals to detect faults and check operability. [GB/T 5204-2008, definition 3.4] 7.1.5 Surveillance testing All activities to demonstrate that the functional capabilities of I&C system and device important to safety are maintained and meet design basis requirements. [IEC 60671:2007, definition 3.9] 7.1.6 Overlap testing In order to check the function of the entire channel, train or load group, tests performed on different parts or subsystems of the channel, train or load group. Testing of different parts or subsystems shall cover adjacent components. [GB/T 5204-2008, definition 3.5] 7.1.7 Functional test A test to determine that a component or system performs its intended function. [GB/T 5204-2008, definition 3.7] 7.1.8 7.1.14 Preoperational test After the system device is installed and integrated, the test which is used to verify that the system and its components can function as designed before the fuel is loaded. 7.1.15 Factory acceptance test (FAT) Activities to prove that the supplier’s device and its auxiliary device meet the technical specifications. [IEC 62381:2006, definition 2.3] 7.1.16 Site acceptance test (SAT) Activities to prove that the installation of various device of the supplier conforms to the corresponding specifications and installation details. Site integration tests may sometimes be included. [IEC 62381:2006, definition 2.4] 7.1.17 Site integration test (SIT) The test to prove that the components have been combined into a complete system and that all components have been integrated as required. Note 1: Sometimes included in the site acceptance test. Note 2: Rewrite IEC 62381:2006, definition 2.5. 7.1.18 Acceptance criteria A specification of a functional or status indicator used to assess the ability of a structure, system, or component to perform its designed function. [IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007] 7.1.19 Test plan [ISA 67.06.01:2002, definition 3.18] 7.2.12 Response time The time elapsed from the step change of the measured variable to the time when the output signal first reaches a given percentage (usually 90%) of its final value. Note: Rewrite ISA 67.06.01:2002, definition 3.21. 7.2.13 Instrument channel response time The elapsed time for the process variable in the instrument channel to change from the start to the trigger. Note: Rewrite ISA 67.06.01:2002, definition 3.14. 7.2.14 Time constant The time elapsed from the input of a step change signal to the time when the output signal first reaches a given percentage of its final value (usually 63.2%). Note 1: The time constant is only applicable to first-order systems; the response time is used for multi-order systems. Note 2: ISA 67.06.01:2002, revise definition 3.27. 7.2.15 Accuracy The degree of consistency between the displayed value of the instrument and the measured (conventional) true value. [GB/T 13983-1992, definition 4.35] 7.2.16 Accuracy of measurement The degree of consistency between the measurement result and its agreed true value. 7.2.22 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) The ability of a device or system to function properly in its electromagnetic environment and not to constitute unsustainable electromagnetic disturbance to anything in that environment. [GB/T 4365-2003, definition 161-01-07] 7.2.23 Electromagnetic disturbance Any electromagnetic phenomenon that may cause the performance of the device, equipment or system to decrease or adversely affect living or abiotic organisms. Note: Electromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic noise, unwanted signals or changes in the propagation medium itself. [GB/T 4365-2003, definition 161-01-05] 7.2.24 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) Degradation of device, transmission channels or systems caused by electromagnetic disturbance. Note 1: The terms "electromagnetic disturbance" and "electromagnetic interference" mean "cause" and "consequence" respectively. Note 2: In the past, "electromagnetic disturbance" and "electromagnetic interference" were often mixed. [GB/T 4365-2003, definition 161-01-06] 7.2.25 Electromagnetic immunity The ability of a device, equipment or system to face electromagnetic disturbances without degrading its operating performance. Note: GB/T 17626.28-2006, revised definition 4.1. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.